Zahid, can you marry me?

This is an excellent idea to make this site a metrimonial site. Proud Muslim boys will be glad to help out not-virgin Muslim girls.

Shezadi says: May 15, 2013 at 10:33 am

Hi Sister,

I am 23 years old muslim girl in UK and I lost my virginity with my cousin who forced me to have sex with him. Later after few months he parted and indulged in another girl of our community.

How was your HRS? I wish to do the same. My friends have done this surgery and some have used artificial hymen kit which is very tricky for me. In England the cost of the HRS is about 1500 pounds.

Please share your experience. -Shezadi

zahid says: May 15, 2013 at 10:57 pm

There is no need to prove virginity in islam. It is pre islamic cultural practice in some countries in which virginity of females was called family honour. It has no relation with islam. -Zahid

Shezadi says: May 16, 2013 at 4:21 am

Thanks a lot Mr. Zahid,

You appear to be a broad minded, realizing the mental agony of a muslim girl. If it is so, can you marry me? if yes, we can share views and other relavant points together for everlasting relations?

If other muslim guys agree with your views, no need of HRS for muslim girls. You know how tactfully, our own close relatives, like cousins, nephew, uncle and even brothers including Imams trap girls for sexual favour and later breaking the relations. Then really trauma of wedding night haunts girls having lost virginity and this is the reason that HRS has become a very profitable business in muslim countries. -Shezadi

zahid says: May 17, 2013 at 10:20 am

I will marry what my parents choose for me

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  • May 27, 2013 12:17 pm



    it is upto you to adopt any religion. Can you tell, following Muhammad,s teachings, will you marry your 6 years old daugther to a 59 years old man? and send her to a maulvi for learning teachings of Koran, no matter she is sexually abused?

  • May 26, 2013 10:08 am

    Hi Admn. sir,

    Seen your wonderful pieces of texts exchanged with socalled God is great, in fact she should have chosen, Sex is Great.

    From the various texts exchanghed with her, it is now well established that she has been brainwashed with talibani mentality. She will understand when her own daughter of 6 years old will be married to a 59 year old person, or her son will be sodomized by Imam in the name of teaching Koran.

    She has … tarnished the image of her parents.

    • May 26, 2013 10:25 am

      GIG is a great writer and has lots to share. We thank her for her contributions.
      She is sharing her life-experiences and happy with her new found faith, and we are happy for her.
      One does not know who is brain-washed, if GIG or the others.

      She was upset with the way her mother was following Hinduism; it is highly likely that the history may repeat with GIG’s daughters. If she has sons, she will never realize the pain that other sisters are going though. Time will tell.

  • May 25, 2013 5:21 am

    Hello every,

    Nice to some interesting blogs on this site.
    I am Gazala, 29 years old, a muslim girl originally from Iran and presently working at Vitoria Airport in Spain. I am in a deep love with a Hindu boy,(29-1/2 yrs) who is also working in the same airport, one level higher to my grade. My parents wants me to marry a muslim boy, but I have straightaway rejected their offer. Being financially independent and settled in Europe only my decision shall prevail. Due to various islamic evils that I have witnessed in my nearest and dearest relatives and friends, I have decided to marry my Hindu BF only.

    He is supportive,intelligent and very committed and loyal towards everlasting relationships, without insisting me to convert.

    I have seen on this blog various such matters and wonderful pieces of advice very logically.

    • Zahid
      May 25, 2013 8:01 am

      First You are from kashmir now you are from another country. If you donot believe islam then you ard not muslim therèfore you caN marry anyone as muslim cannot marry kafir(non muslim)

    • Imin
      October 27, 2015 6:23 pm

      Miss Gazala, I don’t wanna say too much, but only need is to know the difference between Islam and today’s Muslims.

  • May 23, 2013 2:05 am

    Dear readers,

    Zahid is a mutta marriage product, as you all know and his mother produced 24 kids from different males during her short time period.

    Zahid was raped and sodomized by Imams and Maulvies, he did not report the matter for investigations, rather became havituated of sodomizing pleasure.

    What could be the mentality of such family, w which have lost all ethics of character.

    Regarding, a new converter, is now under FMG and her husband has restricted her movement, freedom of expression. Very soon she will get divorced and beaten badly, once her sexy husband finds no sexual pleasure with her. May be GIG 4th wife, such pleasure shall be only a 9 days wonder.

    • GodIsGreat
      May 23, 2013 5:03 am

      Hahah, are you some 4 year old disturbed kid making such retarded comments??? really ridiculous

  • SD
    May 22, 2013 5:27 pm

    GIG is in the honymoon period right now. Let 5-10 years pass n then let’s c how she reacts to things and what her point of views are. Thrz no point arguing with anyone. Time will tell another story. Admin, just sit back and enjoy the posts….!!

    • GodIsGreat
      May 23, 2013 5:05 am

      yes exactly, thank you @SD now that is a small but mature comment on this site

  • May 22, 2013 12:38 pm

    Mr.Ashok, GIG is not a male to marry that girl.

    She has recently converted to Islam, now getting her genital mutiliated,(removal of clitoris).

    • GodIsGreat
      May 23, 2013 5:05 am

      Your mental organs need help. I’ll pray for you to get well soon

  • May 21, 2013 10:24 am

    Hello readers,

    Zahid is not a fool to marry a non-virgin girl. He will insit for virgin girls only even if marries 7 times.

    He says some thing and does different things in the life. Male is not necessarily to be virgin, he does not need burqa, he does not go for Halala.

    GIG supporter of evils, will certainly realize when her daughter of 5 years is married to a 58 years old, make her record of 21st wife, and her genital is mutiliated.

  • May 21, 2013 2:35 am


    Fakhra Yunus was a dancing girl in the red light district of Pakistan. She left her husband after 3 years of marriage because of his abusive behavior toward her. He came to her mother’s house while she was sleeping in May 2000 and poured acid all over her. After a decade of over a dozen surgeries she jumped out a window and killed herself. More than 18,500 acid attacks, forced marriages and other forms of violence against women were reported in Pakistan in 2011. The Pakistani government enacted a new set of laws in 2011 that explicitly criminalized acid attacks. Given that the Muslim Pakistani passed laws against it is it fair to blame acid attacks on Islam? Islam demonizes women and so does play a role in the terrible situation of women in Islamic society.

  • May 21, 2013 2:28 am


    Perhaps you are male.

    Can you marry her, who has lost her virginity?

  • GodIsGreat
    May 20, 2013 5:29 am

    Its amazing to what extent people will go to abuse and accuse someone personally just because they don’t have a thoughful genuine anwers to their comment keep it up @Aldrid @sayeeda @veena
    You are loosing the battle thats why resorting to cheap tricks

  • May 20, 2013 3:57 am


    you are wife of a criminal maulvi,committed to defend evils. I have also seen various mulsim butchers beating mercilessly their wives, daughters and using abusive languages in public.

    Isolated events cannot be a bench mark.

    • GodIsGreat
      May 20, 2013 4:45 am

      Laughable, if I really was a wife of some criminal I would be struggling to get on in my life and not be here trying to make everyone see sense. Please use your brain before accusing an unknown person

  • May 20, 2013 2:35 am


    I know Hindu cultures. There is no such practices. Having worked in Bollywood recently, I understand Hindus are more sober and intellectual. Perhaps you are in India, that is why you have enjoyed a lot of facilities. In muslim countries you cannot imagine how difficult it is to lead a blissful life.

    Pakistani players can visit in Indian games, like Hockey, Cricket, but when a female actress intends to go to Bollywood, what sort of humilation,problems she has to face, I know only.

    Dont you know for HRS what is happening in muslim countries. All Gyen.& Obs.doctors are doing this surgeries as muslim grooms need only virgin bride. Even a person keeping already wife, needs another 3 virgin wives.

    Reply to Sayeeda at

    • GodIsGreat
      May 20, 2013 3:00 am

      I really pity you for jumping your seats when you have been shown the truth about Hindu practices but calmly keep commenting about anti Islamic practices.
      It only shows that you know about Islam only as much as you know about Hinduism. You need a reality check
      PS: I personally know a marvari person in whose native place these practices are carried on, even happily using obscene words for the bride and groom in one of the rituals its deplorable I know but its the truth.

    • May 20, 2013 10:14 am

      Welcome to this site.

      GIG is a new Muslim and thus for her it is a novelty. She will understand realities only after her daughters will have to go through difficult times.

      • GodIsGreat
        May 20, 2013 12:37 pm


        I dont know why you keep coming to my daughters all the time…are you really so cruel to wish something so bad for anybody’s daughter irrespective of their religion?? And I have been a muslim for almost a year so no there is no such thing as novelty factor but yes may be I need to keep away from biased mean sites like this thats what I need to learn as a new muslim if thats what you mean, may be thats why muslim intellectuals are staying away from this forum, because now even I think its useless to make people here understand a simple concept just as said by God in the Quran and it also doesnt affect Islam or new muslims in anyway

        • May 20, 2013 10:44 pm

          Dear GIG,

          Intellectuals should not shy away from expressing one self. Actually, it is your duty as a Muslim to defend your faith. Koran is talking about using swords, but these days, you have to use you keyboard. If you give up, Allah will not be happy.

          About daughters, if information from all these Muslim sisters is true, you will have experience of a real Islam only when you will have daughters. We wish your daughters will have wonderful life and we do not wishing any thing wrong with them. Hoping someone having daughters for finding truth is not cruel. Daughters are blessings from Allah (probably not true in case of your mother).

          Like a child who just got her Barbie doll and will not leave the doll for a second, for you Islam is a novelty. For these Muslim sisters who are born Muslims, Islam is every day stuff. After 10 years, your novelty will wore off. This is a true nature of human being.

          • GodIsGreat
            May 21, 2013 12:47 am

            That is the exact problem with you guys. You won’t even think about commenting on someones family be it their daughters or mother and the way you say it, it makes it seem like each and every muslim girl is suffering from the torment being described here. Those cases are not benchmarks, otherwise there won’t one of the prime minister or the external affairs miniter of our neighboring pakistan won’t be women. There won’t be young girls like Malala Yousafzai. Yes these women may have gone through hardship but nothing has stopped them, not specially Islam.So blame it on the men to stop them but don’t blame religion. Our very own so called Veena Malik is also from Pakistan but she is giving even Rakhi Sawant a run for her money. That doesn’t in anyway create a picture of oppression of women! All I am doing is defending truth thats it

          • GodIsGreat
            May 21, 2013 1:20 am

            Please read my comment on polygamy. Secondly Malala was shot but is fine and doing some exemplary work in field of human rights, being the youngest to be nominated for the Nobel. She was getting an education like many other girls but is braver than any other. And like I said its the hypocrites behind those attacks or else what kind of coward shoots a 15 year old, these hypocrites are ruining their nation.

          • May 21, 2013 1:27 am

            So you are glorifying Islam for what happened to Malala?
            You and Malala are now lucky because you are not in an Islamic countries.

            As asked before, are you currently living in an Islamic neighborhood or a Hindu neighborhood in India? You should move to a Muslim neighborhood with at least 80%+ Muslim around you and enjoy Islam there.

          • GodIsGreat
            May 21, 2013 1:33 am

            Dear admin,

            I don’t know where you got the idea of gloryfying Islam for what happened to Malala. And Islam is not meant to be enjoyed but followed properly and yes I live in a secular area where a mosque is right next to a temple but irregardless because each and every person whether muslim or not should respect secularism

  • May 19, 2013 12:06 pm

    Hi GIG,

    Did you prove your virginity by displaying blood stained bed sheets of wedding night, before the family members on the next morning?

    You must have either used artificial hymen kit or got hymen repair surgery done?You appear to be tricky woman?

    • GodIsGreat
      May 20, 2013 2:55 am

      Dear Aldrin,

      May God forgive you for accusing such a thing on someone you don’t even know. What a crude comment really, if this is what extent you people will go to then I guess I am blessed I have converted

  • May 19, 2013 5:11 am

    How Zahid can marry?

    Zahid is a zahil? Only good for sodomy by maulvies, as
    established by varioius facts on this site.

    He is an idot, bastard fellow, a mutta mirrage product,
    many time sodomized by maulvies in madarsas.
    Now keeping quiet.

  • May 18, 2013 10:38 am

    Now Zahid found an excuse not to marry you, no Muslim will marry you. Now look for some non-Muslim if you wish to live a life with dignity.

  • May 17, 2013 4:03 am

    This bastard another son of bitch, will marry her?
    I dont think. He believes in sodomy by Imams still in his young age.
    He is also product of mutta marriage.

  • May 16, 2013 11:21 pm

    Excellent point, “You appear to be a broad minded, realizing the mental agony of a muslim girl. If it is so, can you marry me? ”

    Zahid and other Muslim boys defending Islamic practices,
    Can any Muslim boy wishes to marry this wonderful innocent victim (but who lost virginity)?

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