In the Name of Religion We Were Separated

Hari says: July 28, 2016

It’s so sad people are recognized/identified with one’s religion and restricted by the rules, each religion follows. Man kind is much bigger than religion. There are lots to learn and understand from the Universe rather than defending ones religion one should be open and be ready to seek.

Once i was a victim of RELIGION. I was in love with a Muslim girl, we were in deep love literally we were just ONE soul. There was a feeling that we knew each other for centuries. Just in the name of religion we were separated, i lost her forever the wound was very deep ……………………. Later i got to know that she got married and settled happily , Even i did not have option, i got married and settled with my wife and daughter………

However, even now when I think of her its with lots of love and I always will pray for her. May God bless her with abundant happiness………… –Hari

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
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1 Comment

  • July 29, 2016 7:34 pm

    That was dream and your wife/daughter are reality.
    Enjoy what you have and, once a while, enjoy those sweet memories from the past.

    What was main issue between two of you and parents?
    What would you tell to people in love based on your past experience?

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