Read Quran with Proper Translation

md ali says: August 15, 2013 at 3:26 am

Hi! Every one
I want to give a nice and personal suggestions to all people,
before commenting to each other have you read and understand the own faiths. (personal advice to all to read Quran by u own languages then comments)
I have some questions to ask u all literate people,
1.Who created the whole universe?
2.Who created the human and animal beings and why?
3.When Islam is such a religion which you all saying and exposed, then the people are reverting to Islam in all part of the world reasons?

Islam has given all equal rights both men and women too(which u have accept it by seeing the life of prophet Mohammed s.w.s.

My brothers and sisters
Do u know why Islam has given the permission to marry 4 wife to men?
Because of the growing population of women, i believe (because to give proper status in the community and physically satisfaction)
if 1 men can only marry 1 women, what will have to rest of the women either they marry and get the all needs or become public property.
You don’t think marring is best way to eradicate prostitution.

Thanking you all
Please read Quran with proper translation.


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  • August 22, 2013 8:31 am

    Dear readers,

    Please read the cruelty of a father against his own 5 year old daughter alleging that she was not virgin.

    There are some who speculate that the location of the biblical city of Sodom was in Saudi Arabia. They may have a case. Saudi Arabia is what happens when you combine absolute evil with ungodly amounts of money.

    It’s not just that monsters like Fayhan al-Ghamdi exist in Saudi Arabia. They exist everywhere. But in the heartland of Islam, where Mohammed first began his wave of crimes against women and little girls, they operate with the sanction of the state.

    Sheikh Fayhan al-Ghamdi, an Islamic television preacher in Saudi Arabia, beat Lama, his 5-year-old daughter to death during a custodial visit. Saudi police had found the 5-year-old wandering the streets, she was taken to the hospital and placed in intensive care.

    The side of her head had been mashed in, her back was broken, she had a skull fracture, bleeding in the head, a broken left hand, bruises all over her body, and burns that apparently came from an iron. One of her fingernails had been pulled out. There were signs that she had been sexually assaulted in various ways that are too horrific to describe, but that are in serial killer territory.

    Lama died in the hospital and a trial began.

    “The person who committed this heinous crime is the girl’s father, who tells people how to live their lives and encourages them to cultivate the fear of Allah, who used whips and irons on the body of a 5-year-old girl,” her mother said.

    Sheikh Fayhan al-Ghamdi told the judge that his daughter had been “behaving strangely” and questioned her virginity. He took her to a medical professional to have her virginity checked.

    Sheikh al-Ghamdi had a job with the Saudi Ministry of Education where he was supposed to be working with troubled youth. The court found that under Islamic Hadith from several sources that states that a father cannot be executed for killing a child, that he should not be treated as a murderer.

    It was narrated that the Prophet (Mohammed) said, “No father should be killed (executed) for killing his son.” (At-Tirmidhi)

    Or alternatively.

    Do not kill him that killed his son, but kill the mother to kill her and her son. (Ibn Qudamah)

    Apparently that also applies to jail time for torturing your 5-year-old daughter to death. Instead the court sentenced Sheikh Fayhan al-Ghamdi to 4 months in prison and to pay $50,000 in blood money to the mother of his child.

    This is what the Islamic justice system and its values are like. This is the Sharia law that the left insists on importing to America and to Europe.

  • truth4ever
    August 16, 2013 2:53 pm

    All your dirty and your biased interpretation of quran is false. you take verses out of context. you should check the history of slavery and then see what reforms and humane treatment of slave islam brought here is muslim interpretation of quran and not your hypocrital interpretation of quran

    • Sam
      August 16, 2013 9:58 pm

      Like you Mohammed you seem illiterate too. Idiot did you see what the above said before pasting your crap Qur’an sites? What he said is absolutely truth may be you are blind by you Qur’ans devils religion. There’s still time stop praising Osama convert to Christianity before a drone makes you martyr you Islamic fundamentalist.

      • Zara
        August 17, 2013 5:20 am

        People know better than to believe someone who calls others crap, idiot hypocrite abuses others in such hateful bad language and talks about peace when himself is so frustrated. who is the hypocrite Mr sam
        Your replies are sadly humorous

  • truth4ever
    August 16, 2013 4:08 am

    hey zara why are you arguing with hypocrites. God forbids us to argue with hypocrites

    • Zara
      August 16, 2013 6:07 am

      I know and I am working on being patient and ignoring these people specially on this bigoted website but seriously it hurts to see so many fakesters that to against Islam. See the two posts below, they have pasted the same things, we have to defend

      • Sam
        August 16, 2013 10:02 pm

        Hypocrite – suits exactly like character of your Mohammed, the devilish prophet on the planet. Just imagine if planet has so many Muslims we have so many terrorists attacks, if we have no Muslims how peaceful earth would be…

  • Satyen
    August 15, 2013 9:24 pm

    Just to add to the above list. Islam is the second largest religion with 1.5 billion followers! These many people cannot be stupid. I fully agree with it. But I am in deep trouble now. Though I can be stupid by not following those 1.5 billion Muslims, how can another 5.0 billion people be senseless who don’t follow Muhammad?

    • Zara
      August 15, 2013 10:10 pm

      Its not about sense. Before the revelation of the Quran, most people in Arabia were pagans and after the revelation, people have converted to Islam. What does it say? So basically its a religion to be understood from its core and then accepted. The greatest of people during the beginning of Islamic history were converts to Islam
      And also each person is going to be judged for what he did and what the other part of humanity did.

      “If you disbelieve, then God is not in need of you; He likes not disbelief for his slaves. And if you are grateful, He is pleased therewith for you. No bearer of burdens shall bear the burden of another. Then to your Lord is your return, and He will inform you what you used to do. He is the All-Knower of that which is in the breasts (Of men)” (Quran 39:07)

      “Whoever goes right, then he goes right only for the benefit of his ownself. And whoever goes astray then he goes astray to his own loss. No one laden with burdens shall bear another’s burden. And We never punish until We have sent a Messenger” (Quran 17:15)

      • Zara
        August 15, 2013 10:15 pm

        each person is going to be judged for what he did and NOT what the other part of humanity did. So better than copy pasting corrupted hadith and twisted interpretation, do your own research. No matter which religion you follow, researching something properly without unrequired bias will help you see how 3 books came from God to people of different descent culture and countries yet give the same message that there is only One God

  • Satyen
    August 15, 2013 9:19 pm

    Dear Md Ali,

    I support your advice that all the persons should be aware of Islam as it’s the second largest religion in the world and has a following of about 1.5 billion people. However, I suggest a mowr authentic and easier way to know true Islam. I believe in practical knowledge of Islam, not just a theoretical one.

    So, my suggestion is to know the biography of Muhammad who a reflective practitioner of Islam. Today’s Muslims especially living in non-Islamic countries are not following Islam in a comprehensive way. Everyone is interpreting Quran/Hadith according to their own sect of Islam such as Shia, Sunni, Ahmadi, Sufism etc. But everybody is ready to die for Muhammad. So, let’s focus on his life and learn in depth about what he did and said.

    As the women/girls are more concerned about their future as the present society is a male dominant one, I would suggets them to see what Muhammad has to say about the girls/women and interfaith love, marriages, divorce etc. Also, the girls/women should try to find the answers to the following questions that may arise in their heart if they are going for interfaith relationship:

    1. What is the biggest SIN in Islam that is not forgiven? Is that SIN is the most heinous one, even worse than murder, rape and plunder?

    2. What are ways suggested by Muhammad to protect the women from the ogling eyes of the males? Some examples as I know is to cover the body in burqa, allow the males to suckle the girls (because after suckling a few timees, the woman will become unsuitable to be married to the person who suckled her!!)

    3. Is killing an innocent person is equal to killing all the humanity? Also clarify who is innocent. Are the idolators innocent? If yes, how can it be the gravest SIN, unpardonable by even Allah? If the idolators are not onnocents, how can their killing is considered equal to killing the whole of the humanity?

    4. How many prophets have been females?

    5. Who are/were khalifas? How many Khalifas have been women?
    How many of the Khalifas had only one wife?

    6. Can women/girls lead a prayer? If not, why not? Islam gives equal rights to the men and women.

    7. Why the girls/women cannot go to the mosque where males go to pray if men and women are considered equal?

    8. If Muslims are allowed to kill others only for self defence, did Muhammad fought wars only in his self defence?

    9. Did Muhammad plundered women/girls in wars? Did he gifted war girls/women to his father-in-law? Will the Muslims of our time will get merits to go heaven if they also plunder the women and distribute them to other Muslims? Can women do the same things such as going to the war and plundering males to distribute them to other Muslim women?

    10. How many wives can the Muslim males are allowed to have simultaneously? Can the women have as many husbands as Islam gives equal rights to all irrespective of their gender?

    11. Is it allowed to dance/sing/theatres when India becomes a Muslim country? Are the Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan allow this? Are they not following Islam?

    The above are just a few questions enlisted for the girls who may be curious to know about Islam. There can be many more and all of them should be clarifies in course of studying Koran.

    I thank all the Muslim brothers who suggest non-Muslims to understand Islam. I am with them to assert that we all must know Islam through Muhammad as his life is Islam personified!!!

    May Allah give hidayat to all to tread on the right path!

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