Hindu: My Boyfriend is Catholic

Hina says: August 19, 2018 at 8:39 pm

hello.. i am a hindu.. my boyfriend is a catholic. we truely love each other.. but my parents are not accepting because of religion and age gap… my boyfriend is thirty four and i am twenty three.. however some of my families has accepted our relationship.. but parents are not ready. what should i do ? -Hina

More information: Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus?, Christian-Hindu relationships.
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  • September 3, 2018 4:41 pm

    I am in love with an orthodox Christian guy, for our marriage I have to get baptise in orthodox Christianity. I really want my relation to be successful and I am ready from my heart to do anything.
    His parents our not in our marriage favour they think if he get marry to me, God will never going to accept him and his next 6 generation will going to suffer. They think it’s not going to be accept by church as well as in his society. As for them inter-religion marriage is not acceptable in Bible.

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=13800

  • Arti
    September 3, 2018 1:20 am

    I am a girl, 31 years old, from Hindu religion and want to get Baptise into orthodox Christianity with all my faith in Jesus.

    I would like to know that is there any problem in orthodox Christianity that they only do the baptism in childhood, not in adult age?

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=13800

    • September 3, 2018 4:28 pm

      Hi Arti,

      There are 36000 denominations of Christianity, why you are settling only for the Orthodox? What is so special in them that is not in other Christianity? We may go further that if you love Jesus, why not follow Jesus being a Hindu? Why there is a need to get stuck with some specific church? Are you in love with a Christian? Please explain us, thanks.

  • August 26, 2018 8:00 am

    Hello, I am a Sikh and I have been married to my wife 30 plus years, Who is Catholic. We never had any problem. But recently I began to think if my son who has also proposed to Carholic girls. Till now I had no problem but lately began to think that if he marries a Catholic girll. So My future of being any one as a Sikh in my family will die with me. I never pushed him to choose in early age. I thought when he will be teenager, He will make his choice. Lately We had discussion about their wedding and I heard that girl parents said they would like them to marry in the Church so I said then they also have to marry in Sikh Guru Dawara. That’s was the end of marrying in church. They will have a civil marriage! I been living in the USA for almost 36 years and both kids are born in the US. Lately when we start planning about function, they said it their marriage and they will be the one to decide about it and don’t want any stress from families, also would like very simple function and not very many people. This does brings problem as our close friends have invited to their kids marriages and many other functions. So this is the only time we can invite them. Other thing is we never got converted and we respected each other as being very broad minded. But I think in India love is one thing and time comes to converting, there is a problem in my views. If a couple truly love each other then they should also respect them for their individual beliefs. Well I would like wish well to everyone in their happiness, Love or marriage! God bless everyone!

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=13796

  • August 19, 2018 9:04 pm

    Hi Hina,

    We have changed your name for your privacy, we hope that is okay.

    It is nice if your parents happily agree to your relationship and fully support your choice. However, you need to take their concerns in mind. He is a “Christian”, what does it mean? We have seen many Western Christians those are superb human beings and truly respecting their Hindu spouse. There also others you rather not have to deal with them. To understand more about his Christianity, answer one question. Assuming both parents agreed to your love, how are you going to get married? Hindu vivaha, Church wedding, both or none but in court?

    • admin
      August 19, 2018 9:22 pm

      hello he is a catholic not christian, my parents are not accepting. but some of my cousins and sister in laws have accepted the relationship! we have decided to get married – civil marriage follow by a reception!

      • Md.Zia-ul-Haque
        August 20, 2018 12:01 am

        Hi Hina, in case of any problem please do contact me through Admin the guide

        • krish
          September 6, 2018 4:35 am


          Get ready your sister and daughter to marry a hindu man.

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