Stop Talaq and Polygamy in Islam

Shamin,Allahabad says: June 28, 2013 3:26 AM

Most controversial issue in Islam is talaq. I think Islamic scholar should work together to find out effective solution to stop talaq and polygamy. Talaq and polygamy are basically social matter and not religious matter. Every person should be faithful toward his single wife. Those having more than wife are pig and can’t be said follower of Islam. When they say themselves Muslim, it is biggest joke. Islam is based on faith in single(Allah). All Islamic scholar should unite and come together to eradicate such evils from Islam. It will be great respect for Allah because it is the voice of Allah to justice everyone whether male or female. There should not be any hesitation to say that marriage system in Hindu is best in the world and as per their mythology husband wife are made for each other and be together for whole life. They never think for two/three/four wife together however we Muslim never raise even voice to change our system of talaq and polygamy from any part of world. We have made bigger changes in the world but failed within own religion of above matters. I think this site will be very helpful to change our mentality towards female.

Tenali says:
I agree with your diagnosis partially. When your role model is a polygamist, how would you become a monogamist? I think this is the root of the problem. If you agree that Quran need not be correct in all the cases, then it can be reformed. If you insist that it is a god’s word, then nothing can be done.

Satyen says:
I fully agree with your feelings about Talaq and polygamy in Islam and further I also think that those having more than two wives are not following the humanity. Let’s think on the issue that why the polygamy and talaq crept into Islam. I know it’s a pre-Islamic practice but what happened after the advent of Muhammad? Did the things change for the better? Forget about banning this polygamy, Muhammad himself allowed this practice of polygamy and talaq! In fact he himself married 12 women at his age between 50 to 60 years! His brides included:

1.Grand daughter like child of age age 6, Muhammad consummated the marriage when she was 9!

2. Muhammad married his own daughter-in-law after getting her divorced from his adopted son!

3. Muhammad celebrated his wedding night with a woman after killing her husband and father/brother in a battle!

Do you think this type of person could be a prophet of merciful and impartial Allah? If not, how can the book brought forth by him could be the Allah’s book? Didn’t Allah have any other pious person that He chose this person?
Unfortunately, Islam is today in the hands of the males who consider Muhammad as their role model and are just following His footsteps. You cannot expect any improvement in the Quran as it allows them to rule over the women. If any change, it can only be brought about by the Muslim women like you and you should. But it’s only possible when you pray only to Allah and debunk Muhammad as Muhammad is the root cause of your miseries. Make female Maulanas and female Imams and your situation will change. If you cannot do it, go back to your ancestors’ religion i.e. Hinduism and still you can pray Allah. These are the only two possibilities for the Muslim women.
May Allah guide and strengthen the Muslim women so that they can rescue themselves from the slavery of this repressive ideology propagated by Muhammad and his male chauvinist followers.

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  • Wahida, PATNA
    July 11, 2013 7:26 am

    Creator, Supporter and follower of polygamy in Islam are Pig and son of Pig, the dirtiest creature on the earth in the eye of “Great Allah”.

  • Sam
    July 10, 2013 4:05 pm

    All Muslims,
    Why are you frustrated…no matter what you say Islam is a dirty religion and whoever follows it will be fooled for life. UK soldiers head was chopped by Muslim in the name of your Allah, a Christian professors hand was chopped by Muslims in name of Allah, Indian army soldiers head was chopped by Muslims, Chinese girl was shot and killed in Pakistan by Muslims, apart from that beheading of Daniel pearl, killing of innocent hostage by Muslim terrorists in name of your Allah, Chechnyas Muslims terrorist killed many Christians in Russia..there is a long list of what Muslims have done in your allahs name. So now don’t give that bullshit that Islam is peaceful, what Muslims do do not represent Islam, bullshit. Whatever Muslims do totally represent truth about Muslims. Its good that Israel is true answer to you Muslims atrocities on non Muslims. Anyways you are going to answer rubbish, which we all waiting for you bullshit answers and by the way. What’s the punishment for Muslims who leaves Islam, acc to sharia law?

    • Wahida, PATNA
      July 11, 2013 7:25 am

      Creator, Supporter and follower of polygamy in Islam are Pig and son of Pig, the dirtiest creature on the earth in the eye of “Great Allah”.

  • July 1, 2013 7:03 am

    Hello readers,

    Pinning down a reason for why some Muslims practice polygamy today is more difficult. Let’s be frank, it is highly doubtful that the majority of men engaging in polygamous marriages in the 21st century married widows and decided to do so in order to protect these women’s children from injustice and exploitation. And while the numbers vary from region to region, we see women throughout the world being educated and employed at much higher rates than in the distant past; they are increasingly becoming self-reliant and less dependent on a husband for financial security or for the welfare of their children.
    These changing social conditions make it difficult to identify and explain why polygamy is justified in modern Muslim society. While my personal understanding of how and when polygamy should be practiced leads me to conclude that the conditions of modern Muslim societies do not meet Quranic standards, the Quran reminds us that “there is no compulsion in religion.” If Muslim laypeople and scholars agree that polygamy remains permissible, although certainly not the ideal setup, today as it was centuries ago, they are free to pursue it.
    Having established the original reason behind the permissibility of polygamy, we turn to how Muslims practice this unusual marital arrangement in modern day society, as opposed to the why. In order for a polygamous marriage to be successful, I firmly believe that each party must enter into the union knowing precisely what is expected of him or her and what he or she will give in return.
    Whether a woman becomes one of multiple wives because, as Qayyum points out, her biological clock is ticking, her career consumes her time or because she believes the arrangement will eliminate a man’s likelihood to cheat, she must play a role in the decision-making process through which this marriage comes about. Technically a Muslim husband may take on a second wife without the consent of the first (although the ethics of this executive decision-making can be debated), but it is also perfectly within the rights of a Muslim wife to stipulate in her marriage contract that her husband must seek her counsel and consent before taking another wife and if he fails to, it constitutes valid and legal grounds for separation and/or divorce.
    This is the sort of pro-active, pragmatic approach a woman must take if she plans to enter into a polygamous marriage, but most Muslim women do not insist on putting these sorts of key protective mechanisms in place before signing their name to the paper.
    Muslim women tend to be unaware of their rights in a polygamous marriage, while men are usually ignorant of their responsibilities. According to verses two and three in the fourth chapter of the Qur’an, polygamy in Islam is permitted in the context of social welfare, so this arrangement is less about demanding rights from one’s wives and more about treating them with special care and consideration.
    Yet, many Muslim men use this so-called “right” to multiple wives as a means to excuse themselves from the monogamy that Islam actually implores of them in favor of polygamy. This sort of self-serving attitude leaves many women in these unconventional unions in a state of neglect, emotional distress, and without the comfort that Islamic marriage is supposed to provide.
    My hope in contributing to this discussion is that more Muslim women, whether considering polygamous marriage or already in such a relationship, take a close, hard look at their God-given rights within these unions and assert these privileges to ensure that they are as happy and as gratified as possible in their marriages.

  • July 1, 2013 6:37 am


    There are many men who have lived horrid lives. They have been raped, murdered, and burned cities to the ground. Horrible acts. Then one day, they come to realize their wrong actions and totally change. They beg for forgiveness, spend the rest of their lives atoning for their crimes. In the case of Islam, Muhammad was criminal par excellence, who even created a God, called Allah, to get divine sanction to his criminality. Muhammad invented the Allah of the Quran, a criminal incarnate of his own, whom he used for creating a perfect totalitarian order as outlined in the Quran. Muhammad was Allah and Allah was Muhammad – a child molester, wife abuser, rapist, murderer, torturer, and terrorist – a small sample of the criminality of Muhammad. If God picked such a prophet to represent him anywhere in the universe and gave divine sanction and support/encouragement to His prophet’s criminal acts, that God would no longer be of Moral Perfection. That God would be fraud creation to act as an accomplice of this evil prophet.
    We have seen above that the Quran is not book of Moral Perfection, but an epitome of moral perversity, filled with numerous exhortations to immoral and criminal acts, which could not come from God or spoken to Muhammad by Angel Gabriel.
    Muhammad not only created a book, the Quran, in the name of his invented God Allah, filled with exhortations to commit all kinds of horrible action, he also put every command/exhortation to real action. He engaged in mass murder, torture, raping of sex slaves, plunder, and selling captured slaves to raise funds to finance his jihadi armies. Muhammad owned 40 slaves. He was also a horrible child molester. A child is the very essence of innocence. Molesting a child sexually is evil. To start sexually molesting a child at the age of 6 and start raping her at the age of 9 for a prophet would be deemed a most despicable evil act humans can commit. And this is exactly what Muhammad did to his child-wife, Aisha. For a detailed listing of Prophet Muhammad’s crimes against humanity, read pages lxxi to lxxiv of above mentioned book.
    Muhammad, as presented in his actions outlined in the Quran, Hadiths, and Sira, was one of the most diabolically evil persons seen in history: A Monster of History. Such an evil incarnate can never be a representative of the supreme creator of Universe. Therefore, Muhammad was not a true prophet, and his Allah was no God, period!

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