Superiority Complex of Muslims

Rabia: “And talking about superiority complex… you are absolutely right. We as Muslims (the believing/practicing ones anyway) do think our faith to be the truest and best version of what God has sent down to humanity. Any Muslim who is being honest with you will tell you that.

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  • Rabia
    October 15, 2017 3:02 am

    Admin, I am shocked at the kind of strange questions you are asking me here. Honestly I don’t know what’s the point staying on this website anymore because you have taken a reply I gave you on a different post and made a whole new topic out of it. The questions you ask are framed in a demonizing, negative way and any Muslim like me will take offense to that because you have been interacting with me and seeing – in fact, endorsing – my views on this website.

    You once even said “we see you as a person of common faith…etc”

    What my statement you quoted above means that God has sent down many messengers and guides to all of mankind throughout time. Krishna was probably one of these guides, who knows? I just meant to say that I personally think Islam provides the best knowledge when it comes to understanding the formless, all-powerful, punishing and also forgiving nature of God.
    (But not the Islam practiced by Wahabbis/Salafis – to me, that’s not Islam, its the biggest fitnah in the Muslim world today, removing all that was good in Islam and replacing it with bad)

    I realize your intention in making this post is to show to everyone visiting this website how Muslims are, you are trying to show them that even a liberal, secular Muslim can be an exclusivist.

    I will write back more but it won’t be anything new, will it? We have been discussing the same things since the last few years, going back and forth.

    You said that faith has no logic, from a secular point of view I see your point. But ask any person of faith, regardless of religion they follow, and they will tell you that their faith gives them strength and they see logic in it. I once met a convert to Islam in the west and asked him why he chose Islam. He said “things made sense to me in Islam; I could see why the rules were there and it made sense logically, like mathematics”

    So as you see, some people do find logic in religion, even though you will probably laugh at that convert’s words…

  • October 14, 2017 10:22 pm

    You made this interesting point blank statement. Lets elaborate more on it.

    You said, “do think our faith to be the truest and best version of what God has sent down to humanity,” meaning other faiths are fake or not as much truest as Islam? I said in my book that faith has no logic. Give us logic to your such statement or supportive evidence for your claims.

    Between 1) You, 2) your fake-converted husband and 3) you Hindu in-laws, tell us what you believe (your faith) will reach to heaven and who cannot (don’t say Allah knows, we are talking about your belief)?

    When you are with your in-laws, why are you trying to be a part of inferior faith–Hinduism? Does your husband endorse your exclusivist views? Do your in-laws know of your superiority complex? How do you expect them to respect you who thinks them something “less”?

    If a person says he/she is homosexual, he/she is not expressing heterosexuals is wrong. However, when someone says his/her faith is superior, meaning others are inferior/wrong. If my son finds a spouse with such superiority complex without any substance or proof, I will not want to be in the shadow of that person.

    Before you plan for a child, make sure your husband also carry the same supremacist exclusivist Islamist ideologies. If not, a deeper trouble is waiting for you down the road. Lets talk more.

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