What Hindu Girls Thinks before Marrying a Muslim?

luckyblogger says: February 19, 2018 at 8:42 am

I have a friend who is a sikh by birth and was in relationship with a Muslim guy. the girl is so caring while the boy is like if she marries its cool if not fine.

The girl seems to hate Sikh traditions weddings which was very surprising for me

Later she married him we did not know if she converted

However, we saw her avoiding all pujas and also she was talking against Hindu customs a lot.

Now they are both educated couple living abroad.
The thing is her family and his family are not accepting even though we think she converted

to guys family, “Girl looks old and too fat, our son could have married much prettier gal” and the girls family of course” we trusted our daughter to study and this is what she did”.

They are happy but the girl has denied staying with his family as she is open minded, wears and eats what she likes and his family is a typical Muslim family.

Its sad that now she has no where to go to india. She cant visit her family as its a shame for them and her husband as its too old fashioned for her.

I want to know do Hindu girls think about family of the guy before falling in love or at least before marrying? –LB

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  • February 19, 2018 9:38 pm

    Thank you inquiry. There are many factors that plays here.

    1) It is possible that the girl does not have any self price (here for her faith; read). It is possible she may have bad experiences in childhood or parents did not install certain values.

    2) When people are in love, they get blinded and cannot see any thing beyond love. In such situation, the other party can take advantage.

    3) On “avoiding all pujas”, you said she is Sikh and sometimes they are against Murti pooja. In that respect, Islam and Sikhism are similar and thus she found it sameness with the Muslim guy. However, she does not realize that (in most cases) she has to stop praying (or glorifying) Guru Nanak ji and Guru Granth Sahib and start glorifying Muhammad and Koran. She will realize this only when it is too late.

    4) We understand if parents are upset but this is certainly not a good idea to get disconnected with your own blood.

    5) On “They are happy … his family is a typical Muslim family”, may be the guy is not a Muslim any more!

    6) On “we did not know if she converted”, tell us if they had a wedding Sikh way or Islamic Nikaah? Nikaah means conversion. On “hate Sikh traditions weddings” it is possible the guy brainwashed her to get away from Sikhism and thus he can have it Islamic way all the way.

    7) On “do Hindu girls think about family of the guy before falling in love or at least before marrying?” not all. Read Madhu and Nusrat.

    Well, education is the key and that is why we have this web site. We hope it will help a few.

    • luckyblogger
      February 22, 2018 10:20 am

      lets see thanks for the reply

    • Krish
      February 24, 2018 4:37 am

      Dear Admin,

      You are very correct. I read Madhu comments and feels sad. But the fact that why these Girls are so much mad about their love and forget the 5th sense like future, culture and tradition and more important is nation? Do you have a constructive research thought? never mind, can u please explain?

      • February 25, 2018 5:53 pm

        God has created attractions between males and females. When age is right and hormones are running high, it is natural to fall in love. Now you may ask what is love? Is that love or lust? We say if a male and a female dog on a street start getting attracted and get connected, that is a physical attraction. The next year, the same male dog may be linked to anther female. This is natural and this we call it “lust”.

        If someone is truly in love with you, that person should respect you the way you are, wiling to share your faith and willing to live with Equality. If that person is out to convert you (meaning he/she does not like what you are but he/she is looking for something else), that is either lust or some hidden religious hidden agenda. We can only guide to youths, but ultimately it is the new-adult has to decide what is right and wrong.

        Parents make mistake by keeping their daughter “pure.” In medical terms, if someone is very pure, meaning never got any bacteria/virus in his/her body, that is very dangerous. This is because you have not built immunity against virus/bacteria. Ideally, parents should let their sons/daughters get somewhat expose to reality of life. This way, their children are ready for this world. Parents need to prepare their children for life and not prepare life for children.

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