Syrian Christian Girl in Love with a Hindu

sherry says: December 31, 2018 at 1:09 pm

hi mam i am syrian malu christian and my boyfriend is hindu we are together from last 7 yrs we are in true love and want to marry but my family is not accepting him even he is ready to convert in christian and learn malyalam too ..but dont knw how to convence my parents, and boyfriend family is also not supporting us..I want to have christian marriage..plz suggest

after marriage we will take our own flat and he is ready to convert in christian the problem with parents is they are saying he dont knw malyalam how we will take him at native place if we go thr how he will communicate with our family bcoz theyonly knw malyalam no english no hindi …so confused what to do.

More information: Marthoma, Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • NotConfused
    January 3, 2019 9:58 am

    Geez lady

    When srians christians fled the middle east from you know who it was us Hindus that sheltered you guys , fed you , gave you land without anything in return , protected you from any external harm and this how you and your parents returning the favor .

    I really think our ancestor should be kicked you guys out this sacred land , fu4king ungrateful people . Back stabbing the very people who protected you .

    If their is one bit of humanity left in you marry the guy and raise your children as Hindu . Its better for every community .

    • Gokusan
      January 5, 2019 10:32 pm

      Syrian Christians were not fleeing any persecution correct your facts first.

    • Ruchika
      January 6, 2019 7:33 pm

      millions of hindus are in ME working happily.will that be termed as sheltered?

  • January 2, 2019 7:50 pm

    Hi Sherry,

    Are you truly loving him or your love is only conditional? For you, is your church more important than your love? Lets hope not but if he says he will not convert, will you walk away from this relationship? What if he FAKE-converts, but after the marriage wishes to remain Hindu by heart and wishes to teach his/your children Hinduism, what will you do at that time? All promises made in “blind” love or out of pressure do not mean will be followed through.

    If you want to marry in a Christian, want to have a church wedding and want him to know malyalam, why don’t you marry someone from your local church? Why you waited for 7 years to change him from a rose to a carnation?

    Is it not important to marry someone who truly loves you, has the same kind of interest, hobbies, same level mental competency, someone who is professional and will earn good money for you to run your family, and is your choice of person? Instead, why are you trying to please your church and parents as a top priority?

    Malyalam is not a easy language to learn for someone who is Hindi speaking. It may take 2-4 years to be fluent, are you going to wait for that period till he is fluent? We think this language issue is silly, unless you plan to go settle in your own town. And in that later case, he can always learn the language after the marriage.

    On “boyfriend family is also not supporting us”, is he ready to go against his parents? Does he really mean it?

    On religion issue, what is the difference you see between Hinduism and Christianity? List here and we can talk if there is some middle ground to it. Get back, best wishes.

    • Gokusan
      January 3, 2019 12:55 am

      Faith is a important part also in love. So it is good that he is converting to Christianity.

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