Hindu in Relationship with Saudi Muslim

Rita says: April 18, 2018 at 4:37 am

I wanted to know if you have experience with interfaith couple’s present situation in different countries.I mean legal process,living situation in those countries.My one and i met sometimes ago( i do not want to mention exact time). We have been to each other from very first after watching each other.He is basically from saudi arab.
The problems have arisen after we have talked to respective families.My family has no problem with him,but his family is reluctant as they are very conservative and i am hindu girl.
My query is sir,if i convert,is this situation likely to get better? Or it will be better to relocate?He said he is ready to relocate in UAE with me if i want,but i really do not want to spoil a family relation.
As you can guess,it has been a while we have been together,whenever he comes here, it has been like a live together relation for us.We have been in intimate relation several times,so now it is out of question to go back from here.I am asking for your valuable input regarding this sir. -Rita

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • May 30, 2018 11:56 am

    Hi,Your inquiry demands detailed discussion but i will try to keep it as straight forward as possible.First of all, You need to understand the meaning of conservative culture.
    The transaction in between two powerful conservative culture normally means you have to leave one completely and embrace the other whole heartedly.
    S arab is a very conservative country,it is home of one of world’s biggest religion in the world.I have lived there for three years.Based on that experience, If you invest time sincerely in any subject then nothing is impossible,real question is if you are up for it.
    The challenges of living there will be
    ***Conversion is a must.State of S arab does not recognize interfaith marriage,just like Israel.
    ***If you are working women or want to go outside then you have to dress according to their culture,abaya is standard.
    ***Food habit has to be changed,people there consume bit of oily food and meat.
    Except this no other major issue if you are there to live a normal family life.Above people as you can see posting and will post about crap like stoning to death,cutting hands staff. Yes these are true,but these are capital punishment which are carried out for crimes like stealing or adultery.Free mixing is a big no no there because they take it very seriously.
    There are restrictions in public places but these do not interfere in your private life unless you make it public that can translate in to spreading of something which is not allowed.If you are not up for this,i will suggest dubai option will be better.Parents will come melt down eventually specially after you have child.I will suggest if your guy agrees, then have a child with him.This will solve lion’s share of parents problem,one of my friend did same.
    I want to tell you explicitly,do not fall for any propaganda.You will hear many negative things and it is predictable given back there India is being ruled by fascist hindutva government and it’s right wing hand RSS. So verify every information to the core.
    Guys like krish(comment above) are recruits of RSS to spread propaganda. I wish he can produce documents regarding his statement of S arab people having multiple wives. This is actually severely misinterpreted verse of muslim holy book,koran which is being used by RSS and it’s goons.The verse limits a muslim guy to have at best four wives(upper best limit),but recommends strongly to have one(standard limit). It does not tell muslim man to have multiple wives,it limits the most number of wives a man can have,it also gives recommended level except there is certain conditions like war. If i have to be clear,according to Bhagvat Geeta,there is no limit for man how many wives he can take,there is no mentioned restriction.It is indian law that prohibits polygamy,not hindu religion. I have lived there three years and did not came across a single couple or man that has multiple wives. So i will invite Krish to produce necessary documents to support his claim.
    My guy is computer engineer,originally kuwati,grew up in S arab,we fall in love back there in India,then eventually marriage.I did not face any major problem from my or his family thank God for that.I lived in S arab for three years because his job was there back then,met people and got to know their culture very closely till coming here to dubai after i conceived and settled here,he opened up his own farm.Now my life is all about him and my son.Life here is good.
    Anything you want to know about S arab you can question here.I will try to explain.One piece of advice ,do not fall for propaganda,verify every information,follow your heart.All the best.

    Reply at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=13656

    • krish
      June 1, 2018 10:03 am

      Ohh. you have converted and following a true path religion (GOD na dyou) and hence arguing here me as RSS> Our president of India and Prime Minister are too RSS cadre. Once you converted and then you too became such radical mind set as well as communal. I am PROUD of RSS. I dont care your degree certificate. Tell me why 2/3 of muslim countries are dying???

      You are no more Indian and is an enemy of my country. You like cheap low IQ can say Hindutva mind set. If we Hindu wouldn’t be secular, there wouldn’t be muslims in India.

      I love my religion and my religion is my faith and ny identity. My foot you are saudi muslim terrorist.

      How dare you say about RSS and mind your ISIS activity in Saudi rather than India.

    • krish
      June 1, 2018 10:07 am


      There are scores of document available in internet about the terrorism in saudi. Are you talking about RSS. better you should focus on YOUR so called ISIS activity and will go to Jannat. Dont lecture me and my Hindu community. YOU ARE A MORON WHO IS HAVING LOW IQ GET CONVERTED. I can bet you saudi peoples are real terrorist and spreading terrorism in whole world. You hatred mconverted are threat for my nation. DONT COME TO INDIA.

  • krish
    April 19, 2018 5:47 am


    Please think several times before you step in this bold and dangerous decision. Saudi peoples are not social as you think. Also there are 90% above saudi peoples are having multiple wives. Just cross check this fact. You will face unwanted situation after married. Admin is very correct and it is haram in Saudi pre-sex before marriage and their marriage is not valid as per quran. Please refrain from this marriage and marry a Hindu is BILLION times better than to marry a muslim anywhere.Your entire life will be spoiled later on.

  • shafiya
    April 18, 2018 10:54 pm

    hello rita. are you sure it will be easy for you to re locate to saudi? i am totally agree with view point of admin here. saudi arebia is not a easy country to live and even if you convert you will face difficulties living there. looking at what your parents agreed on your relations? muslim family living in saudi are orthodox so there will be resistance. as rightly pointed by admin, as per islam physical contact before marriage is haram.

    • April 21, 2018 8:13 pm

      Hello Rita,

      We learned that there are no movie theatre there and even it is very hot, you must be under the burka. If someone is caught making love in public, view… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JpTXzvZVl4 . Are you sure you want to go to Saudi Arabia, and for what?

  • April 18, 2018 7:49 pm

    Hi Rita,
    We have changed your name for your privacy.

    Tell us what that guy has that you do not find in other guys in India? is that his money? How do you know that he is rich, other than what he is talking?

    You said you are a Hindu. Then you said what if I convert. Tell us why you wish to convert? Is that you like Islamic and Koranic teachings? After conversion, what if he does not marry you? Remember, conversion to Islam is a one-way street. Muhammad said: “Whoever changes his Islamic religion, then kill him.” (Bukhari 9.84.57). In Saudi Arabia, punishment for you could be stoned to death in public. Are you okay to live life as a Muslim bibi even he does not marry you?

    Saudi Arabia is very strict for women. You will have to be under burka, cannot drive, probably your parents will be history for you, as per Koran husband can beat you, your husband can have up to 4 wives, and husband can give talaak (and not wife). Are you okay with all these, if become true?

    We also learned that Saudi Arabia is very strict on immigration rules, meaning if you get divorce after only a few years, you will never become a citizen of Saudi (but still Islam will be with you till you die).

    Having sex before marriage is not Islamic (Koran 24:30). If he is not a Muslim, why is he asking you to convert?

    Have you thought of all these issues?

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