Section 5.17: Fake-conversion for Marriage?
Tarun says:
I come from a multi-religious family. My Dad is a Brahmin (we eat just about anything under the sun although his family was pure vegetarian). My Mum is half Christian (father is half Christian and half Hindu) and half Muslim (Mother is a Muslim). My mum’s sister is married to a Muslim man and he is the only one who is venomous when it comes to hypocrisy. He never lets his daughters mingle with me even though earlier they were really close to me. But he encourages his son to mix and mingle with his non-Muslim cousin sisters. This is too much!
My own sister is in love with a Muslim man for years, although it’s not working out in my opinion. My brother is married to a Muslim girl, and well he did not have to convert as she came from a secular and rich family.
I am married to Muslim girl and I had to temporarily convert to make her folks happy. Now I have come back to Hinduism. Although I haven’t asked her to convert (to Hinduism), she has no issues at all to perform Hindu customs as long as I do not force her. Is that not amazing? She prays in her style and I never question her.
She is my wife for over a few months. Her family is happy, but she does everything like a Hindu and appreciates me going to my temple, doing just about anything Hindu under the sun. She has never been happier. —Tarun
Admin says:
Why did you make lies and deception a foundation of your married life? If you had no intention to be a Muslim, why did you take fake-shahadah oaths and a fake-conversion to Islam? Is this not an insult to her faith, her parents, her imams and to Islam?
Why would an honest person with high self-esteem lie to everyone just to get married, when there are many other good options available? What is wrong with having a civil marriage?
If you believe in God, why would you lie to Allah (or Krishna)? Alternatively, if you don’t believe in God, why did you have to marry by religious ceremonies? Why couldn’t you keep your marriage secular? Are you saying lies and fake-conversion are good, while the truth and honesty are anti-religious?
Tarun, we do not mean to be harsh on you. These are issues you and the rest of society need to come to terms with. You are not necessarily a liar, yet are compelled to lie. It is not your fault; you are a victim of the politicians and the priest class. At your young age, no one expects you to be a Gandhi out to change the world. Please love and take good care of your Muslim wife in a Brahmin home; this is really a Godly work. Let’s hope others will learn from your example (except no fake-conversion!). —Admin

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