Kaveri says: July 11, 2013 at 4:41 am
Even i have the same prob… my bf is muslim (Parvez) nd i am hindu… i will not undergo no conversion to marry him … we will do nikaah as well as a hindu marriage….. i m a hindu and i will remain as a hindu for the rest of my life……
Sanaa try to convince his family first, dnt lose hope dear……. even m also in a relationship with a muslim guy….his family has no prob with me, his mom has accptd me nd love me very much… bt my parents will not accpt him as they r very strict… -Kaveri
Admin says:
Dear Kaveri,
Please prove us wrong.
Please go and talk to 10 Imams and ask if Nikaah is possible without Shahadah religious conversion.
Our position is: “There is no imam in this World who will perform an Islamic Nikaah of a “Hindu” to a Muslim. Hindu MUST convert.”
Your bf is simply fooling you, nothing more. The day you will tell his mother that your children will not have sunat circumcision and Muslim names to formally announce them as Muslims, they will become your number one enemy. Let us know when you find out the truth.
Please read Hindu girl with a Muslim boy article for what is coming. Kaveri, we are waiting right here to learn something new from you. Best wishes. -Admin
Satyen says: July 11, 2013 at 10:51 pm
Kaveri and Sana,
Let me tell you both the reality of the love of your boy friends for you. It’s just to convert you to Islam. There is a trick to convert without letting you know that you are being converted. You will be asked to do the following or something similar:
1. You don’t need to convert. Just repeat the Shahada and sign the papers, just for formality so that Nikaah could be administered.
2. I love you so much and cannot live without you. In Islam, it’s required to go through Shahada to get married. Without Shahada, you cannot get married. Later on you can profess Hinduism and we will live separately in other house.
3. I am fine with your religion but just to convince my parents/family/friends, you need to verbally go through Shahada.
The above innocuous looking suggestions are part of the Muslim boys’ game plan called Taqiya in Islam. It means they can adopt even seemingly non Islamic practices to convert a non-Muslims! They can even go to the temple and eveen prasad! If they cannot convert you fully due to your determination, they will definitely make your children Muslims. What happens is when you are married by Nikah (even though you keep your Hindu traditions after Shahada), Shariat laws will be applicable on you. So, they will raise your children as a Muslim as you cannot do anything among their family members. Even you cannot divorce your Muslim hubby so easily as Sharia law will govern your marital status and women have no say in these cases. Moreover, you cannot leave your child with them after you have known their true colors. Your present family members will become kafirs for you and your new found Muslim family. They may not allow your Hindu parents/brothers/sisters to visit their homes. Forget to celebrate any Hindu festivals such as Deevali, Holi, Navratri etc. Be prepared to see the beef and hala styled meat in your home and the Qurbani, Sunnat (circumcision) practices! In fact all these will happen even if you marry by special marriage act!
To summarize, You will be opening a pandora’s box by undergoing Nikaah. In fact many of the problems will exist even after marrying with special marriage act! Because, the problem is not act, the real problem is Muslims follow Muhammad blindly. I suggest you to know more about Muhammad’s marital life ( He married his daughterin-law and a grand daughter like girl of 9 years when he was 54 years old! ):
Choice is yours and future in your hands. But once married, your many of the options will be closed. So, think it thrice before marrying a Muslim. -Satyen
Kaveri added at different times:
He will never allow his sister to marry a non-muslim.
But 1 thing i know he (Muslim bf) will never go under a temple…
If some day it becomes necessary for me to get converted i will end up this relationship.
And if for Nikaah its important for me to get convert will will skip this process and end up with registered marriage.
Even i dont like Muhammad at all….. Muhammad was a bad man and he has taught bad things to u people…
He said that our children will strictly follow islam…
I will never compromise regarding my religion…
Our children will follow islam only. -Kaveri
Kaveri added: August 10, 2013 at 11:27 am
I left him… :’(
Hindu gals r love freak i must say, i was one of them!!!
In a relationshp both must hv to be equal….
My bf said that he is not happy at all wid my behaviour,dan i said ok leave me…. he tried to convince me fr very long……bt fr me it was impossible…..
i also had some drms rgrding my childrn (i undrstd it later) ….i cant sacrifice thm….
Bfr i fll in love wid my bf, i liked muslim ppl, i thot dey r gud…bt nw i just hate dan….
i hate islam…its full of hatred towards non muslim…..
But As like Tamanna’s bf, my bf never stoppd me to do nething relatd to my religion
He always encouraged me to keep fast (nt roza), visit temples…nd all…….
nd never askd me to kip rozas or follow nethng relatd to islam……
rite nw m very sad
He promised me dat i cn do pujas nd all in the house, after marriage…. -Kaveri
Parvez says: September 5, 2013 at 6:05 am
We are together again, by God’s grace.
Kaveri says: December 13, 2013 at 6:24 am
Hiiee……. Admin !!
Do you remember me? Kaveri??
Actually today m here to share my story… “I am dating a muslim guy frm last 2 and a 9mnths… He loves me a lot dat i knw nd me too but he was very a bit strict abt his religion, bt he never imposed his religion on me but he wantd to raise our kids as muslim nd follow only islam…..”
so after cumng to dis website i sumhw got provoked, we had lots nd lots of fights over this issue… he was not at all ready to sacrifice nethng, nd he was like i cannot go against my religion…
so i than said if u cant dan how can i????
After dat i left him, i dint even tried to contact him also….
Than after 1 nd a half mnth he cm up to me and said dat ”Please cum back… If u want i will gt convert nd bcm a hindu …” These were his wrds nd soon after that dis year he celebrated diwali with me… I hv light diyas in his house, make rangoli && did pooja too… He is compltly a chngd person now with liberal thoughts….
we will gt married by hindu vivaah ceremony…
I am so happy u knw…. this website helpd me so much…..
Today i have gt everything i wanted from my muslim bf….. Nd i hoped that each nd every hindu girl instead of sacrificing their religion or getting convrt must try nd fight to remain in their own religion..
Now today i can say proudly that i have changed my bfs attitude towards my religion && nw he is such a good muslim….
I am so proud of my muslim bf….
Thanxx a lot…. :* Kaveri
More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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spoil ur life with muslims , r we hindu guys not able to fuck
Some years ago, VHP leader Acharya Giriraj Kishore had gone on record to tell this correspondent: “There is a physical reason Muslims can seduce Hindu girls. They give them more sharirik anand (physical pleasure) because they have a surgery, Hindus don’t.” In Kishore’s view, circumcision is the Muslim’s secret weapon
Circumcision is only superstition, and there is not truth to pleasure as cited above.
Read a recent scientific study at … http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21672947 .. “However, circumcised men reported more partners and were more likely to report frequent orgasm difficulties after adjustment for potential confounding factors [11 vs 4%, OR(adj) = 3.26; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.42-7.47], and women with circumcised spouses more often reported incomplete sexual needs fulfilment (38 vs 28%, OR(adj) = 2.09; 95% CI 1.05-4.16) and frequent sexual function difficulties overall (31 vs 22%, OR(adj) = 3.26; 95% CI 1.15-9.27), notably orgasm difficulties (19 vs 14%, OR(adj) = 2.66; 95% CI 1.07-6.66) and dyspareunia (12 vs 3%, OR(adj) = 8.45; 95% CI 3.01-23.74). Findings were stable in several robustness analyses, including one restricted to non-Jews and non-Moslems.”
We are happy to hear from you and happy that your bf Parvez is not like Mr. Haque. Are his parents and relatives okay if you don’t have Nikaah marriage?
Now you answered our first question. How about the second question “tell his mother that your children will not have sunat circumcision and Muslim names to formally announce them as Muslims”? We will always be waiting here.
Ummm…. he dnt care abt his relatives, they will surely disagree on this….
His mom is wid us…. c dnt hv ne prob wid nethng…
Lets continue on religious points (that is what this site is about):
He/you said: “He will never allow his sister to marry a non-muslim….. But 1 thing i know he (Muslim bf) will never go under a temple…He said that our children will strictly follow islam… ” Is there any change in his belief?
Now lets focus on financial points, don’t underestimate money-factor:
You said… His mom is with us … meaning?
After marriage, are you planning to live with your parents?
Are your parents okay with your relationship with him?
If your parents don’t agree, are you ready to move out (with your mother-in-law) and manage your married life financially?
Kaveri, we are not trying to make your life difficult, but just pointing you to issues that we think may come up. It’s your life and you should do that is right for you.
We have not heard back from you in a while and are concerned. We have spent good deal of time for your case and would appreciate you give updates on your situation. This will help us improve in the future and also others will learn from your case. We hope to hear from you soon.
BTW please check advises by an Islamic expert at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=6868. What would you say to him?
Dear Kaveri,
We assume you are back on your love-track and wishing to marry Parvez. We understood that Parvez is different than most other Muslims, and that is good for you. However, understand that marriage is not only to a person but, in many respects, of two communities. Use this forum to get first hand experience on how to handle his community.
Assume you are already married and now living in a Muslim home. Further, Zara and Fatimah are your two sister-in-laws living in the same home. They will pressure/advise you to convert to Islam every second and try to prove you that Hinduism is a wrong path. How would you convey your point of views? Please engage with Zara and Fatimah right here for their every comment. This will prepare you for your married life in a Muslim home. Good luck!
Hi kaveri….
Dear, I can very well understand ur pain and grief…..m going through the same phase so I knw better…..but hopefully, time will heal up most of our pains….
Regarding quran, most muslim people read quran in urdu or arbi, but not in english….so most of them do not know what the phrases actually means….like my bf….now ex-bf ….so ask him to read it out 4 u…and since quran is too long, specifically ask him to read the chapter… al-nisa and al-baqarah….these contains mostly of women oppression and dominance,..so, hopefully he will get a better idea what the book actually says…..and after physically reading it, if he tends to agree with those points, or tries to defend it as my bf used to do.(he used to say it is all wrong written in the english translated Quran)….
So all the best kaveri…may god bless you….nd give u strength to deal with the odds in life….smile….smile for urself and ur family….tc of urself….do tell us what happened next,…ciao….
Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=6201
Thank u……..
I just need to tok to u nt here via mails…..if u dnt mind!!
I am so sorry darling I neva eva read ur comment…that u wud keep in touch wid me, via mails,.2day I just happened to read dat,..m soooooo sry….dear…weneva u r bck on d forum,…do revert bck,.,.
Will wait 4 ur response….tc.,.
We understand if you are “rite nw m very sad”, go spend time with you parents or other good friends. Go travel to take your mind away from your current situation.
i want to educate my bf,i want to show him the real face of Muhammad…..
i need ur help….give suggestion……plzzz
i askd him to recite the Koran in english,2mrrw i will visit his place……
a last try!!!
Dear Kaveri,
This is socking that you left Parvez!
We did not wanted to break two people’s love. We just wanted to educate you two for a long lasting happy married life, that’s all.
So tell us what did he do that you decided to leave him?
Tell us what did we do that you all of a sudden (less than a month time) change your mind?
If we did something wrong (bad karma), we hope Allah will forgive us! We are not fearful of the Judgment Day, but we wish to do good karma in this life.
Kaveri, we wish to hear from you after you are out of your current painful condition. We wish you the best and keep in touch! -Admin
All the readers,
Thanks to the Admin for presenting the facts in an orderly way for the couples intending to undergo interfaith marriages. I request other readers to post similar facts over here so that these can help the interfaith marriage aspirants in taking an informed decision and they won’t repent in future if they take decision based on reason (not under the influence of emotion).
Many of the readers have complained about the language of some of the posters who have spoken against Islam. I both agree and disagree. I am totally against the use of abusive language and using expletives. Please guard your language and personal attack to any of the persons. It will bring the important issues for the discussion. If you use vulgar words, the important issues go in the background and they don’t get the attention they deserve. So, if you want your points to be heard , make your language dignified.
However, this does not mean, we should shy away from presenting the facts and truths born out of history and reasoning. In fact it’s our commitment to make the readers aware of those facts which are good for the human civilization. The human beings have suffered a lot from the hypocrisy and must this practice be discontinued. Many of the cruel and superstitious practices have been continued for centuries and have inflicted untold miseries on the human beings specially the women. The women have been the symbol of human suffering.
Now the question is what’s the reason for the above miseries? Ignorance caused by unawareness, improper way of thinking and the snares created by the people of vested interests. Our job is to make the society free from these ills. Internet is the blessing in this case and we should make use of it.
Some of the readers say that all the religions are good and we must respect them. They further add that we should never say any thing against them as all the religions are equal! In fact, this has never been said before the last 50 years or so by any religious people, except the followers of Indian religions! How can the religions be equal if they don’t say so. Does Islam or Christianity say that all religions are the same? If not, why this hypocrisy? I request the Admin to start this important discussion among the readers to clarify this important issue for for the guidance of those who are planning to have interfaith marriages.
Hindu and Muslims girls must know it that the so called muslims follow Muhammad in the name of Allah. If not, why do they follow Quran which is given to them by Muhammad? Why do they believe in everything mentioned by Muhammad regarding Allah? All the Muslim laws and customes have been shaped by Muhammad. If the Muslims want to quit Muhammad, they must quit Quran and the customs such as sunnat(circumcision), burqa, talak, halal and halala, qurbani, hizab, Makka etc.
Most importantly, why Muhammad is required to be named in Shahada? True Islam is following Allah in your own way, not the way Muhammad has told you.
We have come across two curious cases of Pariie and Kaveri.
Their names are different but both of their cases are very similar and contain all the similar ambiguities like:
a. For both of them, their hindu parent’s role are not explained. Apparently, they have no role (very strange !!!!)
b. For both of them, only their bf’s parents role are mentioned.
c. For both of them, their bf’s parents are very open and are not staunch muslims !! Even the story of prasadam and their acceptance of hindy puja etc are exactly the same !!! Isn’t it a very very strange coincidence ???
d. For both of them, their bf’s are staunch muslims.
e. Both of them are staunch hindu women, dislike muslim religion, yet choose staunch muslims as their bf’s.
f. For both of them, their bf’s (being staunch muslims) allow them to remain hindu !!!
g. Both of these staunch hindu women, who dislike muslim religion in many ways, have no problem to raise muslim children and give up their hindu right of mother on children.
h. It is also not clear why they came to this forum. Apparently, they did not want any suggestion from anyone but only wanted to inform what they decided …. but why ? As hindu women, they didnot do anything glorious and gave up their right to children’s religion …. yet they wanted to inform this in this forum !!!!
WHY ??
WHY so many self contradictory situation which are again same for each of them ????? As if it looks to be the idea of the same person !!!!!!!
Myself being from muslim origin and now with hindu’s, I know both of them fairly well and therefore, cannot digest the exactly similsr anomalies in all four families (both for these hindu girls and as well ad their muslim bf’s and their families) !!!!!!
Dear Pariie and Kaveri, you need to have a lot of explaining to clear the above strange anomalies and similarities in two different cases, to make one think that your cases are genuine !!!!
Great work …
Its so cool.
I dnt knw about other muslims, bt my guy is the best….. i have got everything,i hv my freedom…
Baki duniya jaaye tel lene…. i dnt care…
If you have already decided your future, why did you seek advice? Is it not wasting our time? Go ahead and jump in to the fire!!
B’coz, she didnt come here to ask and know … she didnot take any suggestions,
She didnot need any advise, she just wanted to inform ….
Thats why the question comes … so the question comes why she had come here ? Thats not clear !!!!!
It’s a very curious story of her bf, who hates hindu man for his sister but himself prefers to run with hindu women !!!
This story does not portrait a sensible muslim man but one communal man, whose intention is to win a hindu woman but not allowing the same reciprocation to hindu’s for his sister.
And this gal, a so-called “staunch hindu women”, support this !!!
This “staunch hindu women” agrees to end her religious feeling with her …
The logics are not met with this so-called “staunch hindu women”, and there are many anomalies like no impact of her parents / relatives etc as per Mrs. Lia MirzaBasuRoy’s comment !!!!
This story looks like a brainchild of someone (obviously non-hindu) with ulterior motives like ‘to disgrace hindu women and the religion’ !!!!!
Sorry to say !!!!
Dear Pariie or Kaveri,
Please read Mrs. Lia MirzaBasuRoy’s cool analysis …. Now it seems you need to explain why both of your cases are strikingly similar with almost similar coincidences and anomaly’s ……
Can you please ?
Nd i always use to ask him ki ”kya tum 4 shaadi karoge??”
,just for my satisfaction nd i have told him to click a photograph also
for evidence,smart me
!! isnt??????
uska answer ye hota hai ”mujhe marna hai kya?” ….:D
so dat is also a reason we will do a hindu marriage..
Dear Kaveri,
The issue does not end whether you convert or not. Even if he does not trick you to convert (in some tricky or hidden way), the issue starts from there !!!!
The issue is love and sharing, which is violated in this, when he says “The children will belong to muslims only”. WHY ?
You should understand, he should take you and your everything with all respect. Even your religion !!!! So, he should agree to have the children with both faiths and when they grow up, let they can select their own religion !!!
If he does not agree, he very clearly, does not share the children with you, which you two are supposedly getting out of love.
Is he not using you, a hindu women, for his muslim child-producing machine ?
Please think again before agreeing to him for muslim child only. THIS IS UNFAIR ….. to impose his “Muslism” on your blood, i.e. the children and sadly you seem to be agreeing !!!!
Sorry to say, this is clearly where an open minded hindu loses to the darkness of muslim mind and religion !!!
Interesting point, “a hindu women, for his muslim child-producing machine?”. Probably today’s 99% of Muslims in India are produced by former Hindu wives (and their children).
Dear Kaveri,
Did you seriously agree to donate your children to muslim religion ? They will carry your hindu blood. Why are you so happy to get the DISCOUNT for yourself only (no conversion) ?
If both of you have love to each other, he should accept you as you and your religion are …. and share the life together … that include the children and both of you should share !!!
Thats why they should be raised with both religions. Later on when adult, they can decide their religion !!!! Thats called real tolerance and amalgamation of interfaith love marriage, your muslim bf and his family have that openness ?
Can you see your children reading Quran to learn that “Hindu’s are Kafers” ? They will be looked down and disliked as muslims when they visit any European or American countries ? Security will make special body search for them !!! They will carry your blood … how could you tolerate all these ?
Sometimes, it seems that “Open mindedness of hindu women are CURSE and not blessing. Please differentiate between openness and surrender !!
To me, your decision of donation your children carrying your own blood is just surrender.
Why women like you are so weak in negotiating such matters ?
One day, you may lament your decision !!!!!! Have a look at other stronger HINDU women !!!!!!!!!!!
Kindly reconsider your decision of donation your children to blatant and dark minded muslims.
Hi Kaveri,
I am Sabnam, a muslim with hindu bf.
I am surprised to see that the house we muslim women are seriously thinking to leave, you are entering there and agree to bear muslim child ?
Are you hindu women so dumb to not to understand that muslims prefer to marry hindu women to acquire the famous “Intelligence”, which made hindu’s so successful in the world ?
You should have asked your bf that if he is so staunch muslim, why he allow you to remain a hindu ? A staunch muslim can never do that by his religion, it is forbidden in Islam.
If he says for love, then ask him why he cannot extend love to share the children as well ?????
Just ask him, if you can !!!!
I myself am a muslim amd I know what a staunch muslim is !!!! The most close minded and anti-woman !!!!
If he cannot explain properly, then he (as well as you) have many contradictions in your saying !!!!!
On the contrary, a staunch hindu is more open, just like my bf, thats the difference between them.
I like my children to be raised as hindu, they will get huge respect from the entire world (even muslim world). I am not so selfish to leave my children badly in exchange of a personal discount / favour (not to be religiously converted !!!) like you).
So sorry to tell you the truth !!!!
Dnt worry, i am not that mad that i will leave my religion for the sake of love…
nd i truly feel so.

Religion nd GOD is much more important than a guy…..
nd He cannot do so because in our relationshp,i am like the boss most of the times, i am a bit dominating nd he always listen to me..
i dnno y all muslim guys convrt there gfs to their own religion,which is i think a sin,in my view..God will punish those guys.
nd my bf hv told me,at the very beginning dat i dnt want you to change ur religion,ur lifestyle,ur name,ur surname,Go to temple,put sindoor-bindi,everything u want to do,just respect my mother,love her nd nthng else nd just come to my life.. U dnt need to change nething fr me..
U knw wen i fll in love wid this guy around 7yrs bfr,i was too small to understnd all this things,i mean religion nd all…. nw i understnd the true meaning of religion nd all because of him.
He make me realise this…
We are very proud of you and know that in the end you will make a right decision. We are and will be waiting to hear how your life unfolds.
To your question, “y all muslim guys convrt there gfs to their own religion”? Yes, at least those are true Muslims. There is no survey done but our feeling is at least 80%+ of Muslim guys will make convert their Hindu girl friend (or wife) and about 95%+ will make sure their children will be Muslims only (not Hindus).
View this video.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdEXD_xKua0
Further, you said “nw i understnd the true meaning of religion nd all because of him”. Remember he will keep bringing that there is only one God (that is what Hinduism teaches too) and how come there can be Ram, Krishna, Laxmi..so many Gods? Your answer to him should be “then why we need Kaaba idol and glorify Mahummad?” Keep your idols (Kaaba and Muhammad) out and I will keep my idols (Rama, Krishna and Laxmi) out of our life. Instead, lets we will become a Dharmic (not Hinduism). Let us know what he has to say?
Dear Kaveri,
Did you seriously agree to donate your children to muslim religion ? They will carry your hindu blood. Why are you so happy to get the discount for yourself only (no conversion) ?
If both of you have love to each other, he should accept you as you and your religion are …. and share the life together … that include the children and both of you should share !!!
Thats why they should be raised with both religions. Later on when adult, they can decide their religion !!!! Thats called real tolerance and amalgamation of interfaith love marriage, your muslim bf and his family have that openness ?
Can you see your children reading Quran to learn that “Hindu’s are Kafers” ? They will be looked down and disliked as muslims when they visit any European or American countries ? Security will make special body search for them !!! They will carry your blood … how could you tolerate all these ?
Sometimes, it seems that “Open mindedness of hindu women are CURSE and not blessing. Please differentiate between openness and surrender !!
To me, your decision of donation your children carrying your own blood is just surrender.
Why you women are so weak in negotiating such matters ?
One day, you may lament your decision !!!!!!
Kindly reconsider your decision of donation your children to blatant and dark minded muslims.
Hi Kaveri,
I am Sabnam, a muslim with hindu bf.
I am surprised to see that the house we muslim women are seriously thinking to leave, you are entering there and agree to bear muslim child ?
Are you hindu women so dumb to not to understand that muslims prefer to marry hindu women to acquire the famous “Intelligence”, which made hindu’s so successful in the world ?
You should have asked your bf that if he is so staunch muslim, why he allow you to remain a hindu ? A staunch muslim can never do that by his religion, it is forbidden in Islam.
If he says for love, then ask him why he cannot extend love to share the children as well ?????
Just ask him, if you can !!!!
I myself am a muslim amd I know what a staunch muslim is !!!! The most close minded and anti-woman !!!!
If he cannot explain properly, then he (as well as you) have many contradictions in your saying !!!!!
On the contrary, a staunch hindu is more open, just like my bf, thats the difference between them.
I like my children to be raised as hindu, they will get huge respect from the entire world (even muslim world). I am not so selfish to leave my children badly in exchange of a personal discount / favour (not to be religiously converted !!!) like you).
So sorry to tell you the truth !!!!
Perhaps Kaveri is brainwashed and so she is ready to jump in to the well. Once her BF is fully satisfied with sexual pleasure with her, he will look for another wife, which he is eligible to do so, in the name of religion. She will be forced to practice halala and ultimately, she will become prostitute.
Let such foolish girls die like a prostitute.
U r totally mad…..
no comments…..
Sister Kaveri,
But surely, you too are not behaving normally by way to agreeing that your children will follow his religion !!!!
Why this ?
Love does not deserve this !!!! Sorry to say.
It is not your lover says, but off course a close mediavel minded muslim and his family say …. and you, a today’s modern hindu woman accept this !!!!! Too sad to note my sister.
You should have argued in favour of a teaching of both your religion …. hindu religion expects that from you as a minimum.
Unfortunately, you proved to be too timid to ask the minimum for your religion, while he argued and won for his religion … sorry to say my sister !!!
Sister Kaveri,
Why you are too happy and satisfied for your own status and benefit (no conversion) ?
Is it a matter of mercy from him to you ?
You contradict ure own strong belief in Hinduism by allowing ure kids to be muslim,
ure children are ure future and u are ok with letting them follow a religion that, as u mentioned u dont like…what sort of a silly illogical way of thinking u have…u obviously havent thoought things through fully..
Hindu fallowed his religion by raping his own daughters as hindu god brahma raped his own daughter sarşwati
Truth4ever And your adam’s two Sons & Daughters (te us bad story)
Dear Kaveri,
Did you seriously agree to donate your children to muslim religion ? They will carry your hindu blood. Why are you so happy to get the discount for yourself only (no conversion) ?
If both of you have love to each other, he should accept you as you and your religion are …. and share the life together … that include the children and both of you should share !!!
Thats why they should be raised with both religions. Later on when adult, they can decide their religion !!!! Thats called real tolerance and amalgamation of interfaith love marriage, your muslim bf and his family have that openness ?
Can you see your children reading Quran to learn that “Hindu’s are Kafers” ? They will be looked down and disliked as muslims when they visit any European or American countries ? Security will make special body search for them !!! They will carry your blood … how could you tolerate all these ?
Sometimes, it seems that “Open mindedness of hindu women are CURSE and not blessing. Please differentiate between openness and surrender !!
To me, your decision of donation your children carrying your own blood is just surrender.
Why you women are so weak in negotiating such matters ?
One day, you may lament your decision !!!!!!
Kindly reconsider your decision of donation your children to blatant and dark minded muslims.
You know this:
Saudi preacher who ‘raped and tortured’ his five -year-old daughter … was spared from punishment. The 5 year girl died of severe injuries in her private parts in front and back !!!!!
Lama al-Ghamdi died in October having suffered multiple injuries including a crushed skull, broken ribs and left arm, extensive bruising and burns.
The child had been repeatedly raped and burned.
You are not just insulting respectable religion but you yourself is a devil.
All Hindu girls/women,
I have come across a Hindi version of a booklet that throws light on the various aspects of trapping Hindu girls/women by Muslim youths to multiply the Muslim population rapidly. In fact as I have mentioned in other comments, Islam has grown due to women and hence Muslims always consider the women of reproductive age group as their most precious asset. Though they hate the non-Muslim males, they always try to catch hold of young non-Muslim women. Even a cursory study of Muslim history will convince the reader of this fact. Right from Muhammad through Gazani, Ghori, Alauddin, Malik Kafur to Nadirshah and Ahmad Shah Abdali – History is replete with such incidences. Contrary to the belief, all this has complete sanction of Islam and Muhammad’s acts are its proof.
The women have served two purposes for the male Muslims – giving them carnal pleasure and producing Muslim warriors for spreading Muslim empire i.e. Muhammad’s ideology. I won’t go in detail on this topic for now. Instead, I am providing you the link that describes how the Muslim youths are carrying out the same i.e. getting the Hindu women for the above mentioned reasons. The link is given below:
Again as usual, just read the article with rationality as we should do for any book.
May the God enlighten us so that we can work for the good of all people by enlightening them especially the women as they are our sisters, mothers, daughters and wives.
is there an English version for readers? Is some group interested in transferring it?
I will try to find the English version once I am back to my residence.
Dear Kaveri,
Thanks for understanding my viewpoints and concerns. I also understand that your intentions are good and you are a sensitive person. Personally I am so happy to see your steadfast attachment with Hinduism which is the fountainhead of humanity.
However, we should also be careful to pass the legacy of humane practices to the next generation so that the coming generations will remain humane. Sometimes we are not aware of this responsibility, though we have good intention. That’s what I am trying to bring to your notice. For example, how do you think that following Muhammad’s ideology will make your children a good human being? You yourself know about Muhammad what he has done and what he stands for. Will you knowingly let your children follow the teachings of Muhammad? Do you think they will become a good human being and follow the righteous way in life by following Muhammad? Your Muslim boy friend can be a good person but the question is why he is so much pleading for the children to follow Muhammad? Why he is not happy with the idea that the children will pray Allah and also go to the temple? Probably you will also be very happy.
Next concern is why hurt your innocent children at so a tender age with excruciating pain of circumcision? It’s so painful that I could not see the following video of circumcision procedure which was done in a hospital of developed country with local anesthesia! You try to see it yourself:
What will you or your boyfriend will get out of it except for following a superstitious practice of Arabian legacy? In the whole world, this practice has come down considerably. In Europe, Japan, Australia, Latin America – the percentage has come down to around 20-25% which used to be around 90% about 50 years ago! Even in USA, it has come down to 50% from 90% about 100 years ago. Moreover, it’s not required to be circumcised to become a Muslim. It’s nowhere mentioned in Quran!
If at all, the child should be allowed to undergo circumcision when he is adult. Why thrust this agony on him when he is helpless?
Think on the above mentioned points and do your best to make your life sublime.
Could you also tell me why will your children follow islam, ONLY islam – what sort of discussion did you had with him. Or did you just got persuaded in your “discussion”. this does not appears a good start.
I dont want to hurt him…. dats y…..i agreed…….
bt they can visit temple wid me,eat prasad,celebrate any hindu festival,attend a puja….(my bf told me)
Thanks Kaveri, good to hear
First things first- Its a fact, i know by experience – He does not loves you the same way you do !, i can give that in writing, below are the reasons ( based on your answers itself). Take your time to read it and and understand it.
There are so many Misconceptions you have, you need to clarify the below. I am shocked to see you know all of these, in one sense he is smart coz he accomplished what he wanted ( i will explain this in a min). I would ask you to take this conversation, take it thru a sensible guy who has muslim wife, he will tell you what you dont want to hear. As a brother read below as if i am saying this to you gently.
He said he will not allow his sister to marry hindu or non muslim, you said you discussed this- Is this what you call discussion ? He is sure he is not allowing them to marry non muslim, did you ask him why ? He must have said its not allowed, sister this is a typical muslim trait, You tell me is your guy secular, when his thiking is communal ? YOu call it a dicussion its called communal thikining. Your guy is one of those who wants to enjoy plus show that he is strict muslim. ( dating is not allowed in islam so he is enjoying ( not in wrong way) you as girlfriend, What if your brother thinks the same for you, he will not allow you to marry a muslim, but he marries muslim girl, you tell me what will you think about your brother? To open your eyes, this is real face of islam, they want to specifically have non muslims wifes so that they can increase the population, there Mohd used to fill non muslim girls in Harem( sort of slavery) The more muslim a guy the more traits of communal thinking. When the situation is reversed muslim element try hard to stop marriage of muslim girl to hindu boy.
You said he will allow you to puja the gods, idols, will he join you in the puja ? ever thought of that, My answer is NO he wil not, coz as per there religion hindu gods are devils, dont ask HIM, coz he will deny it, A maulvi or islam online website will tell you that. Some will, some will not call hindu gods as devils, but they will list out all the reasons to not worship hindu gods. And that list is qualities of devils. Islam tells muslims that islam and muslim are superior religion, hence all others are in wrong path. ( god knows why muslims right path leads to voilence). Coz quran ( muslims themselfes say) is so complicated to understand, they have several differnt organisations giving quran’s interpretation, to this day these muslims fight among themselfes for “whos correct interpretation” war.
When you said his mom goes to temple, how is that even possible, is she not a muslim? If she goes to temple ( assuming for puja) she is no more a muslim. Only your BF follows islam strictly does not makes any sense, coz you dont know islam in depth, you only know the what you look at in him, what he tells you, what you hear. If you want to know real islam, more importantly there implications on secular society, read what justifications “strict” islamic muslims gives who carry out attacks. As you described him “strict” muslims he is not suppose to date you, which is banned in islam. where is the strict ness now? Please do not give justification that this is modern times etc..if that is true, why he does not allows his sisters to marry a good hindu guy ?
YOu never compromise on your religion, Good to know, I want to ask you, Do you even know your religion – The basic principle, Does your BF knows about your religion, what gods, why certan rituals, stories or rama/krishna/durga ? More importantly have to made him enlightented about your religion ( mostly typical muslims just pretend to care and then show demerits in hinduism). Is he serious in learning hinduism, religion of his would be wife, how much intrest has he shown ?
You said he eats prasadam – good to hear, BUT darling fact is, he is eating it like a food. according to your discussion. can you tell me why he cant go in temple and pray to god ? I can tell you why, dont know what will he tell you when you will ask him. Ok here is it, muslims means ( Slave of ALLAH), not “follower of god” Or “submission to god” – these are propoganda information, spread by islamic org after 9/11 incident. So Allah asks his slave – muslims- to accept ONLY him (allah) as there god, THE ONLY GOD in universe. and there is a catch – muslims sharia law ( quranic teachings) instruct muslims to behead anyone who converts to christianity, jew, hindu etc, thereby NOT accepting allah. (be-heading procedure followed in muslim countries and parts of muslim dominated areas in india, YES you dont read them in newspaper cos they are classified “too violent” and “can create communal tension”) So thats the fact. Even wondered why muslims live in muslim dominated areas ? or why muslims live in group ? Answer is in quran – it asks them to live in group so as to ensure that everyone follows their gods command – including rituals, celebration and killing.
If any of the above make any sense to you, my sister. Then think about it and proceed. My conclusion is – Do not marry him or have any contact. This guys is NOT secular, i will never allows my sisters life to be ruined. You are grown up, think of above point, think of UK sikh/hindu/white girls incidents, read the reasons muslims give in court once caught and then make your decision. As usual, since we are peaceful religion, we dont forcefully stop anybody, sad to say, even when person is going for an imminent suicidal move !
by the way what was your LIST of demands ?
His mother is not like typical muslim,wearing burqa nd all, they have a hindu maid in der home , his mother takes her to the puja mandaps during puja…bt ya she is muslim only…….nt HINDU….
I hate islam. I hate islam. I hate islam…. i hate the religion bt God (Allah) is not responsible fr all this….
muslims r making dis religion cruel,a piece of hatred…
Muslims r killing ppl in the name of islam,in the name of GOD….bt dis r not God’s teaching….
I dnt follow islam or Allah, i am a hindu & will follow hinduism…
My childern will follow islam bt at the same time they will also participate in hindu festivals,rituals etc… my bf dsnt have ne prob with dat….
Nd my son/daughter can date, marry a non-muslim i dnt have ne prob bt i dnt knw abt him…..
Ya he use to discuss with me abt hinduism…. i use to tell him abt lord krishna nd ganesha nd Shiva….
1nce his frnd (who is a christian) was addressing LORD SHIVA as SATAN nd was abusing hinduism…my bf opposed him nd they had a fight due to this reason…. i cnnt frgt all this things….
He never insultd hindusim or hindu any hindu God….. bt i did….many times…. i insultd muhammad in frnt of him…..fr wot he hd done….
Dear Kaveri,
First we should congratulate you for being open minded to explore facts on this site.
We believe you that your bf is different. Please do not get disturbed by what people say…let others say what ever, but you do that is right for you. We will be happy with what ever you decide to do, but allow others to help you make fully “informed” decision. Education should not hurt you, but ignorance will.
You have not answered our only question raised (to prove us wrong) Q: “Is conversion necessary for your Nikaah?” Please talk to his Imam as soon as possible.
You said, “If some day it becomes necessary for me to get converted i will end up this relationship.” So, find out if you have to take Shahadah (conversion) oaths for your marriage (Nikaah).
Remember, Shahadah oath means ” Shahadah is the declaration that there is no god but Allah and Prophet Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. Worship Allah and join no partner with Him.”
Like Satyen always says – “What Muhammad has to do with Allah and why it is critical to associate Muhammad with Allah?” You have already said, “Even i dont like Muhammad at all….. Muhammad was a bad man and he has taught bad things to u people…”. If you don’t like Muhammad, then ask the Imam that you will take this revised oath “Shahadah is the declaration that there is no god but Allah (God or Isvara). Worship Allah and join no partner with Him (like Muhammad).“
You have come up with an excellent solution (….And if for Nikaah its important for me to get convert will skip this process and end up with registered marriage), it is a win-win for all. This way you get your love but don’t have to follow Muhammad.
Nikaah mean….
1) you have to go through irreversible conversion and name change,
2) your Muslim husband can legally marry 3 other girls,
3) he could give you Talaak in the middle of a cold night to end your marriage, and
4) After talaak, legally, you will NOT have custody of your children because you, a Hindu, cannot raise Muslim children as you have agreed to him before your Nikaah.
However, after the registered marriage, you…
1) don’t have to convert,
2) he cannot have additional wives by law,
3) cannot give you talaak but have to go through difficult Indian divorce process (that is favoring women and not men).
Go for the registered marriage. Let us know what you learn after talking to his Imam. Thanks Kaveri.
Sister Kaveri,
You will realize your mistake and actual face of your BF, when there will be no way to come back. You dont understand that he is eligible to keep 4 wives, are you ready to see that moment in your life?
Are you ready to wear Burqa? face situation like tripple talak?
are you ready to prove viriginity on the wedding night by displaying blood stain bed sheet before your inlaws? are you ready to have your genital mutiliated? are you ready to eat beef?
If so, go ahead and jump into the well. We muslim girls know how miserable life we are leading.
Wonderful pieces of advice given by Patterson, Noorjehan and Satyen.
This is reality of islamic guys. They dont even spare their sisters for sexual abuse in the name of marriage and after some time get rid of them and look for another girl.
Kaveri I hope good sense will prevail on you.
I have real life experience of marrying my cousin at the age of 16 years who had left his wife after 3 years, doing small job in workshop but very tactful in trapping girls. Against my wishes I was married and within a year, I was victim of tripple talak and thrown out of my house.I took shelter at may mother,s house once again, father was no more and my brother was indulged in similar acts of sex within his own community. I had to earn through working as a maid in a Punjabi house, who were caring and rich family. They had a driver, who took interest on him and one day proposed me to marry. Seeing no future, I took the risk of marrying him. Beyond my expectation I got good treatment, respect and he allowed me to continue my job in that house for some time. He was pursuing graduation and passed and got a job as data operator and with his assistance I also learnt compouter and started some typing job in 3 years time.
By personal experience, there is a hell of difference towards treatment with wife between Hindu and Muslim families. I am happy that I took right decision. I left Islam and adopted Hinduism and read wonderful religious books. I read Koran also, which is full of hatred, crime and sex against females.
Sis, sorry to hear that…. Watever happend with u was very bad….. I knw muslim ppl r very cruel,women dnt have ne kind of freedom….
u knw I too hate islam nd its teaching…bt my bf is not like a typical muslim guy, he is very nice…. i dnt like to wear skirts nd short dresses bt he tells me dat ”u shud try diff outfits not only salwar kameez nd jeans” He is very open minded, u see…. He is not like dat…. nd most of his frnds r also hindus only…. excpt a few…..
I use to visit temple frequently,i cm back nd gv him prasad to eat nd he never refused to eat…. How can he b bad guy…
I do woteva i wnt,he never stopped me frm doing nething…..
This is the skill of Muslim boys that the Hindu girls don’t realize the fact that they are being trapped. They can have a heap of promises for the girl as it can always be broken after a few years of marriage. The girls on the other hand are love lorn and are not in a position to think objectively due to being love blind. The girls feel before the marriage that they have got some one special who is of different species, even though born in a Muslim family. I have already mentioned in my previous post that the Muslim guys can do everything including taking prasad and even visiting temples as Taqia (Deception) is allowed to convert others! See the fallacy in the girls’ logic below:
1. She is happy exposing Muhammad but is willing to accept someone who considers Muhammad as his role model and to propagate Muhammad’s life style. Not only this, she wants to remain a Hindu but is comfortable in letting the children to follow the inhuman practices taught by Muhammad. She is also OK with the fact that her children will some day eat beef! Also her daughter may undergo the inhuman practice of female genital mutilation!
2. On the other hand the Muslim male is a winner by limiting her Hinduism to her. Though they may let her practice Hinduism temporarily, the so called proud Hindu girl will beget two or three proud Muslims! She may eventually give way to Islam after a few years of resistance. May be even the Hindu maid will be converted to Islam some day by citing her example. Even her children will trap future Hindu girls by citing her example!
To summarize, the taqia strategy will get at least four five Muslims just being patient to delay in converting the so called proud Hindu girl! Unfortunately, this has been going on for hundreds of years. So called educated girls fall prey to this strategy with ease than the less educated rural traditional girls.
And this will go on until Hindus wake up from their deep slumber for the good of humanity! If not, these followers of Muhammad will make it hell for the women and non-Muslims with their tool of Taqia.
Hello Kaveri,
Dont jump in to the fire, you have been trapped. Being a muslim girl, I know how cruel are muslim guys. They are polite, cooperative so long as their sexual desire is not fulfilled. Once they are sexually satisfied, then they will trap another girl for sex. Even Koran allows them to keep 4 wives, so are you ready to share with other 3 wives. If you resist you will be physically assaulted, forced to eat beef etc.
In your own interest and future, I advise you to immediately break all relations with him otherwise you will be a dead slave throughout life.
Sis…. i knw muslims r cruel….even i dnt like der thinking nd all….
But just bcause he is a muslim,we cannot say dat he will also cheat me.. I loved him because of his characture,nature…. he is a very sweet guy.
In my place,guwahati (Assam) i’ve seen many muslim guys marrying hindu gals nd living happily…
If conversion is necessary we will skip NIKAAH…fr me Nikaah is nt impt… hindu marriage is impt……..
Nd his mother herself is not a strict follower of islam dan y will they impose this things on me…
Dear Kaveri,
You are a foolish girl, getting trapped by muslim guy just for sex and conversion. Disassociate yourself immediately, otherwise you will be in fire throughout life and one day you may be killed.
Arrey….m nt getting convert….nd i will not do so… trust me….. Nd he cannot force me fr that also..all things are already cleared……..
Ever thought when parents asks kid to not do something. BUT as a kid you want to explore and cut your finger. Thats when you wish you should have listened to your parents, coz you finger did not cut when you initially played, you cut the finger much later. people here have something that you dont – Experience and knowledge. Advices comes for a reason. God be with you
Kaveri and Sana,
Let me tell you both the reality of the love of your boy friends for you. It’s just to convert you to Islam. There is a trick to convert without letting you know that you are being converted. You will be asked to do the following or something similar:
1. You don’t need to convert. Just repeat the Shahada and sign the papers, just for formality so that Nikaah could be administered.
2. I love you so much and cannot live without you. In Islam, it’s required to go through Shahada to get married. Without Shahada, you cannot get married. Later on you can profess Hinduism and we will live separately in other house.
3. I am fine with your religion but just to convince my parents/family/friends, you need to verbally go through Shahada.
The above innocuous looking suggestions are part of the Muslim boys’ game plan called Taqiya in Islam. It means they can adopt even seemingly non Islamic practices to convert a non-Muslims! They can even go to the temple and eveen prasad! If they cannot convert you fully due to your determination, they will definitely make your children Muslims. What happens is when you are married by Nikah (even though you keep your Hindu traditions after Shahada), Shariat laws will be applicable on you. So, they will raise your children as a Muslim as you cannot do anything among their family members. Even you cannot divorce your Muslim hubby so easily as Sharia law will govern your marital status and women have no say in these cases. Moreover, you cannot leave your child with them after you have known their true colors. Your present family members will become kafirs for you and your new found Muslim family. They may not allow your Hindu parents/brothers/sisters to visit their homes. Forget to celebrate any Hindu festivals such as Deevali, Holi, Navratri etc. Be prepared to see the beef and hala styled meat in your home and the Qurbani, Sunnat (circumcision) practices! In fact all these will happen even if you marry by special marriage act!
To summarize, You will be opening a pandora’s box by undergoing Nikaah. In fact many of the problems will exist even after marrying with special marriage act! Because, the problem is not act, the real problem is Muslims follow Muhammad blindly. I suggest you to know more about Muhammad’s marital life ( He married his daughterin-law and a grand daughter like girl of 9 years when he was 54 years old!):
Choice is yours and future in your hands. But once married, your many of the options will be closed. So, think it thrice before marrying a Muslim.
Ummm…no he is not fooling me… i knw dat…..
our children will follow islam only,i dnt have ne prob with dat,they will have sunnat nd all other things,they will have muslim names….
bt i will not convert dats true… nd if sumday it bcms necessary fr me to get convert i will end up this relationshp….
Nd rahi baat uski mom ki to c is not dat orthodox or religious, c herself visits temples so i dnt have ne tension regarding all this :))
Trust me….he is not like dat….
Yaaa…he is religious bt he himslf dnt want me to get convert… I m free to perform my holy rituals,festivals,pujas etc….
I am okk with sunnat nd all…. bt beef cannot enter in my house …m very clear abt it…
Yesterday only he was telling me dat — ” ek hindu ladki k liye samne beef hona kitna uncomfortable hoga, the same way i will feel abt pork, So u dnt worry i will never allow such situations to arrive”
Nd abt QURBANI, now also they dnt perform the qurbani in der house…they give the money to buy the cow to some 1 nd they dnt even bring the cow flesh in there home after Qurbani, as there is already ahindu maid in there house……. They gv it away to poor people nd to masjid…..
I knw abt Muhammad…even i dnt like Muhammad at all….. i’ve read many things abt him…. i’ve said this things in his (my bf) face only dan Muhammad was a bad man :@ he hs taught bad things to u people… my bf dan switch off his ell fr 2 3 hrs :p ……. I can fearlessly tell this things on my bf’s face dat i hate islam…..nd i hv already said also…….
A litmus test for your love, ask your boyfriend – will he marry his sisters to a Hindu guy? This need be asked in front of witness. Depending on his answer you will get your answer. At current times if he says he loves you, you are obviously mistaken. Muslims are not allowed by there Qur’an to love/ marry non Muslims, unless he wants( even secretly hoping) to convert you to Islam. Think about yourself when you will be pregnant and then his family requests you to become Muslims, what will you do. Can you betray your mom dad brother sister, your family. No matter how much they persuade, they will ask you to convert. Ever thought of that? Its best to ask him to convert to your religion and then marry. Don’t be a victim, you are too innocent to understand there mentality. Look at the below traits in your boyfriend-
– his top best friends are Muslims.
– what will be the Childs religion, is he ok to make the male child Hindu? ( you are sacrificing so much can he no sacrifice this much).
– has any girl in there family married a non Muslim boy?
– does his sisters have any boyfriends, or has non Muslim boyfriend.
– his elder family members, even though open minded keep beard, were predominantly Muslim type dress.
– ask him to go temple with you and pray and see if he eats “prasadam”.
– after marriage can you keep your god’s idols in house, in a equal place as there Allah. ( meaning not in a closet).
– look at there friend circle, are they mostly Muslims, social class of those family?
– give him your religious book to study or give your gods idol to him, so that he understands your seriousness.
now don’t worry about how will he/his family react, these are question that must be answered. Its better to find truth now than later, when it’s too late.pay close attention, getting these answers can protect you from burn later.
-Your brother,
I m a journalist by profession, so trust me on this one
Excellent message. We agree to your litmus test. The litmus test we recommend is no BBS.
Please come to this site to guide others.
Thanx sam…fr ur concern…..
He will never allow his sister to marry a non-muslim,i knw dat…coz this things r already discussed by us….

His mom sumtimes visits temples…. Only my bf is the 1 who follows islam strictly……

Nd fr him my happiness is more impt than anything,he will never force me to get convert,the only thing he demands that our children will strictly follow islam…
Nd if fr Nikaah its impt fr me to get convert will will skip this process nd end up with registered marriage….
Yessss………He will allow me to kip hindu god’s idol or perform Puja nd celebrate hindu festivals….
His dad is no more so no1 is there in his family keeping bread… In his family his mom nd sis r there….
His sis celebrate Diwali….
They have a maid who is hindu,his mom only takes her to Puja mandaps during DURGA PUJA….
Though i hv loved a muslim guy but i will never compromise regarding my religion… i hv seen many hindu gals getting convert nd practicing islam, wich i personally dnt like, u see……
Ek ladka bhagwan se bada nahi ho sakta,even he thinks like dat…
Nd abt prasadam…. Yesssss….. he eats it….

Time by time i use to visit temples nd i gv him so he eats it…. bt 1 thing i knw he will never go under a temple…nd i will also force him to do so….
U knw wot my list of demands r more dan his
You contradict ure own strong belief in Hinduism by allowing ure kids to be muslim,
ure children are ure future and u are ok with letting them follow a religion that, as u mentioned u dont like…what sort of a silly illogical way of thinking u have…u obviously havent thoought things through fully..
C,my kids will follow islam….as islam will b there father’s religion nd m not shellfish like other muslim gals…
i understnd that if i will make hindu ,my bf,his mother,his father(who is no more) i will hurt them….
bt it dsnt mean they wont go to temple nd all…. he have no prob…..
they will perform every ritual wid me…
You are too submissive. You are a new day woman and thus end this “there father’s religion”, no more. Now women should ask for equality.
Further, you said “my bf,his mother,his father(who is no more) i will hurt”, yes they will feel hurt if you don’t convert to Islam, what will you do then?
If i had a brother nd if he wd get convert into islam for the sake of marrying a muslim gal dan he too will lose his identity… i can understnd how my mom nd dad will feel dan…
nd jaha tak its abt my conversion into islam,my bf dsnt want me to get convert seriously….nd his mother too…..
bt my children will follow islam, i cnt do nething in dis regard.. Bt hinduism will also be a part of their lives as m gonna do each nd every ritual as m doin rite nw….
Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=6116
Hey who is this Pari? @pari— Admin is asking me not u :@
Dear Kaveri,
If his sisters will not be allowed to marry a hindu man, then why you have surrendered to his wishes so poorly ?
Even you decided to donate your child to his religion who will carry your own blood ?
Are you so backward minded to follow only father’s superiority for the children ?
Todays world (including educated modern hindu’s) see mother as a legitimate guardian of children ?
So sorry to say, why you are so meek and timid in discussing this with your bf ? Do you have a problem, if the marriage does not go through due to such discussions (just sorry to ask) ?
Please donot be a muslim’s child producing machine in the name of love …. this is not love for sure !!!!
I dnt have any problem because they can visit temple with me,celebrate diwali with me….mujhe aur kya chahiye hoga… they will hindu names with both of our surnames….. so aur kya chahiye?
he is far more better dan other muslims…nd m lucky to have him…
I am Som, I read your story. Excuse me for my personal feeling, the story is good in many ways, except one !!!
In my opinion and feeling also, one basic thing is missed … thats about your responsibility of transferring your religion in your children just like a hindu woman does it to her hindu children !!!!
Both of you and Kaveri are missing there …. both of you are just selfishly looking for yourself and not your next generation, who will carry your hindu blood but will become muslims !!!! Hindu religion will loose the benefits of your blood. Your responsibility does not end with your remaining hindu only !!!!
They should be brought with both religion and later they can decide for themselves. Thats love and sharing between interfaith married husbands and wife !!!
By marrying you as a hindu and showing respect to your religion, your bf is not doing any favour to you. Thats a duty for interfaith marriages, while you see this as a grace !!! That’s where you have shortcoming in thinking !!!
Sorry, I also think that you have surrendered your religious rights on your children to your bf as a mother !!!!!
If there is a chance to rethink, please do it !!! Thats my humble suggestion.