H. kaur says: August 24, 2014 at 1:58 am
hi! im a sikh woman in love with a muslim boy since 8 years. we love each ther a lot. we started having clashes when v decided to get married. i did not want to convert but i respected im for his religion, views & beliefs. but he told me that the children will be muslim so i need to follow most things as children only learn from their mother. And his parents would want the same though i can follow my own religion also.
we both were studying together. he has completed his education & my final year is left. His parents have started forcing him to marry. when they came to know about us his father told him to leave the house. to bring situation under control he denied that v have any relationship.
i talked at my home. my family is not agreeing at all, they say he is good person but i wont be able to adjust in his family. now he is ready to leave his family also for me & saying we should marry without parents permission.
i love him a lot but what afterwords him family pressures him to come home & make me follow everything? I feel he is not constant with what he says. my family says they will never talk to me if i marry him. he is a very nice person i dont want to lose him but im not understanding what to do. please guide. -H. Kaur
Admin says:
Dear H. Kaur,
Thanks for reaching out, this is the smartest thing you did. Yes, you had love for 8 years but you do not want to get into marriage unless you are clear what you are getting into. We have created a VIDEO for youths just like you. Let us know what are your views on the message there.
You read Salman-Amrita’s equality of faiths story but know that it is only one in thousand cases. We could show you at least 50 cases on this web site that you rather don’t get into.
Two most concerning points that we found are 1) “he is not constant with what he says” and 2) “he told me that the children will be muslim“. WHY? Why? WHY? These are BIG red flags, we hope you could see through your love-blindness.
As you have raise a concern, “what afterwords his family pressures him to come home & make me follow everything?” Read Nusrat‘s story, and that is what exactly could happen to you, are you ready to be submissive to mother-in-law like Nusrat?
You have very valid concerns. Tell him and his parents that children will be both, SIKH and Muslim (50%-50%), take it or leave it. There is no reason in the year 2014, you have to take this crap that children will only be Muslim. WHY?
Aurangzeb killed Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib Ji (the 9th Sikh Guru of Sikhs) because he refused to convert to Islam. Now convince your parents that your boy friend and his family are not like Aurangzeb but like Salman, Shamim, SRK, Seema. It is not the religion but the person. Prove it and your Sikh parents will be happy to marry you off to your Muslim lover.
As hard it is going to be, but do not marry till both parents are agreeing, and they will if both of your (both sides) love is a true one (and not love of converting Sikhs to Muslims). -Admin.
Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it? Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
More information: Marthoma, Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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HI h Kaur …my story is similar to u ..my on d way to commit suicide plz contact me plz gve me d path u had taken out
Hi Jeet, we have changed your name for your privacy.
Can you details your issue and we are here to help you. Get back.
Hi! I’m a sikh girl who met this Arabic guy on the net and started talking. We somehow got really close and decide to meet up with each other and have been dating for quite awhile. He respects my faith and every thing and doesn’t want to convert. But the one thing that stuck out to me was he said when we have children they have to be Muslim. And I’m strongly against that why can’t our children practice both of our region then decide for them self what they want to follow?
Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8586
Muslim men always disguise their real intentions at first. It is legal to lie in Islam and it is called the “taqhiya” or “art of dissimulation in order to achieve ones aim”. My advice. Do not marry a man that declares you are free to think what you want providing your kids will think like him.
hi! i had parked all issues & thought to concentrate on my studies. also i thought to wait till my brothers wedding. in this time the communication decreased between us. I had told him i will not marry without my parents permission. maybe i was not too expressive he took it as no. meantime a lot of problems happened at his home. he did not share with me. his sister run away & married her lover. they r happy now. I kept missing him & realized i just cannot live without him. so i though even if my parents wont agree ill marry him. but now he says do want u want to but the person you loved is dead now. it was no use of his living since u had decided u want your family. the way he was his happiness, his everything i took it away i spoiled everything for him. he really loved me a lot. now what should i do. He is such a nice person i spoiled his whole life. even now if i want to marry him will things be fine?????
Dear Hardeep Kaur,
Considering all issues at hands, we fully agree to your decision to “i had parked all issues & thought to concentrate on my studies”. Dating time talks and reality of life are different. You have to be practical rather than jumping into something you are not clear about. It will be hard but slowly time will heal all issues. Keep in touch!
I thought ill park the issue for some time atleast till my exams. slowly side by side ill try to convince my parents. though my family members have nothing against him except religion. they have know him for 7 years. Only my father does not like him. he completed his exams this year 7 has jist started earning. he lives with his family. we belong to same city. my family is not forcing me for marriage.
but now the main problem is his family. They are hell bent on getting him married. they are forcibily showing him girls. They are also forcibily marrying off his sister. his sister also had a Bf(Muslim only) but still they did not let her marry him. they have taken away her ph. are keeping her in house arrest. she has not stepped out of her house alone since 2 months. her forcibily fixed marriage is soon & they want to get him also married at the same time.
His mother has never been happy with his father & according to her she suffered everything because of her children & now both children are betraying her. he (my BF) was never ever happy in his family. they only financially supported him. he was never allowed to do anything acc to his wishes yet he always have been dutiful son. all the time ive just seen him unhappy with his family & i had been his support. he wanted to leave his family also for me but i wanted to convince my parents first. now his family is constantly mentally torturing him. i told him since he has always been unhappy he should consider living separately. he said he was going to do so but due to me ( I told him i wont marry without convincing my parents) he lost his strength & confidence. Also he says if he goes & lives separately his family will keep coming there also & torture him. he is very afraid of his father(he is a lawyer with very high contacts).
i do not 7 have never doubted him. how can i be wrong i have known him for 8 years. we did have many fights & issues in between wen i did thought do i really love him but now before this our relationship was fine. the issue of children we did not discuss again( acc to him to children wil also have problem in marriage so they shold be muslims).
he has gone with me to Gurudwara before. He himself told me that we will go to Gurudwara again to thank God as earlier I had prayed for his mom there when she had an accident. he said even after marriage we will go to Gurudwara.
My only doubt is his family. They have changed their colours soo much during his sisters marriage issue that i do not trust them. i told him that after marriage we will live separately not with his parents even if they get convinced. but he said i will have to take care of the responsibilities towards his parents. according to him i want to make him leave his parents & have my own. i told him he can always support them but just we will live separately but he does not agree. if says if i promise that even if my parents dont get convinced still i marry him then he will live separately.
Also acc to my brother & father his father is supporting him for this marriage because he indirectly asked for my hand acc to them. but my BF says he is totally against this marriage.
My career is continuing to suffer. I need time to make such a big decision & that is what i dont seem to have. do tell me how such i convince my parents to atleast c why i considered him & love him.
Dear Hardeep,
Sorry to hear of all your pain and sufferings. This is the age where you should be enjoying life but now you are in a big mess. You have many irreconcilable issues to handle from all corners. You are suffering hell right here, inspite you have every things (intelligent, degree, we assume good look, good parents and more). However trust yourself that good life is ahead of you. Trust yourself that you will make your life simpler and will live life with dignity and pride. Make rational decisions, rather than based on emotions. Best in current situation is to park all issues and focus on your studies. What evert God has planned for you, will happen. Leave it up to Him.
We agree 100% to you for “i told him he can always support them but just we will live separately”. You could go meet them every day or have meal several times a week together, but you MUST have your own flat some 10 km away from his parents. Considering what you have described his mother and father, there is no way you could dream of living with them under the same roof from the very first day of marriage. Later you could always love them and take care of them (from distance!).
His mother will blame you for all problems in their family. She will blame you for stealing her son. Further, their community will label you as Satan/kafir who is taking this nice Muslim guy away from his parents, Allah and Muhammad. Read what happened to Akansha the first day after marriage and be prepared for it all. If you never live in his parent’s home, rest you could manage it.
This is not his logical argument: “acc to him to children wil also have problem in marriage so they shold be muslims”. This is the most stupid argument we heard. He is a doctor and should make more intelligent statements. Is he hiding something? If he and you found life-mates, the same way your children will. Tell him to leave that issue to you, the mother. For kids issue, follow Puneet, 50/50.
If 1) he agrees to live in a separate flat away from both parents and 2) agree to raise children in TWO faiths, that will make your job easy to convince your parents. Work on him, ultimately he will agree. Keep in touch, best wishes.
//Why not? The Sikh-Muslim child could follow all 10 Sikh gurus and also Muhammad as 11th guru. What is wrong with that?/// thats is the difference mohammad is not guru, he was prohpet of god
Why H. Kaur cares who is Islamic prophet? She is a proud Sikh and (we assume) remain to be that way for life.
Dear H.Kaur, are you ready to minimize roles of your gurus in your life and start idolizing this prophet for your lover’s sake? This is a critical decision that you have to make now.
Note that mac is an honest guy and tell us truth the way it is, however most Muslim boys will let you get trapped first, then show their real truth (read Nusrat).
have I told her that mohammad is important
Dear H Kaur,
Here is the way out of your predicament:
1. First, wipe off the tears of your eyes. Life is too short to pass it sobbing.
2. Shelve the decicion of marriage till you are done with your exams.No further discussion regarding your marriage.Just exam.
3. To strenthen your will power,do Naam Jap. Be mentally tough for some time.
4. Whenever you feel weak, email Admin and get my email I’d and write to me.
Wahe Guru will protect your career.
wahe guru also wants that she (Sikh) should marry her lover (Muslim boy) coz they believe wahe huru is one and eternal, their definition of wahe guru and our definition of allah is same.
CONCEPT OF GOD:- Both are strictly monotheistic. God is one acc. to both religions. Sikhs call it with many names but Waheguru, is used for meditating upon god and Muslims call it Allah. God is Near, God is One, God is All Knowing. Both(sikh&muslim) Submit themselves to God
IDOL WORSHIP:- Both Religions Reject idol worship.
WHAT IS BEST RELIGION?: “Those who believe and do good deeds are the best of created beings.” (Quran 98:7). “Of all religions, the best religion is to chant the Name of the Lord and to engage in pious deeds.” (SGGS pg 266).
IN SIKHISM:- {{“Dukh mein sumirana sabh karein sukh mein karein na koye jo sukh mein sumirana karein to dukh kaye hoye”
(Everyone remembers God during trouble but no one remembers Him During peace and happiness. The one who remembers God during peace and happiness why should he have trouble?)}}}
IN ISLAM:- {{“When some trouble touches man, he cries unto his Lord, turning to Him in repentence. But then He bestows a fovor upon him from himself, he forgets that for which he cried for before, and he sets up rivals to Allah” (Quran 39:8)}}}
Lets assume your cousin sister (a Muslim) is in love with a Sikh boy with turban, is this the same advise you would give? Will you arrange and help your sister getting married to a Sikh and to raise Sikh children?
We wish you best wishes for your Facebook consultation adventure, however keep in mind that you cannot be too partial to Islam as you have been.
i know you are a mushrik thats why you are not partial and here ponting on me about partiality, admin, if you look at advise, i told priyanka(hindu girl) to keep her parents first, i didn`t supported nusrak khan`s forced conversion, but hindu bloggers constantly advised `convert to hinduism`, `marry your hindu lover`, and so so and here you are pointing finger on me, too bad admin its too bad, you promoted hinduism here, hindu boys, that they are tolerant and in reality we see the opposite, and my above commnet isn`t partial, i just showed that how sikhs and muslim worship same god under different names, is it partial, stayen`s comment was not partial and my comment is partial, i think you need a eye check up!!!!LOL
/Lets assume your cousin sister (a Muslim) is in love with a Sikh boy with turban, is this the same advise you would give? Will you arrange and help your sister getting married to a Sikh and to raise Sikh children? /—- as a said my sister(muslim), that means she wouldn`t have fallen love other than islamic boys and if she had she must have converted him, one of my cousin(sister) married a hindu doctor , she is also a doctor and converted her husband to islam, her husband is much much better muslim than me.
Dear miss H. Kaur,
Here mac will not give a simple answer that “a Muslim girl canNOT marry a Sikh and raise Sikh kids”. It looks bad on this forum to say that the “Sikh man must convert to Islam to marry the Muslim girl”. Tell us where is equality?
Raise this hypothetical question to your boy friend, “Lets assume your (cousin) sister (a Muslim) is in love with a Sikh boy wearing turban, would you support her?” Why? Why?
Sorry to add pain to your current situation, but if that guy is out only to expand Islam and to eliminate Sikhs from this land, you got to know it.
admin, a muslim child can be a sikh coz teachings of guru nanak is not against islam where as a sikh child cannot be raised as muslim as he/she will not follow mohammad pbuh teachings.
Why not? The Sikh-Muslim child could follow all 10 Sikh gurus and also Muhammad as 11th guru. What is wrong with that?
dear h.kaur, you show this video to your boyfriend http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aig1hCWfPD4 and tell me what he said about this video
Respected H. Kaur, WJKK WJKF i suggest you to read the book named A GOD WHO HATES. you will get it from online. read it i hope your many doubts will be cleared. Guru Sahib teaches us to respect each religion and marriage as per sikh religion is for one soul and two bodies. if there are doubts you can not become one. also as per islamic tradition your marriage will be haram if you don’t convert to islam. there is a lot i can advise you as a younger daughter.but here space is constrain. if you wish you can talk me on my cell no 98152-01233.
Dear tardip sir, “… also as per islamic tradition your marriage will be haram if you don’t convert to islam…..” how can you say this, do you have enough knowledge about islam to make such bold statement, marriage without converting to islam is haram if that women is mushrik or atheists, sikhs are neither atheists nor mushrik
This is what Mohammad pbuh said:-
“If a Christian woman shall happen to marry a Muslim man, the Muslim shall not cross the inclination of his wife, to keep her from her church and prayers, and the practice of her religion.” “And by this I ordain, that none of my nation shall presume to do or act contrary to this my promise, until the end of the world.” so this is what prohpet mohammad peace be upon him said about monotheistic beleiving women, at that time sikhism was not there, and a sikh women is also a strictly believer of monotheism. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Achtiname_of_Muhammad
Admin you also watch this video, because you also made many blind comments on islam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aig1hCWfPD4
life is sooo difficult. i talked to my parents & my family( brothers & sister). No one is getting convinced. my parents have always kept me happy. Given me everything. Im pursuing Postgraduation in Surgery. They have never ever stopped me from pursuing my dreams. my father said to me that im saying no it is for some reason. that he has never taken wrong decisions for me then why he will decide wrong for my marriage. He literally begged me to keep his honour. he also asked me why i want to think all this now & spoil my career in my final postgraduate year. He wants me to be a very Good professionally that has been his dream always.
My BF is also A Doctor & Postgraduate. But since the time i have said him i wont marry without my parents consent. he is very depressed. Dont eat properly & his not intreasted in practice. his Family members instead of understanding his situation r forcing him to marry day & Night. he says if i dont marry him now I will lose him forever.
Now religion concerns are seeming secondary to me. also wen i feel in love with him i did not c his religion. it is when v decided to marry i realised religious complications.
Besides being in relationship v were each others best friends also. Now its like V cant even have a normal conversation. I told him eve if nothing happens v can be good friends but he says now it is not possible.
I love both my Family & Him. But its like I have to decide Between & Choose one. I just cant marry without my parent permission.
also due to all this my career is suffering a lot. i feel like running away from everything! I keep feeling guilty for my existance!
Dear h. kaur, ask your father why they don`t want your marriage with your loved one
mac, can you search for Indian (not sharia) laws and find truth to his statement, “Regarding Children religion he still says even for legal & documentation purpose they need to be muslim”. We believe it is 100% wrong. Thanks mac for your help.
Because, Love lorne people turn blind and they become indecisive. Love is myopic. Their vision is further made gloomy by those with vested interest.
If I were a girl in H. Kaur’ situation, I would have taken lessons from the lives of ten gurus tostrenthen my will power. None of the gurus would have suggested her to marry a Muslim.
Wahe guru
H Kaur,
Yes, you could loose your life (fail in your education or get mentally disturb) and then ALL of them will be losers. This is too sad that people like you have to suffer due to “man-made” religions.
Difficulty comes in every one’s life, one or the other time. We understand if you are saying “I keep feeling guilty for my existence!” due to current issues, however God has given you so much that He has not given to 99%+ of rest of people on this World. Trust yourself. A true test of a person’s inner strength is capacity to manage it well during most difficult times. You cannot let yourself down. Please focus on one issue at a time and slowly you will start seeing light at the end of tunnel. We hope God (if there) will give you strength.
We are very surprised and socked to learn that even your boy friend is doctor and still made this irrational statement…. “Regarding Children religion he still says even for legal & documentation purpose they need to be muslim”. Tell him to go contact a lawyer and clarify that this is wrong belief. For your parent’s shake, he may even agree to have children’s names Sikh and raise as Sikhs and also Muslims. Ask him see what he has to say. Tell him to keep his religion out and focus on humanity and each other’s true love. Is he ready? Let us know what he is saying on this critical point.
In life, sometimes if you don’t have a good solution at hands, it is best is to “park the issue”. You are only around 25. Why you have to get married now? When water is so muddy in the well, why you want to jump into it without knowing what are you getting into? Postpone marriage plan for another year and all dust will settle down. Believe us, better days are ahead waiting for you.
Marry a sikh guy girl. Dnt ruin your life. They are completely different to sikhs life will be v hard and difficult for u if u married a muslim.
It is very hard for me to forget him, to move ahead or think that will i be ever able to accept anyone else?He is a very nice & Loving person. He has always supported me in my profession also. Professionally with each others support v always have excelled in our profession. if v keep religion aside our thoughts also match.
He has been always my Support but i’m not sure of his family. I told him that I will marry him only when my parents agree. He said to me that for me he is now ready to leave his parents then why you want your parents to agree. I asked him what if v marry against our family will & later your family agrees & want us to live with them & they want me to follow everything. he said if afterwards his family agrees he has responsibility of taking care of his family.
Regarding Children religion he still says even for legal & documentation purpose they need to be muslim. I tried explaining but he does not understand 50% sikh 50% muslim concept. He says he can give only his guarentee not his parents. According to him they wont force me for anything. he counter questioned me that can i give guarantee that my parents will agree for our marriage.
he does not sleep. has made a mess of himself & keeps asking me that his only fault is that he loves me a lot & cannot imagine himself with anyone else. I cannot c him like this & im very worried about him. I cannot concentrate on my final year of P.G.also. Also I was not ready for marriage now as i had wanted to concentrate on my studies. but this decision has come to me now otherwise ill lose him forever.
I love him but as of now even im not sure will i be able to follow Muslim culture or will b able to live respectfully in his family? After knowing all this also my parents are not forcing me for anything & telling me to concentrate on my studies. they are saying that he is a very nice person but v both cannot forsee the problems we will face after our marriage!
In our friends circle everyone is blaming me for backing out.
thanks everyone for your advise but im still confused. also i feel both of our past will always be there in our future. After being soo educated v both feel powerless. he says im now bringing religion in between us. as Individuals v r compatible but everyone around us has problems & I know will create problems in future. I dont know am i strong enough to be able to face it if i marry him?
One request to everyone i dont know what v will decide but in this 8 years of our relationship v both have learned about each others religion & developed respect for each others religion. Religion does not teach us to fight, to hate, to say that one is superior over the other. It is v as humans v do that! Had our parents & society been more liberal v would not be facing this problem! v as humans are cruel. No religion Preaches cruelty.
Dear h Kaur,
Below Nusrat gave excellent advise, “do involve your parents”. Probably she was also in your position one day. Read her life story again and be prepared for it, in case if that also get repeated in your case.
You are right, “Religion does not teach us to fight (or) to hate”, however you have to realize that religion in colleges is quiet different than the religion being performed in homes and communities. What you talk in colleges is not a barometer of reality of life. If you want to test it, go spend a week with his parents and ask him to come and spend a week in your Sikh community as a Muslim. If you cannot spend a week now, how can you commit to live there for your life?
You said, “he does not understand 50% sikh 50% muslim concept”, he is an exclusivist and he will never understand pluralism. Read experience of a Ph.D. student in America, Agnostic. He is only taught, in your words “one is superior over the other”.
His this statement is 100% wrong, “legal & documentation purpose they (kids) need to be muslim”. Is he talking about Islamic Nikaah documentation? Which country’s law is he following? Tell him that in India Muslim-Sikh children could legally be 100% Sikh with turban. Do not budge on this point, this is only place truth will come out.
Take him today to Gurudwara for prayer and show him what Sikh’s do there, he will have to get used to it now. Likewise, both of you go visit a mosque in him hometown and spend good deal of time there. Learn and understand each other’s faith.
Remember, this ups and downs are normal in any love relationship. Please keep in touch with us for what he says. Do not jump into a well till you are clear what is in it.
Dear h kaur, when the founder of your religion The Greate Guru Nanakji had no problem with ISLAM then what is bothering you, you are a believing women, you aren`t a MUSHRIK like most of the hindu, my advice is that you study each others religion and i hope you cann enjoy a successful interfaith marriage and about your children, if they learn from both the religion, there will no no collision among faith as both the religion are monothestic, tell your bf to study sikhism.
Mac, you said “your children, if they learn from both the religion”. Wow, is Sikh-Muslim marriage with equality possible, 50-50%? So, you are recommending children to teach from Koran and Guru Granth Sahib, take them to Darga and GuruDwara every week, have Kaaba and Guru Nanakji’s photo side by side in their home and teach kids to bow to Saudi Arabia direction then to Sikh way? Also have boys long hair and turban still go visit mosque to pray to Allah? Have kids name not Arabic but Karansingh and Rajanpret Kaur?
Miss H. Kaur, go for it if this is possible. Mac and we will bless you.
Do whatever you want to do , but do involve your parents , in the bad times only your parents will help rest other will just shy away from you . have a great life ahead
Hello Miss Kaur, my first and last suggestion will be just get out of this mess. Lingering on to this matter will not take you anywhere. Life is short and precious. You deserve the best in your life. Don’t ruin the precious time of your life for someone who is not protecting your pride in the begenning of the relationship. You deserve respect, love and equality in the relationship. Why will you be at the mercy of him and his family? Why the family is not welcoming you like a newborn is? Why your future kids will only follow Islam? A woman need love and respect from the whole family after marriage and you will never get this from this family.
At this moment you are too weak to take a wise decision because you are in love but this love will not last any longer when you will face so many complications, differences and inequality in your marriage life with your husband and his family. He will never leave his family for you that is very obvious from your question.
This will be a mis-match marriage. Believe me I am not against any religion or belief but we have to be at the same level in order for our relationship to work smoothly. If you are thinking that so what, Sharhrukh Khan married a Hindu girl and their marriage is successful so, why not me? But think, think, think, they are very high level people. Whatever they do become a fashion and people follow and appreciate everything about them. We are middle class people, not going to work the same way for us. On the contrary, we will be criticised by the society because society is not with us, we are with the society. We can’t create rules or fashion, we are not at that level.
If you want a smooth and peaceful life, pleasant childhood for your kids and a better future for your children, please go with the flow. Don’t try to swim opposite to the current. One wrong step at this cruicial stage of life will push you so far behind and will paralize your future when you will want to come out of it. Don’t make your life miserable, take a wise decision, not just for you but for the sake of your future children too. Believe me you will be ok, its just a matter of time and you will be fine. Be strong, you can do it. You are a woman and women have so much power. Like said in Gurbani ” From woman, man is born. Within woman man is conceived. To woman he is engaged and married. woman becomes his friend. Through women the future generations come, to woman he is bound. From woman, kings are born. Without woman, there would be no one at all. So why call her weak?” They are the foundation. So woman should be respected and loved not exploited or demoted. Be strong, take the right step and bloom like a flower WOMAN. Respect yourself and respect your family. My best wishes are with you. Your wellwisher, Rash
How beautifully presented, this is a superb advise to any girl.
A Times of India’s sensational news article:
RANCHI: The Jharkhand police lodged an FIR on the complaint of national-level shooter Tara Shadeo, who alleged she was deceived by one Ranjit Kumar Kohli into marriage, whose real name is Raqibul Hasan Khan. She said in her complaint that she was tortured for over a month to accept her husband’s religion.
Confirming this, Ranchi SSP Prabhat Kumar told reporters on Sunday, “Raqibul Hasan Khan was known as Ranjit Kumar Kohli among people in Ranchi. After their marriage, he forced Tara to have a nikaah, which she refused, and was tortured for raising her voice in protest.”
Kumar said police have charged Hasan with IPC section 295A which deals with deliberate and malicious act intended to outrage religious feelings of a class by insulting its religious beliefs. Following the August 22 FIR, the police sealed two of Hasan’s houses and six cars.
dear satyen, it happens with muslim girls too, but media never pays attention to it as muslim don`t have terrorist,rapist organisation like VHP,Baj Rang Dal,
Read it, how a hindu man fake converted to islam and raped his muslim wife, he also allowed Bajrang Dal`s male workers to sexually assault his own wife, so sicck hindu man
……In the recent years, Jaffar, whose earlier name was Prashant Shetty, had developed friendship with Bajrang Dal activists and had shifted his house from Adyar Kannur to Sunkakatte in Udupi nearly three months ago, against the wish of his wife.
Bushra, in her complaint, said that she was preparing food for her children on July 14 when a group of Bajrang Dal activists stormed into their house and forcefully took the entire family to a temple.
“When I protested, they threatened me to kill my children if I failed to act according to their wish,” she said in her complaint.
She also accused the priest of the temple of disregarding her plea and forced her to accept Hinduism. The priest continued ‘Pravartan’ (conversion) rituals without paying attention to my pleadings, she said.
“Although I became silent in the temple, fearing that Bajrang Dal activists may kill my children, I did not accept Hinduism and I am still a Muslim,” she said adding that the rumours and false reports that she had been converted to Hinduism had deeply hurt her.
Bushra told the IGP that a Bajrang Dal activist identified as Manohar, harassed her physically and mentally with the support of her husband, after shifting to the new house.
She said that her husband continued to allow Manohar in the house during nights, despite knowing that he was trying to seduce her and inviting her for sex.
Bushra said that she has left her husband’s house for ever along with her four children after undergoing the agony.
“I cannot lead life with my husband anymore. I want a divorce from him,” she said.
Bushra also said that the Bajrang Dal goons have threatened her against approaching the police. She urged the IGP to inquire her case in Dakshina Kannada, as she fears to go to Udupi.
After so much atrocities faced by Sikhs in the hand of Muslims, they started to resist it and thus Sikhism evolved to fight Islam. Thousands of Sikh girls were raped and killed in Pakistan during Aug-Sept, 1947. Don’t you hate Muslims for that ? Muslims in love proposition initially pretend to be very broad minded but after marriage their original ugly face comes out. Don’t be deceived. Come out of the relationship or convert him in your religion.
Sikhs also killed muslims and raped muslim women
Due respect Sir! I know history but he never killed anyone. We Should not generalise everything! I will never convert nor i want him to convert.
Be intelligent and leave him,he isn’t constant and can leave u even after marriage wd 3 words only.
admin tell me what this picture(pic that you uploaded in this blog) got to do with sikh muslim marriage
We have explained, “Aurangzeb killed Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib Ji (the 9th Sikh Guru of Sikhs) because he refused to convert to Islam. Now convince your parents that your boy friend and his family are not like Aurangzeb but like Salman, Shamim, SRK, Seema. It is not the religion but the person. Prove it and your Sikh parents will be happy to marry you off to your Muslim lover.”
Is it Aurengzeb`s time, Aurengzeb killed his family memebers(brothes), made his father captives for so many years, so don`t bring politics into it, then why don`t you upload picture of guru nanak in mecca, how guru nanak was welcomed by muslims of middle east, WHY???
admin, why you always bring sikh-muslim age old conflict, what was the necessasity of that picture, then why don`t you put picture of guru nanak in kabba, tell me why?? and why not conflict of hindu muslim kings and monks, why don`t recent pictures of muzaffarbagar or gujrat riots picture where hindu men were raping muslim women, I know you are worker of RSS, I damn sure that you follow the ideology of RSS and VHP
Mac, what would you recommend? Guide step wise to this Sikh girl.
This is an open forum thus you, as our Muslim expert, and all should have equal rights to advise this girl. Sorry if we gave her any wrong advise (as per you), we are waiting to hear a correct advise from you. Thanks mac.