South Indian Christian Dating Gujarati Hindu Guy

john says: August 25, 2013 at 6:09 pm

Hi Trisha,
i am in a similiar situation as it is…i am dating a gujarati hindu guy but i am a south indian christian..and we are in states…the thing with hindus and christians are …we have different beliefs and to be a family i guess u have to find a common platform….with me ..i consider myself as an easy christian…i am okay with takin his last name and bring-in our kids to temple and im willing to change for him for the sake of family…because his love is totally worth in that process i will be letting go of my side of culture….he is ok with me going to church for Christmas and Easter…and judging him..he is a good guy ..not that anal about his culture….

but just see the complications in this relation..despite coming from same country India…we are experiencing all this…i suggest u think through this..because dating a black guy is ok..but u should delve into his past and see what was upto and see how much he will adjust with u…

like for my guy i let go of chicken and shrimp…and he is ok with my church stuff….so u have to think through.. John


hi Amita!

plz plz respond to my situation…i am an Indian Christian girl dating a Gujarati Hindu guy for 4 yrs.. my family knos i want to marry him..his family is ok with the idea…i dont eat meat and neither does he….i also think all religions are man made…my guy is on the religious side…i like him for that..and we go to mandir together…we decided that…i can go to church on Christmas and other occasions.. and he will accompany me…i am okay with two religions being practiced.. and i also love his culture to the core….so i am okay with the rest of it…

My family however is not excited but they seem to ok since im very independent ..and live separate…we r based in USA….so i was just wondering..after marriage what other challenges u experienced in your inter religious marriage?…i have decided this is the guy for me…so i am thinkin is there anything else im missin in terms of deciding how we r gona work this through


hey Hinu,

Would love to get an update on your life….i have a similiar situation…i just want to tell u all Christians are not like that…my fiance is Gujarati i look forward to dancing garba every year….and im a south indian christian…we enjoy gujarati culture together ..

he comes to church with me too….it all depends on the guy…. John


Admin says:

Dear John,
You two have all secret recipes for a successful interfaith marriage with equality. You are a true pluralist based on your bolded statements above. In addition, you are an intelligent, live in the USA, independent minded and a progressive thinker. We hope all Christians dating a Hindu are just like you. We hope Hinu, Amita and Trisha will write you to give more tips.

Why you said, “letting go of my side of culture“? Don’t do it. Be proud of your culture and religion. There should not be anything to let go (except conflicting exclusivist teachings on both sides). Cook idli and Dosa one day and rotli, daar, bhat and shaak the other day. Teach you children your South Indian as well as Guju languages. Teach them wonderful messages of Jesus and Krishna, how beautiful! Celebrate Christmas and Diwali. Go to the temple and church every week. More the merrier!

Basically, the Christianity (not Jesus) is an exclusivist religion. Read what the Torah and Bible are teaching you about Hindus. Instead of following the church, follow Jesus. Instead of labeling children with Baptism, just raised them in both faiths and teach them about both faiths equally. Let us know what do you think about this point.

Please ask your boy friend to blog on this post. Best wishes. -Admin

More information: Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • August 27, 2013 1:01 am


    You are stupid, never take pain to understand the things in right perspective. Always harping on the same string and beating around the
    bush. Why dont you explain various evils prevailing in islam, like female genital mutiliation, mutta marriages, halala practices, discrimation against them.

    In Muslim countries the Muslims advocate stoning people to death, beheadings, “honor killings” (what about that is HONORABLE?), murder, suicide bombings, extermination of a race (the Jewish race), placing the importance of camels and horses above the importance of women, treating women as objects—things Muslims own like cattle.

    Have you ever realized what is happening in Pakistan,s NW swat valley,
    Afganistan, Iraq, Syrian camps, where open prostitutions are running
    kidnapping girls and even Mumbai yesterday, a muslim lady was forced to sell her daughter,s viriginity to saikh for Rs.1 lakh.

    Whydont you clarify why it is happening. Marrying cousins, marrying older males by teens, is it humanity?

    Are you first wife or 4th wife of your husband?

    • Zara
      August 27, 2013 1:07 am

      Sadly I can say the same about and it goes the other way around 🙂 Takecare

  • Zara
    August 26, 2013 3:07 am

    You partial admin, all I see here is blah blah about not leaving ones religion that to from a person who knows nothing about any abrahamic religion and just posting mindless craps.
    You are furious just because other religion are exclusivist without even understanding why they are so. You idiot no one has made the religion exclusivist there is a reason to everything, just because you are not clear what hinduism really preaches how can you expect others to be the same lost souls. Just because you were born into some religion doesnot mean that is the best. Pls chuck this arrogancy.
    Also speaking about exclusiveness let me tell you that recently a certain social activist was shot dead by some extremist hindus just because he wanted to eliminate superstion and black magic

    Now answer this admin, a person trying to do good for society ends up dead, that is exactly opposite of tolerance, and there must be so many more such cases. A person shot just for having different idealogies. SOME TOLERANCE THAT IS???
    Also recently a famous hindu godman has been accused for raping a minor girl
    Now what do you have to say for that. because I know very well that evil has no religion so stop degrading others religion by saying it is intolerant, and look at your own self, not even you religion your own self and check ur 6 year old site how really tolerant you are

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