Muslim Girl in Relationship with a Hindu for 12 Years

Sana says: November 1, 2017 at 12:04 pm

Hi I m Sana. I m in relationships with a Hindu boy. We are in relationships last 12 years. We do true love to each other last 5 years. We are in living relationship. Now we want to get married to and to start our family. We are very happy with each other.

What would be the way to get married and convenience our parents also. I can’t leave Without him …I tried to convince my parents. They are angry with me. Now i m in trouble. What to do ..I cannot leave my parents and not can’t leave my love.. -Sana

More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Gokusan
    December 1, 2018 1:51 pm

    Did you two get married?

  • mac
    November 11, 2017 4:17 pm

    Dear Sana instead of wasting time, just google:
    1. What Islam says on hindu-muslim marriage?
    2. What Islam says on live in relationship aka sex before marriage?
    3. Is there punishment for sex before marriage that too with non-muslim man?

    Good thing however is that Allah is most forgiving, sins commmitted without knowing they are sins, should be asked for forgiveness to Allah and should be stopped repeating them from then on.

    Allah has clearly and repeatedly said in Quran that just by repeating i am muslim, i love islam , or just by reading namaz occasionally or fasting in ramadan won`t make you muslim. Many people have misconception, especially Indian muslims, that there are two categories of people as per islam, muslim and non-muslim, but as per Quran, there are three categories: 1. Muslim 2. Hypocrite(Munafique) 3. Non-Muslim(Details below)

    Definition of a Hypocrite in Islam
    A hypocrite in Islam is one who saw Islam; accepted its principles; embraced it; went along with it, but when his *life style and *preferences were challenged, Islam had failed with him. He knowingly wouldn’t follow Islam because it would violate a certain *life style that he adopted, ego, or standard that is too important to him, even though it directly violates Islam.

    The difference between a hypocrite and a normal Muslim who sins, is that a hypocrite adopts an unacceptable life style and actions, and *insists on following it,(That`s what muslim girls married with non-muslim boys do often) while a normal Muslim knows that he is wrong, tries to resist doing sins, but unfortunately sometimes, he still falls into sinning due to immaturity or physical weaknesses.

    In a nut shell, this is what a hypocrite is in Islam. A hypocrite is a “Muslim”. He is not an apostate (murtadd), nor is he a polytheist or idol worshiper (mushrik), nor is he an atheist (mulhid). A hypocrite does declare Islam as his religion, and in some cases even prays to GOD Almighty and fasts the month of Ramadan. Not everyone who Prays to Allah Almighty, however, is a good Muslim.(ref. Q:107-4,7)

    Will all Muslims make it to Heaven?
    No, not every “Muslim” will make it to Heaven. Allah Almighty’s Standards are very tough. Heaven is not for everyone. Allah Almighty in the Noble Quran promised Hell Fire as the “destination” to both idol worshipers and polytheists (such as pagans and trinitarians), and to the Muslim hypocrites:

    “And that He may punish the Hypocrites, men and women, and the Polytheists men and women, who imagine an evil opinion of God. On them is a round of Evil: the Wrath of God is on them: He has cursed them and got Hell ready for them: and evil is it for a destination. (The Noble Quran, 48:6)”

    In fact, the Muslim hypocrites will be in the most painful level of Hell. They are worse than the disbelievers themselves in the Eyes of Allah Almighty:

    “The Hypocrites will be in the lowest depths of the Fire: no helper wilt thou find for them; (The Noble Quran, 4:145)”

    So sister please save yourself from becoming a hypocrite, as Allah promised hypocrites will be awarded with worst possible form of hell fore and none will be there tp save hypocrite, so your hindu bf won`t there to save you if youend up in hell, so don`tbecome sinner in front of Allah for him.


    • Hanah Khan
      November 12, 2017 8:40 pm

      mac says: November 11, 2017 at 3:56 pm
      //It means Muslim world has realised their corruption and are returning back to the real strict true Islam, which some casual muslims might hate due to their personal deeds in life. hahahah//

      If someone wants to establish cordial relations with other faith-followers, then this musalman would taunt them that they are not following, “real strict true Islam”, by commenting on their “personal deeds”.
      But for someone who has lived with another male for 12 years, this HeavenGoer would advise, “seek pardon” and this is his REAL STRICT TRUE ISLAM.

      Allah has given Power of Attorney to this ‘most honest’ person to decide when Muslims could be liberal and when they should not be!

      Paradise is waiting only for this ‘noble-hearted’ and ‘honourable’ soul!!!!

      • mac
        November 13, 2017 6:13 pm

        This fake profile from ever since this forum was created has been commenting under different muslim girls name like shabana,shobnam,nusrat,hanah khan, etc.

        But i do enjoy your desperation

        • Hanah Khan
          November 13, 2017 11:41 pm

          What was the argument put forward and what’s the reply?
          When exposed on his double-standards with his own two, hot simultaneous posts, he has lost his sanity!
          Confirmed again that critical-thinking gets erased from a cult-enslaved brain!!

          I’ve already stated in Mac vs Momeen debate that you are a ‘double faced man with two set of rules’!

          You’ve proven up to the hilt that you change colour as chameleon as per the situation!

          But I’m happy that inspite of being a slave of Mohammed Abduh and Zakir Naik, even this wicked person has humanity left in him and does not endorse the barbarism that Islamic world is known for: stoning, chopping, lashing, beheading………

          • mac
            November 14, 2017 5:23 pm

            Personal argument that too a lie is not known as argument, it`s known as blabbering

          • Hanah Khan
            November 14, 2017 11:10 pm

            Pathetic! What the medieval #BlueWhaleChallenge can do to a Chowdary‐Brahmin gene??? Capability of a spirit-destroying cult!!!

            Really pathetic!!!

          • mac
            November 17, 2017 12:37 am

            Again personal argument.

          • Hanah Khan
            November 18, 2017 7:16 am

            Earlier his cripplingly negative character was nailed in
            Once again exposes his destructive mentality: an honourable man would have apologized to Rabia for the double-standards; but our ‘hero’ is a Heaven-Goer‒ he would leap to Heaven by demeaning people with good intentions while twisting his REAL STRICT TRUE ISLAM for his own convenience.
            So, Allah is desperately waiting to bless this unconscionable character with Paradise?!

            I had in one of my earlier posts had asked as why you had lost your fizz?
            From the senseless responses you are posting, I understand that, it was a wrong inference‒ you have lost your thinking capacity. Bye.

          • admin
            November 18, 2017 11:38 am

            We love mac verses Hanah discussion. Unfortunately mac seems to shy away.

            mac, we requested to help us understand Muhammad (we wonder why Muslims are idolizing Muhammad so much??). You promised us to write an article comparing Muhammad to Jesus for their good and kind gestures.

            A mafia leader may be very generous to his own followers but that Mafia man does not considered as a good man for our society. Likewise, do focus on these two leaders as good to others, not only to their own cult.

            Can you please write?

    • Ray
      November 15, 2017 2:20 pm

      Hi Mac,

      Can you please answer these two questions?
      1. Why are people born in different homes that might be a hindu, muslim or christian family?
      2. Why is a person born in a terribly poor country such as somalia, that has lot of suffering and dies poor. Where as another person is born in a wealthy place such a usa and lives a luxury life till he dies?

      • mac
        November 17, 2017 12:35 am

        1. Why are people born in different homes that might be a hindu, muslim or christian family?
        Ans: Hindu is a men-made word, the term itself is not Sanskrit word, inafct it was coined by outsiders who couldn`t properly pronounce Snidhu. No where in any religious book, hindu is mentioned. 😀

        Same goes for Christianity, there is no mention of Christian word in any one of the Gospel of Jesus or in Old Testament.

        So it`s human who hav created different religions, there has always been one religion name Islam, Islam literally means submission and worship of one GOD. Muslim means one who submitted his will to the will of God. Just having names like Abdullah,Amir,Zakir,Ahmed,Muhammad,etc doesn`t make you a muslim.

        2. Why is a person born in a terribly poor country such as somalia, that has lot of suffering and dies poor. Where as another person is born in a wealthy place such a usa and lives a luxury life till he dies?
        Ans: Are you trying to imply that why muslims are born in poor countries even when they are favoured by Allah. Then listen, out of top ten richest countries, most of them are muslim majority countries with strong Sharia Rule, just google top ten richest countries.

        Btw in Islam both rich and poor people are part of Allah`s plan of testing people.

        • November 17, 2017 7:20 pm

          mac, on “rich and poor people are part of Allah`s plan of testing people”, what ground Allah makes one (X) to suffer in Middle East while another (Y) human being in West all luxuries of life. What is the fault of X to suffer in this life while Y is having fun time? Why Allah made Pakistani and Afghanistanis live in poverty even they are Allah delivers, while Hindus in India have better life? If Allah does not like Kafirs, why he makes all human the way He wants? Hindus also use the same logic (Bhagwan’s plan).

          Note this is your faith and not logic.

          • mac
            November 18, 2017 5:09 pm

            LOL Hindus in India have better life!!! Only for Brahmins who got educated with poor tax payers money and living sinful/lavisg life in West like and then claiming on internet that Hindus are having better life while in reality 1% of Indians own 58% of its wealth while rest of people suffer, commit suicie on daily basis for poverty, most hunger deaths occur in india, most prostitutes roaming araound for money are from India, poor running into middle eastern countries for money are from India, that`s why even in Iraq,Syria,Libya we have seen when unrest began there, indian workers in large numbers were evacuated from there. How can a country have better life in its 1% own 58% of its wealth.
            Here is Serena Williams comment on India, enjoy it since she is westerner and since admin drags western nations everytime to make his argument against muslims and islams, so now you hear from an westerner

          • admin
            November 18, 2017 5:49 pm

            Serena probably will not go to Muslim majority Pakistan or Afghanistan. Probably she will not be allowed to play in your Saudi Arabia, so why she will say SA is the worst place to play (where she can’t)?

            When you compare any two things, you have to have one variable and rest consistent among the both. Compare Pakistan, B Desh and Afghanistan. These are people with same land type and same historical issues. Now compare those four countries, where you would like to go live?

            On “How can a country have better life in its 1% own 58% of its wealth” read this about America “It takes the combined wealth of about 160 million Americans to equal that of Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Warren Buffett, according to analysis from the Institute for Policy Studies.” (source). This is an issue with any democracy. Even China also heading in that direction. So what is the solution? Kill all rich people?

            How many are Brahmins amounts India top 10 richest people? If Muslims wish to be rich, tell them to stop producing children and focus more on education of science and maths (and less time in madrasa).

          • Mohamed
            November 20, 2017 6:10 am

            No one become pious by either poor or rich person in Allah’s side…pious becomes by their deeds and those who are pious will take you Jannah.

            Allah keeps test by rich or poor…in the day of khayamah(day of judgement) Allah will ask for rich people in which way(right or wrong) you earn and how you have utilised.. he(the rich person) has to give calculation al those stuffs(he pass may be 50% or 60% on zakat) but for poor people there is no way to give for calculation(ie, he passed on zakat 100%). He(the poor person) will enter Jannah soon than the rich person…

            If Allah wants to sent only rich peoples there won’t be any living any proper way…no one will work for you., For example, company will run smoothly when there is a concept of employees, project leaders, managers, ceos…
            If all become ceo’s then surely they will fight for each other…

            So my request you too guys..if you don’t have any knowledge then don’t tell such things..

          • mac
            November 20, 2017 11:43 am

            Admin has again dragged the topic in his direction, may be you didn`t realise what I said. You said India is prosperous, i simple said it but on the surface, beneath there lies one of least living condition ever on earth, from open defecation to open street rape everyday without justice being delivered. Farmers commit suicide on daily basis, have one of the worst female infanticide rate and many other factors which are considered as parameters to measure the happiness of a country which a general upper higer caste people fail to realise because of his ignorance, for him whether a girl is allowed to dress revealing clothes and able to dance with them in night clubs are paramters for happiness and freedom.

            What Serena said about India is exactly that, that there are luxour on top nut just below that there is poverty and sadness.

            Serena cannot play not just in Afganistan or Saudi Arabia but in many other nations, but that`s not the topic of concern here. Many of these nations you mentioned donot have the money to spend on Serena, same goes for India, but India does bring her since here large economic gap exist and for upper economic group of people she comes here and sees the condition of majority of people and thus she felt really horrible about it, that`s what I she said in that interview.That`s what I have said aswell in reply to your statement that Hindus in India have better life, that`s true but that`s only minority but majority are still linguishing in their poverty, just like some muslims having lavish life doesn`t mean muslims in general are lavish. Admin you are an extremist who divides poverty in the name of religion and nationalism instead of working or spreading good ideas which can help people raise from their poverty irrespective of caste,creed while you choose poverty as an issue to bash muslims and brag about it.

          • admin
            November 20, 2017 6:27 pm

            Mohamed, this is your faith and not truth. Faith has no logic. You will justify your faith any way possible, even making irrational arguments. So, we rest our case here.

          • November 20, 2017 7:35 pm

            mac, on “You said India is prosperous” when did we said that? We know India has lots of problems to deal with and is unfortunate that the progress is slow. India is no way prosperous any close to the West or oil rich nations, but is better than Pakistan, B.Desh and Afghanistan.

          • Mohamed
            November 20, 2017 8:01 pm

            Kindly don’t reply…if you don’t have any words to reply admin…y u are doing comedy here….I know you will say like this only… because u don’t have any words except this kind of reply….only logical person could understand logic… It shows that you are not a logical person..
            I have given with example…that too u didn’t understand then it is waste to maintain like this site to you…

          • November 20, 2017 8:44 pm

            Mohamed, you have full right to express what you wish to believe, we do not have any problem with it. Likewise, the guy Krish may have his own beliefs and again we do not have any problem with it. It is good to have liberty and freedom to express; that is why we have started this web site!

          • Hanah Khan
            November 21, 2017 1:10 am

            Tsk, tsk, tsk…

            Admin, what’s this? Trying to drive sense into Mohd ibn Wahab and Mohd Abdus’ slaves. Those two King cobras gave world the most toxic philosophies which has wreaked havoc and created a moronic, hate-filled and catastrophic population.

            Wahhab and Abduh have injected unadulterated venom into the psyche, nothing would reduce the viciousness of their followers.
            The adherents successfully imagine that their guttered, barbaric well is the entire world and are happily croaking in that.

            Let we, the people who are outside the filthy well, observe and document how far these cult-enslaved minds could hiss!

          • Hanah Khan
            November 22, 2017 6:12 am
          • admin
            November 22, 2017 7:47 am

            Yes, we read plenty of such other stories…
            mac would say these are cooked up stories by Brahmins!!

  • mac
    November 11, 2017 3:59 pm

    Dear sister Sana,
    As per Islam i.e as per Quran, InterfaithMarriage is strictly prohibited, infact it is one of the major sin which takes you out of Islam. So much so that Allah has addressed this issue in Chaprer-2 Verse-221 in Quran, you can google it to verify whether I am telling truth or not.
    Islam only allows marriage of Muslim men with Christian-Jewish Women under certain conditions, it doesn`t even allow marriage of muslim boy with hindu girls, all the muslim boys marrying hindu girls are doing sin.
    Islam allows marriage with non-muslim only if non-muslim partner becomes muslim. Allah Subahwatala in Verse 2:221 of Quran tells us And do not marry polytheistic women until they believe. And a believing slave woman is better than a polytheist, even though she might please you. And do not marry polytheistic men [to your women] until they believe. And a believing slave is better than a polytheist, even though he might please you. Those invite [you] to the Fire, but Allah invites to Paradise and to forgiveness, by His permission. And He makes clear His verses to the people that perhaps they may remember.

    As you know polytheist are those who associate partner with Allah, like what Hindus do,so they are polytheist, they believe in multiple existence of God, though now-a-days they started to refuse to accept this thing about their religion, they say they believe in One god but you will not find them worshipping one god, they worship so many gods as you know, also they give image of god, they draw pics of god which is also a big sin islam. So all in all they are polytheist and thus marriage with them is Haram, not as per me but as per Allah.

    You can read more on this here >

  • Dr. Sana Ansar
    November 10, 2017 5:44 am

    Sana go ahead u do not need to marry ur bf like me see me i am Dr here in Pakistan n me also in live in relation with my bf Neeraj who is sweeper in my hospital but other ppl are not aware of this reality only me and neeraj n my ture best frnd Dr Ayesha knows it well because Ayesha is also in relaton with a hindu boy who is her maid son at home he is well educated and doing a small job in Lahore they are also living togther without marraige like me

  • Rabia
    November 9, 2017 9:52 pm

    Dear Sana,
    Have you and you Hindu boyfriend discussed issues such as how to raise kids (which religion/both religions? What will they be taught about God? Etc etc.) and whether or not you wil live with your inlaws?

    These are important things that you should discuss with him openly; and as Admin once said, you should be careful because sometimes people who appear strong-willed can become little lambs in front of their parents; unable to keep the promises they made you earlier.

    There are stories on this forum of happy, successful interfaith marriages. But there are also many stories of failure when the marriage ended in divorce because of problems brought on by a clash of cultures. It’s best to sit down with your boyfriend and discuss these crucial issues and see where/how you can come to an agreement.

    If something about Islam (teaching your kids x, y, z..) is important, be open and tell him about it. Similarly, ask him to tell you what his priorities are, what he will expect from a future marriage and family life with you. How religious is he, how religious are you, will you be able to tolerate things like keeping a temple in your house if he wants to do so? Will he tolerate you praying Namaz and teaching it to the kids one day?

    If you can find common ground on these issues, great. Parents will eventually come around. But if you and the boy have fundamental differences that you cannot overcome, its best to separate and not pursue this relationship any further.
    After marriage and especially after kids, life gets more difficult and you don’t want to end up divorced with broken dreams.

    Think carefully, inshAllah God will guide you and show you signs to help make your decision.

  • Binod
    November 9, 2017 7:44 pm

    hi Sana, I am not educated enough to comment on your religion (Islam), and neither am I a practicing Hindu (only by birth). In my true belief, there should not be any religion other than humanity. This will prevent a lot of unnecessary war and loss of thousands of lives over religion, riots etc. leaving alone crores of worth of resources.

    Anyway, at the end of day its our belief that drives our decisions. So if you like Islam, take the best things of it. And if you truly love that boy, I think it would be a good thing to let him follow his own religion. Get married because of true love and not religion. There will be differences between parents of both, but at the end its your life and dont let anyone make decisions for you. Any wrong decision made by influence of others will not only affect your life, but will ruin the life of the boy who has given his everything to you.

  • November 9, 2017 6:43 pm

    Hi Sana,

    Religion is enforced on us by our parents. We are not born hindu or muslim. If you were born in a hindu family, you would be practicing hinduism. Our birth place and religion we practice is due to our Karma. (Rewards from past actions). Have you noticed that there are little children in remote villages in India or Iraq suffering due to malnutrition. And there’s children in USA eating twice their limit and living a luxury life. Should we blame god for the kids that are suffering? No, God is not testing anybody. It is because of the law of Karma at work.
    Regarding your marriage with your lover, you have spent 12 long years in a live in relationship and it proves that both of you are faithful to each other. The marriage is between you and your partner and not your parents. You will have to spend your entire life with your husband and not with your parents. Your parents will grow old and die but your husband will be with you always. Nobody has ever witnessed God coming down and enforcing rules on people on whom to marry or not to marry.
    If you accept to settle with him, then do not practice two faiths as it will create conflict when you have children.
    If you truly love him, accept him, his culture and be faithful to him forever. Unless he wants to follow yours which i might doubt from him. Your partner is also a creation of the same almighty god who has created you and marrying him is not breaking his rules. Only difference is he was born in different culture. After all you have lived with him for 12 years and just need to sign off papers and call him your husband.
    My wife is from a muslim background here in Fiji. We couldn’t do wedding in religious way due to restrictions in islam. We only did legal marriage and a reception. Both our parents were present during our reception party. It has been 14 years and she just enjoys my culture to every bit of it. We have two kids. Here we cant discriminate anyone according to their race, religion, culture etc but it does happens with some who are very very strict to their religion. Best Wishes.

    Reply at

  • November 8, 2017 8:07 pm

    Hi Sana, i am a hindu and my wife is from a muslim family. At first my wife’s parents were uneasy but when they met me, they liked me. Lucky us.
    My wife didn’t know much about hinduism and neither she followed much of islam. Later on in our 11 years of married life, she did research on hinduism online and on videos and learnt a lot about the culture. She got to understand that God is one but with different powers and not many as some people perceive that hindu’s worship many gods. She now lives a western life.Wear all sort of clothes and she celebrates diwali in much big way than my relatives.
    Regarding yourself, 12 years with him is too much. You have already broken the rules of islam. Leaving him and marrying someone else wont guarantee a happy life because your new partner will find it hard to accept your past. But, If you feel that you will not be able to adapt to your lover’s culture, better leave him and move on. If you have kids, what name will you give them? If you feel that you would be ok to learn and adapt his religion and culture, so be it. Go on. Go and settle with him. Later in life once you live a happy life, both your parents will cool down.You are not the only one in this situation. They are many who have broken the rules at home and settled with the person they love. But the rule of the thumb is that you have to follow same culture else it wont work.

    Reply at

  • Hanah Khan
    November 5, 2017 9:24 pm

    Intriguing: offer namaz, believe Islam is the only true religion yet spent 12 years with a male in a non-marital relationship! Irrespective of faith, no woman, however ultramodern she might be, should venture into such live-in liaisons for it would certainly put the woman’s life in tatters.

    Coming to your situation, you’re just one of the viciously indoctrinated victims of Saudi Arabia, hence it’s known that you cannot be pulled out of your cocoon! Now, the only question is whether, he could be pulled inside the Islamic iron-cage!

    If he is of the candy-floss lover type, he would obey all your commands and will follow you suit to become a true Muslim by declaring that his ancestral faith is but devilish!
    Or if your partner has fine reasoning capacity, he would never let his children to drown in the cult, so quitting the affair and marrying a regular namazi, would be the best option!

  • Robot
    November 4, 2017 11:50 am

    Hi sana you are right in your way, you loving someone from last 5 year loving is not a crime in any way.. Love is one side and religion is one side.. Now come to point any one of you have to leave a parent just suppose if you marry hindu guy without conversion then many problems come to your family.. And if boy convert then many problems come to boy family.. Then practically different couple have different situation i mean where you leave like metro village.. How many sister and brother you and your love has its totally depends upon situation.. And my request don’t did any wrong thing with self

  • Sana
    November 4, 2017 10:35 am

    Now m not interested for your views ….
    I perfome namaz and read Quraan I believe only in Islam.
    And Maine sab khuda pe chod diya Jo hoga wo behter karenge ….

    • November 4, 2017 10:56 am

      Is he willing to convert to Islam? That will make your life easy. Is he willing to go against his parents?

  • Krish
    November 3, 2017 4:24 am

    Sana.. go ahead and marry him and you will freedom from this fake religion

    • Sana
      November 4, 2017 11:25 am

      Which fake religion ?

      • November 4, 2017 11:52 am

        Interfaith marriages are difficult, especially Hindu-Muslim and living in India. This is because of 1000 years of conflicts and mistrust for each other. In your planned married life, you will come across people making sarcastic comments to you and your (future) husband. Somehow you will have to learn to keep smiling and move on. Ask Rabia and she will attest to it and guide you after you get married. We hope you will take steps to reduce mistrust between Hindus and Muslims, and not make it worst. You are a role model for the future youths. Best wishes.

  • November 1, 2017 8:54 pm

    Hi Sana,
    You are certainly in a difficult situation. Your parents don’t accept this relationship and it is possible the same for his parents. What would you do if parents don’t agree (that is most likely)? Are you ready to go against parents, hoping they will come around after the marriage? Is your boyfriend strong minded and ready to go against his parents? Does he want a Hindu wedding? Do you want an Islamic nikaah? Best option we would say is the Special Marriage Act 1954 (for India or civil wedding other places). Lets discuss more, get back to us.

    • Sana
      November 1, 2017 11:53 pm

      Ofcourse he is totally minded he will marry with me only otherwise he will never get Marry …also we are sure that we will convince our family after some time …but in Islam what is way to get Marry according to Islam ….Islam allow to do this ?

      • Mohamed
        November 2, 2017 3:14 am

        Hi Sana,

        // but in Islam what
        is way to get Marry according to Islam ….Islam
        allow to do this ? //

        Islam doesn’t allow to marry with non-Muslim..As per the Quran..if you still marry with him your wish but you going out of Islam, Make your way either this way or that way of the pool

        • November 2, 2017 6:54 am

          Hi Mohamed,
          She not following Koran 24:30, thus is she already not out of Islam by being “We are in relationships last 12 years. We do true love to each other last 5 years. We are in living relationship”? For allah, is 24:30 and/or 2:221 more important?

          Further, on Diwali, is this true as said by Rabia? “It’s ridiculous to say that you cannot say “happy Diwali” to a Hindu friend as a Muslim. I’m sorry but that’s absolute BS. And it’s even more BS to say that it’s haraam to post photos on social media.” What does Islam says on this?

        • Hanah Khan
          November 2, 2017 11:51 pm

          I’ll add the fact which he has forgotten to mention:
          you can be a true Muslim only after you bury your humanity, logic and progressive-mindset.

          • Sana
            November 4, 2017 12:55 am

            Hanah u mean to say I should leave my relationship…Islam is more important rathar than true love ….

          • November 4, 2017 8:52 am

            We thought you will say the same “(is) Islam .. more important rathar than true love(?)” to Mohammed when he said, “Islam doesn’t allow to marry with non-Muslim”.

            Sana, what is more important for you, Islam or your love? Alternatively, now are you going to be a love-jihadi by converting that innocent Hindu and serve your self interest?

            On Muhammed’s point, “you going out of Islam“, do you feel you are in of Islam? Are you performing namaz five times a day, do you believe in Koran 24:30 and do you believe in the Judgment Day? Explain how are you a “true” Muslim today?

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