Hindi Version of the Koran on Hindus?: हिंदुओं-के-लिए-कुरान
Christians and Jews are discussed in detail in several chapters of Koran, but there is no direct mention of the word “Hindu” in the Koran. However, like most Hindus, if you are any one of those people who believe in multiple forms of the God, associate other names of God with Allah (for example, if you are singing Isvar Allah tero naam), you are an idol or image worshiper, perform any kind of Hindu rituals (for example pooja), or if you do not believe that the heaven and earth were created in six days, do not believe in the Judgment Day, or do not follow Islamic practices as cited in the Koran, you are an “unbeliever” as defined by the Koran.
Selected verses from Koran on unbelievers are listed here “as is,” without any commentary or interpreation. Religious scriptures may say one thing but an individual may interpret it differently based on their understanding of their scriptures (for some experts’ opinions, read Vinod Kumar and Syed Shahabuddin). In reality, for an interfaith couple, it is not the spouse’s scriptures but that individual’s personal faith and belief that matters. If you are in a relationship, find out if your (Muslim) intended spouse, and/or his or her extended family, are planning to tolerate you, a Hindu, “as you are” in the married life; or they wish to transform you into becoming a “believer” in Islam starting with the Shahadah oaths (conversion to Islam) before the wedding. This is a very important matter for the rest of your life; so you must ask and find out the views of your boyfriend or girlfriend (intended spouse) before you develop a serious relationship that might one day lead to an interfaith marriage.
The Koran: As is. From: N. J. Dawood, The Koran, Penguin Books. (God = Allah replaced)
2:5 As for the unbelievers, it is the same whether or not you forewarn them; they will not have faith. Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and ears; their sight is dimmed and grievous punishment awaits them.
2:22 Do not knowingly set up other gods beside Allah.
2:23 Call upon your idols to assist you, if what you say be true. But if you fail (as you are sure to fail), then guard yourselves against the Fire whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the unbelievers.
2:98 Allah is the enemy of the unbelievers.
2:105 Woeful punishment awaits the unbelievers.
2:126 I shall let them (the unbelievers in Allah and the Last Day) live awhile, and then shall drag them to the scourge of the Fire: an evil fate.
2:178 Believers, retaliation is decreed for you in bloodshed: a free man for a free man, a slave for a slave, and a female for a female. He who is pardoned by his aggrieved brother shall be prosecuted according to usage and shall pay him a liberal fine. This is a merciful dispensation from your Lord. He that transgresses thereafter shall be sternly punished.
Men of understanding! In retaliation you have a safeguard for your lives; perchance you will guard yourselves against evil.
** 2:191 Slay then wherever you find them. Drive them out of the places from which they drove you. Idolatry is more grievous than bloodshed.
** 2:193 Fight against them until idolatry is no more and Allah’s religion reigns supreme.
2:216 Fighting is obligatory for you, as much as you dislike it.
2:217 Idolatry is more grievous than bloodshed.
** 2:221 You shall not wed pagan (idolaters) women, unless they embrace the Faith. A believing slave girl is better than an idolatress, although she may please you.
3:19 The only true faith in Allah’s sight is Islam. (Can Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa go to heaven on the Judgment Day?)
3:27 Let not believers make friends with infidels in preference to the faithful.
* 3:118 Believers, do not make friends with any but your own people. They will spare no pains to corrupt you. They desire nothing but your ruin.
3:73 Believe in none except those that follow your own religion.
3:85 He that chooses a religion other than Islam, it will not be accepted from him and in the world to come he will surely be among the losers.
** 3:151 We will put terror into the hearts of the unbelievers. They serve other deities besides Allah for whom He has revealed no sanction. The Fire shall be their home; evil indeed is the dwelling of the evil-doers.
4:49 Allah will not forgive those who serve other gods besides Him; but He will forgive whom He will for other sins. He that serves other gods besides Him is guilty of a heinous sin.
** 4:56 Those that deny Our revelations We will burn (them) in fire. No sooner will their skins be consumed than We shall give them other skins, so that they may truly taste the scourge. {read opinion of Madiha on this verse at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=298&cpage=1#comment-17696}
4:89 Do not befriend them (unbelievers) until they have fled their homes in the cause of Allah. If they desert you, seize them and put them to death wherever you find them. Look for neither friends nor helpers among them except those whose seek refuge.
** 4:91 ..lay hold of them (unbelievers) and kill them wherever you find them. Over such men We give you absolute authority.
4:92 It is unlawful for a believer to kill another believer.
4:93 He that kills a believer by design shall burn in Hell for ever. He shall incur the wrath of Allah, who will lay His curse on him and prepare for him a mighty scourge.
4:102 Allah has prepared a shameful punishment for the unbelievers.
4:116 Allah will not forgive idolatry. He will forgive whom He will all other sins.
5:90 Believers, wine and games of change, idols and divining arrows, are abominations devised by Satan.
6:1 The unbelievers set up other gods as equals with their Lord.
6:12 Allah will gather you all on the Day of Resurrection: a day not to be doubted.
6:23 On the day (of Judgment) We gather them all together. We shall say to the pagans: “where are your idols now, those whom you claimed to be your gods?” They will have no case to argue, but will only say: “By God, our Lord, we have never worshipped idols.”
6:115 Perfected are the words of your Lord in truth and justice. None can change His words.
6:150 You shall serve no other gods besides Him.
6:153 This path of Mine is straight. Follow it and do not follow other paths, for they will lead you away from Him. He thus exhorts you, so that they will lead you away from Him.
7:54 and 10:3 Your Lord is God, who created the heavens and the earth in six days and the ascended the throne.
8:12 Allah revealed His will to the angels, saying: “I shall be with you. Give courage to the believers. I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers!”
8:39 Make war on them until idolatry shall ceases and Allah’s religion shall reign supreme.
8:19 Let not unbelievers think that they will ever get away. They have not the power so to do. Muster against them all the men and cavalry at your commend so that you may strike terror into the enemy of Allah, and your enemy, and others besides them who are unknown to you but known to Allah.
9:4 Proclaim a woeful punishment to the unbelievers, except to those idolaters who have honored their treaties with you in every detail and aided none against you.
** 9:5 When the sacred months (like Muharram) are over kill the idolaters whenever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.
9:14 Make war on them: Allah will chastise them by your hands and disgrace them. He will grant you victory over them and heal the spirit of the faithful.
* 9:23: Believers, do not befriend your fathers or your brothers if they chose unbelief in preference to faith. Wrong doers are those that befriend them.
* 9:27 Believers, know that the idolaters are unclean.
9:29 Fight against such of those to whom the Scriptures were given as believe in neither Allah nor the Last Day.
9:33: The true faith that he may exalt it above all religion, though the idolaters abhor (trash) it.
** 9:62 They swear (Shahadah) in the name of God in order to please you. But it is more just that they should please Allah and the Apostle, if they are true believers.
9:73 Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home: an evil fate.
9:113: It is not for the Prophet or the believers to beg forgiveness for idolaters, even though they be related to them, after it has become manifest that they have earned the punishment of Hell.
10:36 This Koran could not have been devised by any but God.
10:45 The day will come when He will gather them all together, as though they had sojourned in this World but for an hour. They will acquaint themselves with each other. Losers shall be those who denied they would ever meet Allah and did not follow the right path.
10:66 Those that serve other gods besides Allah follow nothing but idle fancies and preach nothing but falsehood.
13:6 Such are those who deny their Lord. Their necks shall be bound with chains. They are the heirs of the Fire, and shall abide therein forever.
13:14 The idols to which the pagans pray give them no answer.
14:30 They set up false gods as the equals of Allah to lead men away from His path. Say to them: “take your pleasure now; you are surely destined for the Fire.”
15:2 The day will surely come when those who disbelieve will wish that they were Muslims. Let them feast and make merry; and let their hopes beguile them. They shall learn.
16:36 We raised an apostle in each community saying: “serve Allah and keep away from false gods.”
17:16 When We resolve to raze a city, We first give warning to those of its people who live in comfort. If they persist in sin, judgment is irrevocably passed, and We destroy it utterly.
18:29 For the wrongdoers We have prepared a fire which will encompass them like walls of a pavilion. When they cry out for help they shall be showered with water as hot as molten brass, which will scald their faces.
20:97 Behold this idol which you served with such devotion: we will burn it to cinders and scatter its ashes far and wide over the sea.
21:21 Have they chosen earthy deities? And can these deities restore the dead to life? Were there other gods in heaven or earth besides Allah, both heaven and earth would be ruined. Exalted be Allah, Lord of the Throne, above their falsehoods!
21:43 Have they other gods to defend them? Their idols shall be powerless over their own salvation, nor shall they be protected from Our scourge.
21:66 He answered: “Would you then worship that, instead of Allah, which can neither help nor harm you? Shame on you and on your idols! Have you no sense?
21:97 You and your idols shall be the fuel of Hell.
** 22:19 Garments of fire have been prepared for the unbelievers. Scalding water shall be poured upon their heads, melting their skins and that which is in their bellies. They shall be lashed with rods of iron. Whenever, in their anguish, they try to escape from Hell, back they shall be dragged, and will be told: “Taste the torment of the Conflagration!”
23:73 You have called them to a straight path, but those who deny the life to come (the Judgment Day) will ever stray from the right path. If We showed them mercy and relieved their misfortunes, they would persist in sin, ever straying from the right path. We punished them, but they neither entreated their Lord nor humbled themselves before Him. And when We smote them with a dreadful scourge, they yielded to utter despair.
23:118 He that invokes another god besides Allah – a god of whose divinity he has no proof – his Lord will bring him to account. The unbelievers shall never prosper.
24:30 Say to believing men to turn their eyes away from temptation and to restrain their carnal desires. (Muslim men are not supposed to look at a woman with carnal desires. If they (Muslim boys) see a girl, they are supposed to lower their gaze.)
25:3 Yet the unbelievers serve, besides Him, other gods which can create nothing and were themselves created: which can neither harm nor help themselves, and which have no power over death or life, or the raising of the dead.
25:50 Do not yield to the unbelievers, but fight them vigorously with this.
25:56 Yet they worship idols which can neither help nor harm them. Surely the unbeliever is an enemy to this Lord.
27:4 As for those that deny the life to come (the Judgment Day), We have make their foul deeds seem fair to them, so that they stray from the right path. Such are those who shall be sternly punished and in the life to come lose most.
30:16 On the day the Hour strikes (the Judgment Hour), mankind will divide. Those who have embraced the Faith and done good works will rejoice in a fair garden; but those who have disbelieved and denied Our revelations and the life to come, shall be delivered up for punishment.
34:35 We will put chains round the necks of the unbelievers. Shall they not be rewarded but according to their deeds?
** 36:7 We have bound their necks with chains of iron reaching up to their chains, so that they cannot bow their heads. We have put a barrier before them and a barrier behind them and covered them over, so they cannot see.
36:69 We have taught him (Muhammad) no poetry, nor does it become him to be a poet. This is but an admonition: an eloquent Koran to exhort the living and to pass judgment on the unbelievers.
40:71 Those who have denied the Book and the message We sent through Our apostles will learn hereafter: when, with chains and shackles round their necks, they shall be dragged through scalding water and burnt in the fire of Hell.
41:17 Over a few ill-omened days We let loose on them a howling gale, to make them taste a shameful scourge in this nether life; but more shameful still will be the scourge of the life to come. They shall have none to help them.
41:26 We will sternly punish the unbelievers, and pay them back for the worst of their misdeeds. Thus shall the enemies of Allah be recompensed. The Fire shall for ever be their home, because they have denied Our revelations. The unbelievers will say: “Lord show us the jinn and men who let us astray. We will trample them under our feet and bring them low.” As for those who say: Our Lord is Allah,” and take the straight path to Him, the angels will descend to them.
42:18 Those who doubt the (the Judgment) Hour have strayed far into error.
42:21 Have they idols which in the practice of their faith have made lawful to them what Allah has not allowed? Had the decisive word not been pronounced already, their fate would have long been sealed. Woeful punishment awaits the wrongdoers.
42:22 You shall behold the wrongdoers aghast at their own deeds, for then Our scourge will surely smite them. But those that have faith and do good works shall dwell in the fair gardens of Paradise.
42:23 I ask you only to love your kindred.
43:24 Each apostle said, “What if I bring you a faith more enlightened than your fathers’?” But they replied: “We reject the message you have sent with.” So We vengeance on them. Consider the fate of those who disbelieved.
** 44:43 Like dregs (worst part) of oil, like scalding water, it shall simmer in his belly. A voice will cry: “Seize him and drag him into the depths of Hell. Then pour out scalding water over his head, saying: “Taste this, illustrious and honorable man! This is the punishment which you have doubted.”” As for righteous, they shall be lodged in peach together amid gardens and fountains, arrayed in rich silks and fine brocade. Even thus: and We shall wed them to dark-eyed houris (paradise of young attractive women).
45:11 Such is Our guidance. Those that deny their Lord’s revelations shall suffer the anguish of a Woeful scourge.
46:5 Who is in greater error than the man who prays to idols which will never hear him till the Day of Resurrection.
47:3 The unbelievers follow falsehood.
** 47:4 When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield strike off their heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly. Thus shall you do. Had God willed, He could Himself have punished them; (but He has ordained it thus) that He may test you, the one by the other. As for those who are slain in the cause of God, He will not allow their works to perish. He will vouchsafe them guidance and ennoble their state; He will admit them to the Paradise He has made known to them.
47:15 Are they to be compared to those who shall abide in Hell for ever, and drink scalding water which will tear their bowels?
** 47:22 If you renounced the Faith (reverse the Shahadah), you would surely do evil in the land and violate the ties of blood. Such are those on whom God has laid His curse, leaving them deaf and sightless.
47:34 Those that disbelieve and debar others from God’s path and in the end die unbelievers shall not be shown forgiveness by God. Therefore do not falter or sue for peace when you have gained the upper hand.
48:6 He may punish the hypocrites and the idolaters, men and women, who think evil thoughts about God. He has laid on them His curse and prepared for them the fire of Hell: an evil fate.
48:13 We have prepared a blazing Fire for the unbelievers.
48:16 You shall be called upon to fight a mighty nation, unless they embrace Islam.
** 48:29 Muhammad is God’s apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another.
50:26 Cast into Hell every hardened unbeliever, every opponent of good, and every doubting transgressor who has set up another deity besides God. Hurl him into the harrowing scourge!
51:48 Set up no other deity besides God.
52:38 Is He to have daughters and you (unbelievers) sons?
54:48 On the day when they are dragged into the Fire with faces down, We shall say to them” “Feel the touch of Hell!”
54:54 We have destroyed many a nation like yourselves. Will you not take warning?
59:24 Exalted be God above their idols!
*60:4: We disown you and the idols which you worship besides Allah. We renounce you: enmity and hate shall reign between us until you believe in Allah only.
** 60:11 Do not maintain your marriage with unbelieving women.
** 66:6 It may well be that, if he divorce you, his Lord will give him your place better wives than yourselves, submissive to God and full of faith, obedient, penitent, devout, and given to fasting; both formerly-wedded and virgins.
66:9 Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites, and deal sternly with them. Hell shall be their home, evil their fate.
69:30 Lay hold of him and bind him. Burn him in the fire of Hell, then fasten him with a chain seventy cubits long.
71:28 And Noah said: “Lord, do not leave a single unbeliever on the earth. If You spare them, they will misled Your servants and beget none but sinners and unbelievers.
** 72:13 Some of us are Muslims and some are wrongdoers. Those that embrace Islam pursue the right path; but those that do wrong become the fuel of Hell.
72:20 Say: “I will pray to my Lord and worship none besides Him.”
76:5 For the unbelievers We have prepared chains and fetters, and a blazing Fire.
109:1 Say: “Unbelievers, I do not worship what you worship, nor do you worship what I worship. I shall never worship what you worship, not will you ever worship what I worship. You have your own religion, and I have mine.
For e-Koran: Visit http://beta.quranexplorer.com
Christians generally believe Lord Jesus is a (son of) God and that FAITH IN JESUS is the only way to achieve salvation and to enter into heaven. Contrary to that, Koran teaches to have FAITH IN ALLAH (God). Jesus, son of Mary, was no more than God’s apostle (4:171). Allah forbids that He Himself should beget a son! (19:34). Further, those who say: “the Lord of Mercy has begotten a son” preach a monstrous falsehood (19:88). Unbelievers are those that say: “God is the Messiah, the son of Mary” (5:70) and “God is one of three” (5:72). Unbelievers will get “Hell of Fire.” Further, Allah told….”Believers, take neither Jews nor the Christians for your friends.” (5:51)
Are you a “believer (in Islam and Muhammad?)” or an “unbeliever” as defined in the Koran? Share your views here for how would you interpret selected Koranic verses. If your intended (Muslim) spouse or his or her extended family asks you to be transformed to a “believer” in Islam starting with the Shahadah oaths (conversion to Islam) before the wedding, what would you do?
Other articles written by InterfaithShaadi:
Bar Mitzvah for Hindus?,
Torah on Hindus?,
Koran on Hindus?,
Bible on Hindus?,
Hindus, Abrahamics and Intolerants,
Can Allah be the Father God?,
A Jealous and Angry God,
One God, Allah?,
Idol Worshippers: Who is and Who is Not,
Circumcision: Science or Superstition? ,
Saif and Kareena: Religion and Marriage,
Religious Conversion for Marriage,
Ten Points of Interfaith Dating ,
FAQ on Interfaith Marriage,
45% of Muslims Marry outside their faith,
38% of Hindus marry Abrahamics,
Interfaith Marriages: A Message to Dharmics,
Hindu-Muslim marriages,
Hindu girl/boy, Muslim girl/boy,
Hindu-Christian Marriage,
Hindu-Jew marriages,
Meera Verses Margaret,
Marriage laws,
Follow Jesus not the church
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I was wondering why Muslims are so good in fertility rate? Contrary to general populous blame to Muslims for rise of population(which is not much deviated from world wide population growth rate), Hindus failed to see big social issues and imbalance created due to killing of non-preferred gender women.
As per 2011 census child female sex ratio per 1000 boy:
National = 918
Hindus = 913 (well below national figure)
Jains = 889 (well below national figure)
Sikhs = 828 (well below national figure)
Muslims = 943 (huge above national figure).
Thus, for every 1000 boys, Muslims have 115 more girls than Sikhs, 54 more girls than Jains, 30 girls more than Hindus.
Means 30 Hindu girls r killed for every 1000 boys. Combining Hindus+Sikhs+Jains, 199 girls r killed for every 3000 boys.
Means 28,434,000 (24.434 millions) Hindu girls killed for total Hindu population of 94.28 crore(942.8 millions). Imagine the generations & further reproductions which can be produced by 28,434,000 mothers have been killed. Imagine how many girls & their millions reproductions are killed if Hindus+Sikhs+Jains are combined.
This gender imbalance is not only causing huge impact in Hindu population and it has become a national issue of unable to find bride.
“India’s craving for boy babies leads to bride shortage”:
Issue is so serious that It has become Election portfolio for many political parties instead of development agenda.
“BJP leader promises brides from Bihar for Haryana youths”
Another reason for decline in Hindu population growth is mistreatment of people based on caste & calling them “lower & untouchable” which force them to leave Hinduism:
Admin is a muslim hater, so that for he is going to wrong path through bringing false statements of quran which admin got from RSS and VHP bajrangdal thats it.
Admin is a RSS pracharak so everybody dont need to take serious his false ideologies and thoughts.
True Hindu always believes one god. But these haters dividing our society, community and our religions, admin is a truely evil. so he is talking wrong about muslim community.
We have not made any interpretation of Koran, we simply quoted it above from The Koran by N. J. Dawood, Penguin Books. Let us know which one of statements is wrong above?
You have quoted it’s true. However your quotes have two flaws
1) You have quoted parts and not the complete context
For example the killing part was when Muslims were attacked severely my people of Mecca
2) The Quran by Dawood is merely a translation, and as we all know a translation can never bring out the true essence. Quran uses Arabic that is 1500 years old, hence words may have alternate meanings.
My friends please read this:
Especially #7 and #6
Explain us this one “9:5 When the sacred months (like Muharram) are over kill the idolaters whenever you find them. Arrest them, besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them.”
others money have also some problem,like may be his daughter or sister have any sufferings,that’s why he plundering someone rupees ,in the case he is not literate or not able to do any work,but earn money honestly is the right way make others happy,killing someone is also not a good thing to do,may be it may destroys his life or after sometime it also destroys the killer’s and his family life,what people achieved to kill someone family,they are doing a big crimes,who kills others but if they realise on their mistakes and sins that they did it,so it is not so much painful about this,this is what quran says:people who realise of their mistakes and sins can be forgave for their doings,in the case allah(god) is merciful
second one thing is that who rape girls,doing a great sin because they destroy the life of this girl completely,are they not have any sister or daughter,if anyone do some type bad works with them so are they not feel angry or bad about them?so humans respect others`give respects,take respect’.
i have asked you that give me one logical reason why robbing or raping is bad for you?
not other lecture
i want to say it to mohammad,and,admin don’t feel sad,mohammad sir you asked me what is your opinion about robbing,murdering someone,etc?
So,listen answer carefully,in case of murder,laws are made by people.Why?do u tell me,wait a minute,i just tell you,laws are made by people because as we know that in india so many religion,caste,sex,race, are found.laws made because one and every person have his/her rights to be educated,literate and develope himself.People who murder other man,whether it is for taking a revenge,or to kill someone who is his or her enemy,people murders people,robbing in banks and plunder others jewelleries and rupees,is such a bad thing according to me.this is bad one who gives up his life in earning money,making himself developed,one who collects money for the marriage of his daughter and sister,is suffered from many types of situations to make this things,one who looted money,killing others,rape anyone,is also a suffering peson who is passed from many typical situation,one who plunder
That what iam asking u why robbing is bad?
for example,
assume iam a big mafia, no one harm me..even ministers are in pocket. . i have ak47 .
if i rob..i can leave my life jolly and happily. i can do whatever i want. . i can go any where in the world. .
now u give a logical reason why robbing is bad.. for that i can stop robbing. .
u didnt give any responce to this.. .how you are telling there is no judgement day. . . you didnt even know any logical reason why robbing is bad?
All the verses are quoted out of context by Admin, here are the verses and their real meaning with context
Yusuf Estes Corrects Quran Misquotes
It is absolutely unbelievable why Muhammad’s Allah is so mean to non-Muslims. Why one should literally believe these statements and apply it today?
** 4:56 Those that deny Our revelations We will burn (them) in fire. No sooner will their skins be consumed than We shall give them other skins, so that they may truly taste the scourge.
** 4:91 ..lay hold of them (unbelievers) and kill them wherever you find them. Over such men We give you absolute authority.
Admin has Quoted from the quran is out of context which people can go against the quran and do not accept islam. .
right admin
You will harm this on the day of Resurrection
Wake up man, who cares for your illogical thoughts “the day of Resurrection”?? If that works for you, enjoy, we do not have any problem with it. But don’t impose it on others.
The J-Day does not mean NOTHING to us. We believe the J-Day is every day we live on this earth. Heaven and Hell are right here, right around us and day in and day out. One has to learn to live good healthy honest life to its fullest, right here and right now.
Do you think the Krishna bhakt Gandhiji and Son of God, Jesus, devotee Mother Teresa will get into your heaven?
What Hinduism and Christianity says about them?
J-Day is your faith, not truth! It does not matter what Hinduism or Christianity says.
Then what is absolute truth??
Wake up man, who cares for your illogical thoughts “the day of Resurrection”??
If that works for you, enjoy,we do not have any problem with it. But don’t
impose it on others.
The J-Day does not mean NOTHING to us. We believe the J-Day is every day we live on this earth. Heaven and Hell are right here, right around us and day in and day out. One has to learn to live good healthy honest life to its fullest,
right here and right now.
Do you think the Krishna bhakt Gandhiji and Son of God, Jesus,devotee Mother Teresa will get into your heaven?”
Admin you want to wakeup. .
There are so many logical proofs for Judgement day or day of Resurrection
which one do u prefer?
check this video :
Hinduism also believe that there is a life here after..i.e. Heaven and hell according to veda.. I will give quotions on veda for Life hereafter. .
so dont divert people from the belive
and you have asked did krishna, gandhiji,mother teresa will enter into heaven..
first see wheather you will enter paradise or not then ask for others
Mohammed, the J-Day theory is your faith, not truth.
The truth is what you see today, learn to enjoy it! You will be rotting in your grave for next 20,000 years for Allah to show up with 72 virgins, keep dreaming for another 40,000 years. NO ONE is going to come to your grave, only you, rotting!
mohammad sir,it is believed as per our faith about day of judgement,heaven and hell,or so many this type of superstition.i don’t believe in it and also suggests people not to believe in heaven and hell,judgement day or any other topics.whatever a person did in his whole life or what he thought about others,have a revenge in the life of earth not in heaven and earth like what admin says.and one thing more that universe will end but not like that what you think,it is expanding and when its expansion will complete to 100%,it again contracts in it,and after sometimes,there would be a big bang happen and again created life and destroyed it,but the day of judgement neither came nor it will come on any day.
There should be a proof behind what u are telling.. .its your false belief that there is no judgement day…..
There are millions of unjustice is happing in this world in the form of terrorism,rapes,thefts,murders etc…
who will give justice to the victims?
are you?
i want to ask you Question, give me proper answer..
Give me one logical reason why Robbing or Raping is wrong for you?

We are speechless!
Sajid Bhai, there are many theories on universe and no one could exactly tell how universe came into existence and how it will end, even those scientist who gave theories, they don`t certainly claim their theory to be 100% correct. There are three things in science, one is law,another is theory and another is hypothesis, law is universal truth, theory becomes law if it gets proven, hypothesis may become theory under many condition, there are many hypothesis and theories on universe,like one is multi verse theory, many scientist don`t believe multi verse theory but majority believe.
Earlier there were theory on how moon came into existence and scientist of that time believed in that, now if i tell you that theory you will laugh at me.
Vedas,Manu on Muslims,Christians,Jews,Dalits,Sudras
***Atharva Veda 20.96.4 …he slays, unasked, the enemies of Vedas.
***Atharva Veda 2.12.6 …Burn down the enemies of Vedas.
***Atharva Veda 20.93.1 …destroy the enemies of Vedas
***Rig Veda 6.22.8 …burn down the enemies of God, Vedas and the malice…
***Rig Veda 6.72.1 …ye killed all darkness and the Gods’ blasphemers.
***Rig Veda 6.52.3 …cast your destroying weapon for the destruction of the enemies of Veda, wealth and crops.
Rig Veda 2.23. 14 Burn up the disbelievers with thy fiercest(showing a heartfelt and powerful intensity.) flaming brand, those who have scorned thee in thy manifested might…
Rig Veda 2.23.4 …and preservest men; distress o’ertakes not him who offers gifts to thee. You burns up the enemies of Vedas and Ishwar
Rig Veda 2.23.8 …Strike, O Brhaspati, the Gods’ revilers [or enemies] down, and let not the unrighteous come to highest bliss.
Rig Veda 6.61. 3 Thou castest down, Sarasvati, those who scorned the Gods…
”Godly persons shall always be ready to kill irreligious people”
[Kshemkarandas Trivedi (Arya Samaj) on Atharva Veda 12.5.62, page 576]
Arya Samaj Website
Atharva Veda 12.5.54 ‘Vedic followers should destroy infidels”- page 574
Arya Samaj Website
The entire hymn of Atharva 2.19 is dedicated in burning those who hate Ishwar and to whom Ishwar hates,
Atharva Veda 10.3.3 This charm shall conquer and cast down thy foemen. Be thou the first to slay the men who hate thee.
”…O Rohita (King) agitate destroy and entangle in snares the man doing wrong to Brahman.” Atharva Veda 13.3.1, Tr. Vaidyanath Shastri.
Atharva Veda 12.5.52 Rend, rend(tear something into pieces.) to pieces, rend away, destroy, destroy him utterly. Destroy Angirasi! the wretch who robs and wrongs the Brahmans, born.
Atharva Veda 2.19.1 Burn thou, O Agni, with that heat of thine against the man who hates us, whom we hate.
Manu Smriti 8.417 A Brahmana may confidently seize the goods of (his) Sudra (slave); for, as that (slave) can have no property, his master may take his possessions.
”…By him we attack on him who hates us and whome we abhor(regard with disgust and hatred.). We overthrow and slay him through this knowledge, through this act and through this fatal weapon.” Atharva Veda 10.5.15
Atharva Veda 10.5.25 …from earth we bar him who hates us and whom we hate.
”O resplendent Lord, brave and opulant, protect us this day against our foes with many and excellent defences, may the vile wretch who hates us fall before us; May the breath of life depart from him whom we hate.” Rig Veda 3.53.21, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 4, page 1237
Yajur Veda 15.15 This one in front, golden-tressed, with sunbeams; the leader of his host and his chieftain are Rathagritsa and Rathaujas, and Puñjikasthalâ: and Kratusthalâ his Apsarases. Biting animals are his weapon, homicide his missile weapon; to them be homage: may they protect us, may they have mercy upon us. In their jaws we place the man whom we hate and who hates us.
”May you (O love divine), the beholder of the path of enlightenment, purifying our mind and destroying the infidels who refuse to offer worship, come and stay in the prime position of the eternal sacrifice.”- Rig Veda 9.13.9, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 11, page 3619
”May the fire divine chase away those infidels, who do not perform worship and who are uncivil in speech. They are niggards, unbelievers, say no tribute to fire divine and offer no homage. The fire divine turns those godless people far away who institute no sacred ceremonies.”– Rig Veda 7.6.3, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 8, page 2369
”Augmenting the strength of resplendent self, urging the waters and rejuvenating all noble acts and destroying the infidels.”- Rig Veda 9.63.5, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 11, page 3715
One who does not offer Sacrifice is inhuman
”May your friend, the cloud, hurl that infidel down from heaven who differs from us in rites and rituals, is inhuman, who does not observe fire sacrificials, and who does not show reverence to Nature’s bounties.”- Rig Veda 8.70.11, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 10, page 3319
”O Lord of knowledge, this laudation is for you…destroy the godless and the malice of our enemy.”- Rig Veda 7.97.9, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 8, page 2613
Rig Veda 1.84. 8 When will he trample, like a weed, the man [Infidel] who hath no gift for him…
”When, with his foot, will he trample the unworshipping man like a mushroom”- Nirukta 5.17
”May our hymns please you; O lord of resolute will power, please display your bounty. May you drive off the infidels. May you crush with your foot the niggard churls who offer no homage. You are powerful; there is none so powerful as you are.”- Rig Veda 8.64.1-2, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 10, page 3289
”May you roaring flames, O adorable Lord, be manifest in the sky as sharp weapons, to destroy infidels. In his exhilaration may his shining splendour inflict destruction. The godless hands try to bind him from all sides but do not succeed.”- Rig Veda 5.2.10, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 3, page 1571
The powerful flowing elixir…It is the conferer of wealth, the king of vigour; It crushes malignities and harasses the enemies.”– Rig Veda 9.79.10, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 11, page 3857.
Both the heaven and earth shudder when you, O the resplendent Lord, uttering your fearful roar, crush down the infidel.– Rig Veda 8.76.11, Tr. Satya Prakash Sarawati, Vol 10, p.3343.
”Let this war drum made of wood, muffled with leather straps, dear to all the persons of human race and bedewed with ghee, speak terror to our foemen.” Atharva Veda 5.21.3, Tr. Vaidyanath Shastri.
”May you bring near to us those who stand aloof; may you strike terror into our foes; o pure flowing elixir, please transfer their riches to us.”– Rig Veda 9.19.6, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati and Satyakam Vidyalankar, Vol 11 p.3631.
”He is an ideal commander of the army, who is swift, keeps his arms sharpened, fearless like a strong bull, a zealous killer of foes, strikes terror in men…”– Yajur Veda 17.33, Tr. Devi Chand, p.181.
”Let the King [Varuna] and Manyu, the warm emotion give us the wealth of both kinds-earned and gathered. Let our enemies overwhelmed with terror in their mind and spirit and defeated in their design run away.” Atharva Veda 4.31.7, Tr. Vaidyanath Shastri.
Nirukta 10.21 …These are hemistichs. Like a spear hurled, it
inspires terror (among enemies) or courage (among friends)…
”We learned persons accept as our ruler, thee, the introducer of new plans for our advancement, the master of loyal subjects, the embodiment of virtue, the most advanced in noble qualities and acts, the queller of the irreligious…”– Yajur Veda 7.36, Tr. Devi Chand, page 77
”…This fourth warrior, full of delight, should subdue the irreligious foes.”– Yajur Veda 7.44, Tr. Devi Chand, page 79.
”O king, make progress in thy duty of administration, extend happiness to the virtuous. O terrible chastiser, burn down the irreligious foes. O splendid person, humiliate and consume utterly like dried up stubble, him, who encourages our foe.”- Yajur Veda 13.12, Tr. Devi Chand, p.138.
Atharva Veda 11.2.23 He who dwells fixed in the atmosphere, smiting(strike with a firm blow.) the blasphemers of the god [or enemies of god] that do not sacrifice, to him be reverence with ten sakvarî−stanzas!
Atharva Veda 12.5.62 ”Rend, rend to bits, rend through and through, scorch(burn the surface of (something) with flame or heat.) and consume and burn to dust, the one who rejects the Vedas”
Hindu god Vishnu says,
”When the glorious Vishnu heard their prayers he emitted from his person an illusory form wliich he gave to the celestials and said. “This illusory form shall so deceive the Daityas, that being led astray from the path of the Vedas, they shall be slain(kill a person or animal in a violent way.) ; for all gods, demons and others, who shall transgress the authority of the Veda, shall perish by my prowess which I exercise for the preservation of the universe. Go then ; be not affraid ; this illusory form shall go before you. celestials, it shall be of great service to you, this day.”- Vishnu Purana 3.17
Killing Women and Children
*Atharva Veda 11.2.21 Do not covet our cattle, our men, our goats and sheep! Bend thy course elsewhere, O strong god (ugra), slay the offspring of the blasphemers!
*Rig Veda 10.118.8 So, Agni, with thy glowing face burn fierce against the female fiends, Shining among Uruksayas.
”To him, who is the performer of all deeds, the possessor and giver of strength, the truly powerful Lord, we offer devotional prayers. He a highwayman, snatches wealth from the godless exploiters and gives it to honest devotees.”- Rig Veda 1.103.6, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol II, page 339.
Rig Veda 1.93.4 Agni and Soma, famed is that your. prowess wherewith ye stole the kine, his food, from Pani…
”The elixir of divine love flows onward, chasing the malignant, and driving off the withholders of wealth and thus it proceeds to the holy abode of the resplendent Lord.”- Rig Veda 9.61.25, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 9, page 3705
‘O bounteous Lord, pious devotees, skilled in reciting hymns, sing their songs to you for your adoration. May you select us also to join them who by their homage to you, have become entitled to appropriate the riches of infidels‘.– Rig Veda 7.19.9, Tr. Satya Prakash Saraswati, Vol 8, p.2409.
‘Leave us not in this conflict as a bearer of load; snatch up the wealth of infidels and give it to us.’– Rig Veda 8.75.12, Tr. Satya Prakash Saraswati, Vol 10, p.3339
”…May you come to bless our fire ritual. May you having scattered all our adversaries, bring to us the possessions of our foeman.”– Rig Veda 5.4.5, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, page 1579
”Having destroyed all assailants, bring to us the treasures of our enemies, i.e. having destroyed the forces of our adversaries, bring to us the treasures or the food from the homes of our enemies.”- Nirukta 4.5
”Give us not, O showerer of benefits, to the wicked. Relying upon your friendship, O Lord of riches, may we remain unharmed. Many are the boons you distribute amongst men; may you demolish those who make no libation, and root out those who present no offerings.”– Rig Veda 6.44.11, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 7, page 2101.
Rig Veda 1.176.4 Slay everyone who pours no gift, who, hard to reach, delights thee not. Bestow on us what wealth he hath: this even the worshipper awaits
Rig Veda 1.81.9 …Discover thou, as Lord, the wealth of men who offer up no gifts: bring thou to us this wealth of theirs.
Atharva Veda 20.93.2 Crush with thy foot the niggard churls who bring no gifts. Might art thou: There is not one to equal thee.
Atharva Veda 20.56.6 These people, Indra, keep for thee all that is worthy of thy choice. Discover thou, as Lord, the wealth of men who offer up no gifts: bring thou to us this wealth of theirs.
When two large, mutually defiant hosts, emulous in corporal vigour, contest, may you destroy the godless in favour of the god fearing and in favour of the person who pours out devotional sentiments.”- Rig Veda 7.93.5, Tr. SatyaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 8 , page 2601
Rig Veda 4.25.7 (Indra), the drinker of the effused Soma, contracts no friendship with the wealthy trader who offers not any libation ; he takes away his wealth ; destroys him when destitute; but he is a special (friend) to him who presents the libation and oblation.
”O bounteous Lord, of what avail are the cattle of infidels to you. Neither they yield milk nor do these faithless persons kindle sacred fire. May you bring wealth of these unbelievers to us and give us possession of people of low mortality and crush them.”– Rig Veda 3.53.14, Tr. SayaPrakash Saraswati, Vol 4, page 1235.
Nirukta 6.32 What are the cows doing in Kikata? Kikata is the name of a country where the non-Aryans dwell. Non-Aryan tribes are (so called because it is said),’What have they done? Or their assumption is that religious rites are useless. They neither get the milk to mix with the soma, nor kindle fire.
Maharishi Manu says that a Brahmin can even kill anyone who hurts him without bringing notice to the King,
Manu Smriti 9.31-33 A Brahmana who knows the law need not bring any (offence) to the notice of the king; by his own power alone be can punish those men who injure him. His own power is greater than the power of the king; the Brahmana therefore, may punish his foes by his own power alone. Let him use without hesitation the sacred texts, revealed by Atharvan and by Angiras; speech, indeed, is the weapon of the Brahmana, with that he may slay his enemies.
LOL clearly you have never touched any Veda or any Hindu book & beside this fake made up verses can’t change the fact. It’s funny how you came up with some unauthentic copy paste verse from some Hateful site and trying to advertise your knowledge here.
Mate just copy paste the verses you’ve given from Vedas LOL every single one of them is wrong. Not even a single time Vedas or Hinduism talks about killing someone unrightous way.
Please educate yourself by reading Bhagvad Geeta and refrain from any hatered
kur`an respect idol worshippers, read sura al kafirun which tell all about kafir and what to do with kafirs(chapter 109), this is what it tells about kafirs(disbelievers)
Bis mis lahi rah maaanir rahiim(In the name of Allah , Most
Gracious , Most Merciful), quliaaaa aeual ka-feruuuun(Say, “O disbelievers), la aa bodu maa ta budun(I worship not that you worship), ollaaa antum aaa beduna maaaaa aaaaa buud (Nor will you worshippers that I worship) ollaaaaa ana aa beduumma abattum(and i shall not worship that you are worshipping) ollaaa antum aaa beduna maaa aaabud(nor will you worship that which i worship) lakuum deee lukum ualiaa deeeen(TO YOU BE YOUR RELIGION AND TO ME MY RELIGION), see what kur`an says–to you(hindu) your religion and to me my(muslim) religion.
When I (Hindu married to a Muslim) first read the stuff on the link ‘Quran on Hindus’ I was shocked to no ends. Not that I was reading parts of Quran for the first time but to have all in one place, each targeting ‘idol believers’ was like wow – cold water in the face! But then it reaffirms what I have always believed in- religions divide and having so many religions in the world makes no logical sense. With due respect to all believers in religion, I believe in one entity which can be called differently by different faiths. Even as a growing child I was not a practicing Hindu and did question whether God resides only in places designated by human beings, and if one can practice faith without actually following any ritual what so ever. So I gave up conventions and have been a firm believer in humanity as a religion for all, and no faith is my faith thing.
bittu see this video, kur`an doesn`t allow us to kill any innocent or non-muslim. kur`an doesn`t tell us to kill any person
This is not true, “kur`an doesn`t tell us to kill any person”. Read above post and the message is clear.
** 2:191 Slay then wherever you find them.
** 4:91 ..lay hold of them (unbelievers) and kill them wherever you find them.
** 9:5 kill the idolaters whenever you find them. …and on and on and on and on.
Judge it yourself!
Admin, i thought you have a little bit of intelligence, but no , you are totally a fool and havn`t read entire kur`an. your comment-
“** 2:191 Slay then wherever you find them.
** 4:91 ..lay hold of them (unbelievers) and kill them wherever you find them.
** 9:5 kill the idolaters whenever you find them. …and on and on and on and on.”—–
admin kur`an came to be completed in around 23 years and you qouted the lines from first portion of kur`an which means earlier messages of allah to mohammad(pbuh), your firt quotation(2:191) is from second chapter, verse 91, your second quotations is from chapter 4 , verse 91 and your third quotation is from chapter 9 verse 5 but glorious kur`an has 114 chapter. when mohammad(peace be upon him) started preaching about one god , his tribes who were idol worshippers denied him and tried to kill him, mohammad(pbuh) then escaped from mecca and went to medina and there he started getting some people who started accepting one god ideology and then meccan(pagans) started war with mohammad(pbuh) and then allah(sa) said to mohammad to kill enemy coz if mohammad until enemy ceases to be threat and also allah(sa) said that remember when enemy ceases to be threat stop fighting and pardon and co operate with them.
Chapter(sura) 109 -Al Kafirun (Those Who Reject Faith):::: Bis mis lahi rah maaanir rahiim(In the name of Allah , Most
Gracious , Most Merciful), quliaaaa aeual ka-feruuuun(Say, “O disbelievers), la aa bodu maa ta budun(I worship not that you worship), ollaaa antum aaa beduna maaaaa aaaaa buud (Nor will you worshippers that I worship) ollaaaaa ana aa beduumma abattum(and i shall not worship that you are worshipping) ollaaa antum aaa beduna maaa aaabud(nor will you worship that which i worship) lakuum deee lukum ualiaa deeeen(to you be your religion and to me my religion)
admin these are the ending lines of kur`an which tells us not to interfair others religion or those who worship other gods like kali,durga,shiv,etc etc. now tell where it tells us to kill others, and these are the suras which we recite every day in prayer that means we have to promise to allah every day that we will not interfair others religion. admin can you give me such lines from bible,vedas,gita,torah which tells to respect others religion.
and that veda and gita even don`t respect hindus too, it is loaded with hatree towards lower caste especially dalit and women.
BIBLE :- You must kill and destroy those who worship another( god)[Exodus 22:20]
QUR`AN :- Be righteous and act justly towards those who worship another(god),Indeed, Allah loves those who act justly.[60:8]
Mohammad(pbuh) said if any muslim kills any innocent non-muslim then in yhe judgement day mohammad(peace be upon him) will take side of non-muslim, now is there any religion which tells such rartional and secular views towards others.
I am an unbeliever please believers and ur allah are welcome to kill me…
We feel your pain!
U nailed it bro Allah ki gand ma Akbar.
They think that they can conquer the world fighting with huge pop of hindues Christians buddhist
Mullah haramio ka lund kaat ke zinda jala dene ka.zada khujli hua to gujrat dubara hoga aur gaand me koran ghuser dunga.saitan ka nasal hai mullah
www. Islamandwar.com to know about there verses
Watch this video and you will and you will help everyone’s decision on switching religions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xIzKgBxzg-I
the hindu religion deos not exist.
Hindu is only a name given by the muslims because of their pronounciation
for the people living on the banks of the river SINDHU
only the VEDAS exist with the supreme for one who worship GOD ONLY ONE GOD.
Another stupid articles…where the author does not know Hinduism or vedas. Gita, Vedas also talk about one God and do not allow idol or image worship. Idol worship is a cultural practise and has nothing to do with Hinduism. Arya samaj does not believe in Idol but one true God.
Those whose intelligence has been stolen by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures.”
[Bhagavad Gita 7:20]
The Gita states that people who are materialistic worship demigods i.e. ‘gods’ besides the True God.
Ekam evadvitiyam”
“He is One only without a second.”
[Chandogya Upanishad 6:2:1]1
“Na casya kascij janita na cadhipah.”
“Of Him there are neither parents nor lord.”
[Svetasvatara Upanishad 6:9]2
“Na tasya pratima asti”
“There is no likeness of Him.”
[Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:19]3
The following verses from the Upanishad allude to the inability of man to imagine God in a particular form:
“Na samdrse tisthati rupam asya, na caksusa pasyati kas canainam.”
“His form is not to be seen; no one sees Him with the eye.”
[Svetasvatara Upanishad 4:20]4
1[The Principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan page 447 and 448]
[Sacred Books of the East, volume 1 ‘The Upanishads part I’ page 93]
2[The Principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan page 745]
[Sacred Books of the East, volume 15, ‘The Upanishads part II’ page 263.]
3[The Principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan page 736 & 737]
[Sacred Books of the East, volume 15, ‘The Upanishads part II’ page no 253]
4[The Principal Upanishad by S. Radhakrishnan page 737]
[Sacred Books of the East, volume 15, ‘The Upanishads part II’ page no 253]
Would you not rather worship an idol than a paedophile??!!
@ Muslim man,
Isn’t worshiping idols better than worshiping one hateful Allah and his rapist and bandit Prophet?
There cannot be any friendship with a woman. Her heart is like that of a hyena.” [Rig Veda, 10/95/15]
The Krishna Yajur Veda says:
Women are without energy. They should not get a share in the property. Even to the wicked, they speak in a feeble manner. [Krishna Yajur Veda vi. 5. 8. 2]
A wife has no claim to property of her husband. The wealth that she earns is not her but her husband’s. [Manu Smriti Chapter 8, Sholka 416]
ABA gandu mal Tara rapist murderer prophet Muhammad Ko to Prithvi Raj Chauhan na hi tatti khila di thi. Vo toh usna days KARKA USA chor Dia Varna koi gandu Musalman na hota
Don’t marry Muslim you kufar and you will be in a better way! All other religions other than Christians and Jews and Magians are mushirks or idol worshipers!
There is nothing in the Koran explicitly about Hindus any more than there is nothing about any other religion that existed in the 7th century outside of Arabia. They all fall under non-Muslims other than the Jews and Christians (are tolerated within limits) and Arab polytheists (not tolerated at all and no longer exist, wiped out completely) that did once live in the Arabian peninsula.
The only question is are other non-Muslim religions in the world to be treated like the older Abrahamic religions Judaism and Christianity (limited tolerance as dhimmis who pay protection money (jizya) to Muslims) or like the Arab polytheism (zero tolerance, conversion or death – death can be commuted to enslavement instead, but they don’t get to be dhimmis)