Parents Not Accepting A Hindu Guy

asma says: April 7, 2015 at 10:29 pm

hii i am asma i am in relation with hindu guy since 6years…i cant leave without him… my parents are not accepting as a hindu guy can you give me any suggestions i am not having any religion feelings i cant leave with out him plz help me out -asma

Also read: VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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  • mac
    May 25, 2015 8:38 am

    Sister asma, just remember this `Don’t fall for anyone who dosen’t fall in sujood for Allah`

  • Indian
    May 24, 2015 10:47 pm

    Why are you asking the outside world for answer. If you love him and he loves you, marry him. Now the problem — solve on basis of what it is. Your parents objecting? What exactly is their objections- educate them – you will be Muslim so not to worry. Parents of the boys are more important, meet them and if you like them marry the boy. Religion does not matter, and after a while looking at your happiness your parents will accept him and you both cute couple will be together.

    2nd – don’t get misled by fundamentalist, who teach you. Misguiding and making you depress is all they will do. Their advice will never bring any happiness. You love is only yours no one else can understand it. So do the right thing. Marry him if he loves you simple. Don’t make it complex by listening to much.

    • mac
      May 24, 2015 11:51 pm

      Dear sister asma, this guy indian gave you wrong and misleading advice mixed with love wala emotional propaganda, the most important thing is your parents, how will you be happy by hurting your parents, and this guy indian is saying that your parents are not important, so you can imagine what is his mentality, btw he is also trying to destroy life of a muslim girl, he hates islam and muslim, he wants you to somehow marry that guy, even going against your parents, if you push your parents aside, then who will side by you in difficult situation is your married life, remember sister, married life is completely different from pre-marriage love life, this guy indian hates islam , he hates muslim, then do you expect him to give you honest advice?

      I know many muslim girls living happy,blissful life with their non-muslim husband, many of their husband were hindus also, but they converted to islam before marriage and are now good muslim, those marriages are acceptable in the eyes of allah where they guy converted to islam, also family accept such marriages, for boys family, it doesn`t rally matter what religion son is following as long as he keep taking care of them, contact me here ( Contact Mac here ), i will then give you Facebook id of many such couples who married hindu guy and converted to islam, those girls will give you better advise.

      • Indian
        May 25, 2015 4:49 am

        @asma – no one can force you, just think like a common man, god be with you, its your love think logical 🙂

        @mr mac- relax dude, writing long stories doesn’t makes your stories true. You are confusing her, she has a brain – let her think. Why are you trying to confuse her, why are you brining religion in this? Dude she is already a Muslim, not like you – she has brain and intelligence. Blaming others for your in ability to think logical is a moronic act. So get a life.

        • mac
          May 25, 2015 5:39 am

          If you think asma has brain, then why you are telling her to forget her parents, why you are telling her to dis-obey her parents, why you are trying to get better of her, I am muslim and she is muslim, and as a muslim, i have right to inform my fellow muslim brothers and sister, what is islamically allowed and what is islamically not allowed. okay.

      • Mohamed
        May 25, 2015 5:13 am

        yah. .

        mac bro is right. .if u leav ur parents u will be suffer a lot sister in ur future. .

        Here from admin and indian will confuse u. .
        we r nt forcing u . .its ur choice . .fact is fact
        it will never change. .

        Remember those child days where ur mom has suffers for you. .Remember those days where ur mom will get up at late night for u. .Remember those days where ur dad earn money for u. .

        does you want to give hurt to them???

  • mac
    May 24, 2015 10:19 pm

    Dear sister asma, remember, you can’t be happy disobeying your god commandments, allah clearly told us in Quran that marriage with non-muslim(hindu) will lead you to hell fire. Marriage is only allowed if he really convert to islam. Also you will lose your parent. So don’t make life hell. Take wise decision. Donot marry him unless he convert to Islam. Also you said you will read namaz, but once you marry that non-muslim, you will be out of islam, you will be hypocrite(munafiq) then, allah tells us in quran that munafiq will live in lowest level of hell, i know you don’t wanna be hypocrite/munafiq, then marry him only after he convert to islam.
    Consider these cases:

    1. Allah>Family>ur hindu bf

    2. Your hindu bf>Your family>Allah.

    If you chose option 1 i.e. Allah first, then will solve rest for you, if you choose your bf first, then will he be able to manage your parents and allah?

  • April 23, 2015 7:54 am

    Asma ji,

    Please dont get misled by the fake and misinterpretation of Mac like person, as his mother was trapped and forcibly converted to islam and Mac born out of proper wedlock system, he wants every one to be muslim irrespective of numerous evils of islam against females. He is not ready to accept those evils even he was sexually assaulted in the madarsa while learning quranic teachings and he did not make any complaint against that mulla and maulvi. This is what I have found from the various texts posted on this site by different writers and Mac did not comment, obviously it must be a real fact of his life.

    Isam is a religion that was spread through bloodshed, murder, threatening, killing and committed attrocties on the human beings.

    I wast born and brouhgt in a muslim family and I knew teachings of quran and hadith, which are totally female community which constitute almost half of of the population in the world. HOW CAN A GOD BE SO CRUEL AGAINST FEMALES, WHO HAS BEEN CREATEED BY HIM ONLY AND A RAPIST MURDERER NOT SPARING HIS GRAND DAUGHTER LIKE BABY GIRL, NOMINATED BY GOD AS HIS MESSENGER?


    Jihad Terrorism: Murdering Kafirs Guaranteeing Accession To A Virgin Delight Paradise

    Sex Slavery/Rape

    Subjugation of Muslim/Kafir Women

    Child Molestation


    The ‘Five Pillars’ of Islam are the foundation of Muslim life. Worship is everything one says or does for the pleasure of Allah. A Muslim is required to submit himself completely to Allah, as the Quran instructed the Prophet Muhammad to do:

    “Say (O Muhammad) my prayer, my sacrifice, my life and my death belong to Allah; He has no partner and I am ordered to be among those who submit, i.e.; Muslims.” (6:162, 163)

    Islam looks at the individual as a whole.

    The natural result of this submission is that all one’s activities should conform to the instructions of the one to whom the person is submitting. Islam, being a way of life, requires that its followers model their life according to its teachings in every aspect, religious or other wise.

    PILLAR 1: Jihad Terrorism – Murdering Kafirs Guaranteeing Accession To A Virgin Delight Paradise is the most important Pillar of Islam.


    “Lo! Allah hath bought from the believers their lives and their wealth because the Garden will be theirs: they shall fight in the way of Allah and shall slay and be slain. It is a promise which is binding on Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur’an. Who fulfilleth His covenant better than Allah? Rejoice then in your bargain that ye have made, for that is the supreme triumph.”

    Christians are sanctified by the blood of Christ received at Holy Communion. Muslims are sanctified by the blood of murdered kafirs guaranteeing accession to a virgin delight Paradise.

    Islam teaches that if Muslims slay or are slain (kill or are killed) in the service of God, they are guaranteed accession to a deviant sexual paradise. Islam’s Paradise is filled with whorish virgins possessing voluptuous breasts and lustrous eyes. Muslims, blessed with an access to Paradise, will have 72 such virgins to engage in incessant copulation. Furthermore, Muslim’s surest way of getting a passport to Paradise, says Allah, is to get slain while trying to kill the kafirs.

    Here is what the Paradise of Allah looks like:

    “As for the righteous (Muslims)… We (Allah) shall wed them to beautiful virgins with lustrous eyes” [Quran 44:51-54]

    “The righteous (Muslims) they shall triumph… Theirs shall be voluptuous women.” [Quran 78:31-33].

    Other verses in the Quran—such as 37:40-48, 44:51-55, 52:17-20, 55:56-58, 70-77, 56:7-40 and 78:31 describe the Paradise to be an alluring whorehouse. Additionally, never-molested (virgin) young boys like pearls will be available in abundance in the Muslim paradise (Surat 52:24, 56:17, and 76:19) for the blessed Muslim men to engage in sodomy. For Muhammad who was a master of indulging in carnal pleasures with a dozen wives and at least two concubines in his harem would obviously suit such a depraved whorehouse in the afterlife. Allah AKA Muhammad (the AntiGod), in pliant servitude, provided what Muhammad wanted.

    Can you imagine poor Angel Gabriel having to listen to this pure smut, memorize this fifth and regurgitate it to Muhammad.

    Quranic verse 9:111 is the most evil, depraved, diabolical, immoral teaching in all of Islam. Indeed in all human history.

    Verse 9:111 means what it means. A Muslim who dies while trying to murder kafirs fulfilling teachings 9:5, 9:29 and all the other teachings of murder, rape, terror, torture of kafirs in the Quran are guaranteed martyrdom and accession to an evil, lewd, depraved paradise filled with eternal virgins of exquisite beauty who regenerate as virgins after each sex act and whom these killers and murderers of Islam can sexually molest in endless copulation for all eternity.

    In the laws of Allah (the AntiGod) as discussed kafirs are not human beings to Muslims. They have absolutely no humanity. They have no right to life and must be killed by Muslims in Allah’s cause [Jihad] for gaining Paradise. In the holy wars of Allah, for Muslims, it is a holy religious duty to murder kafirs who have grown pubic hair. The kafirs women and children will be enslaved and sold as prophet Muhammad did with the Jews of Banu Quraiza.

  • mac
    April 19, 2015 6:01 am

    How We Came to Islam.

    Many people wonder how both my husband and I came to Islam. Were we married and if we came to Islam together? Did I “convert him” or vice versa?

    For myself: I grew up Lutheran, went to Sunday school each week and we went to church service every other week as a compromise since my dad didn’t like going. I was confirmed in the Lutheran church at age 14, and really became disillusioned with the teachings. I don’t remember thinking about it for long nights, but it was the general attitude that you learn what the Pastor, or other leaders have to say, and questions did not feel welcome.

    This made me less than enthusiastic to continue down the path of living life as a Christian. I spent the next 10 years wandering in the New Age realm of thinking, studying anything from Paganism to Buddhism to the Kabbalah. I really enjoyed learning about various religions and I was of the thinking that there was no way to know if there was a one and only truth, so therefore each path could take you to our Creator, whoever that was.

    Post 9/11, there was no way to escape all the questions the media and people were raising about Islam. I knew all the stereotypes, but didn’t give them a lot of weight because they always struck me as wide sweeping statements. I got to know some Muslims through my workplaces, learning tiny bits and pieces from each one.

    At my most recent workplace, I got to know one Muslim a bit better where I felt comfortable asking various questions, usually about daily life (what can you eat/not eat, why do you do XYZ, etc.). I was curious why for someone who didn’t seem religious in the slightest, he was still so committed to his religion. Long story short, I decided to read the Qur’an for myself. I knew that if the source book was available, it didn’t make sense to read someone’s thoughts on the Qur’an as that’s a secondary resource (I wish more people would do this!).

    By the time I finished the Qur’an, I was convinced it could not have been written by a human being. I was thankful I had some commentary to point out verses that had scientific significance because that was a big factor in seeing the divine nature of the Qur’an for me. Within months after finishing the Qur’an, in February 2007, I said my shahadah (declaration of faith) and started down my journey as a Muslim.

    I started wearing hijab (the scarf covering a woman’s hair) on December 31st, 2007 it was a Monday, and it while it was a last minute decision I came to over the weekend, it made sense to do it then so I could just say it was a New Year’s resolution to everyone at work. It was really tough, but each day got easier. The quiet, Evangelical Christian guy in my department asked me why I had started covering, like many others, but he was more interested in the religious reasons than the cultural ones.

    Him and I started talking more on the subject, and exchanging information. Within this time, he was promoted to be my peer as a supervisor instead of a team lead. His promotion meant that we needed to work more closely on things like employee reviews, team schedules and plans, etc. Each step brought this long term stranger to a more familiar place in my world.

    As he asked more questions about the hijab, and all the stereotypes about Islam that he largely believed, he started noticing the similarities in his own belief and Islam more and more.

    After months of our discussions, he bought the Qur’an for himself to read. Through reading the Qur’an, he found the same basic message that was taught in the Bible, and he knew Islam was the religion God wanted for mankind. It was not an easy transition for him with his large network of Evangelical family and friends. There was intense pressure all around to change his mind, but the evidence of the matter stood for itself.

    Through our conversations and working together, we decided we wanted to be married, and we were married in February of 2009. The journey since has not be easy with the pressures from all around to leave this “foreign” and “false” religion, but we have stuck through it.

    At the end of the day, we rest assured in the belief that we
    have found the religion Allah wants us, and mankind, to follow.Alhamdulillah!

    Source :- Convert to Islam

  • April 17, 2015 2:07 am

    So to all the stupiddd baaastRds agreeing or being nice, tell the truth kafir should be with kafir and Muslim should be
    With Muslim that’s all.

  • April 17, 2015 2:04 am

    I I swear all of you are so messed up and fxx. Listen u stupid biotech if you really cared about Islam and were religious you would never look at a dirty in circumcised rat worshipper, who don’t even wash his ass after a shit. What does that say about you did you think of your parents when you sucked his xxx. And fxxx him no so what do you care now. Do what ever your no longer a believer and if you are you would leave the twat and repent but cause you don’t pray and you don’t fear Allah you are weak and ur iman is weak
    The day you love Allah and fear him the day you will tell the xxxx to do one

    • Indian
      May 25, 2015 5:02 am

      You invited me here bro – here it goes – you xxxx – if you have your pig sized brain tell us – if you say Allah is your god, why should Muslims fear him? Your mom should have taken contraceptives when a niegro xxxx her at hera Mandi. Makings her xxx like your Mecca xxx worship puccy “hazar al aswad” you kiss your sisters puccy and tell other religion is worship penns. Dude you are shit- your non Muslim father must have had the worst day when you were born. Using jhon does not hides that you are a guy with xxx cut in two half’s, other half for your Allah. Moral – as you sow -so shall you reap. Peace.

  • sonia
    April 15, 2015 11:34 pm

    i am also a pakistani muslim girl and i am in a relationship with a sikh guy for four years please let me know what you are going to do because i love my bf too and i am in the same situation please help/

  • sonia
    April 15, 2015 11:33 pm


  • mac
    April 15, 2015 5:40 am

    Dear sister asma,

    you said you believe in both religion or something like that, then let me ask you do know Hinduism and Islam properly, BTW please answer me below questions, hopefully you will answer as these questions are very easy and as a women it makes it even more easy. Here are my 5 questions, you have to answer in `Yes/No` format.

    Qn. 1 :- Do you support Rape, Do you believe Rape is a Holy act?
    Your Ans :-
    Yes or No

    Qn. 2 :- Do you believe a woman is born sinful,lower-grade? Do you believe you are born fro sinful wombs.
    Your Ans :-
    Yes or No

    Qn. 3 :- Do you believe Dog=Women(you) ?
    Your Ans :-
    Yes or No

    Qn. 4 :- Do you believe women are idiot ?
    Your Ans :-
    Yes or No

    Qn. 5 :- Do you believe the incident of a mother giving to female child birth is bad,unfortunate?
    Your Ans :-
    Yes or No

    My answers are

    Ans no 1 : NO
    Ans no 2 : NO
    Ans no 3 : NO
    Ans no 4 : NO
    Ans no 5 : NO

    Sister,I am waiting for your answer…

    • mac-x
      April 17, 2015 8:16 am

      Wah Mr. mac !
      Mein baat Mubina Verma Ji se kar rahaa hun & DARD tumhaare pet may ho rahaa hai. Strange 🙂

      • April 17, 2015 1:21 pm

        Are you a different mac? Can you use a different name? Like mac5?

      • Mohammed
        April 17, 2015 5:45 pm

        This is another person who misusing mac bro name….

        i think he dont want to his real name. ..because he is hesititating to show his real name if one day he catch he escape from here. .. like chand osami,kartar,etc. .. they are all thefts only lie
        they dont have any guts at all

      • mac
        April 19, 2015 3:58 am

        for sure this new mac is narendra.

  • April 15, 2015 4:24 am

    my boyfriend not intersted to convert in muslim but he will follow the traditions of muslim & both..i trust god is one for all.. i cant live without that guy since its 6 years relation

    • sonia
      April 15, 2015 11:35 pm

      how old are you asma?

  • ikram
    April 15, 2015 12:30 am

    Did you talk to the Guy about Islam? You know Islam is the Fastest growing religion in the world? and more people accept Islam then all the other religion combining? First Ask his view on Islam,,, believing in one God? If his views are good then give him some Islamic books,, ask him or invite him to mosque so he can talk and meet with your relatives there, try to bring him closer to your family instead of you breaking up with your family. If he accept Islam and becomes a Muslim which means if he Believe that there is One GOD?? which is also written in Authentic Hindu books in Vedas, and Upniyas, If he believes that Mohamed was a good person and was a messenger of God and like everyone els if if believes that one day everyone will be raised to give account of what they did in this world. If all the Answer from him is positive then he too don;t know that he is a muslim, he just need to accept it by saying it in Arabic and stop believing in Idols 100 god’s.
    Kabhi Ramzan mein Roza rakha hai? did you ever fasted in ramdan? In regular days when we think about not drinking or eating anything for 12 to 14 hrs, we feel its impossible, but in ramdan we easily do it. Reason??? Faith, Believe in your self. You very well know what is right and what is wrong, You just don’t want to accept it, as you feel that you will not be able to live without him. Closer you get to the truth,, far will you go from lie and darkness. Make 5 time daily prayer for at least 10 days on time,,,, yes even in morning on 11th day after isha prayer make duwa to Allah to guide you to the right path, Insha Allah he will, Allah never leaves his loved one alone.
    If the guy accept Islam you can marry him even if your parents don’t accept it, If he accept Islam! If he don;t then what is the point of you leaving your parents, your brother and sisters other family members your religion one side you have to much to loose other side you can guide someone to the right path,,, so instead of thinking of loosing everyone and everything why not think about holding his hand and walking with him on the right the path of Islam and make him a part of your family?
    Choice is your sister… As a brother I told you what is good for you for the guy and for your family. Take care of your self May Allah show you and your loved one right path. Amin

    • mac
      April 15, 2015 5:40 am

      Mash Allah ikram bro, you have very rightfully explained.

  • mac
    April 13, 2015 6:47 am

    Dear sister asma,

    you said you believe in both religion or something like that, then let me ask you do know Hinduism and Islam properly, BTW please answer me below questions, hopefully you will answer as these questions are very easy and as a women it makes it even more easy. Here are my 5 questions, you have to answer in `Yes/No` format.

    Qn. 1 :- Do you support Rape, Do you believe Rape is a Holy act?
    Your Ans :-
    Yes or No

    Qn. 2 :- Do you believe a woman is born sinful,lower-grade? Do you believe you are born fro sinful wombs.
    Your Ans :-
    Yes or No

    Qn. 3 :- Do you believe Dog=Women(you) ?
    Your Ans :-
    Yes or No

    Qn. 4 :- Do you believe women are idiot ?
    Your Ans :-
    Yes or No

    Qn. 5 :- Do you believe the incident of a mother giving to female child birth is bad,unfortunate?
    Your Ans :-
    Yes or No

    My answers are

    Ans no 1 : NO
    Ans no 2 : NO
    Ans no 3 : NO
    Ans no 4 : NO
    Ans no 5 : NO

    Sister,I am waiting for your answer…

  • mac
    April 13, 2015 6:01 am

    Dear sister asma, seek help from Allah, don`t listen to Golnar,Mubina,Chand Osmani, etc , they are all same people under different name, you can sense it from their writing.

    From a muslim brother mac, feel free to contact me ..<<.DELETED the web site considering personal advertisement.>>

    • mac
      April 13, 2015 7:02 am

      ///DELETED the web site considering personal advertisement.>>///

      LOL admin got afraid of me, admin is bias towards muslim which is exposed once again.

  • April 11, 2015 8:30 am


    Islam is a religion where females have no choice. Males get all sorts of privilenges.Islam is a religion where all sorts of attrocities are committed on females. You must have read in the newspapers how muslim girls are being tortured in ISIS dominated areas. Even in refugee camps they are not safe. Terrorists of 45-55 years are forcibly marrying child girls of 8-18 years and after some time they are passing them to the other terrorists groups for sexual purpose. Openly they are selling girls under the name of islam. Even some young boys are being sodomized by terrorists.

    Me a muslim girl, on this blog for the last more than 2 years, married outside islamic faith, very happy with him.

    If you are bold enough, forget your parents. They will socumb to pressure of mullas and maulvies including your relatives. Ask your BF to settle with you elsewhere for blissful life.

    For many months I have not seen comments from Satyen. Where is he, has he left to post comments on this blog?

    • April 12, 2015 9:31 pm

      MUBIN can you give me personal details i want to talk to you

    • narendra
      April 15, 2015 9:10 am

      Hi Mubina Verma Ji 🙂

      Glad to see you in this site.How are you & your whole family ? My well wishes to you, including the family 🙂

      • mac
        April 16, 2015 6:18 am

        LOL 🙂 naredraji, mubinaji,karterji,chand osmaniji and every ji are all one person. they are all fine, coz they are one, their job is to spread false propaganda against islam and muslim

    • JD
      April 23, 2015 11:52 am

      MUSLIM RELIGION = HEll for girls (there is no need to tell, u better know the circumstances, bcoz u live in that environment, my sister)

      HINDU RELIGION = HEAVEN FOR GIRLS (need to tell, as you are free from those restrictions that islaam prohibits and give the power to your hand to live it with your own style without any fear, got it my sister)

      So, Just do it, ask yourself,not maater whether u convert from islam to hindu or hindu to islaam bcoz GOD = Allaah or Allah = God, so what you obey whether from geeta or quran, would be the decision of yours. the religion in which you finds PARADISE, just obey that.gud luck

  • logic
    April 10, 2015 7:37 am

    Tell me more details of your and your parents background ? where they live where they descent from. genetically proven 50% of Muslims directly descended from Hindus from India. so a high chance your ancestors were hindus, but now since of the muslim atrocities and so on, a lot of conversions and cross breeding happened in teh world.

    I would say if you like the guy and cannot live without then you got to be with this guy. try to do Yoga, and meditation, and see does it calm your mind. does it let you make more compassionate and peaceful person, if yes, live by those practices.

    hopefully some yoga and meditation will give you guidance from the inside.

  • April 10, 2015 6:27 am


    Your parents will never accept a hindu guy. You have to take your own decision, in consultation with your BF for everlasting relationship on mutual trust and honoring sentiments of each other. Please ensure that guy is adjusting,honest and committed for such relations.

    Muslim parents readily agree a hindu girl as their bride for the purpose of multiplication of their population, but when their own daughter wants to marry outside their faith, they cannot digest.

    There is provision for marrying him under special marriage act.

  • April 8, 2015 9:37 pm

    Hi Asma,

    We could work with you over years right here, give us some more details.

    What do you mean by “i am not having any religion feelings”. We assume you are born Muslim. Do you believe in the Koran, Muhammad and the Judgment Day? Do you wish your children be Muslims only? When did you performed namaz last time?

    Alternatively, if you marry to your Hindu lover, are you okay going and living with Hindu in-laws and Hindu relatives. Are you okay being a part of Hindu wedding? Are you okay being a part of Diwali and Holi holidays? Are you okay teaching your children from both, Koran and Gita? Do you believe Isvar Allah tero nam? Are you a pluralist?

    You said, “my parents are not accepting as a hindu guy”, so what is their reservation? Alternatively, are his Hindu parents willing to accept you, a Muslim, in their Hindu home?

    One other important point, are you well educated and has earning potential (or have job)? Get back to us and then we could talk more.

    • mac
      April 9, 2015 12:23 am

      Admin, you didn`t add idol worship which is the core of Hinduism.

      • April 9, 2015 7:04 am

        A good point. These are our views on Idol-worshiping. Let us know what do you feel?

    • April 10, 2015 4:59 am

      hello i will daily do namaz!!for all god is equal this society only divided the religions..i will follow both traditions i am in relation with 6 years i believe in god i cant live without him..try to understand give me suggestions.

      • April 10, 2015 7:32 am

        Asma, we agree that there is only one God, but different faiths are pooling people on their side for vote power. People will not tolerate each other practices and believe system. This is sad. We are glad you are a pluralist. Did you met his parents? will they accept a “Muslim”? Will your parents accept a “Hindu”?

        Now you are a grown up. If you are financially independent, you could move to a different city and keep both sets of parents out of way. If you are depending on them, then it will be difficult.

        • Mohammed
          April 10, 2015 9:17 am

          Islam prohibit pluralist

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