Iranian in Love with an Indian Hindu

GH says: June 13, 2018 at 4:16 am

Hi I’m about 30 years old and in love with a hindu boy. We love each other so much and wanna marry. Our relationship is more than one yr, but only online. During this time i have talked to his mom several times through video call and to his sister by msg only. His family doesn’t have any problem with me or my religion. But my family doesn’t want to accept him. Even they don’t wanna meet him. He is ready to convert to islam, but can’t change his name cuz of his business and family. I also accepted it. He believes in humanity, honesty, etc. first, then religion. I can say he is like me abt religion. He doesn’t believe in many gods. He and his family eat meat too. Mostly non_veg. Day by day my love is increasing for him and his behaviour. They are just waiting for me to finish my MA studies.

I don’t know how to convince my family. He wants to come here in few months and meet my parents. His family also knows abt it. I don’t know if my family doesn’t accept him under any condition wt we should do. As I’m a girl and single, i can’t get visa or leave my country without dad’s permission and his signature to get married in India. Also i don’t know if it’s possible to register marriage in iran without dad permission through court or not. I need help… Plz -GH

Gokusan says: June 13, 2018 at 10:31 am

Ur position is really hard, u are telling that he is ready to convert but if u are religious suggest him to read the holy book and start performing namaz so that he does not fake convert for love cause it will wither within a few years. After love fades then reality will hit u said u want to live in india with his family so first consider with logical thinking if living here with can create a problem cause they will observe diff religion and also after love fades he might want to go to his old religion then what u will do.

What if u have children and they want to raise them as polytheists, consider this. This cross cultural marriage is really hard to maintain, question yourself if you can withstand all this hardships, and also u want to sacrifice ur parents cause they will not be happy if u marry someone so that tie will be severed and if something bad happens here then where u will go?

Online relationships are not always gold, in most cases they are fake, do not rush yourself for making a decision which will you later regret.. -Gokusan

G.H says: June 16, 2018 at 2:26 am

(to a question how will you raised your children)First i’ ll teach my children that God is only one. My bf also believes that God is only one… Then i ll teach them to do good, respect their grand parents alot, respect all other ppl, no matter which color, launguage, religion, i ll teach them to love others without expectation, i ll explain them abt how i met their father and the situation involved. I ll teach them to be among other ppl and live with them despite many differences, I ll teach them to pray, fast, etc. I ll teach them to go to mosque. I ll teach them not to talk against anybody or any other religion, unless they have enough knowledge.

I’m talking this much freely abt future children cuz i’m sure abt my bf and know that he doesn’t have any problem with them. I know my children ll learn abt hinduism too due to environment and ppl around. But family teaching is more imp, especially in early ages. Cuz i also experienced it in my own family.

Beside going to mosque, if my children go to temple too, i ll NEVER avoid them cuz i do believe hinduism has many good things for learning too.

Parents can only guide their children but they can’t force. Now that i’m in love with a hindu, doesn’t mean that my parents misguided me or didn’t try to raise me up in a good and islamic way… it’s my own choice cuz i’m free to choose. My children also ll be free to choose wt they want. As long as they don’t go the wrong path, i ll respect their choices. -GH

G.H. saysAug 26, 2019

How can I get Afreen’s email address?
Finally my family accepted my marriage with the hindu boy
I’m extremely happy -GH

More information:Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • August 28, 2019 6:33 pm

    Hi GH,
    We are glad your parents accepted your relationship. What does it mean now? Is he going to convert to Islam? Is he coming to Iran? Have you met him in person?
    Best wishes.

    • G. H
      August 31, 2019 4:57 am

      Thank you so much.
      It means we are engaged now and after few months we ll get married in India.

  • Hanah Khan
    March 18, 2019 11:40 pm

    What chest‐thumping by Gokusan in various blogs after not answering a single question from this session! Wow!
    Throughout this blog I’ve raised multiple, crucial questions. Gokusan did not have the nerve to answer a single query. What I’m finding intriguing is that as an Admin, you were never this charitable with mac. You chased mac to that extent where he was forced to reply.
    Now a days, you’re busy only placing opinions and not moderating. Throughout this blog, not a single word I find from you asking him to reply to the most vital questions. As I had already stated, either he is too cultenslaved to comprehend the criticality of the queries or too cunning to avoid and jump to the next blogs.

    As a moderator, don’t you think it’s your duty to place on record that the member had never answered the most valid questions even after repeated exposures about his elusive character. A closet Islamist who places Saudi’s interpretation above humanity, equality and justice was exposed and I wonder why Admin never questioned him on his evasion.
    Not only in this blog, he had read and didn’t answer a single question.
    Admin, you’re biased. His spinelessness is encouraged by your non‐caring mentality. He hallucinates that his infantile arguments have a great standing. This is strictly due to your apathy. For you, this might be normal but I would call it as lapse of duty.
    You’ve lost your cutting-edge.

    Readers, have a look at the HeavenGoer’s latest missile. Usually, he quotes his cult’s commandments and justifies them by placing his kindergarten arguments. You can just laugh it off and move away. But there are times when he discloses his true character and you find that revolting! Here is the latest:

    Gokusan says:
    February 12, 2019 at 2:09 am
    “I guess you should have clarified that you cannot be a muslim when you married out to a polytheist. So the marriage is invalid and your child is a bastard.”

    When you’ve a politician as your God, you’ll go down to such gutter naturally― to call a child such names. Remember, this guy is a ‘humanitarian’ who also called the child as a lowly member in this very same blog. HeavenGoer’s way of entering Paradise!

    Shun the draconian Saudi interpretation, pray to the Ocean‐Hearted Allah who judges every human strictly based on his/ her deeds and never on the prayer methodology adopted or how He is addressed! Then you’ll have humanity and justice overflowing within you― that’s the truest course to reach God!

  • Hanah Khan
    August 15, 2018 5:00 am

    Can you please include these additional aspects which were missed yesterday in the doctrinal characteristics. Thanks.

    (VI) Cognitive Dissonance: State of holding contradictory beliefs. Even when shown with sufficient, convincing evidence, when enslaved by the cult the member pays no attention to the glaring reality.
    (VII) Rationality Razed: The primary faculty to get annihilated is the reasoning ability. Raise logical question, either the member will ignore the query or go in circles repeating vacuous theories or react with violence to silence the questioner.
    (VIII) Elitist Mindset: The member develops an attitude that he is in a privileged group while the nonmembers are adhering to worthless beliefs. This stance is vigilantly created by the leaders and gradually it prepares the member to be supremacist and exclusivist.
    (IX) Dissent Squashed: Disagreement is considered most dangerous and is contained with an iron hand. This helps in creating an apprehensive atmosphere for the followers and appalling situation for the outsiders and both the parties are silenced.
    (X) Double-standards Practised With Pride: There will be outrageous two set of rules– one for the followers and the other for the nonbelievers. If the member of the cult carries out an act, he/ she would be rewarded while if the nonmember does, he/ she might get any punishment ranging from warning to death.
    (XI) Claim of Wide-read Knowledge: The member declares that his/ her knowledge is superior to others, derides as how the nonbelievers lack the skill of comprehension even if his/ her stand is proven wrong, evil and sinful beyond doubt. This delusion in spite of the blatant fact that he/ she always runs away from every logical question raised.
    (XII) Illusion of Sole Truth: Assertion that the member’s path is the only sole course for salvation, ridicule others who prefer other options and holding their guides on par with God– as if they are not humans and would never err.

    • Gokusan
      August 15, 2018 12:01 pm

      Like I said when I gave you answers with reasons you are contradicting your own statement. You have your own paradigm and I have mine you cannot change your paradigm because then you will be faced with the cognitive dissonance you produced and I am leaving you with that how much proof I can give you will deny that all even if they are true. Another thing since you have the characteristics of a fly you will always find the bad thing in Islam you lack the reasoning so it is better to be left out. It seems all your rantings stopped cause you yourself know that the logic I provided you cannot refute that, so you are diverting from main topic.And it seems Ibn Taimiyah is pretty accurate in judging people’s character.

    • Gokusan
      August 15, 2018 12:03 pm

      Also I feel sorry for your husband that he has to endure such a toxic person everyday who lacks the knowledge and wisdom, only believe in shitting like pigeons everywhere.

    • Hanah Khan
      October 31, 2018 10:57 pm

      (XIII)Violence to Silence: Hardcore addicts try to defend their dogma by unleashing physical, psychological, emotional, social or sexual violence or bullying to shut the critic.
      (XIV)Incredible Sycophancy: Brainwashed followers endorse every form of violence and encourage the evil-doers by declaring that the victim is even more evil: for he/she dared to do the unthinkable— expose the truth about the cult.

  • Hanah Khan
    July 17, 2018 10:25 pm

    You’ve answered with respect , ok, but have I ever disrespected you? You’ve always been insistent that we do not read
    // i do not know if you read any books at all.//
    // You did not read that is why your knowledge is lacking.//
    // Man you people are really devoid of reading.//
    // Read sis read.//
    So I had to tell you how much a well-read person you are! Where I’ve been disrespectful?

    If my husband and I were Hindus and he were to become a strong disciple of Asaram Bapu or appreciate the lynching mob or justify the caste atrocities then as a wife, I’m duty-bound to show him that his path was not the panacea but the cancer. As a Muslim, my husband encourages his children to play music and chess, loves to have pet dogs, inspires his womenfolk to lead organizations, calls the Islamic barbaric practices as Arabic cultural baggage of the bygone era and does not differentiate between religions while giving his zakat. All these are unequivocally prohibited by the ‘scholars’ and ‘stupid clerics’. I’m happy that at least some of these changes occurred after marriage.

    Your posts are filled with ‘who cares?’ phrases and you also ask me, “If mature girls want to marry a man WHATEVER his age may be what is your problem?

    * I approach the childline when I see children begging and showing explicit signs of abuse. I follow-up with them regularly to free the children from torture. Most of the time, I’ve not been successful, but that does not mean that I’m in the wrong path.
    * I’ve written an exhaustive, researched letter to the highest authority of the state on the monstrous criminality of kidnapping of children and women, including the measures to be adopted to curb the ghastly atrocity of kidnapping. As expected, not a single word from the government yet!
    * I help underprivileged children in their studies both academically and financially, of course, within my capacity.

    I’m not from the ‘who cares’ sort, I belong to the ‘I definitely care’ category!

    Twice you’ve equated Islamic clerics’ conduct to mine. You’ve skillfully painted the perpetrators and the crusader against the perpetrators with the same brush….I leave it to your conscience!

    Have a look at the Islamic moral scale:
    Sunni: //When the pregnancy is unplanned and therefore unwanted, as in the case of rape, the parents, [have to/should, as adoption is unlawful] abort the fetus and thus prevent the disgrace that awaits both mother and child [..] the child born of rape, like one born of adultery (walad zina) is a more lowly member of society with regard of the rights he or she is guaranteed and the social status he or she can attain.//
    Readers are requested to read the entire post posted by Gokusan on July 6, 2018 at 1:24pm to understand the gravity of depravity of the so-called ‘scholars’.

    Shia: Adopted daughter could be married to the father .
    Ahmedi: Female Genital Mutilation

    This is just the tip of the iceberg. Moral standards in every domain is drastically in the negatives in the entire Islamic world.

    Who prophesied what, was not the question! The argument was if some historians unconscionably give completely false accounts and a group of supporters hold the account as true, whitewashing the barbaric and bloody past− that’s in no way is going to alter the cruel reality. It just exposes the historian’s moral standing and the supporters’ level of critical-thinking!

    And on the subject of hatred: I’m filled with hatred for all those who in your words are called as scholars and stupid clergy and anyone in the world who is against humanity and ethicality.

    //The prophet did not believe in sects//
    Since Prophet did not believe in sects, will you get your sister or daughter married to an Ahmedi Muslim?

    I’ve debated in these two blogs extensively: Mac vs Momeen and Do Muslims follow Wahhabism.
    But never have the debaters repeatedly falsely claimed that they have answered all the questions!

    How many questions have not been answered by you?
    Once I deliberately missed the alimony word since I know well that its forbidden in Islam but I was asked the question, //Are you stupid enough to not read the full sentence, women are allowed alimony along with mehr.//
    But you have all the authority under the sun to skip the most critical questions.

    I am just giving one question here: //Your ancestors got converted to Islam from Hinduism and today you are a proud Muslim in India, a Hindu-majority nation. Don’t you think a Muslim residing in an Islamic nation should also have the same right to convert to the faith of his choice and declare himself as a proud Hindu/ Christian/ Buddhist/ Bahai… do you think this option which should be a birthright is available to Muslims residing in any Islamic nation?//
    What good link you’ve provided to answer the query?

    Readers should read all the posts to check how many of my valid questions have been left unanswered coolly and that too after repeated reminders. He had all the time and energy to question on Darwin theory from the blog: but didn’t have the time to answer other knocking queries. When I replied on his Darwin subject, I had also added //And I understand that you are an intellect who always turns a blind eye to the vital facts highlighted in any post.//

    And now from the blog: How to become a Jain legally, when Admin had raised questions on Jainism’s terror index, he had answered, // Gokusan says:
    July 16, 2018 at 12:37 pm
    Yeah yeah rant all you want i just commented to see you people’s reaction, Have a great life! take care..//

    Whenever he is cornered with hammering facts he skips, or lies that he had already answered and now, calls the brutal reality as rant!

    Hopelessly cult-enslaved!

    You are just one of the victims of the billion plus population whose minds have been intoxicated by your scholars and clerics. Unless Saudi Arabia undertakes sweeping reforms there is not going to be any respite from the blaze.

    I don’t know the answer for your question //models on how life began on earth,// and not interested to know either!
    I’m not strong in Science. I’ve solid comprehension and experience in religio-socio-cultural dynamics.

    • Gokusan
      July 18, 2018 10:35 am

      Salam sister,
      Longtime no see hope you are doing good.
      So you gave an baseless fact that having a pet dog and playing chess is haram and as well as you can not give zaqt to no muslim one.

      As for playing chess itself is not haram but if you gamble money while playing chess or while playing chess it is interruptiong your mind from attending prayers then it becomes haram.

      As for having a pet dog you do know that once upon a time in the time of prophet al sins of a woman is forgiven just because she provided water to a thirsty dog with her shoes while she was standing in a surface of which temparature in unbearable.Another one it was a dog who protected a group of believers when they were persecuted. And if you use a dog to hunt and the dog brings the catch to you even if the dog touched it, it is halal to eat it. There is some debate to whether you can keep dog inside of a house or not ,but you can keep dog for hunting or to guard domestic animals. The thing dog was only banned from human settlement because there was an outbreak of a disease and it was found that the street dogs are the reason behind it so for public health dog was been banned from human settlement.

      Regarding music i gave you the answer.

      Sister which islamic scholar has said that you can not give zakat to a non muslim , do not spread false information. Zakat is the right of the poors and you can give it to them. But the restriction is you cannot help them who are hostile to muslims by forcing not to follow islam or torture muslims then it is not permissible otherwise you should and must help poors regarding of religion.It is our obligation as the fortunate ones should look after unfortunates.

      Someone asked that when abortion can be done according to Islam so i gave the thing when it is permissible it is upto the hand of the victim what she wants if she want abortion she can do that or if she does not want she can do that also.

      Regarding marrying your adopted daughter it is haram to marry you adopted daughter and for that you do not need Hadith it is written on Quran.
      “Now let us check Verse 4:23 of Surah An-Nissa. This verse mentions a complete list of all female relationships with which marriage is forbidden. You can look up the entire verse on your own. Below we will quote only a specific part of Verse 4:23 that is connected with this topic.

      “Forbidden unto you are your …….. and your foster-mothers, and your foster-sisters ……” (4:23) An-Nissa (Noble Quran). Translation: Muhammed Marmaduke Pickthall.

      V.4:23 forbids marriage with foster mother and foster sister. The same law applies in the case of foster father and foster brother. Adoption is a still closer bond than foster relationship as it confirms permanent guardianship. Hence, if marriage isn’t allowed between foster parents and foster children, there’s NO way it can ever be allowed between adopted parents and adopted children. I reiterate, these rules have been acquired from the very corrupted institutions of Hadith and Shariah which have nothing to do with the Quran.”
      You know hat the hilarious thing is in a few countries it is pretty legal to marry adopted daughters and these countries are not islamic countries for eg US. Even there is a blog post where one girl is asking who is an american that she and her father wants to marry and you know european countries are thinking of making it legal to marry brothers and sister of same parents.Sister the thing is I am quite passionate about Anthropology and reading about human and culltures interst me a lot so i can easily make out when you are giving a biased information.

      Same goes for FGM you have given wrong info, In India only the Bohras do that and in africa it is prevalent. The custom of FGM predates islam and both muslims and christians as well as animists there practice it. 80 percent muslims do not practice it.

      You asked if i would marry my sister or daughter to an ahmadi, i say why not, if he believes in 5 pillars of islam and is a good believer and a good human being and she like him then i have no problem, i think we need more intermarriage within sects.

      Also you asked prophecies are wrong it was well documented and preserved with original documentation. If you do not believe in it then i guess history will not be there if it is not due to this.

      Jainism is too pacifist to applicate it in daily life in that regard Islam gives good approach.

      The thing is i got my first inspiration fro the life of a footballer named Mohamed Salah, he is the one who inspired me to take a look here and it just changed my perception about my religion. It is quite sad to see you are spreading misinformation sister. Hope your doubts are cleared.

      • Hanah Khan
        August 6, 2018 2:05 am

        Busy with an assignment. So can’t be a regular on the site. Do bear.

        You are extremely adept in skipping the most critical questions because they pierce your cult-core.
        How a cult can ruin good, intelligent persons as barbarism-justifying, sheep-minded individuals anyone can learn from the vacuous posts you have been relentlessly posting. Please note that I’m placing the arguments only against your scholars and not you. Being a frontline soldier of your scholars you’re bound to get the arrows. That’s it!

        This time you’ve nitpicked the following arguments:
        Chess, Dog and Zakah. Right!
        You think you’re a bigger scholar than Darul Uloom. Have a look at the eminent seminary which has poised itself as the spiritual guide to lead millions and millions of Sunni Muslims all over the world to Heaven.–Haram/9432–Haram/28443–Charity/67762

        Show your half-baked scholars’ theories to these scholars of the scholars and they will throw it in the trash.
        Do have a look at their fatwas on halala and music too!

        And on marrying the adopted daughter, pass on the harangue to Shias and they’ll dump it in the dustbin.

        //Regarding music i gave you the answer.//
        What answer you gave?// Music which is not accompanied by instruments is not haraam per se, and there is quite an amount of division among scholars some say if the music is promoting good virtues then it is permissible.//
        Your scholars are asking to carry the god-gifted talent to grave. Do it!

        Yes, FGM is carried out by Bohras, not Ahmedis. I agree. Inadvertent mistake.

        //You asked if i would marry my sister or daughter to an ahmadi, i say why not, if he believes in 5 pillars of islam and is a good believer and a good human being”//
        Shall we have look as how you’ve groomed yourself?

        // In these cases the physician is considered a better judge than the scholar//
        //Muslim scholars have held that the child of rape is a legitimate child//
        //Scholars permit its abortion only if the fetus is less than four months old//
        //Muslim scholars were urged to make exceptions in the 1990s following rapes of Kuwaiti women by Iraqi soldiers (in 1991)//

        AND YOU’VE BEEN QUOTING MANY MORE PEARLS FROM YOUR ‘SCHOLARS’ and you’ve also clearly stated that you’re not a reformer. You’re completely glued to their every statement and never decide on your own. You’re a scholars’ boy!

        Take this same statement on Ahmedis too to your scholars, ask them if they would agree on your stand and then do give us your reply.

        //Someone asked that when abortion can be done according to Islam so i gave the thing when it is permissible it is upto the hand of the victim what she wants if she want abortion she can do that or if she does not want she can do that also//
        No, nothing wrong. Please continue to expose your scholars’ moral standing and help us know how Islamic leaders are unscrupulously guiding the population in the most unethical path.
        You quoted your scholars: “the child born of rape, like one born of adultery (walad zina) is a more lowly member of society”
        The child, that absolutely innocent soul, is a lowly creature and the scoundrel who does not have even an iota of mercy towards the rape victim and the child is a ‘scholar’!
        Sir, for me your scholar is the lowly creature not that angelic child or its unfortunate mother.

        //Also you asked prophecies are wrong it was well documented and preserved with original documentation. If you do not believe in it then i guess history will not be there if it is not due to this.//
        You’re a specialist in deviating from the argument and bringing in absolutely irrelevant points.

        Let’s see what the discussion was:
        You stated that DN Jha says ancient India was intolerant;
        I placed the argument: some historian after seven or eight centuries will say that ISIS never took Yezidi women as sex slaves rather the women themselves got romantically involved with ISIS men and went with them and a group of people at that time will believe that theory too.
        You countered: //What Isis is doing is absolutely what Ali prophesised and that is the truth. He prophesised that there will be a group who will talk like us, behave like us but actually the biggest enemy of Islam .//
        I objected to the unrelated argument placed :// Who prophesied what, was not the question! The argument was if some historians unconscionably give completely false accounts and a group of supporters hold the account as true, whitewashing the barbaric and bloody past− that’s in no way is going to alter the cruel reality. It just exposes the historian’s moral standing and the supporters’ level of critical-thinking!//
        Now you’ve responded with an even more bizarre, completely irrelevant statement: //Also you asked prophecies are wrong it was well documented and preserved with original documentation. If you do not believe in it then i guess history will not be there if it is not due to this.//
        Let the readers judge the relevance of the arguments.

        //Jainism is too pacifist to applicate it in daily life in that regard Islam gives good approach.//
        You’re great, sir! Jainism which is against harming of any creature in any way is unsuitable for daily life but Islam which is built on outrageously one-sided proselytizing, blasphemy & apostasy laws, stone-age era misogyny, vile hatred towards nonbelievers and barbaric practices as punishment is the most suitable course to enter heaven! Agreed!!

        //The thing is i got my first inspiration fro the life of a footballer named Mohamed Salah//
        Mohammed Salah who does not utter a single word on the atrocities committed in the name of his religion might be an icon for you while Raif Badawi, Nasrin Soutodeh, Waleed AbulKhair who are all rotting in prison for fighting to pullout an enslaved population against the tyrannical Islamic leadership are superhumans for me.

        // It is quite sad to see you are spreading misinformation sister.//
        Not answering most crucial questions, placing half-baked scholars’ theories as facts(which of course are equally destructive), deviating from the argument and inserting completely unrelated statements and then saying, I’m spreading misinformation?
        For Bohra I’ve mentioned as Ahmedi Muslims and it was an absolutely unintentional minor error; please quote exact lines where I’ve given any misinformation or ambiguous statements and substantiate your allegations against me.

        //Hope your doubts are cleared.//
        When I see good, intelligent people like you become barbarism-justifying, sheep-minded followers‒ my stand on the venomous Islamic leadership gets cleared and I understand that whatever I’ve been saying so far is 100% right!

        • Gokusan
          August 6, 2018 12:08 pm

          I do not care what they say cause according to my study i found that and the scholars also supported that with links.You told the scholars half baked cause you know they are right i studied Islam i know what I am talking about with 100 percent surity.

          These scholars whom you give link lacks knowledge that i can say for sure.
          I have given you the answers now it is your choice to get it or not.
          You are giving stupid things which is not supported by anything,

          The document are well preserved in library if you have doubts go find them and they are correct it is your fault if you take their authenticity for granted when scholars supported it.

          Also i provided answers you think you are right by reading some right wing articles then good for you.

          Humans have bloody history and religion prevented bloody history, To stop persecution of his followers they took weapon. And when islam said when war can be done and the ethics of war, read that prior to commenting.

          And sometimes people give justification because they find legitimacy through, that is what buddhists are doing, hindus did it too everyone did it.

          • Hanah Khan
            August 7, 2018 8:56 am

            This time you’ve nitpicked two points: half-baked scholars and an extension for the unrelated argument.
            Let them be your half-baked scholars or that fully-baked Darul Uloom scholars’‒ both of them are equally, incredibly vicious!

            What can you and me exchange in emails?
            You love your scholars from all your heart and I’m filled with hatred for that malicious lot.
            They have made a billion plus Islamic population to bury the constructive energy while the destructive vigour has been unleashed in full capacity!

            Alejandro Jodorowsky’s visionary statement, “Birds born in a cage think flying is an illness”, is a perfect fit for Muslims.
            You’re born in a cage and love that world.
            I’m flying and that’s an illness, baseless blabber for you!

            You are just one of the victims and my fight against the venomous interpretation will continue!

          • Gokusan
            August 7, 2018 11:51 pm

            I reject your scholars because they lack wisdom and the knowledge i told you earlier that the imams will first to enter the hell and these imams are like that, and sheeps like you think they are the highly regarded scholars, you are ignorant in that regard.Like you know the people whom you have given link supports instant talaq by whatssapp, or other regard which is clearly haram.

            I asked you because the platform seems inadequete to talk.

            I am free cause i choose it rationally. I was an atheist and i studied my religion and other religions and decided to follow this path again, i made the decision with my own free will , so your argument is irrelivent.Islam was spread by love and peace there was a few instances of forced otherwise it is peaceful.

            In Iran most people take islam within 300 years of the rule, indonesia, and other countries accepted islam after the missionary activity of zheng je, he is the one china is now banking upon to create the one belt one road initiative,if it is forced then it would not take few centuries to convert all, look at europeans they converted the phillipines after colonising them within 50 years forcefully, earlier they were muslims. Islam faced many crisis like after death of Muhammad, the attack of mongol but survived all. The mongol ultimately felt the beautiful message of Islam is worth trying and they flourished middle east.

            Look you have free will to do anything Allah gave us that but your actions may have consequences in after life, i am free like you cause i took the right decision and freedom is state of mind i am free cause i make the right choices.

          • admin
            August 8, 2018 6:16 pm

            Gokusan, it seems Allah told you something that Hanah and us are not aware. You said “but (Hanah) your actions may have consequences in after life” and for Gokusan “i took the right decision”. Why not the other way around? Are you trying to scare Hanah? Sorry, she is beyond that step.

          • Gokusan
            August 9, 2018 3:13 am

            I am not scaring anyone she has her own destiny i have my own , i am just a messanger she can think of her own , i think islam is true path and i can give you many examples of that for example the islamic eschatology which is becoming true day by day and a illiterate person predicted that which is pretty pointed to specific reasons.
            1.Desert nomads will fight each other to create the tallest buildings.
            2.Euphrates river will dry up.
            3.Arab will become green again.
            Also there are many predictions that already happened
            1.Fall of the romans(byzantine empire)
            2.Massacre in the hands of small eyed people(Mongols)

        • Gokusan
          August 6, 2018 12:10 pm

          I gave you all the necessary documents Islam is a good religion that have both the practical and spiritual elements , people corrupt it with their own invention and they will be judged for that.

          I studied many things then i come to conclusion unlike you blabber about same thing again and again which is baseless.

          • Gokusan
            August 6, 2018 12:16 pm

            BTW if you do not mind sharing what you do? I guess this platform is a bit problematic to share a good conversation. If you want i can give you my mail and we can have a lengthy conversation on that and we can have a civil discussion, I am just suggesting you. If you do not want it is okay.

    • Gokusan
      July 18, 2018 8:22 pm

      Btw if you do not mind me asking how many boys or girls do you have and how old are they? Just curious if you are not comfortable with it you do not have to say.

  • G.H
    July 8, 2018 3:32 am

    Hey guys… tnx alot for making time and writing comments here… but i didn’t expect this… sometimes it seems like conflict… 🙁

    • July 8, 2018 7:58 am

      Dear G.H.,

      When two youths from different faiths get together and fall in love relationship, they are innocent and desires to truly respect each others. We may extend this statement to even say that they are acting in the spirit that probably God/Allah wished them to do. However, as soon as religious people/leaders get involved, it will ruin all those love. Now you know why millions of people have been killed in name of God. Unfortunately what you read here is a reality of life.

      How is your love progressing? Have you thought of a plan to unite two of you?

      • G.H
        July 9, 2018 4:28 am

        Hi admin… i knew that if religious issues get involved, the main topic would be forgotton. But still i appreciate the comments cuz the frndz r spending time to express their ideas… Our love is still in increasing point and although my family is still against our decision, we want to try our best cuz our plan is marriage not just spending some time online and finally breaking up. I’m busy working these days so we r planning to meet each other after few months that i’m off from work for abt 10 days. He’s planning to meet my parents too so we r thinking how to convince my family. Marriage problems r unavoidable. Even couples from the same country and culture also face different family cultures, behaviours, characters and so on. Just in our case, as i can say, these differences r a lil broad and more. From beginning our relationship was based on love, truth, understanding, trying to make each other happy, etc. and we ll try to continue like this.

        I know i may face many things which i may not like, but it doesnt mean i must regret my decision or try fight the situation. Right now i know my bf and his family r hindu, i know some society and culture differences (not all). But i also know that understanding and respect is the most useful help at this situation. More than 1 yr passed… during this time we had many arguments, but we didn’t stop the relationship. Instead, we tried to understand each other feelings and differences and find solution for our arguments. We r gonna live for ourselves, not for others. Environment and, culture, ppl,… will affect us alot, but as long as we r together and our priority in life is ourselves, we can adjust or even ignore most of bothering or affecting things outside the family.

        We must accept that if we can’t change sth which is out of control (like some cultures or behaviours), we must make ourselves strong enough to adjust at least. I’m a typical and simple girl and hate making things complicated. U may think wtever i say is only imagination or i may consider life so easy… no… life is not that much easy. But my decision is worth trying my best cuz i really want to get wt or whom i want in my future life… 🙂

        • July 9, 2018 9:18 pm

          Dear G.H.,

          We understand your love and admire noble thoughts. We hope your parents soften it down; that will make your life little easier. Still the distance is certainly an issue.

          To check his maturity, assign him a task to find our how an Iranian wife gets Indian citizenship? Ask him to contact a local lawyer in India to find all immigration related information. You do the same for him. Find out on what ground Iran will give him visa to visit? Who will sponsor him (financially for the visa application), will your parents or uncle do that? Should he come there as a tourist? Somehow, you two meeting each other for at least a month is vital.

  • July 6, 2018 9:46 pm

    Hi Gokusan, Why “I have studied in ramkrishna mission”? We are curious, being a Muslim, how come you got enrolled in the Hindu group? If you don’t mind, tell us more about you.

    • Gokusan
      July 6, 2018 10:27 pm

      Yes admin,
      I was enrolled in the institute i read there from class 5 to class 10, my parents were pretty excited when i cleared admission test. My parents wanted me to learn and the school is a great place for learning so i got admitted there.

      • July 6, 2018 10:58 pm

        Congratulations for being bright!! We know you well and not surprised at all. You have a bright future ahead.

        We feel your parents were very open minded and wanted you to explore all other faiths/people. With limited what we know about Sufi people, this is what we would expect. However, lately you have turned exclusivist supremacist. Tell us who is your current Islamic mentor, a Sunni (Wahabbi?)? What your parents have to say to you about your turn around from being a moderate or an atheist just a few years before to now true Islamist?

        • Gokusan
          July 6, 2018 11:52 pm

          Thanks for your comment.
          You can label be as exclusivist but for me i follow the true teachings of my religion and the guidelines in provide. And outside i keep my religion in my sleeve. And people can believe whatever they want and i think they should be left with their choice. I studied a bit myself and read through sites , parents are ok with anything as long as i am not indulging in anything bad .

          • July 7, 2018 8:06 am

            We admire your parents strategy, they did their best.
            What you think of Zakir Naik? Do you follow his work? Who else you follow?

          • Gokusan
            July 7, 2018 8:41 am

            My parents wanted me to gain knowledge and i did that and after gaining knowledge i find my religion to be more suitable for me.
            A few videos by him is good but i do not like all his videos , i am not a big fan of him. I like mufti menk, hamza tzortis, mohammad hizab, ali dawah, muslim belal to name a few .

  • admin
    July 5, 2018 10:18 pm

    Hanah said, “But no one else in the entire world justify the garbage with religious texts except Muslims!” and we agree 100% with our experience on this site and in life in general.

    Go through this web site and you will see that Muslims are largely quoting Koran at almost every step of talk. Compared to that, Hindus and Buddhists have rarely quoted their books. A few Christian do but not in any comparison to Muslims.

    We are amazed how much today’s intelligent and educate Muslims believe that Koran is 100% truth and came straight from Allah. They take pride in going by the book written some 1500 years ago. However, it is interesting that we do not know a single Muslim who performs namaz five times a day (Gokusan, are you?) or wish to literally follow what Koran said. Even Gokusan don’t literally believe in 24:30 and said that in today’s society one has to date and know the girl well before getting married (that is not what Allah said!). Any one who does not literally believes in 24:30 but 2:221, we call them Love-Jihadi.

    • Gokusan
      July 6, 2018 10:39 pm

      Admin sir,
      We are more or less well versed with our text that is why we can quote it any time.There are many muslims they pray 5 times even if they do not they still attend the friday’s prayer.
      Yes it is the word of God due to the miracles it represent which seems to be true and also the prophesies of our beloved prophet came to be true, i am giving three such examples,
      1. Desert nomads will compete to make the tallest building , look at the competition now a days in gulf countries to make tallest buildings.
      2. Euphrates river will die out, check out pic of nasa .
      3. Arab will be green again.
      So we believe these miracles are sign of true words of God.

      • July 6, 2018 11:02 pm

        Sorry, we do not use such logics for our drug discovery research. It’s your faith and faith has no logic. It is possible 10 years down the road you will say 100% opposite, who knows. Please do drop a note here when that day come, we will be waiting!

        • Gokusan
          July 6, 2018 11:45 pm

          It is futile to believe you will ever see the logic, and yes i have a bit knowledge about drug research cause i have to study it a bit for my project purpose my field was HIV and for that i have to study a bit about drugs and all. And the two things are quite diff in drug trials first you have to isolate the chemical or create the model and design that can function on the target site and it takes quite a lot of time for this trial and error process. In that place religion came with the perfect model which does not requite the trial and error process and the statements made in it came true in subsequent times, and the prophesies for which i gave you an example.

          • July 7, 2018 8:04 am

            On “religion came with the perfect model which does not requite the trial and error process”, we already said, “It’s your faith and faith has no logic.” An atheist would say Gokusan is brain washed, while a religious person would say an atheist will go to hell. We would have expected you to say “Islam came with the perfect model” while others religions are flawed. We believe that exclusivity and supremacist belief will certain ruin a beautiful nation and the world. Millions have been killed in name of (perfect) religion and millions will.

          • Gokusan
            July 7, 2018 8:38 am

            I gave you the logic why i follow Islam if you do not like it is your choice , people kill people and they give reasons for that sometimes they do in name of religion, sometimes race, sometimes diff value and diff things. Religion is just a mere fraction of cause behind killings.

  • Hanah Khan
    July 5, 2018 5:26 am

    He runs away from very valid questions.
    As I’ve already said, either cunningness or Cognitive Dissonance.
    Norm with any cult-addicted brain.

    Resting my case.

    • Gokusan
      July 5, 2018 10:36 am

      What questions i have talked with you in respect and what questions do you need answers for i have given good links and provided what islam teaches us.
      You told you will not find peace then go to grave having hatred who cares , i have told what i read and you find problems with muslims and ironically your husband is a muslim, i feel sad for him that his wife does not respect his believes.

    • Gokusan
      July 5, 2018 10:43 am

      Sister you seem to have a good knowledge about everything in science .
      Then tell me the models on how life began on earth, not details just 2 lines of diff models and the name of the scientists that discovered it.
      and the cosmological model in islam vs hinduism.

      • July 5, 2018 10:33 pm

        I am a life long scientist. Scientists have no problem accepting that sorry we do not know it yet. However, religious people will use this big bang to say “look, now we are right because you cannot prove it.”

        The Bible has quoted leprosy many times and is stated as a curse from God. Now there is no more a major issue with leprosy, who fixed it, Bible’s God or medicine? HIV/AIDS were quoted as curse of God to LGBTs, but with medicines, that issue is almost eradicated. Cancer is another example and great progress is being made. When a mulla gets heart attack, he does not run to a mosque but to a nearby hospital!

        Gokusan, by asking “how life began on earth” are you trying to prove that Koran is truth and not Bible, Gita or Guru Granth Sahib?

        • Gokusan
          July 6, 2018 1:32 am

          Yes sometimes they do look at the lectures of richard dawkins he talk like darwanian evolution is a ultimate fact but in reality it is just a model which works now but in future it may become invalid. Like in case of scientists of the 50 s they believe that universe is an constant entity which is clearly against the talking of our religion as for us there was a beginning and it ultimately formed into a universe like that of today, but later it is been said that the universe has a beginning which is as per with our religion .
          If your statement is true then the medeival muslim scientists would not develop medicines that is still used today to cure so your statement is irrelivent in this context.
          I asked her the scientific models of origin on earth.

  • Hanah Khan
    June 24, 2018 9:51 pm

    I’ve clearly mentioned anyone who sticks to his untenable religious tenet is cult-enslaved, let him be Hindu, Jew, Christian, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist, Bahai…

    How much you’re knowledgeable about the oceanic depths of cult is also very clear/ by copy, pasting from wiki! Marvellous!!

    Big Bang theory? what happened to you? Not answering anything relevant but raising points which i’ve not even touched.

    Yes, I’m not a genius like you to cleverly skip every question and throw away
    ambiguous statements.

    Another Heaven-goer, by justifying vile hate and outrageously onesided rules, not voicing for the little girls violated in his community and advocating stone-age era misogyny.

    Paradise is waiting only for this population. God Bless!

    • Gokusan
      June 25, 2018 2:36 am

      Sorry sister ,
      Jha’s reputation do not come close to these people and he is not an apologetic to Islam neither he is an critic, he tells what is the truth, DN jha’s credibility can not come close to the people whose book you mentioned he is an respected figure in studying Indian history , you do find them credible because you have no idea of history . And the credibility of his publication academically is beyond your comprehension. These people you mentioned are useless because they are one sided not impartial like the historian I mentioned , they gained popularity because of the tag ex, in fact none of them give credible argument when in stage.
      First argument plygamy was not common among lower class even in muslim countries and higher ones do it, same goes for others they keep mistresses along with their wife , and it is better to be a second wife then be a mistress

      Halala is haram as far as i know , same goes for mutaa.

      Do you have any idea that earlier time the life expectancy was short so girls marry early and now a days girl mature later and as a result age changes , it may be 29 in coming ages but the main theme is that girl have to be mature to be able to marry.
      If mature girls want to marry a man whatever his age may be what is your problem, the girl is mature and she can have her decision .
      There are many evangelical working in muslim countries except a few.
      Are you stupid enough to not read the full sentence, women are allowed alimony along with mehr.

      You do know that turkey holds gay pride every year , people can change religion as far as i know in prophet’s time many people changed but the people that are punished who conspired against the believers to kill them and they were given repeated warning prior to their killing.
      Sister you have only hatred in your heart and you can only spew venom about our religion even though i gave you proof you will deny everything.
      And do not fool me i was an atheist earlier but deep reading and understanding perspectives made me follow it again and the sheer ignorance you are showing is laughable, and this venoms you are spewing will not make you live in peace it will haunt you and make you suffer, i have been there so i can relate.

      • admin
        June 25, 2018 10:17 pm

        On “will not make you live in peace it will haunt you and make you suffer”, sounds like Allah talking!! It seems like the Judgment Day is near!

        Gokusan, when you got all powers to foresee what is coming in the future?
        How do you know that the same cannot be reversed and you suffer?

        • Gokusan
          June 25, 2018 11:00 pm

          I told her hatred can not make you to live in peace hatred only make people suffer.

          • June 27, 2018 9:00 pm

            Dear Gokusan,

            You said, “hatred only make people suffer”, this is very true. When you tell others kaafir, others also feel hurt. Keep this in mind every time you show your exclusivity. Learn to respect all faith the way they are.

          • Gokusan
            June 27, 2018 11:58 pm

            I have not told anyone anything and they can choose their own path, it is Allah who will judge us when we die.

          • June 28, 2018 10:13 pm

            Remember when you tell others their practices are wrong, idol-worshipping, etc, you are hurting others. You do not like when others say Kaaba is also an idol, because it is not in the eyes of Muslims. Likewise, Hindus also wish to express faith the way they want. This world will be lots better if all respect others rather than criticizing other’s practices.

            We understood that Sufis are very tolerant to Hindus and others. What denomination is the person who is preaching you Islam after you atheism? We wish, over years, you will become more respectful to others and their practices/choices. If there is Allah, he/she will reward you on J-day for being nice to all people he/she created. Best wishes.

          • Gokusan
            June 29, 2018 9:59 am

            Admin i told in our religion perspective that if a person believe in our religion there are certain aspects she cannot do , just like there are many things hindus cannot do when they are true to their religion, anyone can choose their own path.

          • Hanah Khan
            July 3, 2018 5:49 am

            Out of all the vague, hazy replies, one and only one observation hits the bull’s eye!
            That I can never be at peace!
            My mind is traumatized with the Islamic inferno that’s scorching Muslims and non-Muslims alike.

            Children and women brutalized citing divine sanction; wherever Muslim percentage shoots up, demand for separate law and state cropping up; taking away others basic rights in majority while placing sky-high demands in minority: these have become the hallmark characteristics of Muslims to enter Heaven.
            I will continue my war against the cultish tenets and call for reformation till my last breath!

            I shall carry the trauma to my grave!

          • krish
            July 6, 2018 8:21 am


            I really surprising your radical thought. Give me one example will make me sure that Isalm is GOD given.

            1. Why a muslim can live in non-muslim area (Hindu dominated) peacefully but a non-mulsim cant live in Mulsim domintaed area? why?
            2. Why mulism kills non-Muslims in the name of Quran.. Take recent example of Afghanistan massacre. 19 Hindu and Sikh died in suicide bom bast last week.
            3. Does quran permit birth control or can say abortion?
            4. Tell which muslim countries is safe for Human? Albania???

            Do you have answer above three basic qestion asking here for debate. How nonsense you cowadish mulsims spreading children like cockroach.

          • krish
            July 6, 2018 8:25 am


            Islam is not a religion but a fake represented by a killer Muhammad. Your islam says GOD invisible, my Hindu religion says omnipresent. I can see GOD, I can talk to GOD and I can hug the GOD. He/She is my friend as well. Just reptorsect your fake useless religion.

          • Gokusan
            July 6, 2018 2:00 pm

            And krish bro,
            I have studied in ramkrishna mission so i know much about hinduism still i remember the vedic chants i used to study and the upanishadas. One of my favourite line was
            “sangabachadam sangbadadam sangbhumanam sijanatam”

  • June 24, 2018 7:01 pm

    You have not answered any thing here:
    “People are same” No people are not same, some are tall, some dark, some fat…
    “the religion are not same”, every one knows that. Question is which one is better or all are same? Which one is superior religion over others?
    “they deviated from the path and some tend to stick to the path that is the difference.” that is true in all faiths.

    • Gokusan
      June 25, 2018 12:47 am

      They all are same in front of God and hinduism deviated means they do nor follow monotheism and associate demi god with god.

  • June 23, 2018 10:27 am

    It is interesting that all Muslims are different. Hanah and GH are pluralists and are considerate for others while mac and Gokusan are supremacist exclusivist, believing only Islam is a true faith (and rest are kaffirs?). It is interesting that Gokusan was an atheist just a recently but now has learned Wahabbi style Islam. If more Muslims (and Hindus too) turn exclusivist supremacist in India, India will burn like Pakistan and the Middle East.

    Dear Hanah, how do you feel when, without understanding you, non-Muslims assume you are also like Gokusan and mac? Do you feel such stereotyping?

    Dear GH, what do Muslims in Iran think of people of other faiths? There, are most people like you or like mac and Gokusan?

    • Gokusan
      June 23, 2018 11:23 pm

      And admin another thing you tag us supremacist do you really know the meaning.I think i have not ever told you that we are superior because we are muslim and they are not cause they have diff religion, people have their views and they can stick to their views.

      • June 24, 2018 6:14 pm

        Dear Gokusan,

        You said, “not ever told you that we (believer in Islam) are superior because we are muslim”, are you saying Muslims are SAME as Hindus and other faiths? We thought you always try to point that Islam is better (or superior) faith over other faiths. Please clarify if in your view: 1) Islam is same as Hinduism, 2) Islam is better (or superior) than Hinduism in most time or 3) Islam is better (or superior) than Hinduism in all respects.

        • Gokusan
          June 24, 2018 6:43 pm

          People are same but the religion are not same, they deviated from the path and some tend to stick to the path that is the difference.

  • June 19, 2018 8:01 pm

    Dear GH,
    We found this interesting views of an Iranian girl…

    Is this true in your Islamic prayer… ?
    Guide us to the straight path,
    The path of those whom You have favored,
    Not those who have incurred Your wrath
    (meaning Jews?),
    Not those who have gone astray (meaning Christians?).
    Summarized in

  • June 18, 2018 9:37 pm

    You said, “to me Islam is the truth”, what is in Islam that makes it truth while others are not truth?

    How about Judaism and Christianity (as is) are not truth? How about Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism? — truth or not?

    With same good deeds in this life and praying (but to other God or don’t want to utter the “Muhammad” word), can Christians, Jews, Hindus, Buddhists and Jains go to heaven (just like a Muslim with same good deeds)?

    • Gokusan
      June 18, 2018 11:20 pm

      Admin anyone who believes in Allah/God/Yahweh and believes in his prophets and do good deeds can go to heaven and this includes christians, jews and saebeabns, dharmic religions are not included their teachings is very much diff and they do not believe in prophets, but after all it is all Allah’s wish and i can not judge on behalf him whom he grants heaven or hell .

  • June 18, 2018 9:18 pm

    On “in Quran it it is said jews, muslims and christians and sabean all can go to heaven if they do good deed believe in almighty Allah, never associate other Gods along with him and acknowledge the messangers and do prayers”, then why Koran said not to be friends with Jews and Christians (Believers, take neither Jews nor the Christians for your friends.” (5:51))?

    On “have to believe in oneness of God along with God’s messengers”, Christianity’s fundamental belief is that Jesus is Son of God and believes in trinity. As per Koran, is Christianity a valid religion?

    Is this correct interpretation of your prayer you do 5 times a day?

  • June 18, 2018 9:09 pm

    Dear Gokusan,

    On “On Religion and humanity goes side by side both are required to fulfill one another”, we know personally many atheists and LGBTs who are excellent human being and serving poor and needy. To your belief, do they have room in heaven on the Judgment Day? How about all Hindus, including Krishna Bhakt Mahatma Gandhi?

    • Gokusan
      June 18, 2018 11:22 pm

      If they have heard of Islam or other abrahamic faith and do not consider God and do not praise him , doing merely good deeds is not enough as far as I know, You have to do good deeds along with recognizing Allah and his prophets.

      • June 19, 2018 7:32 pm

        We do not have problem on all you said about God but it appears you are certainly our selling the prophet. Why there is so much important to a messenger over the message? If a postman delivers you a letter stating you got your dream job, is that postman to be glorify for the success?

        • Gokusan
          June 19, 2018 8:41 pm

          Because Allah asked us to acknowledge him and give him his due creadit

      • Paul
        July 20, 2018 2:49 am

        Gokusan, you are like a virus..quoting, repeating…in circles…dodgy arguments..please repent for the sake of humanity.

  • June 18, 2018 9:01 pm

    Dear Gokusan,

    Can you elaborate more on “i was an atheist“. How many years were you atheist? How or who change you?

    • Gokusan
      June 18, 2018 11:26 pm

      More or less one year , i changed myself cause i had an question in mind if God is absent then how universe came into existence and what is beyond universe and these questions i can not find a plausible answers ultimately result is i reverted back.

      • June 19, 2018 7:54 pm

        Faith comes and goes. Ten years down the road, you will have a modified belief. Keep open mind and think!

  • G.H
    June 18, 2018 3:56 am

    Hi Gokusan…
    Yes, we can say religion and humanity go side by side and they fulfill each other. But can we say the one who is muslim, s/he is surely a good human being? In this case muslims must be the best ppl all over the world. In other religions we can’t find ppl who r considered very good humans just cuz they don’t believe in islam? U don’t know me at all. I’m a muslim girl, but just by this criteria can u say i’m a good human too?

    • Gokusan
      June 18, 2018 5:16 am

      Sister salam,
      I have not ever said all muslims are good people and others are not, there are good and bad people everywhere, just being a muslim does not automatically make you a good people or give you exclusive right to go to heaven, for being a people to go to heaven you have to believe in oneness of God along with God’s messangers , that is why in Quran it it is said jews, muslims and christians and sabean all can go to heaven if they do good deed believe in almighty Allah, never associate other Gods along with him and acknowledge the messangers and do prayers. I have not met you so i can not judge you based on the data you put here.

      • G.H
        June 18, 2018 7:38 am

        Good… let me ask u sth… i just wanna know ur real answer… suppose i’m a hindu girl. If u meet me and tall to me for a while. And finally u understand that i’m a good person and kind, i’m not telling lie, not cheating anybody, not going to temple, not believing in many gods… but i dont wanna change my religion just cuz i was born as hindu or i can’t change it cuz of my family or any other reason, how ll u judge me? U ll ignore me and stop talking to me just cuz i’m a hindu? If sb asks u abt me, how ll u talk abt me? Can u plz just think lil and try to imagine it?

        • Gokusan
          June 18, 2018 7:55 am

          Salam sister,
          The question you asked is good, i will talk with you just as i talk with any normal person , if you are good then you are good ,most friends of mine are hindu cause the area i was raised was a hindu area , in my school and college i was the sole muslim guy in the whole class and i have had friends who are all hindu and i did not have any problem with it infact i have had good interaction with them so if you are a hindu girl and a good person and behave good with me i will reciprocate accordingly but i can not marry you cause for me religion is important part of my life and i do not want to force it with anyone nor i am comfortable in sharing my life with a woman who have diff believes and also teaching children will be a huge problem , so you know now if you behave with me good i will behave with you accordingly and if someone asks about you i will tell them you are a good person but i cannot make you my wife in no circumstances.

          • G.H
            June 18, 2018 12:01 pm

            Hey… i didn’t talk abt marriage. I just wanted to know ur answer and see if i’m a hindu girl and good enough u ll ignore this goodness just cuz of religion and avoid talking to me? U ll consider me as a mushrik or wt? That’s all… tnx for ur answer

          • Gokusan
            June 18, 2018 12:13 pm

            Salam sister ,
            Yes you have not asked about marriage and i want to give you the whole pic, if you are good to me even if you go to temple or not why would I not want to talk with you if you treat me good i respect yourself and decision to choose your faith though i have my faith which is diff and do not agree with your faith..

  • Karan
    June 18, 2018 2:31 am

    Admin, you are not supposed to bark against any religion here. You are biased and anti muslim guy. Have shame. You are not running a page. You are running your propaganda ???

  • Karan
    June 18, 2018 2:27 am

    Please admin don’t show your biased and anti muslim propaganda here. You are member of bajrng dall or rss. Please girls be careful here. He is destroying your emaan

    • June 18, 2018 9:11 pm

      Hi Karan, why you felt this way? Can you point out specific reason you feel this way?

  • G.H
    June 16, 2018 9:13 am

    I’m also not waiting to go to heaven and enjoy there… I’ve been giving this life so i wanna enjoy living in this world first with the ppl i love and wherever i like, in the way i want… If we try to accept that we may also be wrong in some cases, accept our faults, and try to be kind, forgive ppl who do wrong to us as much as we can, help each other, dont tell lie or cheat, don’t hurt others or force them wen we have power, etc … we can create a small heaven in this world and live happily. And finally, we ll get wt we deserve in the other world too.

  • G.H
    June 16, 2018 8:58 am

    I never said that wtever i say is based on religion or sth like that… i’m just explaining my ideas abt the person i love and my future life… maybe if many ppl read my comments, most of them can be against me… but i can’t stay silent just cuz others disagree me and my ideas… Even if we r against each other’s ideas, we must respect. 🙂

  • G.H
    June 16, 2018 1:26 am

    U also said that no need to ask my bf to convert to islam if it’s going to be fake… yes, u r right. As long as he doesn’t have enough knowledge abt islam, that conversion is just for the sake of love and marrriage… we both know it well. But at least we can get permission for marriage this way. At least the first step to our marriage is not a sin, though it’s on it’s superficial level. He rarely goes to temple. He has some muslim frndz. He doesn’t believe in many gods. He is intetested that i read Quran to him and tell English translation of it… These r things which make me believe that he’s good enough. No matter if he’s not truly a muslim.

  • G.H
    June 16, 2018 1:16 am

    Hi everybody… eid mubarak… whether u agree with me or not… i’m still happy to read ur comments… First i wanna ask if dating is considered as a sin? Then how should i get to know the other side, how should i understand wt kind of ideas he has, wt does he think abt life, wt does he expect his future wife, etc.? Should i just wait at home and avoid talking so that sb comes to choose me? I don’t have right to choose for my future? I didn’t hide anything. My family knows abt us. Since we have decided for marriage, i shared it with my family cuz i didn’t want them to know abt such an imp decision at the last point. He also shared with his family. How dating can be a sin, but temporary marriage or sighe can be islamic? Y should we accept that kind of things as islamic rules and without any problem? If dating is sin, then show me an islamic rule in order to talk… even if girls wanna marry with boys in our country there’s no other way except talking on the phone cuz outside police is watching

    Second, can i blame my bf cuz he’s a hindu? His religion is not his choice or fault. If we ourselves were born as hindu or christian, etc. could we still talk like this that ppl of other religions are mushrik and hell is waiting for them? Can we judge ppl just cuz of their religion? We can’t judge others as long as we don’t know them, we don’t talk or live with them. Can we guarrantee that all muslims will enter the heaven? My answer is no. God’s judgment is totally different from humans’ judgment. Here ppl backbite, play with others reputation, change some ppl’s idea abt some other… but at the end God ll judge all based on their deeds.

    ppl change during their lifetime. Maybe the worst person can change to the best and visa versa. If i can marry my bf, i ‘ll follow him as long as i see it’s not against my beliefs. I’m sure he ll follow me too… we wanna complete each other after marriage, not to separate our ways or prove who is superior.

    I know after marriage i may see things or behaviours which are against my beliefs and thoughts… in my country also i face these things. I can’t kill ppl or force them to do wt i want. Or should i get deppresed and wish myself to die cuz of bad things around me?

    I ‘ll try to learn abt hinduism too after marriage, cuz i can’t judge abt any other religion without enough knowledge. It’s better to show everything the way it is not just magnify bad aspects cuz if other religions were really bad, we couldn’t find many good pll in the world except muslims

    • Gokusan
      June 16, 2018 2:03 am

      Salam sister,
      What about your children? Will you be happy that they follow hinduism in place of islam?

      • G.H
        June 16, 2018 2:26 am

        First i’ ll teach my children that God is only one. My bf also believes that God is only one… Then i ll teach them to do good, respect their grand parents alot, respect all other ppl, no matter which color, launguage, religion, i ll teach them to love others without expectation, i ll explain them abt how i met their father and the situation involved. I ll teach them to be among other ppl and live with them despite many differences, I ll teach them to pray, fast, etc. I ll teach them to go to mosque. I ll teach them not to talk against anybody or any other religion, unless they have enough knowledge. I’m talking this much freely abt future children cuz i’m sure abt my bf and know that he doesn’t have any problem with them. I know my children ll learn abt hinduism too due to environment and ppl around. But family teaching is more imp, especially in early ages. Cuz i also experienced it in my own family.

        • G.H
          June 16, 2018 2:38 am

          Beside going to mosque, if my children go to temple too, i ll NEVER avoid them cuz i do believe hinduism has many good things for learning too. Parents can only guide their children but they can’t force. Now that i’m in love with a hindu, doesn’t mean that my parents misguided me or didn’t try to raise me up in a good and islamic way… it’s my own choice cuz i’m free to choose. My children also ll be free to choose wt they want. As long as they don’t go the wrong path, i ll respect their choices.

          • June 16, 2018 7:43 am

            Dear GH,

            Our hats are off to respect your viewpoints. You have truly learned what humanity is. If everyone learns what you have learned in life, this world will be very peaceful and happy for all. Unfortunately, religious fanatics will teach you against what you have learned and will tell your (or any) religion comes first over humanity. If there is God and a Judgment Day, you (and your bf) should be the first to be admitted to heaven.

            We love to hear from you more and more, so do keep in touch with us for a long time. Best wishes.

          • Gokusan
            June 16, 2018 7:55 am

            But Islam says do not associate any other with Allah and hinduism clearly is not par with this and they do not believe in prophets, look you have your free will to do anything and everything but clearly Islam does not promote some of the things you are talking about so do not associate that with religion and as far as i know and giving you a link and follow your own conscience .

          • June 16, 2018 8:01 am

            Dear Gokusan,
            GH said humanity comes first then religion. What do you think, which one comes first?

          • Gokusan
            June 17, 2018 10:34 pm

            Religion and humanity goes side by side both are required to fulfill one another and without any of the one it fells apart as per my belief .

          • Gokusan
            June 20, 2018 10:16 pm

            Salam sister,
            Polygamy for muslims is a rare phenomenon cause it is very hard to be able to provide according to islamic way.
            Muta marriage is haram and if anyone is practicing that is their personal matter not supported by it.
            You do not know the concept Jiziya is a tax for non muslims which is also called protection tax like muslims have to give zaqat and elderly and poor people are exempted from it.
            Women testimony is half of men is in terms of financial cases.
            Requiring four witnesses is in case of adultery , in case of rape only victim record is sufficient .
            Sex slavery is condoned.
            And stoning is a case for both male and female , same goes for for other punishments it is harsh but as a result of it there is less crime there.
            In Islam marriage is valid when a women is mentally and physically ready and it changes according to ages during the time of 600 women mature early and if you know 200 years back the min age for marriage in uk is 7 and same goes in INDIA, and now a days you can see there is no similarity in age in case of marriage in many us states in is 14, in uk it is 16 and in china it is 21 and in india it is 18, so u know that paedophilia is not supported by any means at all .
            There is not a similarity in treatment of apostate and gays , many countries like turkey allow it some do not,there is diff in opinion regarding this but Quran does not promote any form of punishment for this in this world.
            And in case of alimony women has the right to keep mahr and alimony.
            Lastly sister you have not the faintest idea about islam i am sorry to say but you have venom in your heart for islam if you read properly then you would not have come here to spew venom.

          • Hanah Khan
            June 24, 2018 5:10 am

            Your ancestors got converted to Islam from Hinduism and today you are a proud Muslim in India, a Hindu-majority nation. Don’t you think a Muslim residing in an Islamic nation should also have the same right to convert to the faith of his choice and declare himself as a proud Hindu/ Christian/ Buddhist/ Bahai… do you think this option which should be a birthright is available to Muslims residing in any Islamic nation?

            For the list of inhuman practices which are still carried out with religious impunity in Muslim nations, you are just waxing every brutal belief: it shows the level of hallucination.
            When I say hallucination, from my perspective any Hindu, Jew, Christian, Muslim….who holds firm to every ruthless practice quoting his religious text is cult-enslaved and hence lives in a delusional world justifying every atrocious activity.

            Coming to your arguments, // Polygamy for muslims is a rare phenomenon// Polygamy is a widespread practice in Islamic nations and even children as young as eight or nine get married to men old enough to be their grandfather or great grandfather!Some have even died on their wedding nights.

            Muta marriage is haram? Wealthy Arabs from Gulf visit third world countries, hunt for poverty-ridden Muslim families, marry their teen or preteen daughters by giving a hefty mehr to the parents, live for three to six months with the girls, divorce and fly away. Its an epidemic in Hyderabad in India. Bangladesh and Pakistan are other favourite destinations of the scoundrels. Muslims who set the entire world on fire for a single criticism, cannot fight for these girls? Its reveals the destructive leadership.

            Jizya: // Jiziya is a tax for non muslims which is also called protection tax// You are living in India, a Hindu majority nation. If the government lays a tax aiming at nonHindus to fulfil their religious obligation, would you accept it with equal grace?

            Rape : please read the Hudood Ordinance of Pakistan, now repealed after furore; handling of rape cases in Islamic nation; Ayesha Ibrahim Duhulow’s case.

            //Sex slavery is condoned// WHATTTTTTT???!!

            Stoning: You’re basically a good human being; justifying the barbarity shows how a cult can influence even a fine person to turn ruthless.

            // a result of it there is less crime there// Again halluncinating.

            //In Islam marriage is valid when a women is mentally and physically ready//
            If your sister/ daughter is physically ready by twelve, will you get her married? If no is the honest answer, then don’t you think it’s your duty to fight to eliminate the scourge from Islamic societies?

            //time of 600 women mature early and if you know 200 years back the min age for marriage in uk is 7 and same goes in INDIA, and now a days you can see there is no similarity in age in case of marriage in many us states in is 14, in uk it is 16 and in china it is 21 and in india it is 18//
            The malice exists throughout the world but nowhere it is carried out holding religious sanction.

            // so u know that paedophilia is not supported by any means at all//
            Incredible level of hallucination.

            //There is not a similarity in treatment of apostate and gays //
            Meaning? Apostates should be hanged and gays should be thrown away to death and this reduces the cruelty?

            //many countries like turkey allow it some do not,//
            Only two Islamic nations allow apostasy: Bangladesh and Turkey .
            In these two countries too now its completely impossible to convert from Islam to other faiths.

            //there is diff in opinion regarding this but Quran does not promote any form of punishment for this in this world.//
            Please quote the link where the imams differ.

            //And in case of alimony women has the right to keep mahr and alimony.//
            And that mehr is enough to live her entire life with dignity?

            You’ve not written a word on halala, one sided proselytizing,blasphemy and apostasy rules; so I assume that you too are against that.

            There is no faith on earth which is impeccable. With time not only the technology advances moral standards too leap far ahead.

            Faiths need to evolve to match the raising bar. Other major religions have gracefully purged their inhuman practices.

            Islam needs to be reformed from scratch to be called a faith!

            I had an interesting debate on a similar subject with our wonderful friend, Rabia,

    • Gokusan
      June 16, 2018 2:18 am

      Also a very happy eid to you and your family..

      • Gokusan
        June 16, 2018 11:45 am

        Dear admin,
        As a firm believer we have certain boudaries and it can not be crossed for some mere earthly pleasure.And if her future husband to be is going back performing idolatory then that boundary is crossed and the link i shared where a women married a hindu men and after 3 years he is saying that he can’t be muslim and as a result of it she is devoid of peace and as well as she has children now made the matter more complicated and as she is a believer and her husband is a idolator according to the article opinions it now became a sin for her to remain and also her children is in path for deviation so when you are in love you forget this and after few years when reality hits back then you have no where to go .

        • Gokusan
          June 22, 2018 2:19 am

          Salam sister.
          You asked about to give example about hindu kings looted they oppressed their own people and Islam came at a time when the Indian glory age seen their sunset, but how the people treated their own kind and the apostate of hindus the ajivakas or the buddhists give us clear example of their cruelty , in fact you know at the time of sindh conquered the local people admired the muslims to free them from the oppression and the cruelty , i am not saying that all muslim kings represent islam just look at timur lane he killed mercilessly but he said he is doing this in the name of Allah but you know what is the rule for islamic warfare that you cannot kill the non combattents be it men, women and children , do not harm the animals or the trees , but he despiced all this and killed many innocent ones and you think he represent us , he will be the one who be judjed because of the cruelty he had done,so you cannot judge anyone to get the true picture of Islam.

  • Gokusan
    June 14, 2018 8:46 pm

    With due respect to you sir as long as they are not involved in any type of fornication in my book that is okay cause you have know the girl properly prior of making a decision like I say i will opt for arranged marriage which is good and hassle free . But the girl the parents choose for me i have to talk to her find her aspirations, what she likes what she does not , what is her take on life prior to meeting i can not say if she is good for me or not.
    Second thing as i am a muslim so i will say i believe in my religion so then i will consider Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Saebean to be part of our family as mentioned by our books.
    And yes people can choose their path the way they want but someone wants to leave our religion i may want to tel she or he that what they are doing is wrong and i will try my best to clear her doubts in a respectful manner but then if they want to leave it is their choice , their life their decision i am just to convey the message.
    Anyone who follow basic tenets of Islam and believe in Quran then they are muslim i do not care what his or her sect is if they believe and follow this they are in the path of Islam and as far his mac is concerned he is really good but i do not agree with all of his comments.

    • June 14, 2018 9:54 pm

      On 24:30, are you saying fortification is wrong, but romantic dating for years is okay as per Koran? We interpreted not only sex but even a thought or acts leading to it are included. Read…
      Sahih International: Tell the believing men to reduce [some] of their vision.
      Pickthall: Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest.
      Yusuf Ali: Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze.
      Shakir: Say to the believing men that they cast down their looks.
      Muhammad Sarwar: (Muhammad), tell the believing men to cast down their eyes and guard their carnal desires.

      You said Christians and Jews are your brothers but left out telling your views on Hindus. GH has to deal with them if she marries; she should know what Indian Muslims think of them (even Hindus-Muslims have the same blood/forefathers in India). How about atheists?

      • Gokusan
        June 14, 2018 10:46 pm

        The dating without having any type of sex is my idea of permissibility cause now a days it is really tough to know a woman without meeting her so i said that and yes it is kind of unknow in islamic context so i am quite unsure about it.
        Second thing as hindus are polytheists and atheists do not believe in God so their teachings are against the teachings of the religion i mentioned as these religions consider same prophets and their teachings are more or less same with a bit difference unlike in case of hindus and atheists and same goes for other dharmic religions.
        And yes we are not arab born we are converts my forefathers converted because of the sufi saints in our area and we belonged to the lower castes or you can say schedule castes so to find refuge from upper caste hegemony they converted and i am proud of them cause they took the right decision.

        • June 15, 2018 4:33 am

          Very interesting to exchange views here. On “my idea of permissibility cause now a days it is really tough to know a woman without meeting her” have you 1) ever dated a Hindu girl? and 2) have you dated any girl (before marriage if married)?

          Do you believe Hindus, Jains, Sikhs and atheists are kafirs and will be hell bound on the Judgment day (we understand you may not know what Allah will do, but do share what you understood)?

  • G.H
    June 13, 2018 11:28 pm

    Hi again… First of all i must say my family doesn’t accept our relationship and marriage cuz of distance. They say we may not be able to come and meet u again and again. Then they can’t trust my bf… they say how do u know that he’s not married, are u sure he’s not cheating u, if sth happens to u there, wt ll u do, is this guy is ready to come and live in iran at least for few yrs, is he financially in good situation to meet ur demands, etc.

    Then they consider his religion and say that he’s not a muslim and marriage is not possible again. Now see… even in such an imp case like marriage, all families consider the humanity first, then religion. Religion is so imp in life, but not more than humanity. U asked me if i’m true muslim or not… i wanna know wt u mean by true muslim? If u just mean the true muslim is the one that is performing prayer, fasting, keeping her full hijab… I’m not like that. God created us free. If he wanted all ppl to be muslims, surely he could do like that. But he wanted ppl to choose by themselves, can distinguish good from bad. I don’t read Holy Quran that much, but as far as i know, it’s mentioned in Quran that those ppl ll enter Jannah who ll obey God, do good deeds, respect parents, avoid evil deeds, … He didn’t mention just muslims…

    In my idea, being a muslim in an islamic country is not so much big thing to be proud of. Cuz many ppl are like me. I was born as muslim and it wasn’t my choice. In my country, everybody must obey islamic rules, not going out without hijab, not talking to other sex outside, etc. However some ppl r trying to break these rules. I’m not doing such a big work to keep my religion and beliefs in my country. Cuz almost all ppl r the same. But being in a different place in which everything is different, and being able to raise ur children to be good and believe wt u urself believe is sth we can be proud of.

    If i can marry my bf, i wish my children to be like their father. I’m not talking abt his religion, but his kind and supportive character. The last thing i wanna say now is that God knows how i am, so no need for me to pretend in front of ppl to show i’m religious and good. This is me, and i don’t wanna change myself. Cuz if i’m going to be punished after death, i ll be punished cuz of my own deeds. Nobody else ll be punished cuz of my deeds. So i wanna live the way i like, but based on some true rules, cuz i ll live only once in this world, not much.

    • Gokusan
      June 14, 2018 4:37 am

      Asalamalaikum sister,
      I have never once stated or asked whether u are a true muslim or not. According to our religion it is a sin to marry a polytheist how much he pleases you or not and it is applicable for both men and women and as a muslim u should know this.
      And coming to the second part it seems being a muslim is not imp either to you or your future children.And according to you as you stated you are more or less a cultural muslim not a practicing one.Then go right ahead marry the one whom you think is right and good for you. Cause you know much better than myself whom to choose to spend your life.And do not force himself just to be a muslim for love if you urself do not believe in it cause it is futile .And best of luck with ur life and keep us updated. Khuda Hafiz..

      • G.H
        June 14, 2018 5:41 am

        Tnx alot Gokusan for making time and answering me… in one of comments, i have been asked if i’m true muslim or not… i answer generally not one by one… anyway, tnx again… bye

        • Gokusan
          June 14, 2018 6:13 am

          Welcome sister and keep us updated on what will u do .May Allah bless you always!

        • June 14, 2018 10:01 am

          Dear GH,

          With what you have been talking all along so far (like humanity first, then religion), we do not see any religious related issues in your planned marriage. However, if your intention is to be a true Muslim (convert him to Islam, raise children only in Islam and 0% by your boy friend’s faith, not respect his practices, etc), then you are better off marrying someone from your own faith. This way there will not be any religious related issues in life.

          Interfaith marriages are only for those who believe truly that humanity first, then religion. When ever there are religious related issues, the couple has to settle for a middle ground. There has to be sharing two faiths/practices, there has to be true respect for each others culture and faith and there has to be equality (50%-50%). We know many who are managing happy life this way. However, for a true Muslim, this is not going to be acceptable.

          Lets assume both parents agreed and now you are married. We assume you will settle in India with your boy friend’s Hindu family, is that true? How can you remain 100% Muslim with face covered, performing namaz five times a day, eating meat and more and live with rest of all who are Hindus (go to mandir, pray to many forms of Allah(God), probably are vegetarian, etc)? Unless you are willing to take some and give some, we do not see your planned marriage possible, unless the boy move to Iran and settle there. Is the later possible?

          As much as we like to say humanity first, unfortunately, for religious people, religion takes a priority over one’s simple good deeds. We are not hear to say what you should and should not do, but you must consider all practical aspect of your planned interfaith marriage.

          On your parents points:
          “cuz of distance” -yes this will be a major issue.
          “how do u know that he’s not married” -you will have to check for record of registration in India.
          “Is this guy is ready to come and live in iran at least for few yrs”-good to ask him.
          “is he financially in good situation” – Again a good question. Is he well educated and financially stable?

          There are just so many uncertainty, it would be better you take time to think through all these points.

      • June 14, 2018 10:26 am

        Hi Gokusan,

        You have been giving great advise as a true Muslim to GH, thank you. On “According to our religion it is a sin to marry a polytheist”, you should remind her it is sin to date any one as per Koran 24:30, is this not? GH has already committed sin in Allah’s eye if we take Koran literally.

        On monotheist and polytheist, theologically speaking, Hinduism is not a polytheist faith. Rigveda 1.164.46 says Ekam sat vipra bahudha vadanti; meaning there is ONE God but people see Him/Her is many different ways. Hinduism offers many choices and follower can pick and choose that works for one. It is like learning to swim, initially you need all types of floats, but after you mastered swimming, you can go alone without any float. All devas and devis are, say, floats that helps you reach to God. Once you are enlightened, you do not need any murti or mandir but you can align to God directly. One can be a perfect Hindu without any murtis/idols. Islam also has idols (like Kaaba) that help people focus. If GH wants, they can keep Kashi and kaaba (and Muhammad and Shiva/Rama) out of their married life and together, focus on true humanity and/or God. Is that GH looking for?

        Most important here for GH is to decide how much her religion is important to her over using her own brain and do that is just/logical. If she is open minded, all religious difference can be settled. If he is a true Muslim, it does not make any sense asking someone to fake-convert just for marriage.

        • Gokusan
          June 14, 2018 12:24 pm

          Also associating other images or idols with Allah is a major sin. I told her what is permissible and what is not. I am just here to convey the message neither i am asking her to accept nor reject it. She is a capable human being and i can not judge her position by being a mere keyboard warrior. She can choose her life according to her wish and i just told her where our religion want us to draw the boundary. She knows best . MAY Allah guide her in her life. And Wish you and also the other admin and her peace and blessings in this holy month of Ramadan. May Allah bless you people always.

  • G.H
    June 13, 2018 12:41 pm

    Thanks for ur replies… yes, i have considered all these things, that’s y im still strong in my decision. I can’t judge ppl by their religion. It’s true that he’s not muslim, but when he is a good person, respecting me, supporting his family, not telling lie, not cheating anybody, etc… can i ignore all these just cuz of religion? If we can marry and have children, i wanna teach them abt both religions, first i’ ll teach them to be good ppl, kind, to avoid telling lie, respect others, then religion. I’m really proud of him. I wanna thank his parents for raising up such a person. I also know living in a country like india, which has different weather, cultures, foods, functions, ppl,… will be so difficult for me. I know he wants to convert to islam just cuz of our love. And he’ ll remain the same person even after conversion. We have talked abt it b4. I don’t have any problem with this. Cuz first of all he’s a good person, has good character. I don’t wanna hurt my parents cuz of marrying him. Also i don’t wanna lose him cuz my parents don’t accept him. Performing prayer always doesn’t mean the person is good. I have seen many who perform, but also tell lie, cheat others… So these things can’t be criteria for me.

    • June 13, 2018 3:08 pm

      Dear GH,

      You are truly a Godly person. Considering you are open minded, we do not see religious related issues in your married life. We agree that performing prayers does not make one a good human being, but your acts should be good. Yes, in the name of God, religious leaders are committing so many crimes.

      Hindus believe all faiths lead to salvation. Further, they are trained to accept many different concepts of God. For these reason, your boy friend may not have problem converting to Islam. However, Islam is an exclusivist supremacist faith believing all others faiths (especially Hinduism) are wrong and to be treated harshly. Muhammad said to kill if any one leaves Islam (Bukhari 9.84.57). We hope your boy friend don’t get in trouble for fake-converting.

      You still have to understand cultural differences and see if you will fit there or your boy friend will fit into Iranian society. Immigration/visa is your immediate issue. Not meeting your lover in person is the most missing link in your love.

      Will your parents ultimately bend to please you? What are their major concern with this boy?

    • Gokusan
      June 13, 2018 4:04 pm

      Asalamalaikum sister,
      It is my duty to inform you what is permissible and what is not, if you want to go on u have the full right to do whatever you want.I have not said that praying people are always great and i think it is useless for someone to convert if someone do not like a religion but for the sake of love they are converting who have no idea about religion and going to be a polytheist after conversion which is haram ,so conversion is pretty much pointless just for the sake of marriage,cause our religion is strictly monotheistic and as far as children is concern they would be misguided to perform polytheistic rituals ultimately and they would be deviating from the path of islam . So i just wanted to convey the message and now it is your wish your life and what you want to choose .May Allah guide you thoughout your life

  • Gokusan
    June 13, 2018 10:31 am

    Ur position is really hard, u are telling that he is ready to convert but if u are religious suggest him to read the holy book and start performing namaz so that he does not fake convert for love cause it will wither within a few years. After love fades then reality will hit u said u want to live in india with his family so first consider with logical thinking if living here with can create a problem cause they will observe diff religion and also after love fades he might want to go to his old religion then what u will do. what if u have children and they want to raise them as polytheists, consider this and also this cross cultural marriage is really hard to maintain, question yourself if you can withstand all this hardships,and also u want to sacrifice ur parents cause they will not be happy if u marry someone so that tie will be severed and if something bad happens here then where u will go, and online relationships are not always gold in most cases they are fake, do not rush yourself for making a decision which will you later regret..

  • June 13, 2018 7:27 am

    Dear GH,
    It is sad that you are already an adult but has no right to follow your love or travel without permission from parents. It is sad that mullas (Imams) are controlling your life in every respects.

    Lets assume you found all ways around and got married. Where are you planning to settle in, in India or Iran? Are you sure you will love India, Hindu culture there and away from your family? Is that boy ready to settle in Iran if you don’t like India or have health issues there? Think of all practicality before making the decision.

    About faith, are you okay settling in a Hindu home? There, they may pray to God other than Allah. Are you not concerned with the Judgment Day? Do you believe in what is written in the Koran? Are you true Muslim?

    Do you have a passport to travel? If Iranian laws don’t allow you to travel outside without parents’ permission, that will be hard for you to go to India. Unless your parents agree, it does not make sense he comes to Iran as a tourist. What concerns your parents have for your love?

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