Bar MitzvahWani says: July 8, 2015 at 12:51 am (Edit)

Hi Admin,

I am a Muslim Singaporean, and my partner is a non-Muslim Israeli. We would like to know how we can work this out without any legal/conversion changes (other than the “married” status) and yet, make both families happy by doing a “spiritually-Muslim” wedding/solemnization. Meaning, how can he convert and we can get married without any legal documentations (conversion cards, muslim marriage certificate etc) but just according to muslim laws (such as the Shahadat etc).

Basically, my partner is happy to convert into Islam as long as there’s no legal or official documentations of it since it’ll pose a problem in where we live. As for the legalities of it, we will be getting a non-Singapore civil marriage certificate to legalise the marriage and whatever national benefits that comes with it.

Hope this helps! I really need expert opinions. THANK YOU!!! -Wani

Also read: Malaysian in love, VIDEO: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, Hindu-Muslim Marriage-video, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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1 Comment

  • July 8, 2015 7:31 am

    Hi Wani,

    There are many answers to your questions. Simple one being, a male and female at legal ages can have civil wedding in Singapore and will be declared married couple. Read laws here. After that, you could have any number of religious weddings and that will not have to be documented in Singapore. Your Nikah will be documented in the Nikahnama, but that document will stay with the Imam. After coming back to Israel (or your home place), you present your self as married secular in Singapore.

    We do not know about “whatever national benefits that comes with it”. Check in Israel government if that is what you are talking.

    Is he a Jew? Does he have (even little) religious feelings/beliefs? Are you planning to raise your children as Jew, Muslim, Christian or atheist? Are they going to have Bar Mitzvah? Remember, they cannot be both, Jew and Muslim, especially in Israel. Why type of names children will have, Muslim or Jewish?

    Why you wish to have a Muslim wedding? is that just to please your parents or do you truly believe in Allah, Koran and the Judgment Day? Allah said “Believers, take neither Jews nor the Christians for your friends.” (5:51)”. What will you answer to Allah on the Judgment Day if your (future) husband is Muslim or Jew? Remember, Allah knows what you are up to!

    Please come back with more answers. Best wishes.

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