We are Culturally Sikh and Muslim

MANPREET says: May 3, 2021

Hi Priya,

What ended up happening?

I am in a similar situation, well, my situation has come to its conclusion – my partner and I ended up having a small civil ceremony. Neither of us is religious, we feel we are culturally Sikh and Muslim, we see commonality between the religions when it comes to morality. I didn’t have to convert or have any sort of Muslim ceremony.

We just told people that we loved each other for each other and everyone had to accept that. Even my nani ended up happy and accepting of him and us, as long as you find someone to love is what she said to us. His family was mostly accepting too, apart from his father, that relationship is on the rocks now, his father is finding it hard to accept that we’re living our lives like this but everyone else has accepted us as we are.

We made a stand, to show people that love is the most important thing and surely God will see the purity of that, see our values, see our commitment to reduce suffering in the world (we’re both vegans and care deeply about animals and the environment). Essentially my point is this – if you’ve found your best friend and partner for life that you know you can’t be without, if you support each other and help each other grow, then surely that is something to be celebrated.

There are many fear mongering stories about these scenarios, but I can tell you from my own experience at least, I have not changed at all in the 11 years we’ve been together and neither has he in terms of pushing religion upon the other. We’ve just grown in our careers together and grown in our sense of compassion and love of nature. I couldn’t be happier, and I wish the best for you too. Gay people had to do it – push the boundaries and show the world that love is love, people in interfaith relationships face a similar barrier – it’s not the norm, but we have to show people that it’s okay, no one will be hurt if there’s more love and kindness in the world.


More information:Sikh-Muslim RelationshipsShariaKoranInterfaith Marriage & Divorce Laws.
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  • Shshank
    June 6, 2021 11:30 am

    It is good to hear that both of you are happy in your marriage despite of the cultural differences.

    I am curious to know about religious beliefs and upbringing of your next generation as it will provide some more insights about such marriages.

  • June 6, 2021 11:00 am

    Hello Manpreet, we are proud of you. We agree 100% that “no one will be hurt if there’s more love and kindness in the world.” We strongly believe this religious conversion for marriage practice is wrong and should end now for good.
    Apparently you live in the west and thus get by, but if you were in India or other Muslim nation, you will feel lots of undue societal pressure.
    We are curious, what denomination of Islam is he from? And which country of origin? We have found that these are major determinant for the type of Muslim when comes to marriage with a Hindu or Sikh.
    A skeptic may ask you, it will all change when you have children. What is your agreement about that?
    Please come back on this site to educate others. Thank you.

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