A Great Pride Converting Brahmin Girls to Islam

Sudhansu says: November 21, 2016


This story of Zara Begum has definitely been an interesting read. I really hope more and more people have the strength to openly talk about this. I have seen quite a few Brahmin women marrying muslim men within my family and friends. I just want to tell people what I have observed and noticed in these relationships.

The closest person who has married a Muslim man that I know of is my own mother. After her divorce she remarried a muslim man who she used to work with earlier. The other people that I know are a couple of my cousins and a couple of friends from college.

In the case of my mom and cousins who were all Brahmins and they had to convert to Islam before the actual wedding ceremony or Nikaah. I think one of my friend also has a small hindu marriage ceremony as well. Now there is some things that I believe in interfaith marriages is that one person has to compromise for the relationship to be successful. From what I have seen in my personal life (Please tell me other incidents if anyone has seen otherwise) is that it is normally the Hindu girl who has to compromise. The reason for this as I believe it is because Hinduism by nature is a very submissive religion and Islam on the other hand is an extremely dominant religion. Almost no muslim man will marry a hindu girl if she does not convert (I am talking about regular people here and not movie stars like Kareena). The compromise from what i have seen does not end only in accepting Islam, it normally extends to taking a new name, accept new dressing and eating habits. Only one of my friend kept her old name.

However I am happy to say that with all the compromises made everyone is leading a happy family life. My mom specially is a very happy Muslimah and a proud mother of my 2 step brothers. -Rahul

Admin says:

Dear Sudhansu,

Your observation is very much in line with our observation on this web site over past 8 years. Somehow Muslim boys likes Brahmin girls. There are about 50 Brahmin-Muslim cases on this web site and most of cases are with Brahmin girls.

Further, the order of events is very typical:
1) First the Muslim guy is a nice friend. After a few years, religious conversion topic comes up.
2) Ultimately the Brahmin has to convert, there is no way or rarely a Muslim will covert to Brahmin-Hindu. If the Brahmin decline to convert, the relationship ends right there.
3) If the former Brahmin learns to be a true Muslim wife (or husband), then the marriage continue. If the former Brahmin raises his/her head for birth faith, that is the end of relationship.

Love with a Muslim mean:
1) Must have Nikaah (means conversion) but no (rarely) Hindu wedding (view this Sharia video)
2) Change name in passport and all
3) Changing in food habits, meaning meat eating for the Brahmin
4) Change in dress code (burka, hijab)
5) Children with Muslim names and definitely Muslim only by faith (0% Hindu, 100% Muslim, 0% pluralism)
6) Ultimately the former Brahmin will go in grave as a Muslim.

We fully agree to your assessment that “Islam on the other hand is an extremely dominant religion.” Not only Hindus or Buddhists, but even Christians and Jews cannot (or rarely) compete Muslims in married life. With Christians and Jews (People of the Book), they may tolerate not conversion of the spouse but the children MUST be Muslims.

Remember, one day, your Muslim half-brothers may/will marry other Hindus and convert them.

It appears that interfaith marriage is a great tool to expand a faith. -Admin

Sudhansu says: November 21, 2016
Hello admin

Thanks for understanding my point of view. I agree with pretty much all the points that you made. The point of my mom’s conversion to Islam and her adopting an Islamic name was not up for discussion at all. It was a mandatory requirement from my step dad’s family. A few months before getting married mom started wearing a hijab as well. I think this step helped her in integrating with her new family well. Another thing i found strange was that mom was strictly forbidden to pray to any Hindu god even in private. This was the time i started realizing the strict requirements of Islam. In my mom’s case there was other reasons why she could not object to any conditions set by my step dad’s family.

You are right about my step brothers, they are all Muslim with Islamic names. They are still young to be thinking about marriage though. Also another thing i have noticed is that among the Muslim community there is great pride in converting a Hindu, specially a brahmin women to Islam. They take great pride in knowing that a Hindu woman of a high caste can so easily be converted to Islam. -Rahul


Name Details
Radha I am a Brahman girl dating a Muslim Shia…
Poonam Im a Brahmin in love with a Muslim boy for 2 years
Nupur Me Hindu Brahmin and he is Muslim
Haider How to convince my Muslim parents?
Ajit My sis married to a Muslim
Rahul Brahmin Fake-convert for marriage?
Priya I am a brahmin in relationship with a muslim boy
Agnotist (Muslim) couldn’t understand the concept of pluralism
Santa I’m a Muslim (bohra) guy who is in love with a brahmin girl
Aamira Muslim: I am love with a Hindu Brahmin boy
Ayesha Muslim: I am converted to Hindu
Islami girl Muslim: Relationship with a Hindu Brahmin boy
hina I pray for his conversion to Islam in every namaz
Asha I am Brahman, he is Khan
Saif She’ll have to first change her religion
SD He would beat me now and then
Deepa Hindu: I have fear in converting to Islam
Tamanna About to marry a Muslim guy, but now no more
poorsoul Brahmin Hindu girl in love with a Bohra Muslim
Rashmi Brahmin girl (15 y) in love with a Muslim (27 y)
cookiee Brahmin girl with Kuwaiti Arab Sunni Muslim
Ajay Indian Brahmin guy with Pakistani Muslim
Angel Brahmin girl in love with a mia Muslim
Mujin Brahmin in love with a Muslim girl
Mr. Khan Mr. Khan with a Brahmin Girl for 6 years
Sarah Brahmin in love with a Muslim
mun ahmed Why Brahmin Girls like Muslim Boys?
neha Brahmin Girl Married to a Muslim Against Parents
Zara Begum (sirisha) Hindu Happily Married to a Muslim
mac mac: I Have Girlfriend, She is Hindu
mac My mother was Brahmin
Ruchi Bengali Brahmin with a Devout Muslim Girl
Bina Our Child is Growing Inside Me

Also read: More reflections by Sudhansu on why mother did that?
Sexual Relationship with My Friends Mom
(Muslim friend) Got My Mother Pregnant
Deepx: Pakistani Muslim Student with My Sikh Mom

List of “My Mother is in relationship with a Muslim

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.
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  • Seema Maheshwari
    January 7, 2017 8:03 pm

    Admin, in response to the original letter you stated that this forum is a great way for muslims to convert Brahmin girls. You also stated that more Hindu women convert to Islam, then vise versa. You bias is showing. No one is being forced to marry someone from a different religion. If you are strong in your religious beliefs, find someone who is like you.

    • admin
      January 8, 2017 7:22 pm

      This statement “You also stated that more Hindu women convert to Islam, then vise versa” is based on information with some 700 youths at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?cat=9. Browse though it if your time permits and find out how many Muslim girls converted to Hinduism and how many Hindu girls converted to Islam. Someday, we will count numbers from one side to the other and vise versa to make more concrete statement.

      Objective at InterfaithShaadi is to promote religious pluralism. Ideally, interfaith couple should learn to respect each others’ faith in marriage, like Seema Ghufran Maheshwari did. You are the role model and we hope people will learn from your example and stop this religious conversion for marriage practice. We hope to work with you, thank you!

      • Saran
        August 19, 2018 8:21 am

        Lol! Objective at interfaithshadi is to explore religious pluralism…I almost died. This site seems as fake as priyanka chopra, but I agree, brahmin culture is degenerating.They don’t have the advantage that Christianity and islam have in having a home ground where their religion can be propagated 100% vigourously…Our homeland was taken by muslims who beheaded and raped and mutilated our people

  • viresh
    January 1, 2017 8:57 am

    All praises belongs to allah…i m hindu and i reverted to islam with the grace of allah…m 25 years old and i want to marry a hindu girl who reverted to islam…thank u

  • December 8, 2016 6:57 am

    Hi Rahul,

    We would like to introduce you Neha, a “Brahmin” woman married to a Muslim, have a son with Hindu name and proudly living as a Brahmin in Muslim home. Both have similarity that both were proud, independent minded and working women before marriage. The difference is you mom decided to convert under tremendous pressure in her difficult situation, while Neha, at least as of now, decided to stay as a proud Brahmin and working woman. May be you should talk to her share your life experiences to help her (reach her at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11644).

    It should be interest to our readers to read on these two women who decided to take different paths. We are not saying what is right and wrong, it is only people in love have to decide their own path forward.

    • Sudhansu
      December 12, 2016 8:21 pm

      Hello Admin

      Thanks for the introduction. I have read a little about Nehas life and it seems very interesting. It is truly very different from the normal brahmin-muslim marriages i have seen around me. It is very rare for the brahmin woman to say no to conversion. I will read more and respond over there.

      Thanks again admin

      • admin
        December 12, 2016 9:46 pm

        We just get fascinated to know why people do what they do. Further, we love to interact with intellectuals like Neha and you and appreciate your candid views here. We love it! We hope, you and we, will make this world a better place to live for all.

  • December 6, 2016 10:25 pm

    Every married couple has one or the other issue. Based on our observations, most issues in within faith marriages in East are due to in-laws issues (my parents vs. your parents). How much of such problems your parents had? In any marriage, if there is an extra marital affair, the matter escalates to divorce fast. How much you think your step dad contributed to breaking of your parents’ marriage?

    • Sudhansu
      December 7, 2016 8:54 pm

      Hello Admin

      You are very right about the impact of in laws. In case of moms marriage my step dads family played a major role in all the decisions. His sister and daughter decided on a lot of things. His daughter specially took it upon her to teach mom about Islam and its lifestyle. His sister was very upset that mom was a working woman. Overall they played a major role in transforming mom into the woman she is today.

      Regarding the second part of your question about extra marital affairs I am sorry but I dont think I can talk about that in a public forum. Its okay talking in private regarding that but its very weird for me talking about it here.

      • December 7, 2016 10:56 pm

        We understand. Do not hesitate to say no, and we respect that.

        Here “within-faith marriages in East are due to in-laws issues,” we were talking about your father. Did your grandparents gave hard time to your mother (leading to run away from the marriage)?

  • December 2, 2016 8:27 pm


    we asked you earlier, but let us ask you again a different way. Now you are in the West and free to do that you wish. Would you date a Muslim girl?

    • Sudhansu
      December 5, 2016 6:24 pm

      Hi Admin

      I admit i have seen a lot of interfaith relationships. Seeing all this i can confidently say that i would be very comfortable in dating a muslim girl. I respect Islam a lot and there would be no hesitation on my part. There are issues with every religon but that should not come in the way of a good relationship.

      • December 6, 2016 7:18 pm

        We are not talking about idealistic thinking but reality of life.

        There are 4 potential potential options you have:
        1) You be a submissive husband like what your Brahmin mom did (0%-100%) and convert to Islam, change your name, have circumcision, have Islamic Nikaah (but no Brahmin wedding) and raise children as per Koran only?
        2) The Muslim girl and her parents/society will not ask you for all these (#1) and you will be able to follow 50%-50% and give option to children to decide their own faith.
        3) You act like you step-dad, ask the Muslim girl to be non-Muslim (or even Brahmin or 100% atheist), change her name, make her do all Brahmin puja etc every day (or not let her perform namaz) and raise children only 100% Brahmin (atheist) and 0% Muslim.
        4) Go naive in love, get really deep into love and then find out the only option you have left is #1 above. At that time, like your mom did, reluctantly submit to all demands.

        Lets us know which one are you planning to follow? If it is #2, is that a realistic plan?

        • Sudhansu
          January 14, 2017 11:46 pm

          Its very tough to answer this questions since it is completely hypothetical in nature. If I did happen to marry a muslim girl then I would let her keep her religion and I would keep mine. I dont see anythign wrong with this

          • January 15, 2017 12:09 am

            This is beautiful, “I would let her keep her religion and I would keep mine,” this is what we preach here and like people to follow. Let Love be important, not religious dogma. We wish you come to this site to preach this to others.

  • December 2, 2016 8:08 pm

    You said, “It was honestly very weird in the beginning to see my mom transform from a strong working woman to a docile submissive Muslim housewife.” What are your views for how a lion (strong working woman) can be converted to be a goat (docile submissive housewife)? We have many views but first like to hear your views.

    • Sudhansu
      December 5, 2016 6:47 pm

      Hello Admin

      Before I answer your question I must thank you for managing this awesome site. This site has given me a platform where I can openly talk about my experience and my moms experience. I have not come across any other site or forum which focuses so much on interfaith marriages specially among hindus with other religions.

      Coming back to your question, yes it was very weird and tough to accept my moms transformation in the begining. Mom was truly a working woman with a good amount of focus on her career.

      After her divorce when she started dating my step dad I started seeing slow changes in her lifestyle. She slowly stopped wearing saris and jeans and started to wear more Islamic clothes like Long sleeved salwars and dupattas covering her head.

      When my mom decided to marry my step dad and convert I initially lost respect for my mom and even told her that I was very sad at her changes. However with some more passage of time I saw her transformation complete. She started wearing teh niqab even before she converted. My step sister who is close in age to my mom started giving mom lessons on how to offer namaz and started her transition into Islam. Mom gave up her job to only focus on her new family.

      After the birth of my step brothers mom completely devotes her time between prayers and bringnig them up. I know she is happy and that makes me very happy. I now kind of understand what she wanted in life. As much as a career was important to her she truly wanted to be a submissive housewife at heart. I truly think my step dad has offered her a life that she wanted and I honestly couldnt be more satisfied.

      • admin
        December 6, 2016 10:11 pm

        Hi Rahul,
        We love to interact with you. This is the reason we have created this web site. We like intellectual critical thinking for this social issue, why, what, why not. We are glad you do not mind us pocking into your personal life. Every time we are worry if we are crossing our limits asking questions. Hopefully this collection of knowledge will help many other youths in love. Hopefully, some day you will want to write a book on a similar topic.

        Very interesting point, “she truly wanted to be a submissive housewife at heart.” We are wondering if she married another Brahmin rich guy and he asked her to stay home, wear sari and cover her head (gungat) all times, would she have accepted that happily?

        Are women truly powerful or they are powerful outside but weak inside? Your mother was today’s independent modern woman when with your dad but the other guy made her submissive. What it takes to control a lady? We do not know if we can generalize anything for all other women from your mom’s life.

        If your powerful working mom (before she met this guy) knew from the first day that she will have to give up her name, family and religion, would she have opted to go with this guy? As we learned on this web site, Muslim boys are very loving and lavishly spending money without disclosing that the non-Muslim will have to convert, but only after getting deep into love (in your mom’s case, after getting pregnant) truth comes out. We believe that is not right.

        Abida made an excellent statement/advise “Innocent and emotional girls sometimes get trapped by whosoever appears to respect them, though this “respect” is false. There are so many anti social elements in the society who are disguised as gentlemen but are conspirator inside.” Interesting. We hope other women will comments on it.

        Now talk about lion to lamb. Donald trump recently talk to Taiwan’s leader. In response to that, China made some fuss about it. This is our assumption…, because China knows that Trump could be a tough guy, they probably will push back softly but if it was Hillary they would have push the matter lots harder. If we have to use another example, if Pakistan makes some trouble, India will go and attack Pakistan but if that was Russia or America, Modi will think twice before planning a surgical strike. Probably your step dad showed your mom a strong stick and put on a carrot. On top made her weak by making her pregnant, took away her job and gave two kids. All in all, now she lost her antagonistic side. Once she is submissive, she was lavishly rewarded by love and affection (a conditional love provided she remain submissive and follow Islam).

        Like above discussion, we found that Islam also has a very heavy stick and good carrots. If the converted spouse raise head against Islam, divorce is imminent. If such spouse goes against Islam, the punishment is death (Bukhari 9.84.57). We may be wrong but found rules are not this strict in Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism or Jainism. We hope youths in love think on these points before going for an interfaith date.

        Have you read Koran? We found Allah will reward believers immensely if they follow Koran, but found severe punishments if they don’t (2:178, 2:191, 2:193, 3:151, 4:56, 4:91, 8:12, 9:5, 22:19, 36:8, 44:45, 47:4, 48:29, etc). Such punishments for not following one’s faith are not there (at least not to these extent) in other faiths. What do you think on this?

  • November 27, 2016 8:26 am


    How this blog is a matter of pride? You have been violating the issues beyond scope of interfaithshadi.org to appease islamic fundamentalistic. You have quoted females marrying muslims, what about those muslim girls married to hindu boys, like Chand Osmani, Sabana, Mubina, Husna,Bilkis, Ridha and so many others from web site.

    • November 28, 2016 6:36 pm

      Hi Human,

      Here we are presenting Rahul’s life experiences and not expressing our wishes. We have also expressed views of others like names you have suggested. We wish to give views on both sides and it is up to dating couples to decide what is good for them.

  • Sudhansu
    November 23, 2016 1:10 am

    Hello Admin

    Thanks for your response. I am actually from Eastern India though i live abroud right now. My mom lives in India while my step dad moves between india and middle east for business.

    You are right about increase in interfaith marriages. I dont know about how long or how probable it is to become a muslim contry but in India i have seen a huge increase. As i mentioend earlier even within my family and friends i have seen so many women marry muslim men and convert to Islam. Brahmin women normally have little or no issue converting and adopting a new lifestyle. My mom for exmple started practising islamic customs a few months before she got married.

    Also another thing that mostly affects hindu women are how the in laws are. In my moms case my step dads family, specially his sister and daughter(who is very close in age to mom) were adamant about the name change. My mom was a little hesitant initially but since there was no choice she proceeded with the change.

    Regarding no idol worship Islam being a strict religion anyone who converts should not even try to practise it. My mom didnt even try to break the subject. My step dads families instructions were very clear against it.

    One point i disagree with u is that my step dad married mom only for the sake of increasing muslim population. They knew each other for almost a year before they got married. They definitley liked each other

    • November 23, 2016 8:07 pm


      As a child, it must be very hard for you to go through problems between your parents and your Brahmin mom converting to Islam. It must be a big talk of the town and you, as a little child, must be confused for lack of comprehension for what is going on. Here, we hope we are not opening your barely healed wounds. Understand our objective is to educate the world for injustices. Our objective is to give education to people getting into interfaith love relationship and help them make informed decision, what ever that is. We value your insights. We hope someday you will write a book on your life experiences.

      You said Islam would not tolerate idol worship. What is idol-worship? Idol worship is worshiping that does not produce results or worshiping something that does not speak/hear. Even God is in all direction, Muslim worship that black cube only in the direction of Saudi Arabia, is that not idol? The most idolized human being on this earth is Muhammad (followed by Jesus). Read all that we wrote here on idol worship. So, basically your mom’s old idols were taken away and given new idols. Is this not? Why one group’s idol is idol worshipping while the others idols are Godly? God is not here to decide; then who decides?

      On our point you disagree, did your step dad truly loved that Brahmin woman or that love was conditional only if she converts to Islam? What if she declined to convert, would he still “like” her? Agree that he may not have a target of increasing Muslim vote power, but who ever designed all these Islamic practices some 1500 years before had thought about all those. Your step-dad is just blindly following such teachings. Does this make any sense?

      When your mom got divorce from your dad, how long did she already know this new guy?

      As a child, what was going through your mind for your mom changing religion? We hope you don’t mind talking about childhood painful memories. Now you are a mature adult and thus could reflect back on your past life without being emotional. People those who go through divorces should know the pain of a child after parental divorce; and hope you don’t mind talking here.

      Are you a Brahmin, Muslim, atheist or …? What shaped your religious thinking with your exposure to two faiths and life experiences?

      • Sudhansu
        November 28, 2016 8:00 pm

        Hello Admin

        Mom got divorced while i was in college so i was technically not a child. We are from a large city so there was no question of it being the talk of town. I admit i was confused and sad initially but it was a realiy i had to get used to.

        You are right about the fact that marrying a muslim man without conversion is not possible 99% of the time. Mom had been working for my stepdad for a few years till they got married. After mom got divorced they dated for some time before getting married. As i mentioned that in my moms case there was no choice but to compromise on all demands made by my step dad and his family. She was already pregnant and that was the only option available to her.

        Although the conversion and name change bothered me at first i soon realized that it was the only and best option for hte both of us. My step dad took care of us financially for which i am absolutely grateful. When i look at my moms life right now she seems to be happy. She had two kids and is now raising them happily.

        Regarding worship between hindus and muslims i wont comment much since i dont thnk i have the right knowledge to talk about it. I am technically a hindu but i am not practising. I will admit there has been some pressure from my step dads family to convert since i live outside the country its not much anymore

        • November 28, 2016 8:28 pm


          Thank you for getting back. Sorry you had to go through all these pain in your early life. Well, we are glad you are out of it and now you can reflect back on your life.

          You have seen Indian culture and now seeing (we assume) the West. To our knowledge, in most cases, nothing has changed relating to Hindu-Muslim marriage even if it is from Saudi Arabia, India, New York or London. Muslims in relationship are extremely nice if you convert, if not … bye bye. For a Hindu, Sikh, Jain, and Buddhist in love with a Muslim, the deal is clear… convert, change name and children must follow Islam only. Even Christians and Jews, in most cases, end up agreeing to raise children only in Islam. In this world of tolerance and respect for all, do you feel … is this a fair game? Where is respect for other faiths?

          On your step-dad’s act before marriage (she was already pregnant), know that having relationship with a lady before marriage is an un-Islamic act (Koran 24:30). Now tell us on what ground “some pressure from my step dads family to convert”? What was he preaching you about Islam that is not there in your or other faith?

          • Sudhansu
            December 2, 2016 10:49 am

            Hello Admin

            I have seen both of what is happening in India and nowadays in the West. My thoughts are as follows
            – Although things might look more open in the West, internally the way interfaith marriages work are almost identical regarding conversion to Islam.
            – Muslims and muslim converts normally take a lot of pride in wearing Hijab in the west and will not let go of their religious beliefs in 99% cases.
            – Muslims in the west do marry a lot outside their religion. In almost all the cases the non muslim converts to Islam before marriage. I personally know 2 of my white coworkers who have converted to Islam.

            Regarding my personal thoughts I used to feel that Islam is too rigid with some of its rules. However I also feel that all those rules exist for a reason.Regarding my mom being pregnant before marriage I understand it might be against the beliefs of Islam but I also think that two consenting adults should be able to so what they want. However once mom got pregnant she didn’t have any power to stand up to her beliefs. It was honestly very weird in the beginning to see my mom transform from a strong working woman to a docile submissive Muslim housewife

          • December 2, 2016 8:19 pm

            Our survey shows 45% of Muslim boys as well as girls marry outside Islam. We do not have any proof but agree to your assessment, “In almost all the cases the non muslim converts to Islam before marriage.” Basically interfaith marriage is used as a proselytizer tool.

            Agree to your assessment on “Although things might (Muslims) look more open in the West… .” Muslims in America and West talk of equality and tolerance for all and talk about American the first and second amendments regarding religious liberty and equality, but will not talk about absolute inequality in their Muslim majority homelands (read interfaith laws in Malaysia and Jordan; now think–what if Donald Trump also make a law like in Malaysia and Jordan that all people marrying to a Christian in America must convert to Christianity?). Further, the day France and Germany will have Muslim majority, they will not wait to install Sharia laws favoring Muslims only. We feel it is unfair. What are your views?

    November 21, 2016 11:47 pm

    I want to convert my religious in Islam .then can I marriage with muslim.

    • Sudhansu
      November 22, 2016 7:43 am


      Yes you can. You have to follow a religious conversion along with a legal conversion.

    • November 22, 2016 10:31 pm

      Are you in love with a Muslim? Do you want to convert because the Muslim is asking you to convert? If the Muslim marry to someone else, would you still convert to Islam (read Arvind)?

    • luckyblogger
      February 28, 2018 10:48 am

      why dont u ask your gf to convert to ur faith? are u not man enough? are u that weak to let go off ur legacy?

  • Sudhansu
    November 21, 2016 10:56 pm

    Hello admin

    Thanks for understanding my point of view. I agree with pretty much all the points that you made. The point of my mom’s conversion to Islam and her adopting an Islamic name was not up for discussion at all. It was a mandatory requirement from my step dad’s family. A few months before getting married mom started wearing a hijab as well. I think this step helped her in integrating with her new family well. Another thing i found strange was that mom was strictly forbidden to pray to any Hindu god even in private. This was the time i started realizing the strict requirements of Islam. In my mom’s case there was other reasons why she could not object to any conditions set by my step dad’s family.

    You are right about my step brothers, they are all Muslim with Islamic names. They are still young to be thinking about marriage though. Also another thing i have noticed is that among the Muslim community there is great pride in converting a Hindu, specially a brahmin women to Islam. They take great pride in knowing that a Hindu woman of a high caste can so easily be converted to Islam.

    • November 22, 2016 10:19 pm


      We sincerely appreciate you telling us all inside stories. This will help us educate other youths, THANK YOU.

      Your step-brothers and step-sisters will also marry to other Hindus and convert them. This saga will continue till there are no more Hindu left to convert. A good Christian (especially in the Europe and West), a Jain or or a Buddhist would not have impose their faith on your mother and still would have kept her with love. It is so unfair that most intolerants are getting rewarded, is this not true?

      In America, about 45% of Muslims marry interfaith. We project that most are asking their spouse to convert. That is why we said, “interfaith marriage is a great tool to expand a faith.” One day, America will be a Muslim majority country with Sharia laws.

      On “strictly forbidden to pray to any Hindu god even in private,” is this not too sad? Muslims in America give out big lectures that ours is a pluralistic and tolerant religion; is that only in talks or in action? Your step-father knew from very first day that this lady is a Brahmin and must have put a strategy to convert her. We agree, if she did not convert, he would have dump her long before. If true, that means he did not had true love for her but his true love was to expand Islam. Once she (a Brahmin) converted, the Muslim family will do any thing to make her utmost happy. On the other side, today, if she starts following Hinduism, even partially, she will get talaak without any doubt. This is not true love but a conditional love with objective of spreading own faith. It is beyond our belief that these kind of dirty methods are used in the name of God! So sad.

      Rahul, we do not need to know your country, but tell us if you are talking about these incidences in West, Middle East or India?

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