Sikh with a Muslim and Have Never Been Happier

Muskan says: November 18, 2018 at 10:32 pm

This is utter bulshit. women are for sex u bloody hypocrite. just cause every girl out there has rejected u doesnt mean ur gonna acuse the whole sikh community girls. Honestly people like u are the ones that make me hate my culture. I am a punjabi girl growing up in NZ and i have dated punjabi sikh boys. doesnt mean i slept with them. but u know what they all had in common. judgemental point of view. according to them their girl shouldnt earn more then them. i am an engieneer and they even told me to leave my job as girls are supposed to stay home and take care of their families. i even dated a thai guy and even he had better views then my own culture boys. currently im with a muslim guy and have never been happier. hes approved by my Sikh family u know why cause of the person he is by nature. so if u say the girls go for money trust me i can say the same thing to all the punjabis i have dated. they were with me cause im a NZ citizen and they wanted PR. as for money i earn more than any of my partners do or ever did. any response to this??–Muskan

More information: Sikh-Muslim Relationships, Sharia, Koran, Interfaith Marriage & Divorce Laws.
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  • islamirama
    November 30, 2018 5:22 pm

    Hey Muskan,

    Glad to see your happy but what are you thoughts on his faith? sikhism has a lot in common with it. I don’t know how religious he is but do you know in Islam a man can only marry a muslim christian or jew? maybe he isn’t religious and doesn’t care but something to have a talk about if you haven’t.

  • November 19, 2018 8:17 pm

    Hi Muskan,

    We are glad you found the love of your life, best wishes.

    You said, “hes approved by my Sikh family”, how about if his Muslim family approved you being a “Sikh”? Assuming all goes as planned, are you planning to get married by Islamic Nikaah, in Gurudwara or by a court marriage?

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