My Mother is in Relationship with a Muslim

This site gets lots of comments saying some Muslim got in relationship with my (Hindu, Sikh or Jain) mother. We sympathise with your life situation.

InterfaithShaadi cannot be sure about authenticity of such claims. Readers are requested to make your own judgment and remain skeptic for the claim made. There are many such comments not covered here; some we did not covered here due to graphic nature of statements in it.

Normally, if the person comes back to answer your questions, there are good chances that the story is most probably authentic. For example, we had several communication with …

Sudhansu ( and

Raj (

…and are willing to communicate with others about it. Others may not be open due to privacy nature of the situation.

Here is a list, so read details there.

NameRelationship with mother
SudhansuSudhansu: My mother married her Muslim boss
IqbalSexual Relationship with My Friends Mom
DeepxPakistani Muslim Student with My Sikh Mom
RajMy Hindu Mother Wants to Marry a Muslim
JainMy Mom Married To My Muslim Friend
Gautham(Muslim friend) Got My Mother Pregnant
AbhoyMy Mother Remarried To A Muslim Man
SaumikMy Mother Is Having An Affair With A Muslim
KeshavPolygamy And Extra Marital Sex Are Good!

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  • VicNash
    August 12, 2021 10:37 pm

    Just found this out today, so please bear with me if I don’t make much sense. For context, as this seems important here – I am a Sikh, born to a family of Sikhs of Indian origin living in the UK. However, none of us religiously inclined or followers in a strict sense of the word. Neither are we any closer to general Indian traditions or Indian politics etc, in general. My mother is mixed – half Indian half English. Sam (Sameer) is a Muslim born, here in the UK, to late parents who had migrated here from Balochistan when they got married. They had both passed away when Sam and I were in Uni due to an accident.

    Me[24] and Sam[24] had been friends since senior school and ever since we got into the age where we were interested in girls, he always had kind of a weird crush on my mom[42]. He was quite outspoken about it too. To the point that in our group of friends my mom name was often used to tease him, like friends that age tease each other about their crushes. Now my mom is married to my dad and they’ve both always seemed to have a happy marriage, but my friend crushing over my mom has always been kinda weird. But he has been so outspoken about it that it had come to a point where it became so regular that I didn’t even pay any attention to it not to mention it all sounded too ridiculous to me. Who takes stuff like this seriously, right!

    So senior school ends, we both graduate from school and go to the Sam university nearby our town, his ‘crush’ on my mom somehow seems getting stronger. Eventually, it is what our new friends at the university joke about too. His interactions with mom seem to increase too. At times I think he might even be trying to flirt with her and I honestly genuinely find it funny and laugh it off. At times I find it weird and it kinda bothers me a bit too, especially when he goes into explaining the reasons he finds my mom ‘so incredibly hot’. This gradually grows into him, often openly, stating that he is ‘absolutely in love with my mom’. All us friends laugh at how ridiculous this is. But he doesn’t seem to care.

    His interactions with mom start to increase a bit whenever he comes home with me to hang out or with our other friends for our game nights. It gets to a point that we all joke about him as he follows mum around like a lost puppy and tries to talk to her any chance he gets. It is so ridiculous that no one actually cares about it any more than just making fun of him for it. One such game night, we’re having some beers. We’re all fairly new to drinking so we’re pretty much all light-weights. Under the influence of some liquid courage, he actually tells mom he is in love with her. We all end up in a laughing fit. Mom acting as mom asked us to stop making fun of him and took our drinks away. Nothing much after that and the guys left soon after.

    His chants about mom increased a lot gradually after that though. He kept pushing me to take him home with me so he could apologize to mom. I finally agree and take him with me and it was funny all through watching him explain to mom why he said it, not sure what he was trying to do there but made an absolute fool of himself and I recorded it and we all had a good laugh when I shared it to our Whatsapp group.

    Nothing much except his regular ramblings about mom every now and then. I had pretty much got used to it by then and didn’t pay much heed to it. While we’re all trying to score with girls in the university and discussing who’s the hottest chick and stuff, he is on about my mom, no one pays much attention to it. Well, at least I don’t and I believe others didn’t too. Like I said, it seemed so ridiculous and became so regular no one really cared about it. Then one day we’re just hanging out being guys and talking about porn and stuff and he mentions this erotica site – literotica, that he’d come across and found quite hot. Over the next week we all explored it or at least, I was sure we did. The next weekend we all were at my house and while we were hanging out upstairs in my room and he pulls up an erotica story (The Bet – by The Stinger) about a bet a guy made with his friend, who bragged he could seduce any girl the guy says, and to win the bet the guy played it safe and said his mom, but ended up losing the bet as the friend was able to succeed in seducing her. This was followed by another story (Dad’s Lost Bet – by thehumpman) where a guy bets 4 dates with his friend’s mom and wins. This was followed by him suggesting that the only reason the friend was able to win was because the woman’s son was not interfering. Even went on to somehow suggest he could do it if him and I had similar bets. He even proposed £500 that he’d give me right away and they were mine if I won the bet and he couldn’t score with my mom. And if he won and actually got together with my mom, I’d have to give him my blessing with the money back and do nothing whatsoever to interfere in his and my mom’s relationship. We all laughed it off. And it didn’t come up again till a couple of weeks later he brought up the bet again saying I was only chickening out of it because I knew he would win. I was like whatever. He brought it up a few more times over the next few weeks and I had, as I am sure everyone else too, had read those stories by that time.

    As this was getting a bit frustrating too and I knew there was no way that he would ever be able to try anything for real, let alone succeed in anything so I eventually said whatever and agreed knowing he would end up making an even bigger fool of himself. One of the stories said the bet would last something like a week and the other was like 4 dates, but Sam had the gall to suggest 6 months and that I would have to do what he says, like saying things to mom about him when he asks me to, and if he asks me a question to tell her the truth, not ever say anything negative about him to mom and if he ever suggested to visit our home, I should always encourage it and then make myself scarce when he actually comes. Kinda put me off but I was now like whatever man, give me the 500 quid and be done with it. He was f**king elated! Instead of simmering down, his rants kinda increased and he would say he’ll take a few days and let me know if he needed me to do anything. I thought he was already starting to chicken out.

    A few days later he sends me text asking me to tell mom I’ve invited him over for lunch and an evening of gaming. I was like why do you think I’ll do that, and he reminded me of the bet and I was like how crazy are you nothing’s gonna happen even if you have a whole year.. He kinda picked up on that and said if I was suggesting to increase the period from 6 months to a year. I was like whatever man as you say. And he took a screenshot and shared it in the whatsapp group of our common friends that knew about the bet. We had a laugh and a little to and fro but it died out eventually. He came over around noon and actually brought flowers for mom. It was funny. He said he saw the flowers at a vendors cart on the way and immediately thought of her, since she was looking lunch he didn’t want to come empty handed. It was funny, like I said. Mom took it politely though. Once she was in the kitchen he just gave me a look right away and I Was like what? He reminded of the rules and asked me to make myself scarce. I didn’t want to spend the afternoon with him and his ‘bet’ so decided to go over to a friend’s but as he had asked me I made an excuse to mom that is was an emergency and I need to pick him up and take him for an interview as his car got a flat tyre.

    Things like this happened quite a bit over a couple of months where he would come home and then ask me to get busy somewhere or ask me to go grocery shopping with mom whenever she needed to go and tell him when so he could ‘run into us’ and then give me the look to get busy somewhere else so he could talk to mom. A couple of months go by like this and this seems like a ritual. The only difference I feel at this point is that his personality seems a bit different when he’s with mom, I mean he’s not as awkward or weird when talking to her, he’s much more smooth and confident. Him asking to make keep myself busy away from them, had kinda made it a regular thing when we went grocery shopping, that after he ‘ran into us’ and him and mom got talking that I would get busy with the actually shopping and he would be talking to mom as if they had known each other for long. It seems like mom liked talking too as she would actually be participating in whatever conversation they were having rather just being hmm, yes, hmm types. But nothing seems to be worrisome obviously. It’s about a couple of months later that I notice that him and mom had already exchanged phone numbers when I heard mom say his name on the phone.

    He had apparently told her that he had some discount codes for Sainsbury’s, but they would only work for shopping among a certain amount and he wanted to show us his new car so he had also offered to drive us there. But just a few minutes after mom had disconnected and I had sat in the couch, he texted me to make some excuse and not come that day. I was a bit annoyed when he said that because that would mean him being alone with mom with no supervision and the nearest Sainsbury’s was in Watford, a good 40 mins drive away. I knew nothing was gonna happen but I was a bit uncomfortable about the idea for some reason. But I also didn’t want him yapping on about how I was chickening out because I knew he was right and mom liked him too, so I agreed. He came on at around 12:30 in the noon. I was leaving for campus by the time and him and mom went over to Watford. I was back by about 2pm thinking mom would be back by now, but she wasn’t. I called her and she told me they were still shopping as they had stopped on the way to check out a farm where Sam gets his produce from (like hell he does!). Then she said it was getting late in the noon so they had decided to grab a bite to eat after they were done shopping before returning. She had already prepared chicken and it just had to be put in the oven which she asked me to do for my lunch. I was a bit like that sneaky bastard thinking he can get a lunch date with mom like that as if that’s gonna ever work. I few minutes later I got a text from Sam, sounding pissed. He said I wasn’t supposed to interfere why was I calling mom when it was agreed that I wouldn’t interfere. I was what do you want and he replied a few mins later asking me to text her back saying I’ll be leaving the chicken in the fridge as I had some friends calling me over to a pub so I’ll be heading there. Got done with that. About a few minutes later I get a call from her asking me if I had already put the chicken in the oven and if I had, to make sure to cook it fully before putting it in the fridge. I just said yes mom, and did that.

    Well, this has become awfully long. Not to bore you all with the details but this kinda became the norm for about a couple of more months where he would make some excuse where he’d invite me and mom for something fun and then would ask me to not be there. But then it started to die down. He would bring such ‘requests’ up every now and then but it wasn’t as common. I had stopped thinking about it too. Then I went away for a semester abroad and didn’t stay much in contact with him but we would eventually talk and he would occasionally just casually bring up mom and they have got closer and how it is a good time and so on.

    When I got back it was obvious they were closer. Felt more like he was mom’s friend hanging out with me rather than my friend hanging out with my mom. After a couple of days over drinks he ‘confessed’ that he had actually started an affair with mom, in fact has been quite a while since it actually started. But obviously he wasn’t making any sense and just bragging or shit-talking. Nothing really happened. Then he got a placement and moved across the country after a couple of months. We eventually lost touch. He came back during Christmas time last year and we met up. He actually told me that even as him and I weren’t much in contact, him and mom seemed to be quite in touch. Nothing alarming, just a few messaged every now and then and Facebook likes and comments and stuff, which had become more frequent in the past month since he told her he’s coming back. He even showed me Whatsapp but kept scrolling it constantly so I couldn’t read the texts. Obviously because then I’d know they were normal Hi’s and Hello’s but he kept insisting it including a lot of heavy flirting and I’d get mad reading texts like that between my mom and him. His classic move since always.

    Over time, though, I did come to notice that the comments and like of Facebook had started to get a bit ‘bolder’. I mean there was this time when Mom had posted a pic on her Facebook and he had commented followed by compliments. Even told her she looks ‘too sexy to be a mom’.. Mom had just replied with a laughing emoji.. then he went on about mom keeps worrying without reason that she’s getting older when she looks just a beautiful as any woman. Mom had again replied with a couple of emojis then pointed out how her tummy’s growing and his comment was no one’s gonna be looking at that. Not the exact conversations but that’s about the how it went. It was the 1st time I had actually seen him call mom sexy or make any suggestive comment directly to her.

    If it were just about the chatting and stuff, I won’t be that intrigued by this. But over the years I have come to notice that there’s other things to it too. Like often he knows more about mom than I do. Or in some cases, more than even dad does. Like mom’s trip to France or even something personal like her dress size or the fact she got a tan on or that she’s getting a new hairstyle and burgundy highlights. Which he claims were his idea, and so were a few of mom’s clothes and dresses that she had bought based his suggestions or he had bought for her. Which again he seemed to know about before mom had actually told me or even dad about, the new dresses I mean.

    Knowing these personal things is not all too, it is just one of the reason I get curious. There are other things too like this one time, before the coronavirus existed, he was being his cocky self and kinda trying to brag about going on a lunch date with mom showing the conversation of them planning to go to an upscale restaurant Central London and her trying to decide what to wear for the occasion.

    But what really got me thinking was that mom actually told us that she’d be going out with her friends for lunch that afternoon. And she did go to Central London. She even had sent him pictures of 2 dresses and a description of the 3rd one as if she knew he’d understand which dress just by the description, she was asking him to help decide which one was the best for the lunch. There have been other instances like that too over the years since where I can’t shake the feeling of something being off when she tells something and he tells me something with just some difference which makes me think if mom is actually telling the truth or not, or is he just fucking with me.

    Then again in 2019, during Christmas, and mom had actually gone on 2 lunches with him in full knowledge of me and dad. 1st time Sam invited me and her over for lunch. Dad was out of town that weekend. At the last moment, mom asked me to get some stuff from the Tesco and some other chores, which kept me busy and she said it won’t be polite to decline Sam’s invitation as he’s come back after almost a year. So she went alone. When she returned, she told that they couldn’t go to the restaurant they’d actually planned as his car had a flat tire so they’ll be going again the next day.

    It’s things like these basically, and the fact that it has been almost 8 or so years since the bet and almost 6-7 yrs at least since he ‘confessed about the affair after I had returned from my semester abroad in the University till now and it still seems to be going on and things like these keep happening, and his and mom’s closeness just keeps increasing, as is their interaction on social media and it seems getting bolder, with what started with him calling mom sexy or some other version of the adjective in almost every post, to now even calling mom ‘baby’ or ‘babe’ as well. Mom has gotten from just liking or reacting with emojis to commenting on his pics too. And yes there have been at about 2 times when I have noticed mom address him as ‘babe’ too in comments. Some of their comments, it seems like mom doesn’t even know if it’s comments or a chat room.

    But what has really got me thinking is that mom had recently gone to Brighton on Saturday morning and returned yesterday evening (Sunday), with her sister. She had shared some pictures, and they all seemed to be of her. Auntie wasn’t in the pics. However, yesterday morning, Sam had updated his Whatsapp display picture and he seemed to be in Brighton too. In fact, it was obvious that the towel he was sitting on at the beach was mom’s towel. Then he had posted a few pics on Instagram earlier today. He’s the only one in the pics, but there too in one of the pics, taken while in the bed., there’s a mirror visible behind him and in it a woman. It’s not clear at all but to some who definitely knows mom’s nighties. It is definitely the one that mom wears quite a lot, even at home and definitely her hairstyle.

    Others had probably noticed it too, his sister commented on is teasing him that she didn’t know he was vacationing with his girlfriend. Her exact comment was “Say Hi to Rose for me dork! Didn’t know you two were going together. Have fun!”. My mother’s name is Rosie. And this comment made it feel like Sam’s sister knows about him and mom too, and has probably even met mom as Sam’s GF too, considering he asked him to say Hi to her, and the fact she called her ‘Rose’ only a very select handful of people (dad, auntie and a couple of mom’s close cousins only) call her that.

    He has been saying it for years, and I never believed it. It just seemed so far fetched. But now I have proof, right here. Now I am in a fix here about what do I do and how do I handle this!

    TL;DR : Inspired by ‘Literotica’ , one of my friends made a bet 8 years ago that he could get together with my mom. All these years later, turns out he had actually won! And it’s still going all these years later! I feel like an idiot now and at a total loss on how to process this!

    • Sonu
      October 1, 2021 5:29 am

      Hi vicnash
      Is your mother married to sam?

      • VicNash
        July 25, 2022 5:46 am

        No, mom’s married to my dad. But having an affair with Sam it seems.

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