I Married to a Kuwaiti Muslim

Raina says: May 30, 2018 at 11:56 am

Hi, Your inquiry demands detailed discussion but i will try to keep it as straight forward as possible. First of all, You need to understand the meaning of conservative culture.

The transaction in between two powerful conservative culture normally means you have to leave one completely and embrace the other whole heartedly.

S arab is a very conservative country, it is home of one of world’s biggest religion in the world. I have lived there for three years. Based on that experience, if you invest time sincerely in any subject then nothing is impossible, real question is if you are up for it.

The challenges of living there will be
***Conversion is a must. State of S arab does not recognize interfaith marriage, just like Israel.
***If you are working women or want to go outside then you have to dress according to their culture, abaya is standard.
***Food habit has to be changed, people there consume bit of oily food and meat.

Except this no other major issue if you are there to live a normal family life. Above people as you can see posting and will post about crap like stoning to death, cutting hands staff. Yes these are true, but these are capital punishment which are carried out for crimes like stealing or adultery. Free mixing is a big no no there because they take it very seriously.

There are restrictions in public places but these do not interfere in your private life unless you make it public that can translate in to spreading of something which is not allowed. If you are not up for this, i will suggest dubai option will be better. Parents will come melt down eventually specially after you have child. I will suggest if your guy agrees, then have a child with him. This will solve lion’s share of parents problem, one of my friend did same.

I want to tell you explicitly, do not fall for any propaganda. You will hear many negative things and it is predictable given back there India is being ruled by fascist hindutva government and it’s right wing hand RSS. So verify every information to the core.

Guys like krish(comment above) are recruits of RSS to spread propaganda. I wish he can produce documents regarding his statement of S arab people having multiple wives. This is actually severely misinterpreted verse of muslim holy book, koran which is being used by RSS and it’s goons. The verse limits a muslim guy to have at best four wives(upper best limit), but recommends strongly to have one(standard limit). It does not tell muslim man to have multiple wives, it limits the most number of wives a man can have, it also gives recommended level except there is certain conditions like war. If i have to be clear, according to Bhagvat Geeta,there is no limit for man how many wives he can take, there is no mentioned restriction. It is indian law that prohibits polygamy, not hindu religion. I have lived there three years and did not came across a single couple or man that has multiple wives. So i will invite Krish to produce necessary documents to support his claim.

My guy is computer engineer, originally kuwati, grew up in S arab, we fall in love back there in India, then eventually marriage. I did not face any major problem from my or his family thank God for that. I lived in S arab for three years because his job was there back then, met people and got to know their culture very closely till coming here to dubai after i conceived and settled here, he opened up his own farm. Now my life is all about him and my son. Life here is good.

Anything you want to know about S arab you can question here. I will try to explain. One piece of advice, do not fall for propaganda, verify every information, follow your heart. All the best. -Raima

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • AHuman
    July 31, 2018 12:32 am

    tum jaise larkio ko izzat hazam nhi hoti, tumhe mullo ki rakhel banne ka shauk h. aur jis desh ka khaya usse se gadaari karna seekh gyi convert hote hi. Girls like you are bin of trash where people spit, tum jaiso ke muh pe thukne ka mann karta h.

    ab is desh ko aise mullo or mullio se bhagwan hi bacha sakta h.

  • Gokusan
    July 28, 2018 8:04 am

    Look as far as I know westbengal is not like that .

  • Human
    July 1, 2018 12:58 pm

    I was just surfing the net and got here unfortunately. But as I’m here and learned a lot about this topic and religious views; I want to give an information about hinduism.

    First of all according to geeta which is considered as most philosophical book on earth by every religious leader who came across it; it says the true religion or “dharma” of a being is it’s very nature. like water flows from up to down, fire burns upwards, wind rises if getting warm. etc.

    Just like that Deer eats grass, lion eats meat and so on. The whole ecological and natural system of our earth is bind by the law of nature. And just like that a life of Human is totally under the law of nature. Don’t mind but Lord Ram and Mohhamad both died eventually. christ and buddha too and many more gods and prophets died.
    now for the sake of being a Hindu I must tell all of you that Hindu is not a Religion as we know of others. Being a Hindu means being “SANATANA”. It means being what you are; and by that logic I believe each and every Human is Born Hindu”SANATANA” than raised as Hindu(as other religions call us) or Muslim or cristian.
    But I do not believe that any one of you are going to think of hinduism as that because in last 5000 years we flowed all those values by creating casts and religions.
    I find it fascinating what this girl is about to do; but my suggestion for her is “If you find yourself whole with him; go for it; as a person is all you need to make you whole. No religion can do that. But keep in mind it is not required in India to convert to marry someone out of your religion. You might get married here and then go to soudi arab. And if he loves you enough than it is not a hardship for him. Or you might ask him to convert to hindu or jain whichever you are and then get married. But if your question is about arabic lifestyle and moving there than you might make a few FB friends from Saudi (I dont know if FB is accessible there) and ask them about their lives as a Muslim wife. No doubt his parents will not want him to marry you but if you both are truly in love with each other you’ll make it work. God Bless.

  • krish
    June 2, 2018 6:21 am

    Dear Admin,

    I suggest to remove RAIMA’s post as she has spoken against my country. She is a such cowadish converted lady who is a cheap and can go any extend for her own benefits. she can kill her own parents, own sister and brother for her own benefits more over for her radicalized islamic religion. She is no more a human rather than a radical muslim human bomb. Her hubby might be a terrorist and utilizing her to hatred against Hinduism. She is a hatred, thug who lost her own respect. As a admin, requesting you please remove her post which violates the indian constituency. There is no mercy for such anti-hindu, anti-national thug islamic thug.

    • admin
      June 2, 2018 3:00 pm

      First, this web site is not for one nation or a religion. Every one has right to express and share their experiences here. Further, Reina has rights to pick a choice for her life that she thinks appropriate. She is happy, why are you not?

      What Raina did is TRUTH. We appreciate her speaking out her experiences. Why “truth” is hurting you? May be there are millions of other Hindu girls like Raina taken to Arabia that we do not know; are you saying you rather not know? We wish Raina comes back again and again.

    • Nandita
      July 25, 2018 11:15 pm

      Mister krish,may i ask who are you to decide whose comment will be here and whose will be deleted?Ap hote kaun hai ye decide karnewale?Police hai?CBI hai?for thugs like you it has become hard for normal people to live normal life.Honestly i am feeling this country is being controlled by saffron thugs.I am from state of west bengal,despite our state being out of thug’s control,they try to intimidate normal people,it is suffocating.I am in love with a guy,but i can not tell him.I can not tell him of my feelings because i am scared of his security,somebody might do something to him because of his muslim identity.I ask my classmate and first thing she says me is “chup,do you want him to die?”kiyun mister krish?may i know what is your problem if we take our decision?I cried a lot night after night because this is so painful,it hurts.I feel very frustrated and angry at myself sometimes i think so much people die everyday,why the hell i do not die.When we ask you legit question,who gives you right to meddle in people’s personal life,instead of answering you hide behind country giving us anti national tag.I am not talking to country god damn it,i am talking to you the person,are you country?who are you? if i am anti national there is law who will judge me,are you court?The circumstances now is like,i have to take my personal decisions and make my choices after watching election result?is it what it is now mister krish?

      • July 27, 2018 9:45 pm

        Dear Nandita, do you know Diva? Some how we felt you both have same writing style.

      • AHuman
        July 31, 2018 12:23 am

        In Response to Nandita, first of all i would like to say that get back to your senses, use your head. AS you said saffron thugs, previously the country was controlled by SLAVES of mullas by now the country is in safe hands.
        Read these if you have guts

        1. https://indianexpress.com/article/india/bihar-muslim-girl-hindu-boy-found-dead-girls-kin-held-4961159/
        2. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/girls-family-plotted-to-kill-lover-and-her/articleshow/62773193.cms
        and there are thousands of such examples.

        When its about a hindu girl and muslim boy, these mullas have no problem because the will convert the girl to islam, but if it is a muslim girl and a Hindu boy then the boy is killed or both of them are killed.

        An organisation in kerela is running a conversion racket which ask muslim boys to trap and convert hindu girls to islam and the boys get paid for that and the price is 10,8,5,2 lakhs varies on the basis of the cast of girl converted.
        The have a well oiled brainwashing mechanism working to do so and they are getting funds from middle east to do so, NIA is probing the cases. Girls from kerela have been converted and taken to middle east to be sold as sex slaves or human bombs to isis .

        I have not seen any muslim girl marrying a hindu boy or converting to marry him.
        But i have seen several hindu girls eloping or marrying with muslim boys and converting for them too. Hindu girls are so idiots, dying for sex, dying to get laid, that they don’t even think about their parents who gave birth and raised them for over 20+ years with their blood and money.
        Muslim boys nowadays are changing their names and trapping hindu girls, get physical with them then black mail them for posting her videos online.
        Muslim boys now visit temple premises to lure hindu girls.

        They don’t love them but lust them.

        Reality of muslims in india, they have 8-10 kids because the want to make this country islamic and his may be the reality in next 50 years, where girls of other religion will be raped in the name of islam. and this has already happend in assam, kerela, hyderabad, muzzafarnagar, west bengal.

        Its a shame for us that our girls are so fickle minded that they can’t even differentiate btw right and wrong, they all want is sex, sex , sex.

        Read the story of DIVA ON THIS WEBSITE, SHE was used by her muslim boyfriend for almost two years, safe and unsafe physical contact and then suddenly boy said there is no future for them and got away like a coward. She ended up being used as a sex girl of him.It was his intention from the start to use her, he never loved her, he only lust her. (love is tested in tough times) .

        No matter from which community a girl is, she is respectable but we are concerned about our girls who are being mentally, sexually exploited and then left to struggle for entire life.
        Think again and think about your parents, how much they love you and how they raised you facing hardships.
        Aisa koi kaam mat karna jisse tumhare maa baap zinda hote hue bhi lash barabar ho jae. Baaki tumhare hath me h.

      • AHuman
        July 31, 2018 12:24 am

        Aur ha agar kuch aur bolna ho to reply zarur kario.

      • AHuman
        August 1, 2018 3:15 am

        Dear admin
        why is she not replying.
        ask her to revert.

      • krish
        August 13, 2018 5:22 am

        Nandita (A A fake Hindu name),

        I dont care. This country will continue next 10000 years by Saffron. Why you thug converted Arabian cult interested for my Country.. Get lust..

      • krish
        August 13, 2018 5:27 am


        I am a HINDU to protect my country from converted (be a christian or Muslim) and anti-national thug like you. You thug anti-national can sale your mother too just for your love. We Hindus are patriotic and our religion is our identity and our nation. Do you need more information.. just revert me… if you have gut..

  • krish
    June 1, 2018 10:33 am

    Dear Rita,

    Please read a Lady jehadi Raima’s post. She is against Hindustan and Hindu just after converted and marry a mulsim in Kuwait. I have never heard about a such cheap, FGM converted especially a women. DONT TRAP ON SUCH LOW AND CHEAP WOMEN.They lured many innocent hindu girls and trap them and send them to S ARAB for illigal trade business.There are scores of such converted women doing such business and in the name of Islam. Most of Saudi peopels are sex oriented and having 4 wives. DONT TRAP ON SUCH WOMEN LIKE RAIMA.

    • AHuman
      July 31, 2018 12:25 am

      Bhai kya kare jab larkio me akal hi na h.

      ghar ke bhedi lanka dhe deta h.

      mullo ne desh ka naash maar diya h.

  • krish
    June 1, 2018 10:15 am

    Dear Admin,

    These are converted muslims and their brain cell died after converted. Shame to their parents too. These so called mulisms are saying against an elected democratic govt which means she can do jehadi war against India. Imagine just after she converted and started against Hindu and India. I am damn sure she is a lady terrorist and radical muslim..

  • May 30, 2018 6:46 pm

    We changed your name for your privacy. We are glad you are happy and settled there. Were you Hindu? Are you Hindu, even small percent? Tell us what people there think of Hindus?

    Can you provide the verse number for this “according to Bhagvat Geeta,there is no limit for man how many wives he can take”? We like to confirm that, thanks.

    You said Indian government is run by fascist Hindu, can you say the same for Saudi Arabia and Kuwait that their kings are fascist Muslims? Do Hindus in those two countries have more privileges and freedom of religion compared to Muslims in India? We do not know so let us know life of religious Hindus there.

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