Nakul says: October 3, 2024 6:03 am
I can say about my own experience as Hindu married to a jewish woman. In facts things are going very well with lot of mutual understatement and respect. We both learned from each … Read the rest
Nakul says: October 3, 2024 6:03 am
I can say about my own experience as Hindu married to a jewish woman. In facts things are going very well with lot of mutual understatement and respect. We both learned from each … Read the rest
Riya says: September 10, 2024
Hi Admin,
I am a Christian (Protestant) and in relation with my boyfriend who is a Hindu for the past 5 years. We decided to take our relation to next step and conveyed this to … Read the rest
Summary: I am Geetha. I was fooled to convert to Islam by my Muslim husband (by a civil marriage) when I was pregnant. I was unaware, confused, and put under extreme pressure to pronounce some Arabic words. Even the mosque … Read the rest
ANUJA said: March 31, 2024
I m a protestant girl and I have dated a hindu boy for 5 years and 3 months. In the beginning of our relationship my mother do knew about my relationship with him … Read the rest
Aiswarya says: January 21, 2024
I am a Hindu girl in love with a Christian (Jacobite) boy. We have been in a relationship for the past 5 years.
Finally, our families agreed to the marriage. They both wish to … Read the rest
Heerat Fatima says (Jan 15, 2024):
I am a Muslim girl and I had a Hindu boyfriend . We were together for around 5 years. Recently, he left me because he thought he couldn’t convince his family for marriage. Earlier … Read the rest
M says: January 11, 2024
Hi, how do you convert a civil marriage (in UK) to Muslim marriage in Singapore? We tried to register in Registry of Muslim Marriage website but it requires a marital status letter that shows ‘single’. … Read the rest
Robin says: March 23, 2023
Dear all,
I Am a Christian protestant by my belief and I do not have belief on any religion but I respect others belief since it is their personal. My issue is I was in … Read the rest
Hindu-Muslim Shaadi: Samasyayen Aur Samadhan
Short Descriptions
Is Hindu-Muslim marriage possible on the basis of equality?
Can a Muslim family marry a young girl or a girl of their house to a non-Muslim without conversion?
Is the religious conversion for … Read the rest
About 25 students from R J Tibrewal Commerce College did a survey of about 1,000 man/women between age of 18 and 35.
As per this survey, 50% man and 52% women chose to get married to the person selected by … Read the rest
MYRA says: November 1, 2022
I am a 29 year old Hindu girl. My partner is a 29 year old Muslim boy and we fell in love about 6 months ago. We live in the US.
We are … Read the rest
A recent 2022 The Global Faith and Media Study by HarrisX showed Nigeria and India were the top most faithful countries with 94% and 90% highly faithful people, respectively. Here we report a subset … Read the rest
People may interpret the Quran in a binary fashion as for believers and for non-believers/kafir. While on one hand, the holy book bestows the best of earth and heaven upon the devout followers … Read the rest
With a third of Hindus in America getting married to Christians, it becomes imperative that the individuals from both religions make fully informed decisions for their planned Hindu-Christian marriage.
Namaste! (हिंदी के लिए यहां देखें)
This survey is now closed.
Here are finalised results from this survey.
I am Dr. Dilip Amin, founder of I have been a social researcher with a deep focus on Hindu
Authors: Dr. Dilip Amin (Hindu) and Dr. Mike Mohamed Ghouse (Muslim)
Source: Patheos. Also published at HinduPost, Center for Pluralism, The Scribe,
Above photo: Hindu Professor Bhargav weds Muslim Physician Hajra without any one converting their … Read the rest
ANGEL says: February 14, 2022
Hye admin, me and my bf (Islam) are planning to marry in Singapore as we are both holding a work permit.
Pls advise how can we marry here in Singapore and get marry in Malaysia … Read the rest
SHAHVAR HASHIM says: July 28, 2021 4:03 am
Being I staunch muslim women of Quraish tribe, my father being a Alim I have been taught Islam the best way it could have been. I am now totally disassociated with my … Read the rest
Here, Asif claiming himself to be a progressive and believes it is people’s choice to convert if they wish. Two Hindu women converted to Islam for the marriage in his family. Apparently, he is still conservative believing in patriarchy.
Ayesha says: May 24, 2021
I belonged to medium religious family i am wearing burqa from when was i 17 years old.
Before some year (almost 2 year ) one boy propose me and I accepted. He is hindu boy … Read the rest
JIGAR says: May 22, 2021
I love one muslim girl. She also love me but whenever i am talking about our about marriage she refuses because for her i am Hindu. I love her lot, can’t leave her. I don’t … Read the rest
KEITH CANNON says: May 9, 2021
Do not trust a Rabbi! The average Rabbi makes $140,000 a year, the next highest paid clergyperson makes only $40,000. The only person arrested in the United States for Organ Trafficking is a … Read the rest
Muslims are smart. When a muslim guy marries a girl from any other religion, they accept her. But when it is their turn of giving away their own daughters and sisters to a non … Read the rest
FARHANA says: January 13, 2021
I am 20+ year old Muslim girl in USA (Indian) and I love a Hindu boy from India. I know him since my 12th grade and in a relationship for the past 3 years. My … Read the rest
SNEHA says: December 26, 2020
i am a 20+ year old hindu (not religious but not receptive towards any other religion). the boy i like is sikh (he is very religious towards his religion).
We are thinking of marriage. … Read the rest
AKASH says: December 25, 2020
Assalamu Wailaikum
Dear Sister Amira,
Myself Akash, a Hindu guy who married a Muslim girl five years ago.
Islam doesn’t allow marriage of Muslim women with non-muslim man. The man has to convert to … Read the rest
RAMYA says: November 26, 2020 12:01 amEDIT COMMENTREPLY
Hi Admin,
I’m a Hindu girl and in love with a Syrian orthodox boy, both our parents agreed to our relationship. Now we have decided to take our relationship forward … Read the rest
PIGLET says, November 19, 2020
Hi. Good afternoon,
I feel lucky to see this post, as I planning to marry with my bf from Iraq (Muslim) in Singapore. I am Chinese from Malaysia with Singapore PR. Both of us … Read the rest
AMIRA says: November 2, 2020
I am Muslim. I have a relationship with Hindu guy for last 9 years. We studied together. He really love me. I love him too but my parents specially my mom she really don’t accept … Read the rest
DEEPA Says: September 21, 2020
My husband is a Buddhist and myself a Hindu. We have different languages. This was an arranged marriage. Neither one actively practiced our faith. However when we had children we opted to take them to … Read the rest
To all interfaith dating couples, we highly recommend all of you to watch this movie that is based on a true story.
It is important to know that you are not marrying to a … Read the rest
RIYA says: August 11, 2020
I love a Hindu Guy who is ready to revert to Islam. But my parents are against our marriage and they are so stubborn that I am helpless. We know each other from last … Read the rest
KUMAR says: August 4, 2020
I am a Hindu and my girlfriend is Muslim. I want her to convert. Give suggestions. Kumar
More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu … Read the rest
DHARA says: August 1, 2020
Hey Hi
I am Jain girl. I love a Muslim man. We want to get married but he says I will need to convert. I feel it’s not necessary to convert but he says it … Read the rest
American Hindu Prenuptial Agreement
Introduction: Having a one-sided prenuptial religious agreement for an interfaith couple is a common practice for Jews, Christians and Muslims. Here, probably the first time ever, a prenuptial agreement is prepared to protect interest … Read the rest
Hindu wedding ceremony involves seven vows while going around the fire. Please find explanations for each here. This is something an interfaith couple should know before planning the Hindu wedding.
If you have any similar video about other faiths, do … Read the rest
Considering InterfaithShaadi is promoting equality in interfaith marriages, we often use celebrities‘ published information to educate others. Considering the TV show host Hasan Minhaj talks about Islam often and married to Beena Patel, a Hindu, Interfaithshaadi has compiled published … Read the rest
English version: Bible on Hindus?.
Translation of “Bible on Hindus?” in Hindi language is provided here. We hope it will be helpful to Hindi-speaking couples in Hindu-Christian relationship.
अगर आप ईसाई परिवार में विवाह करना चाहती हैं तो जाने … Read the rest
FERZ says: June 21, 2020
Hi Kiy, I’m in the exact situation (below) as you. I am Malaysian Muslim and my partner Vietnam Buddhist. Please do reply. Really feel lost with this issue. -Ferz
KIY says: May 12, 2017… Read the rest
KATHY says: May 27, 2020
Hi, everyone,
I see that this blog was posted nearly 4 years ago. But, I’m undergoing a similar situation now in 2020, while we’re all locked down.
My parents are strong Catholics, very much into … Read the rest
Raj says: July 12, 2019 at 12:17 am
Hello sir, my mom is a divorced woman. Now she tell me she want to marry again, its not a problem. However, she want to marry a muslim man. In our society … Read the rest
WILLIAM says: April 15, 2020
Your premise that Christians are supposed to be intolerant to the people who don’t believe in Jesus is flawed. Jesus taught us to love everyone, as evident from His words and also His implication to … Read the rest
Jennifer says: May 9, 2020
I am also a Pentecostal girl and I am in love with a Hindi guy. I want him to be 100% Christian. Then only my parents will agree. I am really broken. –Jennifer
More information:… Read the rest
ANONYMOUS says: March 18, 2020 8:45 pm
See at the end of the day when kids come into picture you have to make a choice…. you can’t put your legs in 2 boats… I never understood it when my parents … Read the rest
SIMI says: February 15, 2020
I am in a situation where I’ve fallen in love with a muslim guy, who believes our relationship will not last as our parents will not accept it, we haven’t told them yet. However … Read the rest
Vikas February 10, 2020
Hi everyone, I’m a non Jain guy in love with a Jain girl. We both love each other a lot. Her Mom is very strict with Jainism and her elder brother too. Its been 3 months … Read the rest
PRIYA January 22, 2020 8:14 am
Hi m in love with a Muslim boy since 2 years and both of us feel very comfortable with each other to take this relationship ahead for a marriage. But the issue is that … Read the rest
Anu Tsays: January 2, 2020
so my question why people are loving blindly? and why the need of this kinds of marriages? why love is becoming more than the faith and parents? my question love is it an opium or … Read the rest
AYISHA Says: January 2, 2020
I’m a Muslim and my bf is a CSI. We have been in a relationship for almost 9 years and wish to marry each other. I am not willing to convert my religion neither he … Read the rest
English version: Koran on Hindus?
कुरान के कई अध्यायों में ईसाइयों और यहूदियों के बारे में विस्तार से चर्चा की गई है, … Read the rest
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