Inter-religious marriage is not acceptable in Bible

Arti says: September 3, 2018 at 1:20 am

I am a girl, 31 years old, from Hindu religion and want to get Baptise into orthodox Christianity with all my faith in Jesus.

I am in love with an orthodox Christian guy, for our marriage I have to get baptise in orthodox Christianity. I really want my relation to be successful and I am ready from my heart to do anything.
His parents nor our are in favour of our marriage. They think if he get marry to me, God will never going to accept him and his next 6 generation will going to suffer. They think it’s not going to be accept by church as well as in his society. As for them inter-religion marriage is not acceptable in Bible.

I would like to know that is there any problem in orthodox Christianity that they only do the baptism in childhood, not in adult age? –Arti

More information: Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus?, Christian-Hindu relationships.
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1 Comment

  • September 23, 2018 11:47 am

    Hi Arti,

    After marriage, are you planning to go live with the Christian parents’ home? Are your parents okay with your converting to Christianity?

    Since you are 31, means you are mature. Have you read the Bible? Lets say if this boy declines to marry you, are you still going to convert to Christianity? Is your love for Jesus just this your lover boy or you know enough about Jesus and Bible so you wish to be a true Christian (and zero % Hindu)?

    Is the guy (and you) working and financially independent? The reason we are asking is because we want to know if you have to listen to them for your survival and living married life for money reasons.

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