Arranged Marriage still in Minds of Youths – A survey finding
About 25 students from R J Tibrewal Commerce College did a survey of about 1,000 man/women between age of 18 and 35.
As per this survey, 50% man and 52% women chose to get married to the person selected by … Read the rest
एक सामाजिक अनुसंधान सर्वेक्षण
For English, click here.
This survey is now closed. Here are finalised results from this survey. https://www.patheos.com/blogs/equalityforhappiness/2022/11/interfaith-marriages-global-survey-of-hindus/
मैं Interfaithshaadi.org के संस्थापक डॉ. दिलीप अमीन हूं। मैं हिंदू रीति-रिवाजों और परंपराओं पर गहरा ध्यान देने वाला एक सामाजिक शोधकर्ता
… Read the rest A Social Research Survey

Namaste! (हिंदी के लिए यहां देखें)
This survey is now closed.
Here are finalised results from this survey. https://www.patheos.com/blogs/equalityforhappiness/2022/11/interfaith-marriages-global-survey-of-hindus/
I am Dr. Dilip Amin, founder of Interfaithshaadi.org. I have been a social researcher with a deep focus on Hindu
Idol-worshiper: Who Is and Who Is Not?
The Abrahamic scriptures not only condemn idol-worshiping, but also carry strict warnings against it. Yet the definition of the term “idol” continues to remain enwrapped in quasi-obscurity.
The author wrote this … Read the rest
15 FAQs on Interfaith Marriage
If you are in an interfaith love relationship, you must critically evaluate these frequently asked questions about your planned interfaith married life. These 15 FAQs are applicable to inter- or intra- … Read the rest
Meera versus Margaret: Discrimination of Own Type
Discrimination expresses itself in different forms. The aim of this article is to highlight the paradoxical discrimination against women of one’s own type.
Interfaith marriages have many issues, however intra- or … Read the rest
Interfaith Marriage and Divorce Laws
Interfaith dating couples must clearly understand all applicable laws relating to marriage, divorce and child custody before committing to an interfaith marriage. Such couples may have to tackle two forms of laws:
- Religious
Circumcision: Science, Faith or Superstition?
When a male child is born, interfaith parents are often faced with the crucial decision on whether to cut or not to cut. Undoubtedly some parents, while leaning in favor of … Read the rest
10 Keys to a Successful Interfaith Marriage
Successful interfaith marriage is possible if the decision is made after critically evaluating all the facts on hand. Ten key talking points are proposed.
Interfaith marriage is a part of our … Read the rest
Escape from Taliban – A movie
To all interfaith dating couples, we highly recommend all of you to watch this movie that is based on a true story.
It is important to know that you are not marrying to a … Read the rest
Beena Patel has not Converted to Marry Hasan Minhaj
Considering InterfaithShaadi is promoting equality in interfaith marriages, we often use celebrities‘ published information to educate others. Considering the TV show host Hasan Minhaj talks about Islam often and married to Beena Patel, a Hindu, Interfaithshaadi has compiled published … Read the rest
Is Love Like Opium?
Anu Tsays: January 2, 2020
so my question why people are loving blindly? and why the need of this kinds of marriages? why love is becoming more than the faith and parents? my question love is it an opium or … Read the rest
He is Mommy’s Boy!
Mahalakshmi says: May 25, 2019 at 11:21 am
I love a Jain boy but he is ignoring me because his mom can’t agree for our marriage because I’m non-jain, but now he said that his family is more important. He … Read the rest
Hindu-Christian Love in Crisis
Deeva says: April 13, 2019 at 8:48 am
Now i love a christian boy but my house knows my love; my parents say breakup the boy. But my sister i ask you breakup the boy ah? I said yes. I … Read the rest
Interfaith Marriage: Smriti Irani
Smriti Irani (born Smriti Malhotra) is an Indian politician, and former model, television actress and producer. She is a Member of Parliament, being elected to the Rajya Sabha from Amethi.[1]
Smriti Malhotra was born to a Bengali mother, … Read the rest
Fake News on Interfaith Marriages
ABP News made many errors covering my poster at the World Hindu Conference (WHC) and concluded based on statements that I did not made. Instead of questioning the source, now all other media are taking it as God’s words and … Read the rest
Indonesia Interfaith Marriage Laws
The Indonesian marriage law has been interpreted as prohibiting marriage between people who follow different religions. However, this interpretation is disputed by some scholars, and the Supreme Court of Indonesia has essentially found that there is a “legal vacuum” in … Read the rest
Celebrities Interfaith Marriages
Many of celebrities’ life details are in public domain. Here, we have made a collection of information on interfaith married couples based on their published information. The information is collected by InterfaithShaadi or is prepared by an individual contributor as … Read the rest
Parents Against Muslim-Muslim Marriage
Mohamed says: June 9, 2018 at 11:48 am
Hi All,
Am a muslim and in love with a Muslim girl. But our parents are against our marriage. We wanted to get married without knowing our parents. Is there any way … Read the rest
Book Review by KhaasBaat on Interfaith marriages
Source: http://www.khaasbaat.com/apr2018/books.htm
More information: On the book, Media coverage on the book, How to purchase the book.
Return to Home, Blogs, How to Share? Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Book.… Read the rest
Hindus Should Introspect
Why Hindus are going in droves to Abrahamic faiths in India? Here a moderate Muslim has some tips for Hindus.
Hanah Khan says: March 12, 2018 at 5:02 am
This post attempts to explain on how Hindus’ cruel caste system … Read the rest
How to Handle a Failed LOVE?
Love is like injecting cocaine in your vein. It gives lovers immense pleasure at its peak but when it does not turn out the way one wanted, it leads to deep depression. Love is blind. Even the lover knows it … Read the rest
Religion and Marriage
antony says: February 15, 2018 at 3:32 am
I am 49 years old and based on my experience in life i am posting this comment.
All religions are man made. If there is God he/she is common to all. So … Read the rest
Times of India: Roller Coaster for Interfaith Marriages
The Time of India gave a coverage of the book. For all other media coverage, visit here.
Return to Home, Blogs, How to Share? Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Book, Media.… Read the rest
Hindu: I Love a Pentecostal Christian
Madhu says: February 3, 2018 at 11:09 pm
I love a pentecostal christian guy and want to marry him. He also wants to marry me but his parents are not accepting our relationship. Still i have not said to my … Read the rest
FREE e-book on Interfaith Marriages
Now this offer expired (ended March 5, 2018).
SAN FRANCISCO, CA, February 28, 2018 (Press Release): For five days, from March 1 to March 5 (PST), you can download for free Dilip Amin’s ground-breaking book, “Interfaith Marriage: Share and Respect … Read the rest
Questions regarding Interfaith Marriages
Students of Faculty of Social Work, The M.S. University of Baroda, India raised these questions to Dr. Dilip Amin (admin) for the presentation (Part I and Part II) on January 10, 2018. Share your views below.
1. Is … Read the rest
If You are in LOVE, Just GO for it!
Sona says: December 11, 2017 at 1:32 am
Dude, are you serious? If you (Hindu girl) want to marry (to a Muslim) then go ahead and do it, why are you taking permission? The main question here is, are … Read the rest
Multicultural love in the time of polarization
By Suman Guha Mozumder Oct 6, 2017
(contribution by InterfaithShaadi is bolded, along with some others)
When Indian-American actor Aasif Hakim Mandviwala, professionally known as Aasif Mandvi, married Shaifali Puri, CEO of the poverty aid … Read the rest
“Dad And Mom, I Am Dating Julia”
Source: Swarajya
“Dad And Mom, I Am Dating Julia”: The Challenges Of Inter-Faith Marriage For Indian Americans
Ramesh N Rao – Sep 15, 2017
Dilip Amin’s book is not an academic tome as much as a handbook for … Read the rest
Section 3.8: I Am a Christian Getting Married to a Hindu
Section 3.8: I Am a Christian Getting Married to a Hindu
Equality in an interfaith marriage is difficult to define. Here, Cathy is trying to find a good balance between two conflicting religious practices and ready for dual religious labeling
Section 3.9: I Am a Christian Mother and My Son Is Marrying a Hindu
Section 3.9: I Am a Christian Mother and My Son Is Marrying a Hindu
Marie says:
I am a Christian mother (Catholic) of a son who is planning to marry a Hindu girl. I have struggled with the exclusivity of … Read the rest
Section 3.10: I Am a Hindu and My Ex-boyfriend a Christian
Section 3.10: I Am a Hindu and My Ex-boyfriend a Christian
Neena says:
This is really a very crucial topic. I am a Hindu and my ex-boyfriend Christian. We were madly in love and wanted to get married but he … Read the rest
Section 3.11: Can I Convert Just for One Day to Get Married?
Section 3.11: Can I Convert Just for One Day to Get Married?
Hindus are used to many forms of God(s) and rituals. Sometimes they do not have a problem adding another God/ritual/religion to please their intended spouse and their parents. … Read the rest
Section 3.12: I Converted without the Knowledge of My Family
Section 3.12: I Converted without the Knowledge of My Family
Fake-conversion just for marriage and without true faith could bring disastrous results later in life. Let’s read Rima’s experience.
Rima says:
My husband and I met during our bachelor degree … Read the rest
Section 3.13: Hindu Girl: I Did Not Agree to Baptize Our Children
Section 3.13: Hindu Girl: I Did Not Agree to Baptize Our Children
Preeti says:
I am a born Hindu and my fiancé is a Catholic. We are planning to tie the knot in 2 years’ time.
Our relationship grows stronger … Read the rest
Section 3.14: A Church Prenuptial Is a Must
Section 3.14: A Church Prenuptial Is a Must
Interfaith couples should not underestimate the powers of religious institutions. They could change your life in many ways, including after death.
Maya says:
I am a Hindu girl in love with a … Read the rest
Section 3.15: It Is a Love Marriage Where We Do Everything except Love
Section 3.15: It Is a Love Marriage Where We Do Everything except Love
This story is a sad example of what can happen when you have “not done your homework” early in the love relationship phase. It is much easier … Read the rest
Section 3.16: I Am Not My Wife’s Husband!
Section 3.16: I Am Not My Wife’s Husband!
Ron says:
Anyone contemplating marriage to a member of an Abrahamic faith is fooling himself or herself if they believe there will not be difficulty. It is a game of “High Stakes … Read the rest
Section 3.17: I’m Hindu and She Is Protestant Christian
Section 3.17: I’m Hindu and She Is Protestant Christian
Hari says:
Hi Admin,
I’m a Hindu guy, and my girlfriend is Protestant Christian.
After 5 years of relationship we’ve decided to get married, and now issues have started. Her cousin … Read the rest
Section 4.1: Jewish-Hindu Marriages
Section 4.1: Jewish-Hindu Marriages
Jews and Hindus do not proselytize and there is no historic conflict between them. In this regard, a Jew-Hindu marriage may have less religious conflicts compared to a union with a Christian or a Muslim. There … Read the rest
FAQ: Jewish-Hindu Marriages
Q Do you have to sign a Ketubah prenuptial and endorse the Second of the Ten Commandments?
Q Do your sons have to have religious bris circumcision, an irreversible procedure done without the child’s consent and without compelling scientific merit?… Read the rest
Section 4.2: Ketubah: Jewish Marriage Contract
Section 4.2: Ketubah: Jewish Marriage Contract
A ketubah (meaning written thing) is a Jewish prenuptial agreement. It is considered an integral part of a traditional Jewish marriage, and outlines the rights and responsibilities of the groom, in relation to the … Read the rest
Section 4.3: Parents Are Usually Left with No Options
Section 4.3: Parents Are Usually Left with No Options
Mahesh says:
Hindu-Jew Marriage situation: I found this Forum very interesting. In my opinion, observation or experience, we as parents, are usually left with no options, but to yield or concede … Read the rest
Section 5.1: Hindu-Muslim Marriages
Section 5.1: Hindu-Muslim Marriages
Interfaith marriage is one of the most fundamental sinful actions in Islam after shirk, rebellion against parental authority and killing a person without any legal reason. However, according to our research, 45% of Muslims marry … Read the rest
Section 5.1: FAQ: Hindu-Muslim Marriages

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A Chapter from the book Interfaith Marriages: Share and Respect with Equality is posted here. View some of others chapters from the book here.
Video messages by the author
How to … Read the rest
Section 5.2: Nikaah: The Muslim Marriage Contract
Section 5.2: Nikaah: The Muslim Marriage Contract
Islamic Law permits a Muslim man to marry up to four (non-Muslim; Koran 4:3) women from the People of the Book (that is, Christians and Jews) but all of the children must be … Read the rest