My Present Condition is Worst and Unbearable

Venk says: December 12, 2015 at 9:33 pm

Dear Shekhar (My Sad Christian-Hindu Marriage),

My self Venk from xxdeletedxx facing the same problem and i did my marriage the same way you done in 2012 and the present condition is to worst and unbearable. I am unable to move further in my life feeling like ending my life.

Could you please share your contact number or call me on nine xxxxx.

Please am waiting for your response… to know how to go ahead and what to do next… Please brother. -Venk

Admin says:

Dear Venk,

We hope Shekhar will get back to you with help. We have deleted your private information. It is not a good idea to disclose such details on ANY public forum, it could hurt you later. Now no one knows who you are (from Germany or Australia?) and thus you will be free to give us all details (again not your identity).

How about if we tell you that in 2020, you (current Venk-X) will be a brand new person (Venk-New) who is most happy, have tons of friends and going and helping all needy in this world? Now assume Venk-X is dead with all her problems. Newly born Venk-New will solve all Venk-X problems boldly and smartly, without being upset or feeling depressed? It is only you who could do all these, but we will be glad to walk with you all along. So lets start.

Let talk philosophy! God has make 7 billion people on this earth. There are some 30% of those don’t have roof over their head at night, many don’t have enough food to eat, most don’t have college degrees, many are rich but suffering from cancer and many wealthy may be suffering from depression. If you keep a big picture in mind, you will realize that your problems are much better than most. You have problems but if you act smartly, in next 5 years, you could solve it. Do you agree?

Every one makes mistakes in life and you are not different. Never curse yourself for what is done, but instead save all your energy to critically evaluate your situation and think calmly how to solve them. You have not killed any one, instead you are an innocent victim of some church. So why curse yourself? You appear to be educated and smart. Trust yourself and trust in God (if you believe so). Think now you are brand new Venk-New who is not going to take any shit from any one. Go out and breath fresh air. Go out and jump up and down and feel freedom from all your past. Believe that no one, meaning no one, will make you unhappy. Assume all your problems are solved (even not), this will give you strength to critically evaluate your current situation and help find solutions to it.

You may think why this admin is giving you all above bullshit? Well, it is critical for you to think there is light at the end of tunnel. It is critical at this stage of your life to gain your inner strength to fight all issues in your life. Unfortunately, there is no one will help you, except yourself. If you gain your inner strength you could concur this world. Are you ready?

Please list 3 of your current most life problems and we will guide you how to face it. Do you have children? We will work with you till your happy days of Dec 2020, so smile! Get back to us. We are and will be waiting right here! -Admin

Also read: Interfaith marriage with equality (Video), Hindu-Christian Marriage, Will Gandhi go to Hell since he was not Baptized?, Bible on Hindus?, Idol-Worshippers, I am a Christian mother, I converted without knowledge of my family, I am Christian getting married to a Hindu, Do all Christians go to Heaven?, Ignorent Molly trying to convert a Krishna believer to Christianity ..a video, Namastey London movie…intolerant Christians ..a video, All religions are not same, A Hindu America?, Why I am a Hindu?, A fundamentalist Christian, Why I came back to Hinduism?, Dharma is not the same as religion, Text book on How to convert Hindu Students to Christianity,

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  • October 31, 2016 6:37 am


    I was/and now getting mentally tortured to follow their ways.They tried every means to disconnect me from my family & friends. Then eventually asking me to stop doing things in Hindu religion. Then have asked to have kids.I don’t have kids at the moment. I am so stressed mentally. I don’t know what to do. 6 months back I took over dose of supplement thinking things might come to an end. but my stomach got upset and everything was cleared out. The I realized about my parents and eventually convinced myself not do anything stupid. There are lot of things happened afterwards but not to solid conclusion. They want me say that I don’t want to live with my wife anymore so that I can be accused.

    Reply at

  • ScXXX
    October 22, 2016 3:59 am

    Hi Admin,
    I am going through the same situation . I am not sure what to do.
    Can you provide your contact number to contact.

    • October 22, 2016 12:45 pm

      Dear ScXXX,

      This is not an end to life. It will take sometime to undo but stay strong. Can you give details on this web site? There are no two cases same so tell us what is your situation and what are your options?

  • December 18, 2015 8:26 am

    Dear Venk,

    Even I had same feelings like instead of dying everyday better put full stop for my life but I could not do it because of my parents – who will take care of them – then I realised what made me to feel is love is’not it!!
    Forger about that when u r not getting respect .. Give respect who really gives u respect…admin thank u so much for kind support ..venky my mail I’d XXXXX. U can contact me through mail any time..

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