My Wife is Muslim, I am Hindu

Alvin says: June 16, 2015 at 8:11 pm

That’s exactly what i did. My wife is a muslim, am a hindu and i have two kids. Just to show to people i married at her place in islamic way. Then she came to our place and did it my way. We have been living a happy life for 10 years now. Both our parents are happy for us.

As long as she is not a conservative muslim, you would find it easy to live with her. As you have already said that she is fine with your religion, there should not be any issues at all. Religion does not matter as long as you are happy. Go head with your plans. –Alvin

mac says: June 17, 2015 at 6:34 am

So Alvin, basically you are cheating two families.

So you want muslim girl not to be conservative, but what about other side , what if we turn the table and ask hindu husband to be non-conservative like adopting beef eating in your home, naming children islamic name instead of hindu name and so forth, i know many of you got shut by my words, but this is what exactly you expect from muslim girls to do, you want them to leave islamic principles and become a namesake muslim and on the other hand you hindu guy remain a good practicing hindu, while a muslim girl is accepting polytheism in your home(which actually technically made her kafir/non-believer). Muslim girls should take note of these issues if they are planning for interfaith marriage with hindu with equality -mac

Alvin says: July 28, 2017 at 4:48 pm

Seeing this post after 2 years. My response to admin.
I live in Fiji. Multiracial country much far away from India or US.
When my wife an i were not married, do you think it would have been wise to elope with her since islam does not allow muslim-non muslim marriages? Or to break up our relationship and marry someone we don’t love.

Or had you preferred me to force myself to convert to islam for sake of marriage? Or would you prefer not to marry, but have a live in relationship and later in life we tell our kids we didn’t marry?

Yes, we did create a fake marriage marriage in both religion to get married. That was just to show people that we are marrying. God is our creator and during marriage, we asked him for his blessings. He knows we are creating a show, and he understands our minds why we are doing it. Regarding teaching to our children, they attend a multi cultural school. Since i am less religious, my wife did a very extensive research on hinduism and later started to practice it. She now teaches us about Karma,moksha and list goes on. -Alvin

Alvin says: July 28, 2017 at 4:19 pm

Hi Mac, Every religion teaches to worship god and not satan.I did not force my muslim wife to marry me or follow my religion. It was her choice. When she initially got married, she was less educated. I gave her freedom to live which ever way she wanted, sent her to uni and also to handle our family business. My daughter has her first name which sounds bit of a muslim but has my surname. Around 5 years in married life with me, she started doing research in my religion and culture and soon started to follow because there’s not much restrictions in it. I did not force her to do that because myself i am not much of a religious person.It was her choice.

When i go to her parents, they don’t serve me beef because i haven’t eaten beef before. I did try beef couple times in office with other staffs but it didn’t please me. Likewise when they are at my place, I ensure that they eat halal meat. Once living in western culture, my wife got adapted to it. She also has a elder sister who is a strict muslim and married a muslim and has two kids. Her husband passed away and we support her whenever she needs it. Over here for me its more than 10 years and we have a healthy family life.

Both our parents are happy for us. From my understanding, to be happy in life, religion doesn’t matter, it’s how we treat our partners and fellow human beings. But yes, whenever i am in trouble and need peace in mind, i think of the almighty.

Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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  • mac
    August 6, 2017 7:45 am

    Are you Alvin Sharma?

    • Alvin
      August 31, 2017 3:22 pm

      I am Alvin Singh

  • Alvin
    July 28, 2017 4:48 pm

    Seeing this post after 2 years. My response to admin.
    I live in Fiji. Multiracial country much far away from India or US.
    When my wife an i were not married, do you think it would have been wise to elope with her since islam does not allow muslim-non muslim marriages? Or to break up our relationship and marry someone we don’t love.
    Or had you preferred me to force myself to convert to islam for sake of marriage? Or would you prefer not to marry, but have a live in relationship and later in life we tell our kids we didn’t marry?

    Yes, we did create a fake marriage marriage in both religion to get married. That was just to show people that we are marrying. God is our creator and during marriage, we asked him for his blessings. He knows we are creating a show, and he understands our minds why we are doing it. Regarding teaching to our children, they attend a multi cultural school. Since i am less religious, my wife did a very extensive research on hinduism and later started to practice it. She now teaches us about Karma,moksha and list goes on.

    • August 1, 2017 9:09 pm

      We know many many Fijians in America. We do not endorse your fake-conversion, but glad you are happy. We wonder why your wife inspire of being religious, picked Hinduism over Islam? Does she feel she must follow Hinduism because she joined a Hindu family? Or, did she found merits in Hindu faith?

      • Mohamed
        August 3, 2017 2:23 am

        Admin don’t want to enforce a fake conversion only for hindu person those converting to Islam… But he want to force people for converting to Hinduism… This is called Admin’s Equality… Ryt admin
        This is how you promoting Hinduism with the help of Interfaith marriage peoples…
        Admin you only said always why to convert… Better marry without conversion… Correct only na Admin

        • August 3, 2017 8:24 pm

          This conversion business should stop. If you cannot put up with each other the way you found and fall in love, why bring in conversion? Let the rose be rose and carnation be carnation.

          • Mohamed
            August 4, 2017 2:09 am

            But you making conversion business by promoting Hinduism… You only say No business conversion but you only doing… Its called equality

          • August 4, 2017 10:10 pm

            We promote equality, meaning 50%-50%.
            Are you saying that is wrong, it must be 0% Hindu and 100% Islam? Is that what you are preaching?

          • Mohamed
            August 4, 2017 10:15 pm

            You just saying 50%-50% equality but you preaching 0% islam and 100% Hinduism… Thats what you actually does here… Thats what i want to tell

          • August 4, 2017 10:25 pm

            We are happy that Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor married with equality. Look what SRK has to say. Are these not beautiful 50-50%?

      • Alvin
        August 30, 2017 10:25 pm

        Hi Admin. Am responding to your question. It’s a good question that you asked -she feel she must follow Hinduism because she joined a Hindu family? Or, did she found merits in Hindu faith?
        She came to my family, after sometime she started wearing clothes of her choice. Western clothes and very less restriction on anything. She even started to take wine or liquor with me on occasions or company parties. I did not restrict her on those because i believe women have their rights but there is a limit to everything. Soon when she started visiting her parents and relatives, she found that her way of living no longer matches where she came from. She knows that islam forbids alcohol, the small clothes she wears and so on. She started to show very much interest in diwali. She prepared meals and sweets for all our staffs during diwali and dressed up to her best and celebrated in a big way. Then she started to research about hinduism, karma, moksha etc and watching videos of ramayan, hanuman, krishna. She did not follow hinduism because of marrying in a hindu family but only followed after showing interest in it. There are merits in all religions.
        I know islam teaches good things and islamic people are more disciplined. If we are born in christian or hindu family, that’s gods decision and we have to follow it. Worshipping Allah, Ram or Jesus, the message goes to the same god who created us. Please feel free to ask more if need be.

        • September 1, 2017 8:39 am

          Thanks for clarifying.

  • ahmad noor
    July 15, 2015 1:57 pm

    ALVIN Can explain exactly the meaning of( conservative)???as this word when it is said by hindu much different from muslim saying you are simply using
    ( general expression ) avoiding critical details

    • Alvin
      July 28, 2017 4:56 pm

      conservative means- Resistant to change.
      A conservative person does not want to change their lifestyle.
      If my wife was a conservative person, she would not marry me.
      But she was not conservative, our relationship worked.

  • July 15, 2015 10:34 am

    I am a sunni muslim girl and I leave in relation ship with a hindu I want to marry him, should I convert or change my name, pl suggest, I feel more comfortable with this guy and in his community other than my community, asslam.

    Reply at

    • ahmad noor
      July 15, 2015 1:47 pm

      jainab some questions : to be a muslim dose it mean any thing to you?
      do you realy beieve in allah our unique god who will meet us in jugdement day after death??
      if you do ….do you think this relation which puts you aganist your islam unlike the hindu as this relation dose not put him against his
      deserve this sacrifice???
      do you think it is only a matter of comfort and we can complete our out of islam what about children?????

  • June 17, 2015 9:35 pm


    We do not recommend youths to make lies and deception as a foundation for your married life. It is better to be honest upfront. Why to lie to Allah, Koran, Imam and to Islamic community when there are other options there?

    Which country are you from? It is difficult to believe such a situation in any Islamic country. Are her parents okay their daughter in Hindu home and following (half?) Hindu practices? What are you teaching to your children about God and two cultures?

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