Muslim guy is willing to convert to Sikhism

a kaur says: July 6, 2014 at 2:55 pm

I am too going through the same thing but the guy is willing to convert to sikhism even knowing his family will disown him. I still dont know how to tell my mum as im too scared of her reaction. He is more then my boyfriend he is my best friend and has been there for me and my family (as I told them hes just a good friend). He has already started to learn about Sikhism and even knows more about sikhism than me. He would definitely be open to visting the gurdwara aswell -a Kaur

Admin says:
Dear A Kaur,

Considering you are intelligent, we are very much interested in your case. We wish to work with you over years, is that okay?

Lets use analogy of buying a house experience. Lets say you decided to buy a house because of beautiful flowers and superb decoration. However, as a home inspector, we may be more concerned about the misty smell in the basement (that you did not realized). Still, you bought the house. There is a chance that the misty smell was due to a weak house foundation and after 10 years you may end up completely lifting the house to pour a new foundation (and may go broke financially doing so).

For this relationship topic, it’s your life and your decision. However, we are here to raise a few points to make you think.

There are two reasons he may be learning Sikhism: 1) He does not like Islam and genuinely interested in your faith or 2) his objective is to find faults in your faith to ultimately convince you to convert to Islam. It may take 6 months to find which one of two is true. Below strategy will help you:

Scenario #1: He does not like Islam: Ask him what Koran means to him? Among so many gurus/apostles how Muhammad is different? Does he believe in the Judgment Day? Further (even you don’t believe ask him) does he respect Christian’s belief of Jesus as a Son of God (and God in Trinity) and respects Hindu’s belief that Lord Krishna is a God.

Scenario #2: His objective is to convert you to Islam: It is possible that he will start showing you similarities between Sikhism and Islam (that there is one God and no idol worshipping). If so, clarify with him a few points:

One God: Ask him it is okay to go to Gurudwara and Mosque same numbers of trips to meet the “One God”? Can we bow to that One God once in the direction of Saudi Arabia (Kaaba) and next time to Amritsar (Golden Temple)? Take him to Gurudwara and take lots of his pictures to check his comfort level.

Idol worshiping: Ask him to stop idolizing the Kaaba stoned cube and Muhammad. Alternatively, is he okay displaying (Muhammad or Kaaba and) Guru Nanak’s photo in your living room all times?

Books: Tell him that Guru Granth Sahib and Koran will always be sitting next to each other in your home, is that okay?

Marriage: Ask him if you could skip the Nikaah wedding because it requires your religious conversion.

Kids: It is okay for him if kids do not have Arabic names, not have circumcision and will never feel that they belongs to only from one of two faiths.

After these discussions, go confirm with his relatives and Muslim friends for your agreements (this is critical). Let us know how it goes. We are waiting! -Admin

Also read: Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Shasha, Intolerants, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it? Zakir Naik, Can Allah be the Father God? Hindu-Christian Married Life in America, Christian-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Jew marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Inter-race-Inter-faith marriages, Jew-Muslim marriages, Christian-Muslim marriages, Who is God?, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.

More information: Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • B Singh
    November 25, 2015 11:09 am


    If any muslim want to learn, who the muslim are, please write here. i will tell you who you are.

    • Mohammed
      November 26, 2015 2:16 am

      yah !! i want to learn.. can u tell who i am?

  • Raesa Sing
    July 14, 2014 12:25 am

    @Mac: ISLAME is a Totally Fake Religion……ISLAME is only Suitable for Criminals, Rapists, Terrorists, Snatchers. Only Potential terrorists like you r converting to ISLAM Everyday…….That’s why ISLAM is the Fastest growing as well as Fastest Dying religion. I am very Proud that, I left ISLAM, An Evil Ideology.Also Proud to see that, Muslims are killing Muslims.

    Raesa Sing, ( Raesa Khan, EX-Muslim).

    • mac
      July 16, 2014 8:32 am

      Raesha sing(which is actually not your original name) your this comment “Also Proud to see that, Muslims are killing Muslims.” proved that you were never a muslim, you are a worhipper of RAPIST BHAGWAN BEAHMA WHO RAPED HIS OWN DAUGHTER SARASWATI, KRISHNA WHO RAPED 16000+ WOMEN AND SUDUCED YOUNG GIRLS WHEN THEY USED TO BATH IN RIVER, SHMAE ON YOU

  • mac
    July 9, 2014 11:57 pm

    guru nanak found sikhism from islam, he was borned in a hindu brahmin family, and what he questoned to hindu brahmin pandits from his childhood days were failed by brahmins to answer
    sikhism is founded by guru nanak and his deciples were from both hindu and islam

    • B Singh
      November 25, 2015 11:04 am


      I do not know who the hell are you. I gave here my email, if you want to discuss on religion.

  • July 9, 2014 1:53 am

    Dear A Kaur,

    As much as you don’t want to hear, don’t trust that guy that he will convert to Sikhism. After marriage, you will be in situation of Akansha. If he is sincere, start taking him to Gurudwara and educate him about Sikhism. Let us know what if he is ready for it.

    • a kaur
      July 9, 2014 10:13 am

      He has already started to learn about it and even knows more about sikhism than me. He would definitely be open to visting the gurdwara aswell

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