What’s-app Hindu-Christian Love

Angel says: December 9, 2016 at 1:15 pm

Dear admin,
I’m 24years old Christian gal from Pakistan and I love a 27years old hindu Tamil guy.we are in relationship from 4years,we knows each other so well.first of all i want to tell you we are attach through what’s app. our many things are similar and we love each other .he proposed me first for marriage then I took sometime to think about wedding.he was so desperate for me and loves me truly and we discussed everything about marriage then we were decide to meet in another country.he told his mom about my self on phone then she was surprised and said to him we will talk later when you will come home then he talked with his sister and shown my photos to her.she was happy and agree with him and when he go home for holidays his parents already choose a gal for him.his mom is not agree Even she don’t want to listen him or ask him anything about his love or choice.I already conviced my mom hardly and she is ready to meet with him and she also talked with him and now he is helpless and cannot do anything front of parents.he was said to me confidently that he can make his parents agree for us but now everything is going negative.he loves me very much but now he is going to sacrifice our love for parents.i’m very upset and broke now.please give me some suggestion.
Should I leave him? -Angel

Angel says: December 29, 2016 at 11:45 am

Dear admin,
Yeah I can understand your all points. Thank you for guidance. –Angel

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  • December 9, 2016 8:14 pm

    Dear Angel,

    We do not mean to discourage you but probability of success of internet love, especially between two faiths and two different countries are very low. When a boy and a girl get connected and fall in love, they don’t realize many hurdles in life. Parents are main issues. Your church will want him to convert to Christianity. His Hindu parents may want Hindu wedding that probably your parents may not want. You have to also think of religion of children. How are you going to immigrate to India? How many of these issues have to ironed out?

    • Angel
      December 12, 2016 5:35 am

      Dear admin,
      I can understand that internet love is more tough but our love is true and I try my best for him.we are decided to go another country and marry there through court.my mom is agree because of my happiness.we also discuss about children then he said if they will be Hindu so we will be secure in our society and my parents will be hurt if they will be Christian but we will give knowledge about both of religion.he said that he take me church every sunday but you will also come with me temple whenever parents want.I said I have no issues to go temple and wear saree and kumkum.I was agree with him but I don’t think so that he will take me church every Sunday because his parents are very strict in their religion,he also checked my horoscope that he will be lucky if he will marry with me.we were decided everything but
      now he is at home and said to me there are many mad people which they will don’t like to see any foreign with me and maybe after marriage they will be try to hurt us or make misunderstanding in both of us.he told me many issues related to his society when he absorbed the atmosphere at home and his area.
      he is trying but he is nothing front of his mother.I have no issue to come India and i think after marriage i can go there easily.but mean issue is his family they won’t listen him and I won’t put his life in risk that’s why I decide to leave him on his parents desicion.it is very painful to leave him but we have no options he cannot take stand front of his parents and relatives.if we will be not happy after marriage in this type of atmosphere after facing to much struggles and hardwork and my sacrifices then my mom will be more hurt.I think it is better that we bear separation pain.
      Is my decision right?

      • December 13, 2016 7:30 pm

        We understand that your love is true one. However he is dependent on his parents and he will have to try to please parents. If he is not independent, that will be a major issue for you all times. Instead wait for a few years till he finds a job and financially independent. Then you two adults can decide what you want to.

        With given complexities, we think this “I think it is better that we bear separation pain. Is my decision right?” is a right move. Sorry, we wish we can say something different.

        • Angel
          December 29, 2016 11:45 am

          Dear admin,
          Yeah I can understand your all points.Thank you for guidance.

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