Sikh Girls Don’t Like Sikh Boys

Singh says: September 6, 2018 at 1:56 pm

I found this site very late I guess, I’m 27 years old Sikh Amrithdhari man, my height is 6ft, I do workout, my skin color is white I’m not bragging about my body but if outside appearance only does matter then there’s nothing wrong with my body. However, according to this question it is obvious that Sikh girls don’t like Sikh boys and I’m saying this from my experience.

In Sikhism same teaching given to men and women, there is no gender differences but Sikh girls have nothing to do with religion, culture and Sikh principles, they just want to go with the flow and concern only to fulfil their sexual desires…..

Before 1984 mostly Sikh girls prefer Sikh boys only because Sikhs were far ahead from other communities in terms of religion, money, culture, tradition they were in majority. Therefore Indian government (Hindu government) has always been jealous of Sikh community that’s why they did everything to put us down, they used their mind games, political power and finally used their arm forces. They killed lakhs of Sikhs, looted Punjab, raped women, even evil himself sank through the floor watching that inhumanity against Sikhs…

However, you can see the transformation of these so called “Sikh Girls” gradually they started to abandon Sikhi they are getting married to Hindus, Muslims and they prefer clean shaven punjabi munde. Now they don’t want anyone with turban and beard and Amritdhari Sikhs are forbidden for them. So woman has nothing to do with religion, the purpose of women on this earth only having sex and sex goes there where is money and power.

So those Sikhs who are whining like me then you should have your own country to keep your women in your hand, but you lost your opportunity and now we will continue to pay the price. -Singh

Amandeep says: September 29, 2018 at 12:05 pm
Mr. Singh,

I am a Punjabi Sikh Kuri living in America. The Punjabi Sikh culture here is diluted. The boys go out and drink and sleep with so many girls. I was seeing a PSJ (Punjabi Sikh Jatt) and he wanted to marry me but he did not have respect at all. He would always talk down to me and say I would go out with anyone. He was the one sleeping around. I did not sleep with him but he was making false accusations. I think the real reason Sikh kuriyan are not looking for sikh mundey is not because they have problem with Amrithdhari Punjabis, it’s because most of them are hypocrytical. They drink, smoke sleep with girls and are setting bad example of decent Punjabis like yourself. I am on the other side of the world in California, but even the Punjabis back home have bad reputation here. Hopefully it can be fixed because my parents are looking for decent munda for me and I am not happy with the choices. –Amandeep

More information: Sikh-Muslim Relationships, Sharia, Koran, Interfaith Marriage Laws.
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  • Hargovind Singh
    August 2, 2023 12:16 pm

    Learn game and pickup concepts. Girls value: decisiveness, resourcefulness, dominant, strength, power, masculinity.

  • Hardeep
    April 15, 2023 3:24 pm

    Have you all ever wondered only people who have problem with Sikh men are Sikh girls.

    Every other person, religion, race who knows Sikhism respects Sikhs.

    I always wanted a girl whenever I have kids but I don’t anymore. It’s just gonna be a mental torture and I don’t want that.

    Thank you Muskan for your comments. Made me think.

  • Hardeep
    April 15, 2023 2:57 pm

    Hey MUSKAN (,
    First I hope that guy didn’t use and threw you away like most other girls we come across. I wanted to reply under you comment but somehow can’t.

    Only thing that is so hilarious is that you have the guts to comment here that you are with a Muslim boy and blame Sikh guys.

    I wonder whether that Muslim guy will allow his sister to marry a Sikh guy?

    Answer is never.

    I have huge respect for Muslim girls. They will rarely marry outside their religion.

    Blaming him about sex lol your Muslim guy prays daily to get 72 hoors after his death.

    You are disgusting. You and your family would know nothing about Sikhism, sacrifices, massacres and instead of preserving that legacy You and brainless girls like you are destroying it.

    In upcoming 20 years you and girls like you will be responsible for the extinction of Sikhism.

    I’m sure you can carry that burden.

    I’m sure Guru Gobind Singh ji would be happy with your comment.

    Thank you for going outside as we don’t need such trash anyway.

    Plus what ever you are describing happened with you happens with those girls who just date for looks and money.

    You never were a Sikh, you can never be.

    So sorry to hear that your family, your parents failed miserably.

  • Singh
    December 5, 2018 4:11 pm

    Amandeep there is a difference between Punjabi and Sikh. I’m grateful and proud to be Sikh. At very early age I started to follow Sikhism whereas my parents didn’t tell me anything about it. I have to fight with my desires everyday. I’ve got many chances to be with a girl from other religion, even I got a chance to get laid with a blonde women at my cousin wedding but being committed to my faith I used to think I will only be with a Sikh girl, but the more I see them the more I feel disgusted. I feel ashamed to admit 99% Sikh girls are spoiled whether they are in India or abroad. They have nothing to do with religion, culture and Sikh principals, they are only concern to fulfil their sexual desires. Cutting hair and waxing is regular thing for them, those Sikh girls who are working in offices mostly BPOs drinking and smoking is part of their lives, they choose Hindus and Muslims over Sikh boys and I really feel disgusted that they are associated with the same religion which I follow. They are the real backstabber. How could you fight others when there are enemies within???… Women play a very important role in any community but instead of making us stronger they are playing a vital role for making us weak. I really feel ashamed and disgusted to see that.

    • Havefaith
      November 30, 2019 2:44 am

      God bless all

  • November 18, 2018 10:32 pm

    utter bulshit. women are for sex u bloody hypocrite. just cause every girl out there has rejected u doesnt mean ur gonna acuse the whole sikh community girls. Honestly people like u are the ones that make me hate my culture. I am a punjabi girl growing up in NZ and i have dated punjabi sikh boys. doesnt mean i slept with them. but u know what they all had in common. judgemental point of view. according to them their girl shouldnt earn more then them. i am an engieneer and they even told me to leave my job as girls are supposed to stay home and take care of their families. i even dated a thai guy and even he had better views then my own culture boys. currently im with a muslim guy and have never been happier. hes approved by my Sikh family u know why cause of the person he is by nature. so if u say the girls go for money trust me i can say the same thing to all the punjabis i have dated. they were with me cause im a NZ citizen and they wanted PR. as for money i earn more than any of my partners do or ever did. any response to this??

    Reply at

    • Singh
      December 5, 2018 4:24 pm

      Muskan keep your fucking money to yourself and your foreign immigration. You’re such an arrogant typical Sikh girl who happened to be born in a Sikh family but sadly 99% Sikh girls carrying the same thinking like you.

      You know what else I think, ‘Muslim raped Sikh girls, Hindu raped Sikh girls but Sikhs are known for their bravery. respecting and saving girls but when it comes to bed girls want a rapist not a savior that’why Sikh girls incline towards them and avoid Sikh boys and most probably this was in your mind whilst choosing your partner.

      Not just religiously but also physiologically and scientifically point of view,’ a man/woman chooses their partners as they are themselves. In India Hindu girls and boys mostly prefer each other because their intellectual level, beliefs and lifestyle almost the same. Muslim girls also prefer muslim boys, Catholic/Christian girls prefer in their own community.. But Sikh girls, it’s like watching a Prostitute and watching a Sikh girl there is not much difference.

      • Havefaith
        November 30, 2019 2:42 am

        Hi Mr Singh, I wish being a Muslim girl I could find someone who not stereotyling & generalising the Muslim men I come across or have ever heard of held on to there religious values. There is good and bad in all peole. But the frustration for me personally is when a person from any faith wants to marry within there faith but find it hard to find a person who actually has any of the faith morals & principles in them other than just a title. I would gladly marry a sikh gentleman being a muslin girl if he respects me values his religion and mine does not drink club and have pre marital sexual relations. I am yet to come across one from my own faith yet.

        • Usama
          December 20, 2019 9:49 am

          And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. And He makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember.

      • Abcd
        September 11, 2024 8:17 am

        According to the 2013 inter-religous survey in India, 3.1% of Sikh women marries outside their faith definitely Hindu men. While only 1.5% Hindu women married outside their faith who are majority. So despite Sikhs constituting only 1-2% of the Indian population 3.1% Sikh women marrying Hindu men is very high.

  • Amandeep
    September 29, 2018 12:05 pm

    Mr. Singh,

    I am a Punjabi Sikh Kuri living in America. The Punjabi Sikh culture here is diluted. The boys go out and drink and sleep with so many girls. I was seeing a PSJ (Punjabi Sikh Jatt) and he wanted to marry me but he did not have respect at all. He would always talk down to me and say I would go out with anyone. He was the one sleeping around. I did not sleep with him but he was making false accusations. I think the real reason Sikh kuriyan are not looking for sikh mundey is not because they have problem with Amrithdhari Punjabis, it’s because most of them are hypocrytical. They drink, smoke sleep with girls and are setting bad example of decent Punjabis like yourself. I am on the other side of the world in California, but even the Punjabis back home have bad reputation here. Hopefully it can be fixed because my parents are looking for decent munda for me and I am not happy with the choices.

    • Gokusan
      October 1, 2018 12:44 am

      Sister it is good that you hold up you values higher and not give in to the temptation. Even though I am a muslim I have utmost respect for you. May God grant you your wish! Stay blessed.

  • September 13, 2018 8:34 pm

    Hello Mr. Singh,

    This is sad, this must be hurting you.

    When you said, “you should have your own country to keep your women in your hand”, do you mean Khalistan?

    After 1984, most of the time it was secular congress (including a Sikh Prime Minister) was in power in Delhi. Do you mean they were all pro-Hindu?

    What is not there in Sikh man that Sikh girls looking outside the faith? What Sikh men/boys should do now (assuming force is not an option)?

    • Gokusan
      September 14, 2018 1:46 pm

      Then sir read about the circumstances. Except the communist government no one helped them. I am in no way a supporter of khalistan but the way the sikhs been killed that day is beyond imagination. My dad worked in state govt . He told me how state govt helped them. That is why the sikhs revered Jyoti Basu and the police in bengal. Also another thing although sikh girls have highest rate of intermarriage with 3.5 percent but it is really rare to see such incident. Most people here prefer own folks.

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