Aiswarya says: January 21, 2024
I am a Hindu girl in love with a Christian (Jacobite) boy. We have been in a relationship for the past 5 years.
Finally, our families agreed to the marriage. They both wish to … Read the rest
Muslim: My Hindu Boy Friend Left me!
Heerat Fatima says (Jan 15, 2024):
I am a Muslim girl and I had a Hindu boyfriend . We were together for around 5 years. Recently, he left me because he thought he couldn’t convince his family for marriage. Earlier … Read the rest
How do you convert a civil marriage (in UK) to Muslim marriage in Singapore?
M says: January 11, 2024
Hi, how do you convert a civil marriage (in UK) to Muslim marriage in Singapore? We tried to register in Registry of Muslim Marriage website but it requires a marital status letter that shows ‘single’. … Read the rest
Gruelling Questions on Hinduism In Hostile Environment
This 30 pages booklet is available for free download here.
This project is inspired by 1) The Kerala Story movie, 2) discussion observed over past 15 years at and 3) a personal request from Hindus … Read the rest
Difficult Hindu-Christian Relationship
Robin says: March 23, 2023
Dear all,
I Am a Christian protestant by my belief and I do not have belief on any religion but I respect others belief since it is their personal. My issue is I was in … Read the rest
Book: Hindu-Muslim Shaadi
Hindu-Muslim Shaadi: Samasyayen Aur Samadhan
Short Descriptions
Is Hindu-Muslim marriage possible on the basis of equality?
Can a Muslim family marry a young girl or a girl of their house to a non-Muslim without conversion?
Is the religious conversion for … Read the rest

Arranged Marriage still in Minds of Youths – A survey finding
About 25 students from R J Tibrewal Commerce College did a survey of about 1,000 man/women between age of 18 and 35.
As per this survey, 50% man and 52% women chose to get married to the person selected by … Read the rest
Hindu girl in love with a Muslim for 6 months
MYRA says: November 1, 2022
I am a 29 year old Hindu girl. My partner is a 29 year old Muslim boy and we fell in love about 6 months ago. We live in the US.
We are … Read the rest
Love-Jihad: Use and misuse of the term
The oft-used term Love-Jihad is becoming a matter of acute concern to both the Hindus and the Muslims. For, it carries in its very coinage, several connotations hinting at inherent possibilities of intolerance. … Read the rest
Hindus are the most faithful
A recent 2022 The Global Faith and Media Study by HarrisX showed Nigeria and India were the top most faithful countries with 94% and 90% highly faithful people, respectively. Here we report a subset … Read the rest
Hindus are not kafir
People may interpret the Quran in a binary fashion as for believers and for non-believers/kafir. While on one hand, the holy book bestows the best of earth and heaven upon the devout followers … Read the rest
Hindu-Christian Marriages
With a third of Hindus in America getting married to Christians, it becomes imperative that the individuals from both religions make fully informed decisions for their planned Hindu-Christian marriage.

एक सामाजिक अनुसंधान सर्वेक्षण
For English, click here.
This survey is now closed. Here are finalised results from this survey.
मैं के संस्थापक डॉ. दिलीप अमीन हूं। मैं हिंदू रीति-रिवाजों और परंपराओं पर गहरा ध्यान देने वाला एक सामाजिक शोधकर्ता
… Read the rest Hindus are not kafir
Here a message is given by an imam that Hindus are not Kafir and there is no need to change anyone’s faith for the Muslim-non-Muslim marriage.

Iftekhar Hai, President, United Muslims of America Interfaith Alliance, Inc.
August 31, 2022
A Social Research Survey

Namaste! (हिंदी के लिए यहां देखें)
This survey is now closed.
Here are finalised results from this survey.
I am Dr. Dilip Amin, founder of I have been a social researcher with a deep focus on Hindu
Follow Jesus, Not the Church
Jesus was a progressive thinker and believed in adapting to the times. Unfortunately, many churches and followers of Jesus tend to overlook this crucial aspect which once defined Christianity, thus strangling … Read the rest
Idol-worshiper: Who Is and Who Is Not?
The Abrahamic scriptures not only condemn idol-worshiping, but also carry strict warnings against it. Yet the definition of the term “idol” continues to remain enwrapped in quasi-obscurity.
The author wrote this … Read the rest
15 FAQs on Interfaith Marriage
If you are in an interfaith love relationship, you must critically evaluate these frequently asked questions about your planned interfaith married life. These 15 FAQs are applicable to inter- or intra- … Read the rest
Meera versus Margaret: Discrimination of Own Type
Discrimination expresses itself in different forms. The aim of this article is to highlight the paradoxical discrimination against women of one’s own type.
Interfaith marriages have many issues, however intra- or … Read the rest
Interfaith Marriage and Divorce Laws
Interfaith dating couples must clearly understand all applicable laws relating to marriage, divorce and child custody before committing to an interfaith marriage. Such couples may have to tackle two forms of laws:
- Religious
Circumcision: Science, Faith or Superstition?
When a male child is born, interfaith parents are often faced with the crucial decision on whether to cut or not to cut. Undoubtedly some parents, while leaning in favor of … Read the rest
10 Keys to a Successful Interfaith Marriage
Successful interfaith marriage is possible if the decision is made after critically evaluating all the facts on hand. Ten key talking points are proposed.
Interfaith marriage is a part of our … Read the rest
Hindu-Muslim Marriage and Application of Pluralism
Authors: Dr. Dilip Amin (Hindu) and Dr. Mike Mohamed Ghouse (Muslim)
Source: Patheos. Also published at HinduPost, Center for Pluralism, The Scribe,
Above photo: Hindu Professor Bhargav weds Muslim Physician Hajra without any one converting their … Read the rest
Lesbians Should Not be Blamed
RABIA says: May 6, 2022
Nafisa I am terribly sorry to hear about your story.
I recently met a very strong woman from Pakistan who is now openly a lesbian precisely for this reason – she was abused by her … Read the rest
Muslim: I Find Reason in Hindu Religion
FAUZIA says: March 25, 2022
Hello Admin,
My family is conservative Muslim. I am in love with a Hindu boy who lives in my community. I am completely into him. Things between us has gone so far. I want him. … Read the rest
Muslim non-Muslim Marriage in Malaysia
ANGEL says: February 14, 2022
Hye admin, me and my bf (Islam) are planning to marry in Singapore as we are both holding a work permit.
Pls advise how can we marry here in Singapore and get marry in Malaysia … Read the rest
Jain-Hindu Love: No Dharm is Bigger than Humanity
Jain says: January 17, 2022
I am a Jain, and I love a Hindu guy. My parents are very harsh on me and forcing me to get married to their choice. They treat girl as a burden and responsibility which … Read the rest
I am Attracted to Islam
SNEHA says: January 5, 2022
Hello my name is sneha and I am from a orthodox brahmin household, and I’m currently studying engineering. Basically I’m a student. When I say orthodox brahmin family, you can imagine I’m deeply engaged in … Read the rest
We Have Decided to Stop Talking
VISHNU says: December 20, 2021
I am a Hindu boy. I am in love with AG Christian girl. We love each other, but we are not sure how to proceed further to marriage due to difference in our faiths. I … Read the rest
Follow only her faith, not mine!
PRATEEK says: December 25, 2021
My girlfriend is a Christian and I am a Hindu Brahmin and we are dating from quite a few years. We want to get married and be together but she believes that for the success … Read the rest
Islam is the perfect religion
MUHAMMAD YOUSAF SHAH says: September 2, 2021
Islam is the perfect religion and the scriptures has never been changed since it was revealed to Prophet Muhammad SAW , I am Muslim and I have knowledge only about Islam and … Read the rest
Ex-Muslim: “Girls, Save Yourself”
SHAHVAR HASHIM says: July 28, 2021 4:03 am
Being I staunch muslim women of Quraish tribe, my father being a Alim I have been taught Islam the best way it could have been. I am now totally disassociated with my … Read the rest
We Should not Cry Over Conversion
Here, Asif claiming himself to be a progressive and believes it is people’s choice to convert if they wish. Two Hindu women converted to Islam for the marriage in his family. Apparently, he is still conservative believing in patriarchy.
Polygamy and Extra Marital Sex are Good!
Here, someone named Keshav claims his mother married a Muslim and is proud for what his mother did. Interfaithshaadi does not claim to confirm authenticity of his story but instead focuses on his views here.
KESHAV says: June 24, 2021 … Read the rest
My Mother is Having an Affair with a Muslim
SOUMIK says: June 10, 2021
I am 20+ year old hindu boy from Bangal, my father is working in Hyderabad. This post is about my dharmik pious mother who is 40+ years old. Since few months she is in a … Read the rest
Muslim: I want to Marry My Hindu Lover
Ayesha says: May 24, 2021
I belonged to medium religious family i am wearing burqa from when was i 17 years old.
Before some year (almost 2 year ) one boy propose me and I accepted. He is hindu boy … Read the rest
Muslim does not want to Marry me Because I am Hindu
JIGAR says: May 22, 2021
I love one muslim girl. She also love me but whenever i am talking about our about marriage she refuses because for her i am Hindu. I love her lot, can’t leave her. I don’t … Read the rest
My Mother Remarried to a Muslim Man
Abhoy says: May 13, 2021
Admin, recently i came across this site, i find it a great place to discuss cons and pros of interfaith/intercultural relation. I’m also experiencing similar life that my believe in liberalism, in individualism is in … Read the rest
Jews can only Marry other Jews
KEITH CANNON says: May 9, 2021
Do not trust a Rabbi! The average Rabbi makes $140,000 a year, the next highest paid clergyperson makes only $40,000. The only person arrested in the United States for Organ Trafficking is a … Read the rest
My Mother is in Relationship with a Muslim
This site gets lots of comments saying some Muslim got in relationship with my (Hindu, Sikh or Jain) mother. We sympathise with your life situation.
InterfaithShaadi cannot be sure about authenticity of such claims. Readers are requested to make your … Read the rest
Muslim are Smart
Muslims are smart. When a muslim guy marries a girl from any other religion, they accept her. But when it is their turn of giving away their own daughters and sisters to a non … Read the rest
We are Culturally Sikh and Muslim
MANPREET says: May 3, 2021
Hi Priya,
What ended up happening?
I am in a similar situation, well, my situation has come to its conclusion – my partner and I ended up having a small civil ceremony. Neither of us … Read the rest
Christian asked Me to Stop Going to Temple
SATHYA says: February 16, 2021
I am a Hindu girl (respects all religions but Love to continue as Hindu rest of my life) with Christian(protestant) boyfriend. We are in love since 4 years and he loves me a lot. … Read the rest
Muslim: I am ready to convert to Hinduism
BANO says: January 25, 2021
I am a muslim girl. I am very religious and my family is very conservative muslim family. I am in love with a hindu guy I met at library and started chatting with him on … Read the rest
Hindu and Muslim Lovers are not Religious
FARHANA says: January 13, 2021
I am 20+ year old Muslim girl in USA (Indian) and I love a Hindu boy from India. I know him since my 12th grade and in a relationship for the past 3 years. My … Read the rest
My Mom married to my Muslim friend
JAIN says: January 12, 2021
I really don’t know how to say but I have experienced the same . When I was 18 and my mom was 39 (she was married early), Mom was a widow 3 yrs old, a … Read the rest
Muslim Girl with a Hindu Married Man
JAMEELA: January 3, 2021
Hello everyone,
I am a Muslim girl want to marry a hindu married men double of my age he is mine best friend father we love each other a lot. He is ready to divorce his … Read the rest
A Research Project in UK: Hindu-Muslim Relationships
Hi everyone. I’m a MA Social Work student and am researching Hindu-Muslim interfaith couples and families. Please see the poster for information on the purpose of this research.
For the first part of this research I am inviting Hindus and … Read the rest
Pros and Cons of a Hindu-Sikh marriage?
SNEHA says: December 26, 2020
i am a 20+ year old hindu (not religious but not receptive towards any other religion). the boy i like is sikh (he is very religious towards his religion).
We are thinking of marriage. … Read the rest