I am ready to convert myself into muslim

I am Saurabh. I love a girl (Tajmira) since last 6 years… she is muslim… & I am hindu… she was ready to run with me… but I decided to inform everyone about our relationship and to take oaths from our gurdians… I informed to my mom, dad and sisters and conveinced them for our new relation.. After that I decided to inform this to Tajmira’s family and to take permission from her family members… I informed her brother, sisters, brother in law… Somehow conveinced them bcoz everyone loves me from her family as a friend of Taj… They were happy as I am also ready to convert myself into muslim… when they informed this to Taj’s mom & dad you cannot imagine what happened then… Right now she cannot come out of his house, her mobile phone has been taken… Password protection has been done to everyone’s cell phone in her house so that she cant contact me… And her gurdian also contacted to some tantrick baba to do some “tuk tak” jaadu or something like that so than she can forget me easily… I have no idea what is going there in her home… I have been working with a major corporation in India… Today whatever I am it is just because of her… I know she loves me a lot… And I love her a lot… I cannot stay anymore without her… Please help me how to resolve the issue… What can I do from my side to stop them doing anything against our love…

Admin says:

You have to realize that for a Muslim girl to marry a Hindu is a big deal; sometimes it could go ugly (read honor killing). We understand that you are in love, but do not take any step that results in physical injuries.

You mentioned that “They were happy as I am also ready to convert myself into muslim” Do you know that conversion to Islam is not like an on-off switch. Later if you don’t like Islam, you will put your marriage life in trouble. The girl’s father knows that you are fooling them by saying you will convert to Islam and that is why he has locked her in. Don’t mix love and religion! If you love her and she loves you, there is no need to convert.

Now you have some free time so spend that in understanding Islam. Go to some Islamic madrasa and spend a few months there. Read Koran. Understand what it means marrying a Muslim (read (this) or [that]). Are you willing to completely give up praying ever to your Hindu Gods, never visit a Hindu temple, never be a part of any Hindu holidays, dissociate you from your parents and Hindu family and start believing that Hindus pray to fake gods? When you become completely like the guy “Indian” on this web site then only you should convert to Islam. Otherwise, don’t fool others by taking fake Shahadah just to please a girl in love. Like Vikas, may be you will find out that Islam is not for you. If so, then what every happened, happened for good. Best wishes.

Also read: Islamic Women Today, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu girl, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Muslim boy,

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  • Rany
    January 2, 2013 8:38 am

    Bro! I will only say you that If you love her and She Loves you then no need to convert religions brother.

    I love a Muslim Girl. Her name is Neelofar Shaikh. We have decided that we will not marry any one else whatever happens.

    So I will only ask you to wait for the things to be normal for some time and then go ahead. Get some cash with you.

    Even If her parents are forcing her for marriage then she will not marry. And still if the things are getting done forcefully then Run Away brother. This is the only thing you can do!

    But be sure that you both have spent a good time before and you both will be happy. Because it has happened some times that people marry even of same religion but later on they Depart.

    • January 2, 2013 8:47 pm

      You made a great point, “Loves you then no need to convert”.

      So, if you do marry, it is going to be by court or your religious ceremony. You know that there cannot be Islamic Nikaah without Shahadah (conversion).

      So, what will be former religion of your children? Did she agreed to it?

    • March 11, 2017 7:42 pm

      I m ready to convert In muslim..

      Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=12167

      • March 11, 2017 8:32 pm

        Hi Shakti,

        This is great! Can you tell us what is your motivation to change your faith? Is that because you are in love with a Muslim? How many other faiths you have explored and what are differences you found between different religions? We would love to learn. Get back.

        • Shakti
          March 11, 2017 10:22 pm

          Yes i m in love.and this time for me a true religion is islam. All day i read quran to.and she want to see me a muslim.

          • March 11, 2017 10:28 pm

            Who is “she want to see me a muslim.” Is that your girl friend? You are a Hindu, why she wants you to see you a Muslim? Did you talk to your parents and her parents? Do you want to see her a Hindu? Are your parents what to see her a Hindu? Where are you planning to live after marriage?

          • March 11, 2017 11:44 pm

            yes she want to see me a muslim.I m Hindu.She want to she me A muslim because Her want to see me in a true relgion.my parents is know about my gf specilly my sis is know everything about her & her parents to know.we live in india after marriage.

            Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=12167

  • Vikas
    November 27, 2012 5:50 pm

    WTF ! If u love the girl and the girl loves u why r u trying to appease her parents if they don’t approve the marriage ? Aren’t u grown ups ? Because of shameless and weak people like u these muslims are trying to dominate hindus. You dont have any family or what ? They are not important to u? If you afraid of anything dont be. You tell us and we will come to protect you. Never be a weak person. Its the adjusting nature of hindus that muslims are so intolerant. Conversions are just not acceptable. Contact me and we will help sort this out immediately. And stop living terror from muslims.

  • rahul
    August 17, 2012 6:29 pm

    ur gone mad…..jo ek ladki ke liye apne maa bap ko chhod dega us per kaun yakeen karega?

  • jaan
    August 5, 2012 2:30 pm

    Saurabh you can also read suggestion to this man’s gf by Ali Sina

    After reading Ali Sina’s advice, the Hindu man decided to break up with his Muslim girlfriend Sara, but Sara wants his loving boyfriend back and is ready to rethink her religion… with excellent reply to Sara from Ali Sina..

    Hello Mr. Sina

    I am Sara from India. My boyfriend sent you a mail a few days ago regarding his problem whether he should leave me or persuade me to leave Islam. He got your reply, which he sent to me. He indirectly told me what is his decision.

    Second time in my life, I visited faithfreedom.org to read your advice to my cute, honest, caring and gentle boyfriend.

    I have always appreciated those people who deserve appreciation and I am writing you because you deserve appreciation.

    I have been dating my boyfriend since last 3 years. I know him more than anyone else. You are a kind of influential person. So my boyfriend followed your advice blindly. I can neither blame you nor my boyfriend for the break up. I am responsible for this and I admit it.

    My boyfriend wrote that once we visited your site together I accused him of insulting my faith. Yeah I did because I am tired of reading and hearing Islamic terrorism. I always read in the newspapers that the majority of illegal activities are carried out by muslims, whether it’s theft, rape, or abduction. When I visited your site with my boyfriend I got angry because it was the same thing I have been hearing, reading from last many years.

    I am not a religious Muslim. Majority of my friends are nonmuslim. I am not like other muslims who intentionally target nonmuslims for conversion. I never wanted my boyfriend to convert, but I am the only daughter of my parents. I have brother or sister. I talked to my parents about my love, but they told me that my boyfriend has to convert. So just for the sake of my parents I started to insist that he convert. I know it is wrong, but what I can do? My boyfriend had two options, but I had only one.

    I don’t know much more about Islam, and I can’t blame you for propagating anti-islamic propaganda because you a free person and everyone has the right to express his or her views. You are doing that. So you are right from your side. I can’t forget my boyfriend and even I can’t get married to other guy because it is difficult to find a guy like him. I have heard so much about your book Understanding Muhammad. Now I want to read it. Can you tell how can I get it? I would wait for your reply.

    Hi Sara,

    Marriage is a partnership between two individuals with equal shares. Each brings something different to this partnership, but they have equal rights. The success of the marriage depends in maintaining this equality. The moment one partner tries to impose his or her beliefs or ways on the other the equality is affected and the marriage becomes unstable.

    Muslim marriages are not based on equality but in the superiority of one partner over the other. This is in the Quran 4:34. These marriages are invariably dysfunctional. They survive because the partner that suffers has limited options. Because Muslim families are patriarchal and it is often the woman that is abused, Muslim women have learned to endure and bury their pains. In Iran girls were used to be thought besooz o besaz (burn and endure).

    But the world is changing and women are discovering that they have more options than besooz o besaz. So marriages are breaking apart. I was going to say children are the main victims, but really children are better off in a broken marriage than in a dysfunctional marriage where there is no love, laughter and happiness.

    You say, every time you read the news it is about a Muslim committing a crime. It is a fact that the rate of crime among Muslims is much higher than in any other community. In Denmark 4% of the population is Muslim whereas most of the crimes are committed by them and 100% of rapes are perpetrated by them. The rate is the same in other Europeans countries. This is not to say that Muslims in the west are particularly worse than those living in Islamic countries. Crime in Islamic countries is rampant.

    The reason for this is simple. Muslims come from patriarchal families. They never saw real love. All they saw was abuse. Psychologically and emotionally, they are not healthy. It is rare to find a Muslim who does not suffer from one form or another of mental disorder. They are often angry, depressive, shy, violent, manic, narcissistic, obsessed, procrastinator, paranoid, histrionic, bully, dependent, or abusive. Muslims are either at your throat or at your feet. That is because they are products of dysfunctional families.

    Why Muslim families are normatively dysfunctional? It is because they have a very wrong model to follow. They emulate Muhammad and Muhammad was mentally sick. His insanity is passed on to his followers and we get a sick dysfunctional society.

    Anyone who wants to marry a Muslim must know that he or she is taking a risk. If both sides are Muslim they can form a dysfunctional, but often stable partnership. The relationship between a masochist and a sadist is morbid, but it works because it is a symbiotic relationship. But the relationship of a sick individual and a healthy person cannot survive long.

    You say your boyfriend is a wonderful person. Why do you think he is wonderful? It is because he has grown up in a healthy non Islamic family – a loving family where men and women were treated equally. He is a good fruit of a good tree.

    You say he has two options while you have only one. That is not true. He has only one option. It is you who have two. He thinks persuading you to leave Islam is his option. He is mistaken. No one can persuade anyone. That is your option not his. If you plug your ears he can shout as much as he likes but you won’t hear.

    You say your parents want him to convert. This is what happens in dysfunctional families. In healthy societies all people are equal. No one will tell others what to do. People respect each others’ right to have different opinions and beliefs. In sick Islamic societies, everyone thinks it is his duty to guide others. This elevates their ego and masks their sense of inferiority. Their psychopath prophet thought them to act as moral police to each other and do “al amr-bil ma’roof, wa nahi an al munkar” to each other. Muslims who collectively suffer from low self esteem and inferiority complex feel superior by telling others how to live their lives. Everything in Islamic world is sick, but amazingly it functions, albeit in a very sick way.

    People are equal. No one is superior and no one is inferior to others. No one should obey another person. You don’t have to obey your parents, your teacher, your government, your religious leaders or those who are older than you. Obeying or even respecting people because of their age or their status belongs to bygone times. We have to obey the rules not the people. And rules apply to everyone equally. In this modern world we do not respect people but their rights. We all have equal rights. One does not have more rights because he or she is a parent, a head of the state or an elderly person.

    It is a mistake to follow another person blindly. Ranks are important in the military. In civilized civilian societies they have no meaning. A student does not have to obey his teacher. They are equal. Teachers and parents in Islamic countries think it is their right to beat the children. They have no such right and they are abusers. They should be prosecuted. Humans are all equal, irrespective of their age, gender, and status.

    Your parents tell your boyfriend to change his religion. They have no such right. They are overstepping their boundaries and violating someone else’s right. They say because of respect for us he should convert. Who the hell they think they are to deserve respect? No one deserves respect. We have to respect each other’s rights and all people have equal rights. A person who expects respect is a sick person. Why should someone who is younger than me stand up for me and salute me first? We are equal.

    I have no right to tell my children what to do. My duty is to show them the way and share with them my experience, just as I would do with a friend, but I have no right to decide for them, whom to marry, what to study, and how to live their lives. They are free people with the same rights that I have. Just as I don’t think it is their business to dictate to me what I should do I must not dictate to them what they should do.

    You say you love this man. If you love him you have to respect his freedom. You don’t have to obey him any more than he has to obey you, but both of you must respect each other’s freedom. You are not chained together. You are attracted to each other through love. Love is the child of freedom. Without freedom there is no love. By trying to impose your will on him you are taking away his freedom and killing the love that is in between you. The moment you tell someone if you don’t do what I tell you, you don’t love me, you become an extortionist. That proves you don’t love him. You cannot possibly love someone and keep him in chains and make him do things against his conscience. You cannot love a person and try to possess him. Don’t confuse possessiveness with love. It is very likely that you, like most Muslims, don’t know what is love and confuse possessiveness and obsession with love. If you have never been truly loved, how can you love? You were treated as an object by your parents and you confuse this with love. Don’t tell me no. The very fact that your parents think it is their right to tell your boyfriend to change his religion is proof of that.

    Love is possible among free people. Some people see the marriage contract or children as a chain. They think they can do as they please because their partner will have to pay a heavy price to break that chain. These unions become dysfunctional and toxic for everyone involved and particularly for the children.

    When two people marry they must have some common grounds. The most important is sexual attraction or “chemistry,” as they call it these days. But since couples don’t spend all their lives in bed, there must be other areas of common interest among them too. You should be intellectually and socially compatible. Beliefs are a very important ground that can either strengthen or destroy a relationship. Therefore, it is advisable that you marry someone of your own faith.

    Interfaith marriages also work, provided the couple is mature enough and respects each other’s freedom and rights to believe in what they choose to believe. This is not something Muslims are used to. Muslims are brought up to be bully. They think what they perceive as truth is actually truth and that they don’t have to demonstrate its validity, but rather demand submission. This is the result of mental sickness. This mental sickness is called narcissistic personality disorder. It is the disorder of Muhammad inherited by his followers. As the result, all Muslims evince this disorder. All you have to do is look at the Islamic countries. They are mad houses. Muslims are not sane. They are sick individuals. Sick individuals form sick families and sick societies.


    Is there a hope? Yes there is. The first step to recovery is to acknowledge that as victims of Islam we are sick.

    One of the most successful programs ever created is Alcoholic Anonymous. Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.

    These people have regular meetings. If you attend one you may hear someone stands up, introduce himself and add, “I am an alcoholic and I have not touched alcohol for thirty years.”

    Why they call themselves alcoholic if they have not touched alcohol for so many years? It is because the moment they think they are okay, they will try alcohol, just a little, and will be back to square one. This admission helps them to be aware at all times that they are at risk and never go close to alcohol.

    To recover, Muslims must do the same. They must admit that they are sick. That Islam has been the cause of their downfall, then they must denounce it, and keep denouncing it until they die.

    An alcoholic knows that he cannot be a moderate drinker ever. Because Islam is toxic and affects the brain, causing insanity, one cannot be a moderate Muslim. There is no such thing as moderate Muslim. You are either a true Muslim and a threat to the world, or a wishy-washy Muslim who is filled with guilt for not being a true Muslim and aspires to become one, one day. If you believe that Muhammad was a prophet of God, even if you don’t follow anything he said you are in danger of becoming a true Muslim and are a potential threat to yourself and to others.

    It is not up to me to tell you what to do. Furthermore, you should never do what others tell you if you don’t understand and agree with them completely. The decision must be always yours. I only show you the way as I see it. You must make verify what I say is right and then choose.

    I am going to send you my book. If you read it from beginning to the end you will leave Islam. Truth is powerful. It destroys lies. Once you leave Islam you are a free person and as a free person you can form a healthy marital relationship with another free person.

    What should you tell to your parents? Nothing! You don’t owe them any explanation. They don’t own you and have no rights over you. Parents have a duty towards their children and children have a duty towards their parents. Parents must raise and educate their children and then set them free. Education is not the same as indoctrination. The duty of children is to make sure that in their old age their parents are not left alone and in difficulty. The relationship must be horizontal, not vertical. It must be based on friendship. Even a four year child must be treated like a friend.

    Parents who impose their own wills and beliefs on their children are abusing their rights and violating their freedom. Freedom is our birth right. No one gave it to us and no one can take it away from us. When you allow your parents to take away your freedom, you will also allow your teachers to do the same and your government to do the same.

    Your parents are going even one step further and want to take the freedom of your boyfriend away from him. This sounds normal to Muslims, but it is sick. No Muslim would accept a deal like that, but they think it is okay to do it to others.

    If you believe in Islam don’t marry anyone who is not a Muslim because your life and his will be hellish. And once you leave Islam never think of marrying a Muslim. Muslims are not normal people. Keep them apart. Interfaith marriages with Muslims have no happy endings.

    Don’t ask things that are not good for you. Read my book and if you see for yourself that Islam is a sham, you will be free and then you become deserving to marry another free soul. If you still think Islam is from God or that Muhammad was a great man, you should not marry a free person because neither one of you will be happy.

    I end this message with positive note. It is a good sign that you have decided to look into the facts and want to read my book. I know that after you read it you will be a free person. I don’t say read it with an open mind. Muslims often say read the Quran with an open mind and what they mean is: read it uncritically and accept any gobbledygook unquestioningly. That is not what I want you to do. I want you to read mu book with a close mind. Don’t accept anything unless you are satisfied and deny it until you can no longer deny it. Just read it. Truth will open your mind even though you put a lock on it.

    The problem with Muslims is that they do not want to read anything that is critical of Islam. You never wanted to read faithfreedom. Now you want to read because you realize you are about to lose your loving man. It doesn’t matter what is your motivation. I often tell people who have a loved one trapped in Islam to bribe them or trick them to read the book. Any Muslim who cares about truth and reads my book will leave Islam even if he or she reads it reluctantly. I have sent this book to many Muslims. Those who read it have left Islam. Those who wrote back to argue, did not read it. They started writing their rebuttal after reading a few pages. I know they have not read more than a few pages because of the kind of questions that they pose.

    I am not a soothsayer, but I think you are on your way to freedom and a happy life with the man you love. Why? Because I believe truth is powerful and anyone who is exposed to it cannot resist it. You finally removed your blinders and are willing to read. That is all it takes to set you free.

    Take care


  • The Jew
    August 4, 2012 6:36 pm

    Here is a little what Islam teaches

  • Anand Kumar
    August 3, 2012 11:01 am

    Hey Saurabh,

    This is Anand Kumar & I am VHP zonal chief secretary in Mumbai & you dont have to convert your self into Muslim..if your partner is willing to convert to hinduism we can bring her back, If you are not from Mumbai still we can co-ordinate with the local VHP-Bajrang Dal cadres in your City & work all around,recently in Mumbai in month of July we have got 2 Muslim girls maried to Hindu in similiar situations & both of them will be converting to Hinduism in 2nd week of August this month, Please do contact me on 09967474411 & dont get into Majnuu mode & convert your self to Islam for just heck of marrying your partner. Remember this is the Vedic faith for which our ancestors have given innumerable sacrifices & dont denigrate it just for personal cause just to get something by any compromise. All the Best…Jai Shri Raam !!!

  • July 23, 2012 4:56 pm

    Sorry for your current situation Saurabh.

    I think that if some of her siblings like you and know about you both, then perhaps they can help you in convincing her parents?
    Like Admin said, I don’t think this girl really wants you to convert , and it seems as though you are merely doing it to appease her family. Times seem tough right now but be patient. Her parents are trying to separate you both as they think this will help her forget you. My advice would be to give it some time and perhaps try to speak to her siblings, or anyone in her family who is sympathetic to your situation and who can offer some help in talking to her parents.

  • July 20, 2012 10:36 pm

    You have to realize that for a Muslim girl to marry a Hindu is a big deal; sometimes it could go ugly (read honor killing). We understand that you are in love, but do not take any step that results in physical injuries.

    You mentioned that “They were happy as I am also ready to convert myself into muslim” Do you know that conversion to Islam is not like an on-off switch. Later if you don’t like Islam, you will put your marriage life in trouble. The girl’s father knows that you are fooling them by saying you will convert to Islam and that is why he has locked her in. Don’t mix love and religion! If you love her and she loves you, there is no need to convert.

    Now you have some free time so spend that in understanding Islam. Go to some Islamic madrasa and spend a few months there. Read Koran. Understand what it means marrying a Muslim (read (this) or [that]). Are you willing to completely give up praying ever to your Hindu Gods, never visit a Hindu temple, never be a part of any Hindu holidays, dissociate you from your parents and Hindu family and start believing that Hindus pray to fake gods? When you become completely like the guy “Indian” on this web site then only you should convert to Islam. Otherwise, don’t fool others by taking fake Shahadah just to please a girl in love. Like Vikas, may be you will find out that Islam is not for you. If so, then what every happened, happened for good. Best wishes.

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