Marthomite girl fell in love with a Hindu boy

B says: April 1, 2014 at 3:55 pm

Hi Sneha,
I am also a marthomite girl who fell in love with a Hindu boy 7 years ago. It was a very big decision to make all those years ago but I felt like he was worth all the potential heartache to be with him. I also knew that he would never try to convert me. Although he is from a Hindu family he does not practice the faith but his mum and dad have also accepted me for who I am and would never try to convert me. The hardest thing for me to do was tell my mum and brother and grandma. They found it very hard to accept and we did not speak for a very long time. My family mean everything to me and we are so close. It was so hard for me to disappoint them and see sadness In their eyes but I went into the relationship knowing that this would happen and it would be so hard but I always hoped and prayed they would come round.

Being with a Hindu has never made me question my faith and it would never make me change my views or religious belief. my partner and I haven spoken in depth about the children we will have and he has said that he has no problem in them being christened and talking to them about Christianity and God. We want our children to be good people and have all the qualities of what a Christian is and that is what we both believe in, whether he is or isn’t a Christian.

It was a hard struggle to have our relationship accepted and after a long time I am happy to say that I am in a place where my partner has been accepted and has a relationship with all the family and they have realised he is a good man and looks after me. I never thought the day would come and now we will be getting married next year with the blessing of both our families.

Yes it’s not hard. Being in a close nit malayalee community, there is a lot of judgment and pressure and it’s always hard knowing that some may be looking down at my mum who doesn’t deserve it at all but then the people that matter will never change their views on you and know the person you are. It’s a hard decision to make but sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe in and hope that in the end everything will work out.

There’s still a long road ahead and I’m sure tha hardest is yet to come but I know it will all be okay. I really hope you have found some comfort and hope that your family will be happy for you one day because at the end of the day that should be all that matters. my family is evrything to me and I never wanted to hurt them but you have to think it’s not them that will be waking up to that person for the rest of your life. It’s you and if that’s what you will be happy with and you know that he is the one you want to be with forever then don’t let anyone stand in your way . All the best Sneha. -B

More information: Marthoma, Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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1 Comment

  • April 1, 2014 6:54 pm

    Hello B,
    Thanks for sharing your experiences. We are wondering how are you planning to get married, Hindu Vivaha, Christian Marthoma church wedding, court marriage (the Special Marriage Act if in India) or all three of them? Which country are you from?

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