(Muslim’s) possesiveness became a burden

Angels says: July 4, 2013 6:04 AM

Mansi I would suggest don’t think of anything in emotions..think practically..Do not jump into the well.. I know how It feels. Mansi I have gone through all of this.

My ex was a Muslim guy. He met me at my work place. Initially as a friend , he was the sweetest guy but when we got into the relationship, true colors came out. He was very possessive which initially I loved it. But when the days passed, his possessiveness became a burden on me.

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  • somya
    July 19, 2013 2:58 am

    not requird again religion is fooling everybody first be human then good humanbeings

    • kallyan
      September 8, 2013 10:10 pm

      only islam is fooling everybody. don’t mix all religions together

  • Sam
    July 11, 2013 8:36 am

    All Muslims,
    Why are you frustrated…no matter what you say Islam is a dirty religion and whoever follows it will be fooled for life. UK soldiers head was chopped by Muslim in the name of your Allah, a Christian professors hand was chopped by Muslims in name of Allah, Indian army soldiers head was chopped by Muslims, Chinese girl was shot and killed in Pakistan by Muslims, apart from that beheading of Daniel pearl, killing of innocent hostage by Muslim terrorists in name of your Allah, Chechnyas Muslims terrorist killed many Christians in Russia..there is a long list of what Muslims have done in your allahs name. So now don’t give that bullshit that Islam is peaceful, what Muslims do do not represent Islam, bullshit. Whatever Muslims do totally represent truth about Muslims. Its good that Israel is true answer to you Muslims atrocities on non Muslims. Anyways you are going to answer rubbish, which we all know..so waiting for you bullshit answers and by the way. What’s the punishment for Muslims who leaves Islam, acc to sharia law?

  • Secular
    July 10, 2013 11:42 am

    People who say that are Ignorant Karan. Not all muslims are possesive. You silly silly Karan

  • Karan Singh
    July 5, 2013 3:51 am

    You are really very foolish girl who has no sense to understand the monster face of a muslim guy which you say love. They only love sex and not human like you as per teaching of their rapist prophet and quoran. Entire world know that islam is cruel then how the follower of islam can be liberal. You foolish girl never want to know the truth…..

    • kallyan
      September 8, 2013 10:08 pm

      you are absolutely right. i m fully agree with you.

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