She is forcing me to convert to Christianity

hari says: April 22, 2013 at 5:48 pm

hi my problem here is me and my girlfriend have been together for 6 years and religion is a problem. I am a hindu and she is a christian..and her parents are very orthodox what ever happens her parents will not accept me…and she is still forcing me to convert which i dont want to and she does not want to convert because she believes only in jesus …so i really dont know what to do. Please help me…and she wants raise kids only by her ways ……please help me. -Hari

Admin says:

Hari, you have come to a right web site for answers. Simple as is, tell her that you too believe in Jesus, but not the church. What your love or her belief in Jesus has to do with Baptism? Read all that we have written on this web site and use it to guide her. Educate her to an ultimate enlightenment!

Also learn the art of negotiation. Give her a stern and very firm message that you and your children will never ever be baptized (NO BBS). If that is her desire, ask her to find some church goer religious (fanatic?) Christian. If necessary, stop talking to her for three months and even stop answering her text message. Be rude and nasty by being completely silent! It will be very hard for both of you, but you got to do that is good for both in a long term. This will send a wake-up call and she will come to terms.

If she is intelligent, she will understand it all in a short time. If she is brainwashed and a close minded, why you will want to spend your life with her anyways? It is your Dharmic duty to guide her.

After reading all recommended articles and references there in, get back with more specific questions. We are waiting to help you. Best wishes. -Admin

More information: Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Shre
    August 19, 2021 2:00 am

    i am in the same situation 10 years of love and im 31 now my GF is doing the same to me, Thanks to all the people here giving positive reviews we should never change for someone else change occurs within ourselves

    • August 25, 2021 8:44 pm

      Just tell her you will accept Jesus but not your church. Do not involve her church or get married by the Christian Marriage Act. You will get in many legal issues later in life. Don’t convert, for sure. Tell her you are who you are and don’t try to convert me to something I am not.

  • armin
    August 14, 2014 11:01 pm

    sorry for this had to come after 6 years.
    she will love jesus above everything in your life, whereas jesus will be the only major obstacle for your happiness.

    it’s terrible when she loves most the very thing which is breaking down your relationship.

    Tom cruise and Nicole kidman had to get divorce because of the same thing. They were both christians but from different dominations. They went to church to get married and yet church charged them to get separated. without church (jesus in your case) influence, they could still be living happily.

  • hates islam
    May 7, 2013 7:13 am

    hari no need to convert….remain what you are.never disown ur birth religion.specially if its hinduism.where every individual has right to choose.and doesnt differentiate between hindus and others.dont convert and bring a bad name to us….other religions try taking advantage of this neutralism of us hindus.its time we wake up and stop this nonsense asap.the blasphemy law should be introduced in India as well.then only the culture and hindu religion wl be nirmal and hari preserve your roots.may goddess Durga show you the right path……

  • May 7, 2013 5:31 am

    hi admin,
    my situation is quite similar with mr hari’s case, but the issue here is, im a hindu guy, and my girlfriend is protestant christian, as you know that catholic people can be tolarate with hindus but protestant is quite different, after 5 years of relationship we’ve decided to get married, then there is the issue was started, her cousin’s forcing her to get me to convert,,,, what da heck?? im from a typical hindu family, once i told my dad that im in love with a protestant girl my dad was fine with it, and he asked me get my girlfriend to try to adopt the calture during festival times , then the issue became serious again, she said being a protestant she wont be able to adopt to our calture and she told she got brought up in a way of not believing in statue praying.problems kepts occur ever since we started talk about marriage,please advice me on this, furthermore i do have my friends whereby they got married in a both ways they are living a good life.. please advise.. i dont want lose her in my life.. please. and i dont want to hurt anyone in this issue.

    Reply at

  • April 25, 2013 9:47 am

    Mr. Hari,

    You need not to convert. If she loves, she should accept you as of now.
    No compulsion or pressure which is the basic phenomenon of love.
    If she insists still, separate your ways otherwise you will be landing in a problem.

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