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Meri mummy ek muslim ladke se bate krti h aur smile karti h kafi to kya unka affair ho sakta h
I can say about my own experience as Hindu married to a jewish woman. In facts things are going very well with lot of mutual understatement and respect. We both learned from each other and we share celebrations. My wife proved herself kind when we had our first son, agreeing to leave him uncircumcised in respect of my culture and customs. Lately we agreed to raise him and the two other offspring (a daugther and another son) aware on both religions but encouraged toward Hindu identity. Of course i’m very proud and grateful to my wife for her acceptance and i can say that i never had any issue with supposed jewish ethnocentrism and matrilinear ways.
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I am a Hindu girl in love with a Christian (Jacobite) boy. We have been in a relationship for the past 5 years.
Finally, our families agreed to the marriage. They both wish to conduct the ceremony in both Hindu and Christian ways.
But for doing it in the Christian way, saying I need to convert. Is there any possible way of marrying in church without converting.?
Heading- I am muslim and my husband is hindu.
I have married with my hindu boyfriend and I am very happy with my hindu husband till now we have not change our relagion I have only take husband last name .
I am only say here if you love other relagion person than you should not feel any problem for marry with him. And if want marry with your interfaith love than you should also ready to go against your family but if love and want marry with your interfaith lover than you should go against your family for your love.
I chose my love and now we are very happy I pray namaz, read Quran and keep fast in our house (my husband house) here i feel interfaith marrige is more romantic.
I love one muslim girl
She also love me but whenever i am talking about our about marriage she refuse because for her i am hindu
I love her lot can’t leave him
Don’t know what to do ?
Please give me suggestions
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Salam I am Asif,
My ammi is 45 years old pious hindu lady. After abbu’s death she has changed a lot. She started working as she was little educated at a local hindu bussiness man firm. She is the sole earner as I am still in college. What is worrying me is she is in physical relation with that hindu man. It is embarrassing for me. She was a conservative woman but what happened to her I don’t know. The man would come to our house often when my mom is alone I came to know about this through neighbours.
Also my mom would go to that man’s office in night also when man’s wife is out of town. She would inform me but yes I have enough evidence of her being in sexual relation with the guy. I few times confronted her but she says he is a good man and that both of them love each other and physical relation is indispensable part of love.
She says both of them agree to be in this relation but will not marry as law does not allow hindu man to marry more than one wife.
I am worried. She is only parent alive and all this hurts me alot. Please give some advice
Dear Asif,
It must be hard to see you mom changes and having relationship with someone. It is sad that the Hindu guy is cheating his wife and not honest, we hope he does not disappoint your ammi some day. Please clarify, you said “My ammi is 45 years old pious hindu lady”, why you said you ammi is a Hindu. Please clarify.
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Hi everyone, I’m a non Jain guy in love with a Jain girl. We both love each other a lot. Her Mom is very strict with Jainism and her elder brother too. Its been 3 months that we have decided to go ahead for marriage, we are serious about each other. She has informed her Mom about me, reason being her family has started looking for a Jain guy for her every saturday, but my girl rejects them all. Now that we have informed her Mom, which I felt is a bit early, she feels upset when her Mom says that you are leaving Jainism totally. I have assured her about everything for her Jainism, but her Mom says that incase of love marriage initially everyone agrees to do everything for you, but things get worse with time.
I want to marry her and keep her happy for life, I need help as to how must I approach her family for the same.
Also I’m planning to settle abroad with her, for which I have started the arrangements already, but the obstacle is to convince her family to let her marry me.
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Hi m in love with a Muslim boy since 2 years and both of us feel very comfortable with each other to take this relationship ahead for a marraige .But the issue is that he is not agreeing for a marraige without me converting to Islam which i don’t want to do .
I know that is the way out but I don’t want to leave my religion for this sake .
Please help me take the next step
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I am hindu girl and I have feelings for Muslims. I always find them attractive and best suited for me. I have heard about itr jihad/ love jihad. But I don’t trust it. If I start dating a Muslim guy and if it goes to marriage. How can I convince my parents that I want to marry a Muslim guy?. Is it compulsory to change name? Kareena Kapoor Khan didn’t changed her name so is Gauri Khan.
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Will you respond please.
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Hi am a Hindu guy, my girlfriend a Roman Catholic is asking me to get baptism only for marriage purpose and for the prestige of their father and mother(to have marriage in church). They are also happy to have a hindu ritual wedding post marriage in church. The question is, to obtain baptism, should I sign any document indicating that I will be no more belonging to my birth religion? Will I face any legal issues from church/priest/RC community members for following Hindu rituals. We both are ok to follow hindu practices after marriage and also allowing my wife to follow faith in Christianity.
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I loved a jain boy..He got engaged …He too loved me truly..but because his parents forced him..He got engaged to that girl..and he is not interested in marriage he still loves me..i too still love him..He is very afraid of telling me to his parents and he says he don’t want to hurt give me a solution i am very depressed situation
Someone give me a solution pls
This is just too sad people get into love and later turn the love-switch off because their parents ask for it. Since you are not married, there is no obligation on his part to fulfil all promises he made as part of your friendship and he can simple walk away. Thus there is not much you can do legally. If he truly loves you, ask him not to marry the other girl and marry you. You may talk to the girl directly and explain her all your situation. However, if the boy is not interested in your relationship anymore, there is nothing much you can do now. Sorry!
I loved a jain boy..He got engaged what to do
I want to share
Hi there…
I am trying to help one of my Muslim friend who wants to marry a foreign christian lady. They both have agreed to remain strong to their respective faiths…so no conversion issue. The man wants a nikah (muslim ceremony) and the girl has agreed to it as she also wants to do it that way. However, its difficult finding an Imam (muslim prieat) in India who can consummate the marriage and can provide papers needed such as marriage certificate etc. Any help will be highly appreciated.
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Hi i am a Khoja married a Dawoodi Bohra ( we were long distance friends before marriage)and i was fed wrong information to get married and was taken to Dubai to my terror to be ill treated and after marriage i immediately conceived and came to know of my pregnancy in 1 and half month of my Marriage and in a few days was detected by Breast cancer and had to fight the battle alone with out husband and his family support in any way be it mental, physical, emotional or financial.
Now when asked for divorce he says he wants it too but not doing anything abt it and since we married in Dawoodi Bohra way i dont know what to do and We are from Mumbai but he works in Dubai and i believe he is just doing timepass as he doesnt want to pay me child support
Dear Dr. Amin,
I did not know that you are such a vastly learned person.
Simply I say that I have become your fan at the age of 69 years though you are junior to me is respect of age.
You have also achieved a lot in life. Keep it up!
why dont u convert? U love him and above all in hinduism u have more freedom.
iam a muslim.iam in a relationship with a hindu boy…my parents are allow to accept him.even he is converting..they are saying that coverting to islam is haram for the sake of marriage…i dont know to do.i cant live without him and my parents.please suggest
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Let’s consider my name as Aditya and from South India. I am in a relationship with a Pentecost Christian girl for the last 5 years. I am Hindu from birth and she is converted to Christian when she was 12 years. Generally, she doesn’t accept Hindu traditions and so before agreeing my love proposal, she clearly said that we should get marry through Christian culture. And I too accepted for that before 5 years by thinking that I can change her. I am a person who gives respect to all the religion and their cultures. I have no issues with going to church for her. (But I am a Hindu and follow Hinduism and goes to churches for her wish). Now, we have decided to get married and all the problems started. In my home, they have accepted to get married through Christian cultures. But at the same time, my parents also requesting to get married in Hindu culture too. (Of course, my wish too). But my girl and her parents are not at all accepting to get married in Hindu culture and they are saying that the marriage should happen only with Pentecost Christianity method. In my home, they want to satisfy them by accepting the marriage to be held first with Christian culture and further requesting to do the marriage again with Hindu tradition for our satisfaction. But my girl and her parents are so stubborn and saying that the marriage should happen only with Pentecost Christian method. I have been trying to teach her about humanity and God is one. But she is not at all understanding and saying the same thing that Jesus is the only God. I failed in teaching her the truth of my personal belief that ‘God is one’ and you can call him as Jesus or Krishna or Allah or whatever you want. So, due to this we are fighting each other most of the times and don’t know what to do and how to proceed further with the marriage. Apart from this, the family background, status, caste and all are nearly equal for both the families and the only issue is the religion. I am really scary whether I can live a happy life with a person who is fighting with me for a simple matter religion and moreover, here in my family they may expect her to participate in the Hindu festivals and which she will not. At the same time, I couldn’t leave her as I don’t want to be in a situation like I have cheated a girl and I still love her. So, I am really confused.
Please share your thoughts and advise.
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Hi, I’m married to an Christian girl and I’m Hindu , who I’m with in love from past 4yrs. Before Marriage she used to practice all hindu cultures like coming to temples and putting sindur. But once we marriaged she started refusing even me to practice hindu practices.. I’m totally confused I’m frustrated now.
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We got married in unacceptance by both parents and Married at Arya samaj.
Narsi.. simple thing is try at best to let her know about Hinduism. Tell her how foreigners are adopting Hinduism… Converted christian and converted mulsims are highly dangerious for our nation… just to remind you
I am a hindu girl and i am in a relationship with a marthoma chirstian boy.I hae spoken to my family about it but they took few months but now they r fine about it. the boy spoke to his family his mother at start was not comfortable but now she is also fine, but his father is not favorable for the marriage. he is the eldest son in the family and has a brother and a sister. his father is saying there will b a lot of problems if u get married to a hindu girl as u being the eldest of them all. he told his mother that im ready to convert into a marthoma christian which i know is hard for me but im okay about it.
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Hey guys, I am from Malaysia,
Currently I am dating with Muslim girl for the past 3 years. She is wonderful, loving, kind hearted and mostly she can tolerated ME. She is perfect and I am very calm whenever I am with her (I am quite easily being tempered and emotional).
She has currently on Stage 2 cancer, but due to some bad event which my ex-girl who is also Muslim and reported me to Religious (Sharia) Enforcer in Malaysia. We got caught in our office which end up being really bad experience. Before this there is really bad things happened to us cause by my ex-gf.
My girl friend with cancer has been sentenced to 6 months in a sheltered home for 6 months without the interference of outside world.
Deeply, sincerely I miss her. All I can do is watching her photos and videos and still trying to get her out of there via a lawyer (its been 30 days when i write this).
I am currently doing business and living in my home. I am a free thinker for the past 10 years. My parents are Hindu and Sikh. Her family is very religious Muslim.
She respected my decision of not converting to Islam and I do appreciate that. At the same time, I am not forcing her to come out of her religion either. I am not disrespecting anyone’s faithh but I dont wanna be a muslim because I am just great now being a free thinker.
This is what i plan to do:
1) Take her out of the selter home
2) Somehow marry her without having future issues with Sharia enforcers
3) Help here go thru Cancer
4) She can continue to be a Muslim. However, I don’t belive in religion, just wanna be free man loving humankind and things.
1) I am not well educated but independent and doing my own business for the past 4 years
2) Not sure how to get her released
3) Not sure where all these will end either.
All I need is opinion/guidance/advise. Thanks
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Sad story ? I understand your pain brother. But if she marries a non Muslim guy being a Muslim girl, then just like you now, her life after death will be miserable. So if you really care for her, then study islam, if you like it then adopt it and become a Muslim, after practicing Islam for your weeks if you feel it is right religion then marry her, if you feel Islam is not for you, then stop following it and forget her, that will be better for her future
Im a Malaysian hindu girl and I love with muslim guy (he also a Malaysian)(actually he born as hindu and on year 2002 he converted to muslim because of his previous girl friend is muslim) is it possible he convert back to hindu? Please advise ?
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i am a hindu girl and i am in love with a muslim boy and want to marry him.. we trust on eachother so much. And when it comes about marriage ..he says he dont want me to convert for sake of marriage.And he says rather than converting we must be apart though its difficult.. He is saying this for my sake and says’ i dont want to see you cry rather i would die”. But its not easy for me to leave him..rather i am ready to be converted to islam not for marriage but falling with him i am loving the islamic religion too. And he says me about every restrictions of his religion and says i cant sustain the life of his society.
We love each other so much ..and he is ready to leave me for the sake of my happiness but i cant leave him and marry any other person.
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Pakistani man
Better to convert to Islam.i am a Hindu and in case I fall in love with a Muslim women I will surely convert to Islam and raise a family devoted to Islam
Why love relation should be link with conversion? Who is stopping you from converting today? What are the issues that you see in your current faith and explain how Islam (or Buddhism or Judaism) will solve your problems?
I just want to warn men out there that if you converted to Islam in order to marry a Muslim woman and if the relationship does not work out, you are stuck as a Muslim as apposity means death in Islamic cultures
सफलता के शिखर पर पहुचने वाली हर हिन्दू महिला शिखर पर पहुँचते ही हिन्दूओं को लात मारकर, ज्यादातर तो मुसलमानों से व् कुछ गैर-हिन्दू से शादी करती है…कुछ ने तो हिन्दू की पत्नी बनने की बजाय मुस्लिम की रखैल बनकर रहना बेहतर समझा..जबकि उनकी सफलता में उनके हिन्दू माता-पिता, परिवार-हिन्दू समाज-हिन्दू प्रशंसकों का बहुत बड़ा योगदान होता है….कुछ तो कारण रहा होगा ..?… हिन्दू समाज के ठेकेदार / मठाधीश कभी इस विषय पर भी गौर फरमाएंगे…?
i am in a relationship with a muslim guy. i am hindu. he is serious about getting married to me. but i dont want to convert. i told him and he says that he will never want me to convert and i am free to practice my religion. but what about his family and mine too? i am confused
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Just a Question, Muslim boy marrying with a Hindu girl. AND Hindu boy marrying with a Muslim girl IN INDIA. Which trend is prominent in INDIA? i have heard from many that Both are equal, and if one of the two trends is more than the other, then how much more approximately in percentage?
Hi Guys
I am 14 years old and I currently live with my widowed mother who is a working in Dubai as a Nurse. Just a few months ago she fell deeply in love with a 47 Sikh man who is also a widower with two sons aged 13 and 15. He wants to marry my mother on the condition that she accepts Sikhism first to which she said yes. But there is one problem, he wants me to become a Sikh too.
Robert, are you Christian or muslim
Tell them that you are now an adult and will do that my heart desires. I will respect both and all faiths but do not ask or force me to do that I do not believe in.
I want to know if there has been any cases involving a interfaith marriage involving children from a previous marriage and any issues involving a child whose parent remarried with a person from another religion?
There is no specific case that we know like this. However, any time when a child with two sets of parents, thee will be many issues. One cannot expect the foster mother to be like a real mother. On top, you add complexities of two sets of religions. It all boiled down to how open minded parents (all 3) are (in general and religious wise). Important for you is what are you options? If there are not many options left, then learn to deal with it as and when issue arises.
I am a former Christian who converted to Sikhism to impress my Sikh in-laws when I married their daughter. In 2004, I just graduated from the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada with a degree in Software Engineering and accepted a job offer in India. Despite me being white and Christian, I always had a thing for India and wanted to live in India so I could learn Hindi and start some networking opportunities so when I return to Canada in a few years to open my on software consulting company, these experiences would come in handy. Anyhow, I landed a job with a company based in Ludhiana and in September 2004 I packed up my bags and moved there. I had no family to worry about as I was raised in foster care since I was removed from my birth mother when I was 4 years old (whom I lost contact with) so I was pretty much on my own. Anyway I met this Sikh woman (same age as me 23 years old) at the Chaura Bazaar when I was shopping, we immediately hit it off and start seeing each other often. She was working as a registered Nurse at a local hospital and is of Sikh background. After three months of dating she told me that even though she loves me, she would not be able to marry me as I was a Christian and her extremely strict Sikh parents would kill her if they learned of her relationship. She told me through tears that she had to end her relationship with me and left. One week later I received a phone call from her asking me to come to her house to which I agreed. After work the next day I went to her small apartment which she shares with her parents. After introducing myself to her parents, I had dinner with them. Using their daughter as a translator they told me that they have learned about their daughter’s relationship with me and would agree with her wish to marry me if I agreed to the following things.
1) I am to adopt Sikhism right away
2) I am to move in with them family as soon as possible
3) I am to learn Punjabi and only speak it in the home
4) I am to along with my wife to financially support her parents
5) I am to give up my Canadian citizenship and take out Indian citizenship
6) I am to raise my children as Sikhs
Fast-forward to 2015 and I am still living in Ludhiana, Punjab. I am the owner of a very successful software consulting business earning over 40 lakhs a year (small by Canadian standards but large by Indian standards). I took out Indian citizenship as soon as I was eligible and gave up my Canadian citizenship. I live in a spacious apartment with my wife, two daughters ages 4 and 2 plus my parents in-law, but things have changed; I am no longer a Christian, I have a full beard that reaches down to my waist and my hair also reaches down to my waist which I cover with a Patiala Shahi Turban. My Parents-in law treat me like the son they never had and I am very close to them. As a family we go to the gurdwara every day and we all strictly recite the banis everyday together. I have never expected to become a Sikh 10 years ago but if accepting the beard and turban means having a family that loves me dearly then I gladly give my head to the Guru.
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OMG wot a critical situation people are suffering I need a good solution I would never dump her. And changing my religion will be an insult for my family.means if I am not forcing her to change her religion y do I get to change my religion forcefully..!!! I am a good person for her. I earn good. I can provide her a good future I love her. Andshe is a believer. A muslim ntjzt born muslim. But m jst born Hindu. I really dnt beelieve in God strongly! I pray to some gods jst coz my father does that.!! Please tell me a good solution. As getting religion changed is not that easy! Its like getting a new birth with a new god and dis respecting n dishonouringmy family! N I wantto marry my gf next year. Plz help
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Because she marrying a non-muslim is against islam, and prophet of islam said, marriage constitute half of religion, if she left half of religion, what she has left, every day namaz 5 times, no lie , no cheating, exact donation to poor, hajj, everything has to be perfect to complete rest half of the religion, also since such marriage is not void in islam, so she will be only doing zina(fornication) which is also a huge sin in islam.
I got married to my college friend. I am a Hindu and he is a Christian. When he proposed to me, I warned him of the consequences that such a marriage could create. I did not want to get converted. But he assured me everything will be all right and I just have to trust him. He even went on to say that I won’t even feel that I have married a Christian. My parents were not at all happy with the relation. But he came and met with my parents, he even said that he is ready to be converted to Hindu. But my parents said that all that is not necessary. Finally they agreed to my wishes. I have no idea what he told his family but he told me they also agreed. But both families insisted on having religious ceremonies for marriage because otherwise they will be shamed in front of society and family if we did a register marriage. Hindu ceremony was not a big deal. But to marry in church, I had to get converted which I said I wouldn’t. Then his family came up with a law according to which we could get married in church if we promise to raise our children in Christian faith. I was not ready for this as we had decided beforehand that we will not raise our children under any faith but we will nurture in them a respect to all religion. They can read both Bible and Gita and imbibe the goodness of both religions while staying away from the rules and regulations the religions impose. So, when the pressure from him and his family mounted I said I will sign the pact but let me be very clear I will not abide by it. So my husband said, that is all fine, and that he can even give it to me in writing that we need not baptise our children. Being the emotional fool that I am , I trusted him completely and did not bother to get anything in writing. All went fine until our little baby boy was born after 2 years. Now his parents want to baptize the baby. And to my absolute shock and surprise my husband has taken their side. Actually my husband was not entirely truthful to me. He never told his parents of our pact.This is what he said to me. “ I married you because I thought you will be a good daughter in law to my family. I want you to rest with me in my grave. So I have always planned to baptize you somewhere later in our life. I lied to you because I love you so much.As for our son he will definitely be Christian. I might have made many promises but my family is important to me. If we don’t baptize our child people will ask all sorts of questions to my family. They can’t stand it. They will be shamed in society.Ok, I can do this. We need not raise our baby as Christian but you should do this namesake baptism just for the sake of my parents. I can’t just leave my parents for you. I can’t choose between you. And they are more important to me that you.” The last sentence just broke my heart. And those were not the exact words he used. He even called me a devil. I was shattered- the same person who called me his angel for 5 years called me a devil. Still I fought. I fought hard and finally we decided we won’t do the baptism. At least that is what he told me. The problem now is his father. He calls and always tries to change my husband’s mind. And then we have these quarrels, shoutings and all that. My perfect family is gone. We fight every day. Sometimes he admits that it is not his wish but his parents. But he cannot say no to them. It has been a year now. His father has still not given up . At every chance he is forcing my husband. He is trying to get his sympathy saying the other day someone or the other asked why his grandson is not being baptized and he was left with no words. Or that the family grave will have no successor or anything like that. We live outside India. It has helped a little bit to keep our family intact. Now me and my baby are home because I have some health problems.My mother in law had stayed with us a month before I came back to India. Now I am staying at my home. My father in law has pledged not to enter my home because my parents won’t make me understand that it is best to baptize my baby. He thinks my parents are at fault! And now he is complaining I am taking the baby away from their family and making him a part of my family. My health issues restrict my travel. No one from my in laws visited me so far. And they say I take the baby away from them. I don’t know what to do. My husband thinks they are right. I love my husband. His only problem is he doesn’t know where to draw the line when it comes to his parents. But that one thing is ruining our lives.
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PS: Just to make it clear, our marriage is registered under Special Marriage Act.
I am in a very similar situation. Please please help me.
I am a 23 year old Hindu (Telugu Brahmin) girl. I have had a Christian (Syrian Marthoma) boyfriend for over 6 years. Religious differences never came up between us for all those years and we were both very happy and very much in love. I poured my heart and soul into the relationship and into being with him. I lied a lot to my parents, did so much for him. He is also a wonderful guy, has been extremely patient with me. He has always been my best friend. I guess I was always living in some dream land that we would have 2 weddings and we would have a 2 faith household and will be able to convince our parents.
Very recently, about 4 months back, I understood what Christianity as a faith meant. I never thought beyond Christmas trees and plum cakes and Sunday church visits. I learnt that it is monotheistic, that there is no concept of ‘all faiths are one’ and that Syrian Marthoma churches do not allow for marriage between a Christian and a non Christian. This has completely shocked me. When I asked him about it, he said that he believes that it is easier to have a household with one faith – whether Hindu or Christian as it is much more peaceful. And wouldnt create complications in terms of children, etc.
He calls himself an exploring Christian. He has a lot of tendencies towards believing and accepting Christianity, but he likes being open to and being receptive about Christianity. His parents are quite devout religious people. They would prefer and expect that I converted to Christianity and had a church wedding, as it is otherwise not fully accepted within their communion. These have all been very unpleasant surprises to me. I did not know that the Christian faith does not have room for any other. I am proud of my lineage, I do not wish to convert and neither do I want him to. I always just wanted a simple religious harmony in our marriage and for our children. But after months and months of discussion, it doesnt seem like it is actually possible. He seems to be quite bent on proving Christianity to me, and hoping for me to eventually abide by his faith. My parents would be completely heart broken if I converted. I would want my children to be raised to understand and respect both faiths and choose one, if they want to, at 18 or older. But it doesnt work like that for him. Apparently in his church, babies are baptized as 2 year olds. He himself prefers it if his children are raised with one strong faith, and even though he isnt saying it directly and strongly, I know that he wants and prefers it to be the Christian faith. He says he would be okay with me going to a temple, as long as Im not thinking of the idol to represent God, the creator etc. As long as Im thinking of the idol as just a source of happiness and inspiration, it is fine. I felt terrible that I need to have to justify going to a temple, when it is something that Ive been doing as a birth right. We have only been discussing and arguing about this for months now and it has become quite tiring and unpleasant.
We have been separated for a few months now because of this but it is still extremely painful and sad and I keep wondering if it is the right decision to have made, whether we are focusing only on the wedding ceremony and not the next many years ahead. I wish I had known about monotheism earlier, that has been quite a shock. I know he will never harm me, he has always had the best advice for me and has always looked out for me and given me his all. But this seems to be one of those matters that doesnt seem to have any other options. I am quite terrified about how I must go about this. I would deeply appreciate any help.
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Hi all,
I am a 25 year old guy from England. I have been with my girlfriend who is Sikh for 6 years. To cut a long story short, we wanted to get married recently, but due to the religious differences it was difficult for us. She has always taught me about Sikhism, I started learning slowly. We came to a conclusion if we wanted to get married I would have to convert. So, now, here I am, I converted in December 2014, I have opened up to my family yet, nor have I been openly practising. We are getting married at the end of 2015, I am going to Gurdwara in a few months to pray with my Girlfriend, her family have been supportive and so has she. My only problem is how will I tell my family?
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i am looking for a help from this blog. i’m a Hindu but my faith is in Christ and currently i am not baptized. i am looking for a life partner who shares the same faith.
due to this complexity my proposal is keep getting rejected.
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Hello Arkesh,
I see a lot of flaws in your approach. Do you understand the difference between faith and Religion and dharma. When you say you are a Hindu, what qualities or attributes you have by which you can say that you are a hindu, do you celebrate Diwali and play Holi and thats all is your definition of being an Hindu ? or its much more than that, is it that you understand the philosophy of being and nature and the cosmos. and do you know about the principles of hinduism, (sansatana dharma).
Then comes your faith. when you say your faith is in Christ. can you tell me a bit in detail what that faith in particular is, start first by defining the faith word itself. Secondly its important to understand the theological differences between the dharma and Religion, they are not synonymous terms. One of my Christian friend understands the concept of karma, bhakti, yoga, and told me that this is something they did not had in christianity, theirs was a very dogmatic approach of heaven and hel, but when she learned more about other religiosn particularly hinduism, she found that Hinduism is seeking inwards, its like having union with oneself and the cosmos, its like not going to heaven by just believeing, rather doing the karma. and based on the karma getting what you deserve in this birth or the next. By listening to her I was so satisfied that westerners these days so clear concept and thought and they understood hinduism (sanatana dharma )much better than some of the people those who say I am a hindu by birth. She later told me why she want to choose the path of Hinduism is because it tells her she is originally divine, and not original sinner what christianity told her. and since she is originally divine, and the purpose of life because to seek what you are, and do your karma and bear the fruits, then in that case she told, substitutional attonement is not required, which means someone else coming on earth and saving me is not required (Jesus), because I have done nothing wrong, only I can save or search myself and based on my karma i will bear the consequences.
I was amazed by her philosophical clarity. I hope this gives you some clarity. Read Being Different to understand the core concepts and underlining phenomenon of what we called Hinduism today. Amazon top 10 on philosphy,Must read book.
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Simran, if at all this story is true, dont believe in muslim guy.
He is trapping you just for sexual pleasure and increasing muslim population.
You should realize how cruel and anti human are muslim guys. They are
mentally terrorists, killing innocents, raping girls and women, blasting bombs, firing bullets globally. Islam is a criminal mind set and not a religion. Be aware. Mac is a person who has converted due to his mother was trapped by muslims.
Harjeet,Chand Osmani, Shabana, Churchill, any name left??
I’m a punjabi girl who loves a muslim guy. We both love each other so much. we’ve a close bondin, a good understanding, trust everything is going well. But last november 2014 he lost his mom nd now his family’s condition has totally changed. Nw he is so scared of the future that what will gonna happen now for marriage. As his mom was his only support nd he is soo scared of his father because his father will never agree for this inter religion marriage. And even his sister is also saying that he will marry a khan (girl) only. And will not give any kind of tension to dad. But i am saying that i’m ready to convert myself into islam. I’ll be happy to be converted as i dont like hindu religion. I’m ready to do whatever a muslim girl do for a marriage. Then whats the probleM. Why his family wont allow him to marry a hindu girl.
Right now i’m 20 and he is 24. We’re not marrying now we’ve atleast 5yrs for taking dis step. Today he is in pressure as he lost his mom but after some years he will have to adjust in this situation. But under thispressure he is just saying that he dont want to give any kind of tension to his fathe. What to do?? Plzzz help me i’m very upse?? Everyday i’m jst crying crying nd crying
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I am very much facinated by this site and its efforts and I want to be an active part of this site ..Dear admin please contact me at and let I will stay in toch with your forum…
Welcome Aakash. Please make a point of coming here every day or 3-4 times/week. Focus on new youths asking question and help them.
If you could, please invite all your friends to be friend with
It will be my pleasure to help others…Thankyou for this opportunity..
I am a religious HINDU guy loves religious Muslim girl. We are planning to get marry. But I have questions in my mind that wether our marriage will be successful? Bcoz right now we both are strong believe in our religion. She is more emotional than me. What should I do?
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admin says:
November 27, 2014 at 3:35 am
What is Zina? …even not in Koran, is that highjacking a plane or drinking cow’s urine? How many sati you know in last 25 years?
You did not answer “one could/should hope/demand for their Hindu-Muslim marriage with equality (50%-50%)?” Is 50-50 sharing faiths by two lovers zina?
admin sathi is a hindu beliefs whereas hijacking plane isn`t islamic
and about 50-50 equality, i will post later
I came from a purely Hindu family where we were always taught to regard ourselves (i.e. women) as beings who were eventually to be married off and have children and serve the husband – whether he was kind or not.Other than this I found that there were a lot of things which really oppressed women, such as:
* If a woman was widowed, she would always have to wear a white sari (costume), eat vegetarian meals,cut her hair short,and never re-marry
The bride always had to pay the dowry (bridal money) to the husband’s family. And the husband could ask for anything, irrespective of whether the bride would have difficulty giving it.
* Not only that, if after marriage she was not able to pay the full dowry she
would be both emotionally and physically tortured, and could end up being a victim of “kitchen death” where the husband, or both the mother-
in-law and the husband try to set
fire to the wife while she is cooking or is in the kitchen, and try to make it look like anaccidental death. More and more of these instances are taking place. The daughter of a friend of my own father’s had the same fate last year!
* In addition to all this, men in Hinduism are treated literally as among the gods. In one of the religious Hindu celebrations,unmarried girls pray for and worship an idol representing a particular god (Shira) so that they may have husbands like him.
Even my own mother had asked me to do this. This made me see that the Hindu religionwhich is based on superstitions and things that have no manifest proof , but were merely traditions which oppressed women could not be right.
Subsequently, when I came to England to study, I thought that at least this is a country which gives equal rights to men and women, and does not oppress them. We all have the freedom to do as we like, I thought. Well, as I started to meet people and make new friends, learn about this new society, and go to all the places my friends went to in order to “socialise” (bars,dance halls, etc.). I realised that this “equality” was not so true in practice as it was in theory. Outwardly, women were seen to be given equal rights in
education, work, and so forth, but in reality women were still oppressed in a
different, more subtle way. When I went with my friends to those places they hung out at, I found everybody interested to talk to me and I thought that was normal. But it was only later that I realised how naïve I was, and recognised what these people were really looking for. I soon began to feel uncomfortable, as if I was not myself: I had to dress in a certain way so that people would like me, and had to talk in a certain way to please them. I soon found that I was feeling more and more uncomfortable, less and less myself, yet I could not get out. Everybody was
saying they were enjoying themselves,but I don’t call this enjoying.
I think women in this way of life are oppressed; they have to dress in a certain way in order to please and appear more appealing, and also talk in a certain way so people like them.
During this time I had not thought about Islam, even though I had some Muslim acquaintances. But I felt I really had to do something, to find something that I would be happy and secure with, and would feel respected with. Something to believe in that is the right belief, because everybody has a belief that they live according to. If having fun by getting off with other people is someone’s belief, they do this. If making money is someone’s belief, they do everything to achieve
this. If they believe drinking is one way to enjoy life then they do it. But I feel all this leads to nowhere; no one is truly satisfied, and the respect women are looking for is diminishing in this way.
In these days of so called “society of equal rights”, you are expected to have a boyfriend (or you’re weird!) and to not be a virgin. So this is a form of oppression even though some women do not realise it. When I came to Islam,it was obvious that I had finally found permanent security. A religion, a belief that was so complete and clear in every aspect of life. Many people have a misconception that Islam is an oppressive religion, where women are covered from head to toe, and are not allowed any freedom or rights. In fact,women in Islam are given more rights, and have been for the past 1400 years, compared to the only recently rights given to non-Muslim women in some western and some other societies. But there are, even now, societies where women are still oppressed, as I mentioned earlier in relation to Hindu women. Muslim women have the right to inheritance. They have the right to run their own trade and business. They have the full right to ownership, property, disposal
over their wealth to which the husband has no right.
They have the right to education, a right to refuse marriage as long as this
refusal is according to reasonable and justifiable grounds. The Qur’an itself,which is the Word of God, contains many verses commanding men to be kind to their wives and stressing the rights of women. Islam gives the right set of rules, because they are NOT made by men, but made by God;
hence it is a perfect religion.
Quite often Muslim women are asked why they are covered from head to toe,and are told that this is oppression – it is not. In Islam, marriage is an important part of life, the making of the society.
Therefore, a woman should not go around showing herself to everybody, only for her husband. Even the man is not allowed to show certain parts of his body to none but his wife. In
addition, God has commanded Muslim women to cover themselves for their modesty:
“O Prophet! Tell your wives
and your daughters and the
women of the believers to
draw their cloaks (veils) over
their bodies (when outdoors)
. That is most convenient
that they could be known as
such (i.e. decent and chaste)
and not molested.” (Qur’an
If we look around at any other society, we find that in the majority of cases women are attacked and molested because of how they are dressed.Another point I’d like to comment on is that the rules and regulation laid down in Islam by God do not apply just to women but to men also. There is no intermingling and free-running between men and women for the benefit of both. Whatever God commands is right, wholesome, pure and beneficial to mankind; there is no doubt about that. A verse in the Qur’an explains this concept clearly:
“Say to the believing men
that they should lower their
gaze and protect their
private parts (i.e. from
indecency, illegal sexual
acts, etc.); that will make for
greater purity for them. And
God is well aware of what
they do. And say to the
believing women that they
should lower their gaze and
protect their private parts
(from indecency, illegal
sexual intercourse, etc.); and
that they should not display
their beauty and
ornaments . . . ” (Qur’an,
Surah Al-Nur 24:31)
When I put on my hijab (veil) , I was really happy to do it. In fact, I really want to do it. When I put on the hijab, I felt a great sense of satisfaction and happiness. Satisfied that I had obeyed God’s command. And happy with the good and blessings that come with it. I have felt secure and protected. In fact people respect me more for it. I could really see the difference in behaviour towards me.
Finally, I’d like to say that I had accepted Islam not blindly, or under any compulsion. In the Qur’an itself there is a verse which
says “Let there be no compulsion in religion”. I accepted Islam with conviction. I have seen, been there, done that, and seen both sides of the story. I know and have experienced what the other side is like, and I know that I have done the right thing. Islam does not oppress women, but rather Islam liberates them and gives them the respect they deserve. Islam is the
religion God has chosen for the whole of mankind. Those who accept it are truly liberated from the chains and shackles of mankind whose ruling and legislating necessitates nothing but the
oppression of one group by another and the exploitation
and oppression of one sex by the other. This is not the case of Islam which truly liberated women and gave them an individuality not
given by any other authority.
Thanks for this cut and paste 2009 story
Any way admin. . . .
but it is a real story & true fact. . .learn from him/her admin…
thanks to him/her for this great info
say no to hinduism. . . All hindu women convert ur religion
come to Islam. .
Islam is a perfect religion for you
Say no convert to hinduism
hinduism is a fake religion. . …
All rubbish thing were done only in hinduism
Mohammed, what you said about Hinduism is this something only you believe or you think almost all Muslims believe so?
what do you meant by “something like this “ admin
yes , I believe
Dont know about others
Mohammed, we have many Hindu-Muslim lovers come on this site for advise. What should we tell them? Should we start telling Hindu MUST convert to Islam (100%-0%) or one could/should hope/demand for their Hindu-Muslim marriage with equality (50%-50%)?
I am sorry to say against about hinduism admin
I dont want to go against any religion
but at the same time i dont believe any other Religion except Islam
In this site, many persons or some persons with the fake name are going against to Islam and telling bad words , harmfull words and hurting words about Allah and our beloved prophet Muhammed[p.b.u.h]…..
you only tell if they are doing like this how we become silent and watch silently. .
thats y me and mac bro wants to go against other religions
we fear that others dont want to go hell
See the below quotes what Allah say in the noble Quran In surah(chapter) Mulk for belivers and disbelivers :
” 1. Blessed is He in Whose
Hand is the dominion, and
He is Able to do all things.
2. Who has created death
and life, that He may test
you which of you is best in
deed. And He is the All-
Mighty, the Oft-Forgiving;
3. Who has created the
seven heavens one above
another, you can see no fault
in the creations of the Most
Beneficent. Then look again:
“Can you see any rifts?”
4. Then look again and yet
again, your sight will return
to you in a state of
humiliation and worn out.
5. And indeed We have
adorned the nearest heaven
with lamps, and We have
made such lamps (as)
missiles to drive away the
Shayatin (devils), and have
prepared for them the
torment of the blazing Fire.
6. And for those who
disbelieve in their Lord
(Allah) is the torment of Hell,
and worst indeed is that
7. When they are cast
therein, they will hear the
(terrible) drawing in of its
breath as it blazes forth.
8. It almost bursts up with
fury. Every time a group is
cast therein, its keeper will
ask: “Did no warner come to
9. They will say: “Yes indeed;
a warner did come to us, but
we belied him and said:
‘Allah never sent down
anything (of revelation), you
are only in great error.'”
10. And they will say: “Had
we but listened or used our
intelligence, we would not
have been among the
dwellers of the blazing Fire!”
11. Then they will confess
their sin. So, away with the
dwellers of the blazing Fire.
12. Verily! Those who fear
their Lord unseen (i.e. they
do not see Him, nor His
Punishment in the Hereafter,
etc.), theirs will be
forgiveness and a great
reward (i.e. Paradise).
13. And whether you keep
your talk secret or disclose
it, verily, He is the All-
Knower of what is in the
breasts (of men).
14. Should not He Who has
created know? And He is the
Most Kind and Courteous (to
His slaves) All-Aware (of
15. He it is, Who has made
the earth subservient to you
(i.e. easy for you to walk, to
live and to do agriculture on
it, etc.), so walk in the path
thereof and eat of His
provision, and to Him will be
the Resurrection.
16. Do you feel secure that
He, Who is over the heaven
(Allah), will not cause the
earth to sink with you, then
behold it shakes (as in an
17. Or do you feel secure
that He, Who is over the
heaven (Allah), will not send
against you a violent
whirlwind? Then you shall
know how (terrible) has been
My Warning?
18. And indeed those before
them belied (the Messengers
of Allah), then how terrible
was My denial (punishment)
19. Do they not see the birds
above them, spreading out
their wings and folding them
in? None upholds them
except the Most Beneficent
(Allah). Verily, He is the All-
Seer of everything.
20. Who is he besides the
Most Beneficent that can be
an army to you to help you?
The disbelievers are in
nothing but delusion.
21. Who is he that can
provide for you if He should
withhold His provision? Nay,
but they continue to be in
pride, and (they) flee (from
the truth).
22. Is he who walks without
seeing on his face, more
rightly guided, or he who
(sees and) walks on a
Straight Way (i.e. Islamic
23. Say it is He Who has
created you, and endowed
you with hearing (ears),
seeing (eyes), and hearts.
Little thanks you give.
24. Say: “It is He Who has
created you from the earth,
and to Him shall you be
gathered (in the Hereafter).”
25. They say: “When will this
promise (i.e. the Day of
Resurrection) come to pass?
if you are telling the truth.”
26. Say (O Muhammad ):
“The knowledge (of its exact
time) is with Allah only, and
I am only a plain warner.”
27. But when they will see it
(the torment on the Day of
Resurrection) approaching,
the faces of those who
disbelieve will be different
(black, sad, and in grieve),
and it will be said (to them):
“This is (the promise) which
you were calling for!”
28. Say (O Muhammad ):
“Tell me! If Allah destroys
me, and those with me, or He
bestows His Mercy on us, –
who can save the
disbelievers from a painful
29. Say: “He is the Most
Beneficent (Allah), in Him we
believe, and in Him we put
our trust. So you will come
to know who is it that is in
manifest error.”
30. Say (O Muhammad[p.b.u.h] )
: “Tell me! If (all) your water
were to be sunk away, who
then can supply you with
flowing (spring) water?”
As for ur Question ” Mohammed, we have
many Hindu-Muslim
lovers come on this site
for advise. What should
we tell them? “
I want to tell you that “Islam does not permits to belivers for those who do zina(like looking,touching,kissing,sleeping,penetrating,etc.) and they will be punishable”
It is not permissible for the
Muslim to long for the things that
lead to zina, such as kissing, being
alone, touching and looking, for all
these things are haraam and lead
to the greater evil which is zina.[Bukhari : 5889; Muslim : 2657]
Allah says in Quran
” “And come not near to unlawful
sex. Verily, it is a Faahishah (i.e.
anything that transgresses its
limits: a great sin, and an evil way
that leads one to hell unless Allaah
Forgives him)”
[al-Isra’ 17:32]”
What is Zina? …even not in Koran, is that highjacking a plane or drinking cow’s urine? How many sati you know in last 25 years?
You did not answer “one could/should hope/demand for their Hindu-Muslim marriage with equality (50%-50%)?” Is 50-50 sharing faiths by two lovers zina?
Mohammed, you said, “All rubbish thing were done only in hinduism”. What is considered rubbish thing? Is highjacking planes rubbish thing?
zina is an unlawful sexual relations between Muslims who are not married to one another through a Nikah. it
includes extramarital sex and premarital sex , such as adultery (consensual sexual relations outside marriage),
fornication (consensual sexual intercourse between two unmarried
persons), and homosexuality
Dear Mohammad….saying fouk about other relgion is not what Islam teaches…”I’l put this in Hindi”….Talwaar ki dhaar pe kisi ko musalmaan bana dena is not what Islam teaches….so my friend…Myself Aakash Mallik and I am a Hindu actually from Bangladesh and now settled in India but since childhood I have been very intrested in I am looking forward to get reverted in near future…but that is from my heart and not because someone told me to do that….
How come you settled in India.. Is it Illigally.. more than 2crores mulsim bangaldeshi living in India illigally. Also my reuqest (as I am an Indian), dont come to India we dont need more muulsims… please dont come here
I have a friends’s problem to share with you.
She is a christian married a hindu as per hindu rituals in Arya Samaja and changed her name. Her husband passed away recently and now she wants to claim property from her husband’s people. She is planning to approach Church for this. Is this OK? The problem is in the recent past she has been visiting Church and wants to continue the same. Comments from learned friends would be appreciated.
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I am a hindu girl frm Kerala… Nd i hav completed my graduation…i hav been n relationship wit a guy for 10 years….that s frm my high school..he s a Christian nd a Marthomite..i am a single girl child nd belongs to a middle class family…his parents wanted me to get converted.. Evm am ready..i want ti knw whether after cinversiin i wil b able to follow my religi
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Hi friends, first of all I’d like to thank you for making this blog and hoping for some encouraging n helpful replies…Thank you in advance

The thing is I am a hindu brahmin girl who is with a sunni Muslim guy..We are both 21 and looking to get married soon…The problem is that not only is he a Muslim but also he’s NOT Indian..he’s an Arab Muslim born and raised in Kuwait!!..As for me i haven’t ever been outside India also
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To continue,he has been nothing but respectful and amazing with me and always makes me feel like a princess.he has NEVER asked me to convert but after seeing him &reading some parts of qoran, I’m planning to convert..he’s lost his parents and has no family whatsoever so his family isn’t an issue..The problem is how to convince my parents?they know him as my friend and very mum even said one time that had he been Indian and Hindu,i would have made him my son in law..but as the situation is, my parents will never allow me to marry a foreigner Muslim..They said if i marry a non hindu, they will disown me in every way..fortunately, he has a very good job too and doesn’t believe in polygamy..In fact he suggested that we sign a prenuptial that prohibits him from marrying again..He is open to my parents doing as much research about him as they please and is basically being as supportive as he can..But I’m scared that if I tell my parents and they take my phone, we will have no way to get in touch, as he stays in Kuwait and i here..He comes 2 to 3 times every year to visit me..naturally this is very difficult and thus we are planning to approach my parents within a couple of months..Any replies will be very appreciated..He happily comes with me to temples and prays there when in India and even i go with him to mosques..we never face problems related to faith…so please help me and any personal experience in this will also be much appreciated .thank you
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Hello cookie,
Your situation is pretty complicated. You can’t really blame your parents for the kind of step they’d take against your decision of marrying a foreigner and that too a Muslim. Since you live in India your perspective of Muslims is pretty different from those that live in gulf countries. Here, men and women are treated with equality. In some Islamic countries, a lady can’t even leave her house without hijab and isn’t allowed to drive. So are you sure if shifting to his country is a great idea? And since you both are just 21 I believe it’s a very young age to be married. No matter how hard you justify his job and personality, no father will approve this. I think you both should wait for some more years.
And right now focus on your career. Also, have you ever thought if your parents if you convert? Remember they have given you the life you are living and you must respect their choice and opinion.
If there is any further discussion you’d like to make on this, feel free to email me at:-
Hare Krsna.
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Hello sir, thanks for your earlier reply on the site. .Hmm as for converting to Islam,its something I’m thinking of doing but if my family objects strongly,then i won’t convert..and regarding restrictions of women in gulf countries, the compulsion to wear hijab is not there in Kuwait where he is based from and women are even allowed to drive there..And we are 21 but he doesn’t want me to work after marriage, so I’m pretty confused how to Approach this matter..
Also I’m confused as to how to convince and basically approach my parents coz obviously they are going to be very very shocked. ..
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why you hindus don`t follow arya samaj or brahma samaj, you follow your own desire and creates problem, marrying a muslim is not easy if you don`t convert, its not celebrity marriage, anyway, i kuwait is a awasome country, it is much much peaceful and safer country than india, even if you walk on mid night no one will harm you but in indai rapes takes place in daylight, also if you like pleasure and city life kuwait is perfect for you, so kuwait as a country is not problem, also you are interested in islam, so he being a muslim is also no problem, kuait economy is very healthy, you don`t have to work there, 1000dinnar of kuwait is 2lakhs in india, so don`t worry about work, also in kuwait there is huge indian population, approx 6lakh hindus, only problem is your family acceptance, its upto you how you manage, why not take them to kuwait where you will settle, may there their mind may get change coz by muslim country your family had image of war effected iraq,syria. Afterall, i will say don`t turn your family, family comes first…
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Hi Cookiee,
I believe you are now pretty much familiar with Islam, Halal, Halala Food (beef, goat etc) and now became anti-hindu and anti-national.Anyway you are enjoying your husband polygamy life (if not today, let it be few yrs later) with utmost Burkha clad. Sorry to say that you never read Gita before you converted and blaming Hinduism, but peoples eye opening against Islam (a curse for earth). Hope you will see your husband is going to marry 3 female as permitted by Islam specially Arab peoples are having 4 wives.
Cheers with Halala
I am a Christian(Protestant)girl and he is a Hindu boy, we are in the relationship from past 8 years. his family knows about me and have met me as his friend(we have studied in the same college and part of the same group) he keeps forcing them and me to interact with each other,thinking at least we will get to know each other,which they do to make him happy but they ignore and avoid me once he turns his back he wants me to meet his parents and tell them i want to get married to him as he wants to get married only with his parents consent.i know their first question have you told your parents? are they ready? for which i do not have any parents don’t even know of our relationship, I cannot tell my parents now as both my parents suffer from serious illness,they had recently met with accident and mom was in ICU twice in last 2 years and is constantly on oxygen machine even at home and are dead against me even mentioning of marrying anyone outside our religion, as they are very religious people.i don’t want any thing to happen to them as i also love them a lot. i want to get married to him first and then get our parents to come around as i know once our families get to know my family will emotionally blackmail me to get married to the person they want as they will never let me stay bachalor ,which i don’t think i will be able to withstand,which he is not ready to understand and i in turn will spoil someone else’ s life, as i can never be happy with anyone else or keep that person happy, i don’t want to do this.we both do not want to convert and he knows i won’t be able to do any of his religious things, which i had cleared even before starting our relationship and he is ok with that and says he will take care of his family.i have no problem in teaching our children both the religions, as i have also baptized after completing 18 years and want my children to accept jesus wholeheartedly not because their mom does. i love him a lot and i don’t want to loose him also. he says he will always support me till i tell him not to. my parents have even started looking for grooms.i am very confused.
Please help……….
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I am a hindu gal love with muslim boy but still we didnot say our love in our both families…because we both are just 21..we havenot yet finacially stable…su we planned to say after 3 years…my bf is saying he can manage his family…the problem is my side because am only child for my parents urely they wont accept and also my parents are very respective peoples in our town..none of our relations had done inter reloigion marriage so they never accept..what can i do? how camn i console my parents??????/ please suggest me……..
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Sister Priyanka, you said “my bf is saying he can manage his family”——boys can handle their family bt the thing is about your family, boys family generally don`t express much b4 marraiage but your parents care for you and as you said they are very respectted in your town then i think you have very big problem, seeking for help here will not solve your problem but you have to convience your parents, if they get convienced then every thing will be fine, and remember don`t do anything that hurts your parents, they love you unconditionally, so all they want is better future for you, so if you want to marry a muslim then you have to convience them, conveinece your parents every thing will be okay otherwise forget that guy.
God Bless You!!!!!
No really i cant,…..My bf always use to say “if i have not proposed you,you wouldnot met any trouble in your family without our parent’s permission damn sure we shouldn’t try for eloping or register marriage”.even he have came with me for hindu temples.he used to say after marriage you don’t need to follow our religion rules because though you are only daughter surely your parent’s will get hurt soo you better follow yours.he got placed in top MNC he is just waiting for call letter,so his work place would bbe at bangalore or some otheer state so he use to say “after marriage we dont want to live in our town we can go and have nuclear family so no problem will arise between us.and none of our relation will intterput us..such a understandable guy………surely he will not marry anybody other than me…..he will wit for me till i get marriage…he also use to say my parents will not leave me alone so after youu get married i will marry anybody for my parents sake..but either a widow or orphan gal…but if you were waiting surelyyyy i will wait for you till last……
hmmm… our only decision is either we will marry with parents permission or else we both marry anybody….am damn sure he will not anybody till i get married….i cannot give such a good hearted boy to anyone so i will not marry till last.though am only daughter as i cant live alone till last…..surely at last my parents will accept i have that hope….but please give me ideas how could i express to my parents that he is such a wonderful one???????
To be in love there should no any religion matters but for marriage we go for conversion.Is it good?
We are what we are.There should no any conversion in inter religion marriage.If it is I am totally against with inter-religion marriage.
A muslim boy, as usual, by showing temporary love and affection and may be with black magic, snatched my daughter aged 22 years and married her even got the marriage registered so that no one should complain. He then got her converted to Islam. My daughter fell in love with him believing his temporary affection as true. She is kept under strict vigil, not allowed to go out, not allowed to speak over phone. Forcibly making her read their religious book, forcing her to eat non-veg etc. All these things I came to know from my own sources. They have fully brain washer her against us. She has betrayed us and cheated us. Our love and affection shown to her for last 22 years has no value in her eyes. Muslims say, Allah will take the muslim boy to heaven if he converts a girl of other religion. But neither Allah nor any one of them do not know that girl’s parents curse will have more weight than any thing else. Girls’s parents each drop of tears will kill each one of them. Thats for sure.
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I am Christian guy(orthodox) from bangalore in a relationship with a Hindu girl. We are planning to get married soon and my parents wants us to get married in a church. I guess, and as far as I am told, the church would want my girlfriend to convert to allow us to marry in the church. I am not in favor of this, but would like to fulfill my parents wish to get us married in church. So, please suggest how do I go about this?. Does the church conduct interfaith marriage without conversion?. Is there any church (catholic/Pentecost) that is open to conduct such marriage. ?
And what does it mean to get converted/baptized? Is it just in the records of the church? Can’t my girl friend continue to use her Hindu identity in any records after the baptism?
PS: I’m not a religious person and don’t know much about any religion including my own, so don’t think about me imposing my religion on my partner. I would like to get married in a church without my partner getting converted, but if that’s not possible and it is a simple formality that doesn’t change anything then we would contemplate taking that route.
Please advise
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I am a sikh boy in love with a Muslim girl but my mother does not approve. My mother does not want a girl for me from any other religion other than sikh. Her family on the other hand loves me to bits. I have tried convincing my mother but I m unable to change her views. She wants me to have an arranged marriage with a girl from sikh religion. I m very stressed out. My mother has even said that if I marry the Muslim girl she will kill herself. What about my happiness.
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I am a Hindu girl, I luv a Muslim boy. We r totally committed n we do respect to each other’s religion too. His ammi abbu r easy going BT my papa is a very traditional strict man. There family r not even want me 2 convert. Ican live with my faiths. INfact he used 2 go temple long b’fore. I don’t understand what can we do for saying yes by my papa!!! We can’t even think a single moment without each other. We do understand each other very well.
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you both better do register marriage and follow same religion jazz….whether both parents are okay with that????
Hi I am a Hindu boy and married to a Lutheran Christian girl since 3 years and we have a child of 1 year. We married under the special marriage act of India 1954. Few days back my wife told me to get baptised and get blessings from church as she is not able to eat the param prasad of church as in the eyes of church she had sinned marrying me and she will be out of church for 3 Sundays and the only way to get back to church is joint blessings as a couple. The church bishop told us we will get married in church in simple ceremony and instead of witness our certificate of marriage under special marriage act will be used as witness and that blessings will be done after I am baptised after I submit an affidavit that I am doing so on my own will. Me and my wife agreed to that we won’t be baptising our child till he attain the age of 21 and we both agreed to one more point that after getting the blessing and she after getting admitted to church once again I myself will again formally convert to Hinduism. I want from admin the best suggestions as soon as possible. It’s my humble request and the best way to again convert to Hinduism with all legal documentation. Please suggest. Thanks
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Hi, i am 26 years old & i have Muslim boyfriend Azam. we are of same age. my parents started looking for guys for me. they finalized one person (working & having a good salary, perfect family, he is of a different sub-caste of our caste) & they were very eager to take matters forward. I told about my boyfriend at home & hell broke lose. My parents didn’t talk to me, they were not ready to listen to anything. Instead a flood of family friends & relatives surrounded me to brainwash me against Muslims. I know his family. they have a modern outlook. he asked me not to convert. he is ready for special marriage act marriage. his father is ailing from a serious disease & Azam is taking care of him full time since his siblings are tied to their full time study courses & hence he is not currently working. But, within 2 months his father will be operated & then his siblings can take their father for follow up check-up which do not take complete day & Azam will be taking up a job in Europe. Everything has been finalized there. he just has to go & join. He is asking me to marry here by special marriage act & then both of us to fly to Europe immediately. we both know there will be parents who will not accept but he says no parent can disown a child for long. it might take 3 years or even 5 years but things will get better. Right now there is a havoc at my place. My father who has a short temper abused my mother so hard. He never did that before, I was so shocked. My parents called my friend so that she could make me understand. They have even brainwashed her & she is scaring me that if I run away or marry him after telling them, they will do something like a suicide or something. She said she was helpless as during a conversation my father just speaks his side & doesn’t listen to the other side. This is true. Now, thoughts of suicide have started cropping up in my mind. I, all the time, surf the internet, the ways to die. Last time, I was in kitchen cutting the veggies, I wished to slash my belly but I got distracted. Its not a madly-in-love story but I really connect to Azam. I have been brought up in an orthodox family where my father slapped us till we were 11 or 12. Being critically scolded if I entered home after dark or if I talked to guys. Azam is a person who is happy & spreads cheer in every situation.
P.S.- My parents married against their parent’s wishes & they say they are still tolerating its effects & they wish to marry me to that guy to wash off the bad name they got when they married. But, on every family gathering everyone praises my mother to be the best daughter in law a family.
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I forgot to mention!! Admin pls give your views & help me on this. I am not okay. I feel the immense pressure all the time. i am not able to concentrate any where. shall i tell that guy, whom my parents have chosen, that i am not interested.
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please wait surely things will fall by your side….both have a register marriage and both follow the religion u belong
Hey i have a question
parsee zoroastians r hindus or muslims or christians
Can you elaborate more on your situation and we could help.
For now, read more on Parsi at
i m in love with a parsee zoarastrian…so i want to know …tht they r muslims or wht….bcoz ther nme has a touch of muslims..
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Hi all im a hindu girl in love with a Christian guy.his mother side are hindu father’s side Christian. he love Christian religion. his mom is not accepting for hindu side marriage. My father not accepting for Christian marriage. also he tells to raise children’s in Christian religion. he promised that wil not change me to Christianity. but if according to his mom Christian marriage requires taking baptism. he also insists that. We decided to make both side marriage. hindu and Christian. my family wil not come to Christian marriage of their side and his mother wil not be coming for our hindu marriage. he dont have father. im scared in future if he forces me to follow Christianity. but I cannot do finally wil end up in unhappy married life . Please suggest me some so much depressed. Please help me out
Best way to test your future spouse is by Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchen I suppose. The God Delusion and God is not Great are absolute must reads for those planning to convert(guys or girls).
I just got marriage on the 15 of mai 2013, since then I only see my husband, twice, he comforted to Muslim and marry me, I am his second wife, then his first wife found out, and Calgary tragedy make him lost half of his house,The have been seeing each other for a year, I told him many time the relationship is not going to work,is because he is not Muslim, and I want to be a good Muslim no zinah without married, the he rushing to comforted to Islam and married me.
His wife found that, that he become a Muslim and married with me,his wife threatening him,he will lose family and friend, and humiliate him that he become a Muslim, which he never believe on anything before. also is wife took all the money, locked him.
I have not registered our marriage, that because I want to do prenuptial agreement, and he will file a divorce. I waited for 5 weeks,then last week on Saturday,he come and he told me, that he had made decision to be with his wife, because he cant afford to fix the house by him self, and his wife make more money then he is.
I was shocked, all the words that he promised, is gone, the life we were planning together is dissapear,in the waiting period, he always suggested me to get the pil where I can be cool and forget what we did, so Dr gave me the anti depression pil, that I swallow on Saturday, t hurt my self.
I was collapsed,He took me to an emergency, and left right away, I did not even know. my son told me, he told him that he is taking me to emergency.
The next morning I was still lying in bed, I called him, then he told me:” listen: I talak you, I talaq you, and I talaq you, I divorce you , I divorce you and I divorce you, dont talk to my family, freind, or work, other wise I call the police for harassing. but he told me if I want to talk to him, He will take my call.
I have been crying over this, we still texting, until this morning, he texted make sure I am not calling the police, I told him : I forgive what you did to me, and I hope God too. he is been deceiving me,and he play with God words.he is just pretend to becoming muslim. that the most hurt by him. I am still confused. his wife said, that our marriage is a crime because he already married, Then I will call stat Canada to ruin his life too as he did to me.I need help to ease my pain from betrayed, and insutled my religion.
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m a mslm girl in lov wd a hindu boy..asusual our fmly iz against bf fathr is died a year ago n he told hs wfe dt my bf shud nt hv a lov mariage..n thy prmse ech othr..nw my bf mothr is syng hw cn she broke her prmse wd her late hsbnd..v r plng 2 hv our shdi by spcl mariage act..iz it gud idea?kya bhag k shadi krna thk hoga.v dnt wn2 hurt our parents nor v wn2 cnvrt in2 ech othr parnts are seeng a match 4me..n our is a long distnc rltnshp..plz hlp me..thnxs.g
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hiiii….I am SD I am a known face on TV and the modling world and so i will refrain myself from sharing my name.
I am a 34 year old Brahmin girl, living all alone in a rented flat in delhi with my mother and a lhasa apso (for the world he is a dog but for me he is my spiritual son born out of my soul and thus he is the most important to me.). My parents got divorced even before i was born. my dad never wanted me…he wanted a son and so he never met me, except 3-4 times during court sessions for alumni.i was brought up by my meternal grandparents in a hard core brahmin family. i began my sanskrit shiksha at home and was then sent to Bhakti Vedanta Gurukul in Bengal…where i studied the Vedas, upanishadhs and the shastra. I always followed a satvik life and stayed at bay from non-veg, drinks, smoking, onions, garlic and other tamsic food. as a kid, i learnt to respect every animal, insect and plant and the panch tatva. my family never boughtanything made of leather! we follow SHIVISM and i am immensely in love with lord shiva…..he is my be all!!
7 years back i met a muslim guy, who was 6years younger to me and we fell in love. he was always religious but in the begaining he was tolerent n we both use to share things about our religion. he use to take me to temples and eventually after 1 year we got married as per HINDU rights in the presence of a pandit, my mentally not so stable mother and his three friends. from here began our story of physical involvement(he is the only man who i ever have been physically involved with n that to post marrying him before lord shiva).
Soon i realised that this marriage meant nothing to him and may be it was just a way to get me into his bed. though, he is genuine…he introduced me to his parents and i met his whole family. after 2-3months of marriage he began to force me to convert to islam. this was forbidden for me!!! the first shock that came my way was when he began taking me to marriages and parties. i could not eat anything….it was just beef, meat etc(oh my gog!!!). i had never seen all of this. second shock that struck me was that he wanted me to cover my head 24×7. i soon became dependent on him for every little thing and did whatever he said. i began reading the quran. covering my head, used no make up etc. but i refused to eat meat and leave my satvik life style. my son (dog) is the most imp thing to me….more imp than me myself. i love him the way any mother would love his child. i realised soon he and his family wanted me to separate my son from me. i objected….coz i could never understand their theory despite reading the quran. his father was angry that my son sleeps with me….n im so close to a dog coz as per quran dog is napaq. but i just cant understand this theory…since i all ready told you about how i was brought up. also, in shaivism…vedas…gurukul i learnt that animals, humans, plant every thing are eqaual in their own right. they all are made of the panch tatva and their center is a soul. anyway, i put my foot down. he had problems with my profession. i am an anchor and model. however, despite my profession i always refrained from doing work that required me to expose or be in contact with a male….this came from my gurukul teachings. despite doing extremely decent work he had problems wth this profession and wanted me to give it up. unfortunately, i know nothing but acting!!!!
we began having fights over religion. he would insult my religion, idols etc, even wearing a teeka would create issues. he began making faces every time i would even use a little bit of sanskrit. i thot of giving in and decided to convert……….for me my heart matters and that will always be ruled by lord shiva. i converted at the jama mazjid and tried every bit to make him happy but not sacrificing on my basics of satva guna, mother and goofy. tho i have always been a hindu at heart….i am very tolerant and sensitive.
he knew my love for lord shiva and knew that i would die but will surely fas on shivratri. after conversion in 2010 this was my first shivratri. true to what he thot, i fasted. since his parents were not aware of our hindu marriage….we lived away but near by. thus, he followed me on that day and the moment he saw me at a temple he thrashed me to death. from here began his beating. now he would beat me every now and then.
i soon began feeling suffocated and one fine day in 2011 i told him that i cant act anymore and that im happy in my own religion. we had a huge fight….finally after a month he got back. but for 2 years my life became a living hell…..he would talk nothing but islam and tell me how people who do not follow the book will be punished etc. in jan 2013 we had a huge fight as he came over to my house……and got mad at the puja me n my mom wr performing. that day i had a computer engineer at my place to repair my computer and he insulted my religion left,right and center. i threw him out of the house b4 the computer eng and called his dad.
we broke up for 3months. and we got back in april 2013.
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hi plz help me me and my gf have been together for 6 long years …but the problem is am a hindu and she is a christian and she is forcing me to convert which i wont be able to …and she is not ready to convert as well…and her parents are very orthodox end of the day they will never accept me even if i convert…she wants to forget about the relationship if i dont convert …please help me
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Hi all of you. I am in the worst phase of life currently. I m not too happy with my career. I am a biotechnologist but not working as one as I have come to my parents in Dubai after completing my studies in Bombay and there is zero scope in my field here. Anyway, that’s the secondary issue. The main thing is that I have been in a relationship with this guy back in Bombay. He’s a wonderful guy and my parents know him n his family and really like them too. I belong to a very religious muslim family whereas my guy is a firm christian. I have been with him for 8 YEARS now and his family loves me n I love them all too way too much. My family wants me to get married and are looking for good proposals now. I have confessed about my relationship to my sisters and my mom and they have clearly told me that this has NO FUTURE as our faiths are different and that I must get over him. I love him and also my parents too dearly to break anyone’s heart. My man has been very supportive and never gets upset when I don’t get to call him for days together cz of problems at my place. He has changed all his career plans just for me and my problems at home. There is no looking back at this stage when I have spent almost a decade with him. I am very close to his family and they are open heartedly accepting me with the faith that I follow and do not expect me to convert to Christianity. However, my family are not so open minded and would die but allow me to marry a non muslim. I love my parents dearly. They have sacrificed a lot for me. My dad’s health isn’t all that great but still he’s working at the age of 65 so that he can provide me with all the luxuries and let me have a huge wedding. I am so upset. I cannot elope with my boyfriend. That’s the last thing I wanna do to my parents. I want to convince them which deep down I know is impossible. I feel suicidal and always pray to God that if things cannot be the way I want them to, please let me die as I can never choose between my parents and him. I feel very guilty to have my parents and my boyfriend in a situation like this. When we began dating we were just 15 and immature but by God’s grace I found just the right guy for me even at that level of immaturity. He’s the best anyone could ever get and I totally believe God is not upset with me for choosing a christian instead of a muslim coz what I share with him is something so pure.
I don’t know guys what to do. I am a firm believer in Allah and pray to him 24*7 to help us out. Please if any of u could help me with suggestions whatsoever. Please do. Desperately waiting for comments and suggestions
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U hav choosen a right hav solution of all ur question .u have read bible every.u will answers to all questions.god bless u always.
I am a Hindu girl in love with a Christian. We are both very liberal in our religious faith, so are my parents. However, his parents are ardent practitioners of Christianity. Although, they have not forced me to convert, they insist on us getting married in the church only and to have Hindu ceremonies in secrecy which is upsetting me and my parents.
I have spoken with the church representatives, and have been informed that though there is no need for me to be baptised i would have to sign a pre-nup that our children would be raised in christian faith.
I have been informed by my boyfriend and the church that if i do not follow up a christian wedding after our civil marriage (by special marriage act) and do not sign the pre-nup, his parents would be punished by the church and that their rights would be stopped (like holy communion and after death burial rights.
I feel pressurized by these circumstances and do not understand what to do? Please guide.
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I am a christian woman who’s kindof dating a Hindu Indian guy. We live in seperate countries but we chat and skype when we can. I am a 2 time divorced mother of 2 boys. Me and my bf have been dating for almost 1 year now. We love each other very much but a couple of problems arise which one I’m 16 yrs older than him and he’s never had children or been married second his parents from what he says would be completely against our relationship because of my age difference and I’ve been married twice with 2 kids. I have done research on his religion and there is no law against this only says possible social issues may arise but that’s it. I don’t know what to believe…friends we mutally speak with say it’s against there religon but I don’t see it anywhere.
There is nothing against religion, but there could be a big cultual issue. Since you only know him by internet, go meet him personally to find reality of who he is.
I am a Protestant Christian. My fiancée is a Hindu girl. We are about the get married. Our families have resented to our commitments to each other and thus our marriage talks are going on..Except there is a big issue.
The problem is that the girl’s parents wants that the marriage rituals be held in both Hindu and Christian marriage rituals. While my parents state that they do not want a Hindu marriage ritual to be performed at all. Even they have stated that if they will have to cancel our marriage in a church so that the girl’s parents cannot pressurise for a Hindu marriage; they will do so and marriage will be made by court (marriage registrar).
How do I convince them to go for both the marriage rituals (Hindu and Christian) so that the girl’s parents are not offended and ultimately we can get married.
Please help.
Reply to Sourav at
I have 3 words: Convert to girls faith.
Dear Friends,
I am a Hindu man who has been in a relationship with a Muslim girl for the last 3 years. We are both over 30 and the reason we have been waiting this long is because we were hoping her parents would accept this relationship. But alas that doesn’t seem to be happening. We have discussed the problems most inter-faith marriages face, many a times and have come to the conclusion that one possible way of avoiding future problems would be to let go of the wish to have children, since we have seen, once children come into the picture of interfaith marriage, that really puts a strain on the relationship. We have also agreed that the best way to keep the peace going would be to continue believing in what each of us believe and we have no expectations or wishes that either of us convert. However, having said that, we do realize that the only way her parents can come on board, is if I convert to Islam. What I wanted to know from reliable and experienced people like you, is that is it possible that I convert to Islam just as a formality? Can I continue keeping my Hindu name even after I convert? Also once I convert, are there any religious implications or problems, if we both are comfortable, if I continue believing in Hinduism? We would obviously not lie to her parents and we would like to tell them that this conversion is ONLY for the marriage to happen? What i want to know is if it is possible? I would greatly appreciate some inputs.
Reply to Sandep at
Hi I’m muslim man marrying a Sikh girl who has converted to Islam. She didn’t change name. But on the wedding card she wants her name to have Kaur in there. But it’s not accepted by my parents. Even her surname which is obvious that its not a muslim name is not accepted by my parents. So it’s only her first name. She doesn’t like this at all and won’t accept this as its her given name. Pls help what to do.
Reply to G at
If she is muslim then what is the problem in marriage.
Name has not much significance.
Be it Khan , be it Kaur.
If she likes her name..keep it as she want.
Hi I am a brahmin girl who is in relationship with a muslim boy for past 8 years.I started loving him from my college days.I love him a lot and i have a great belief on my bf that he also loves me a lot.But now i am working in a bank and he is in UAE.First he said about our love to his parents first his father denied but his mother convinced him and now both of them agree to our marriage but my parents do not agree to me.My parents say that it’s not good to marry a muslim boy(sorry if it hurts anyone),they think its dangerous and they are listening to my relatives opinion.They are saying that the boy’s family will convert me into a muslim after marriage and they say that they will spoil my life by doing so.Both my father and my mother does’nt agree for my marriage.I am suffering like anything.So please tell me some good suggestions.
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u wont believe me if i say our story is same to same, im a muslim guy i love a brahmin girl her name is priya too oh ALLAH i dont believe this, we have a same story, i love priya so much i tried so hard to marry her but til now nothing happn plz pray for me, may be 1 day il leave this world n walk away frm her life
Hi Saif,
Muslim Boy – Brahmin Girl is a common story here, some reason thee is a good chemistry. Now are you going to ask Priya to convert to Islam before your Nikaah? Are you going to demand that the children have only Arabic names, have circumcision and raised as Muslim only? Give us more details of your story and we could help.
Hehe my god, can’t believe there are other brahmin girls daring to date Muslim guys. .haha my own story is exactly the same although I’m just with him since 2 years …All the best girl and don’t give up! !Make your parents meet him once…so according to that they will have a better idea of what kinda guy he is..And if they are totally refusing then say that it is ok I’ll not marry him but won’t marry someone else also..and whatever proposal they get 4 you ,just refuse directly. .and most of all be strong! !
i m a muslim guy in love with a jain girl. we r in a relationship since 2 years, i really love her and we want to marry but there is problem with his family,they r against our decision and dont want us to marry, infact they are not allowing her even to go out of house. my family will accept her without any problem, i even dont want to convert her religion still her parents arent allowing her. his uncle is a politician(minister and member of parliament), guys plz help me what should i do now. plz suggest me is there any way for both of us to live together.

plz suggest something, i ll be really thankful to u all.
plz help me.
Comment to Imran at
my name is sameer m in a relation with a muslim girl for two years. few days back their parents somehow came to know about our relation. they took her cell and seems caged her. they are not allowing her out of her house. there has been no contact between us for few days. i know her family would never agree a hindu guy. we seriously love each other and cant live without each other. we are even not too grown ups to take much big decision but i could do anything for her i just wanny marry her and stay with her throughout my life. we are in 2nd year of graduation. plz help us out every hour is difficult for me to spend feel lyk killing mahself. her college would open on 2nd july. dont know what to do.
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I must say that you love is true for her, and you will be very complete once you two get married. Right now just ask her friends about her and get info where she can be met, i have been in the same situation and know how badly you need to see her.
Plus have friendship with groups of hindu dudes, who will help you in bad times.From my experience Muslim friends did not help me for my love and those secular hypocrites had hindu girlfriend. In college mostly girls are cause of fight. Complete your study and do court marriage. All the things will work but your love must be true for her and you should make yourself a tuff fighter. That is what going to win your love. Trust me this girl is fantastic for you but her father would not be. Be a fighter trust me that works. I m married to my muslim girlfriend.
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Hi, i am in a relationship with a muslim girl for past 7 years.I want to marry her bt we both strongly feel..we dont need any conversion,4 both of us religion is jst a faith.I work in a blue-chip company n she iz pursuing her studies..but by next year we both we want to i dont want this to reveal to any of my parents..coz i dont want any interruption in her studies…I need some legal advice..i knw there iz a provision of special marraige i am unaware of its intricacies on a practical level..also i want to conceal the marraige for 1-2 years..while she completes her MBBS…please help and one request plz dont fight ova religion in response..i need a solution..plz help
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When it comes to inter faith marriages we do have a lot of problems, either with parents decisions, religious aspects, relatives or the society. Many sacrifices have to be made in order to live together as mentioned by many of us before. Same goes here with me. I’m a Muslim (bohra) guy who is in love with a brahmin girl. We have been struggling for years thinking what do we need to do to be together. It’s impossible for us to talk to our parents as we know the consequences, so we thought we need to do some sacrifices to be together. So we are searching a similar couple where guy is brahmin and girl is Muslim (bohra), where the muslim girl and guy can get married and similarly brahmin girl and guy can get married. Once married, all four of us can plan on staying far from our family members in same house and be together with our loved ones. By doing this we won’t hurt our parents nor anyone of us have to get converted and this will keep the balance in the society. If you truly want to live your life with the loved ones, we feel this is one of the best solution. Please do give responses to let us know if this would be the right thing to do and would people be ready to do this. Hope to hear from you people.
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test…you could do it too!
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