Riya says: September 10, 2024
Hi Admin,
I am a Christian (Protestant) and in relation with my boyfriend who is a Hindu for the past 5 years. We decided to take our relation to next step and conveyed this to … Read the rest
Share your Christian-Hindu (Jain, Sikh, Buddhist) relationship experience here.
Riya says: September 10, 2024
Hi Admin,
I am a Christian (Protestant) and in relation with my boyfriend who is a Hindu for the past 5 years. We decided to take our relation to next step and conveyed this to … Read the rest
ANUJA said: March 31, 2024
I m a protestant girl and I have dated a hindu boy for 5 years and 3 months. In the beginning of our relationship my mother do knew about my relationship with him … Read the rest
Aiswarya says: January 21, 2024
I am a Hindu girl in love with a Christian (Jacobite) boy. We have been in a relationship for the past 5 years.
Finally, our families agreed to the marriage. They both wish to … Read the rest
Robin says: March 23, 2023
Dear all,
I Am a Christian protestant by my belief and I do not have belief on any religion but I respect others belief since it is their personal. My issue is I was in … Read the rest
With a third of Hindus in America getting married to Christians, it becomes imperative that the individuals from both religions make fully informed decisions for their planned Hindu-Christian marriage.
VISHNU says: December 20, 2021
I am a Hindu boy. I am in love with AG Christian girl. We love each other, but we are not sure how to proceed further to marriage due to difference in our faiths. I … Read the rest
PRATEEK says: December 25, 2021
My girlfriend is a Christian and I am a Hindu Brahmin and we are dating from quite a few years. We want to get married and be together but she believes that for the success … Read the rest
SATHYA says: February 16, 2021
I am a Hindu girl (respects all religions but Love to continue as Hindu rest of my life) with Christian(protestant) boyfriend. We are in love since 4 years and he loves me a lot. … Read the rest
RAMYA says: November 26, 2020 12:01 amEDIT COMMENTREPLY
Hi Admin,
I’m a Hindu girl and in love with a Syrian orthodox boy, both our parents agreed to our relationship. Now we have decided to take our relationship forward … Read the rest
ANKITHA October 31, 2020
Im Hindu girl and my boyfriend is from orthodox Christian family in Kerala. Could please tell me the possibilities of our marriage. Do I have to convert first and then marry?
More information: Hindu … Read the rest
BHAKTI says: September 27, 2020
Please don’t let them force you Rita, once it starts there is no-stopping!
My own grandmother was a very proud Hindu, and when she started looking for alliances for her daughters (that is, … Read the rest
Rita says: July 22, 2020
I am Hindu and my husband belongs to the Catholic faith. We got married a year before and under the Spacial Marriage act so it was not necessary for me to convert.
Now I delivered … Read the rest
American Hindu Prenuptial Agreement
Introduction: Having a one-sided prenuptial religious agreement for an interfaith couple is a common practice for Jews, Christians and Muslims. Here, probably the first time ever, a prenuptial agreement is prepared to protect interest … Read the rest
Hindu wedding ceremony involves seven vows while going around the fire. Please find explanations for each here. This is something an interfaith couple should know before planning the Hindu wedding.
If you have any similar video about other faiths, do … Read the rest
KATHY says: May 27, 2020
Hi, everyone,
I see that this blog was posted nearly 4 years ago. But, I’m undergoing a similar situation now in 2020, while we’re all locked down.
My parents are strong Catholics, very much into … Read the rest
WILLIAM says: April 15, 2020
Your premise that Christians are supposed to be intolerant to the people who don’t believe in Jesus is flawed. Jesus taught us to love everyone, as evident from His words and also His implication to … Read the rest
Jennifer says: May 9, 2020
I am also a Pentecostal girl and I am in love with a Hindi guy. I want him to be 100% Christian. Then only my parents will agree. I am really broken. –Jennifer
More information:… Read the rest
ANONYMOUS says: March 18, 2020 8:45 pm
See at the end of the day when kids come into picture you have to make a choice…. you can’t put your legs in 2 boats… I never understood it when my parents … Read the rest
SHAMAL December 16, 2019 says:
So i’m in a situation where my christian girlfriend and i were talking about our wedding which isn’t going to happen until like 5-7 years from now and like her parents are completely against her … Read the rest
If you are in a Catholic(Christian)-Hindu love relationship, this information may help. If you wish to add a correction or other information, comment below.
The law of the Catholic Church forbids another religious wedding ceremony after the Catholic wedding ceremony. … Read the rest
If you are in a Catholic-Hindu love relationship and considering marriage, this is a must view message. This view is coming from a born Catholic and sharing her personal views based on her life experiences. An important question to ask … Read the rest
Christianity is a proselytizing religion. It means that converting followers of other religions is a major concern of Christians and the Church.
Why do they do that?
Why do Christians try to convert you?
Listen from a former Christian and … Read the rest
Deeva says: April 13, 2019 at 8:48 am
Now i love a christian boy but my house knows my love; my parents say breakup the boy. But my sister i ask you breakup the boy ah? I said yes. I … Read the rest
Max says: May 20, 2019 at 9:31 am
More information: Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
Return to Home… Read the rest
Christy says: May 20, 2019 at 8:17 pm
Hello, I’m catholic christian girl in love with Hindu boy, as for me, religion is not a matter for both of us. even im a christian, i still visit hindu temples with … Read the rest
Jisel says: May 14, 2019 at 10:37 pm
Hi Mathew,
I saw one of your responses to Deepti, saying that the Marthoma church cannot expel anyone, if they do a court marriage.
I am Hindu and I am married to … Read the rest
Priya says: May 10, 2019 at 8:24 am
Hi kallu
We all go through breaks up … reasons might be different but the pain and suffering is same .
My boyfriend of 3 years ( with whom I was planning … Read the rest
Vamsi says: May 10, 2019 at 2:48 am
Hi sir,
Myself Vamsi, a Hindu boy I want to marry my cousin who is converted as Christian since 12 years. I love her, and
I like jesus too. But my parents … Read the rest
moib says: May 3, 2019 at 11:24 pm
iam a hindu bengali girl , aftr 2yrs of being in a relation i came to know tht my bf is a christian nonbengali. i am from a middle class family. and … Read the rest
Kallu says: May 1, 2019 at 2:18 am
i m Roman catholic and my GF was Hindu. We both working in same company but different building and used to stay in city at 7 kms away from each … Read the rest
Ritu says: April 19, 2019 at 4:10 am
Hi Admin,
I am a Hindu girl, fell for a protestant Christian guy.
During our initial phases, I never felt he is any different than Hindus..
Gradually I started realising, although … Read the rest
Vishn says: April 8, 2019 at 11:42 am
Hi am a Hindu guy, my girlfriend a Roman Catholic is asking me to get baptism only for marriage purpose and for the prestige of their father and mother(to have marriage … Read the rest
Jeorge says: February 24, 2019
My name is Jeorge and I am a Christian and I have a Hindu girlfriend, we’ve been in a relationship for long time and we decided to get married but her mother forbids her … Read the rest
Lia says: February 17, 2019 at 4:23 am
I am a christian and my boyfriend who is a hindu got baptized so that he can fulfill my dream of getting married in a church. But he still wants to continue … Read the rest
Jugal says: April 3, 2018 at 9:57 am
Whst should I do? I’m hindu and my girlfriend is Catholic. We are in a relationship from over a year and truly love each other. However both our parents are strictly against… Read the rest
Arpita says: January 10, 2019
I am a Hindu girl about to marry a Christian boy. For the past five years religion has not been an issue, but as the wedding date is approaching, more and more issues have been … Read the rest
sherry says: December 31, 2018 at 1:09 pm
hi mam i am syrian malu christian and my boyfriend is hindu we are together from last 7 yrs we are in true love and want to marry but my family is … Read the rest
Shine says: November 26, 2018 at 6:58 pm
I was belong to Christian family and grown up but I n my partner is from hindu. And he is good guy I want to marry him we both my parents left … Read the rest
Sharon says: November 11, 2018 at 4:20 am
Dear Kishtika,
I am at present dating a guy who is a Protestant too. As far as my religious affinity is concerned, I don’t believe in God. I’m not denying his/her … Read the rest
AB says: November 10, 2018 at 10:06 pm
I am a marthomite boy getting married to a non practicing Catholic girl. I am a church goer (also a son a marthoma priest which makes things more complicated.) My … Read the rest
Kishtika says: November 10, 2018 at 7:04 am
Hey admin
My boyfriend broke with me bcz his father has changed his mind by telling that if a hindu and christian get married it will be a curse to future … Read the rest
Before fake-baptism for interfaith marriage, you should know this.
By Dan Waidelich October 22 at 4:06 PM
Mary Combs remembers her last Mass. It was about 15 years ago, when sexual abuse by Catholic clergy in Boston, her … Read the rest
Rani says: September 4, 2018 at 5:23 am
I’m a Hindu girl and the person whom I want to marry is a Christian(Baptist). we are in relationship from 6 years and he made everything clear about his religion, conversion and … Read the rest
Arti says: September 3, 2018 at 1:20 am
I am a girl, 31 years old, from Hindu religion and want to get Baptise into orthodox Christianity with all my faith in Jesus.
I am in love with an orthodox … Read the rest
Hina says: August 19, 2018 at 8:39 pm
hello.. i am a hindu.. my boyfriend is a catholic. we truely love each other.. but my parents are not accepting because of religion and age gap… my boyfriend is thirty four … Read the rest
Maria says: June 26, 2018 at 11:15 pm
(To Nandita)I don’t think it will be right to simply get converted for the sake of getting married in church if you want to continue your life as a Hindu and … Read the rest
Nandita says: May 23, 2018 at 11:47 am
Hello admin,
I have been dating my boyfriend for the past six years, and now we are planning to marry. We are both Malayalees and we come from different religious backgrounds. He … Read the rest
Apu says: March 25, 2018 at 5:59 am
i have been in a relationship for 9 years. my boyfriend and i want to get married he is a hindu by birth but converted to pentecostal christian (he goes to assembly … Read the rest
Love is like injecting cocaine in your vein. It gives lovers immense pleasure at its peak but when it does not turn out the way one wanted, it leads to deep depression. Love is blind. Even the lover knows it … Read the rest
Gillian says: March 5, 2018 at 6:50 am
Hi and thank you for making this available.
I am curious about marriages with an atheist partner. How do we navigate through that path? -Gillian
More information: Interfaith marriage with equality, … Read the rest
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