I am a Muslim girl going out with a Hindu

cebe says: June 9, 2014 at 11:15 am
Hi Saima,

Any way to contact you to get more information about how you both got married?

I am a Muslim girl going out with a Hindu guy for last 5 years. We are really confused about
how to get married and the problems we would be facing in the future

Would be looking forward to your reply Or any way I can get in touch with you

Thanks -Cebe

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  • October 10, 2014 3:09 am

    Hey Cebe,
    I am in the same situation, and its really difficult, even I dont know what solution to get. I asked my guy if he would become a Muslim, he clearly denied, so I am only praying to God that may he become a Muslim. I am trying my best to convince him, maybe you can try that.
    Remember one thing, God will do what is best for you both, so whatever happens accept it and move forward.

    Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8557

    • mac
      October 10, 2014 8:51 pm

      jadus, dont blame everything in god, allah clearly said not to marry a polytheist, all most all hindus are poytheist so if u marry him as per quran a hell is waiting for you. So if u want to marry him then convert him to islam else forget him

  • June 12, 2014 9:28 am

    Kutte Mac,

    Since inception in 2011, the Syrian civil war has killed 300,000 people and displaced millions. The Syrian conflict began in 2011 as a reaction to the Arab Spring protests. Syrian citizens attempted peaceful demonstrations against their government. President Assad responded with violence. In order to defend their protests their safety, civilians armed themselves. The Syrian Free Army was created, which was comprised of civilians, but also army defectors and radical Islamists who were members of Al Qaeda. The continuing violence ultimately led to the creation of refugee camps as Syrian citizens fled to Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey. Destabilization and violence spread into camps within these nations. In one clinic alone, doctors estimate that they treat 100 cases of domestic violence, abuse, and rape every day.1 The violence of such cases is so extreme that many patients die in refugee hospitals or without treatment.2 These physical abuses present challenges to both individual health and sociopolitical stability.
    The individual trauma inflicted by rape and sexual assault is crippling. Rape and sexual violence often results in physical harm, including traumatic fistulae and tissue tears which often become infected and debilitating. These injuries can result in infertility as well.3 Pregnancy is another serious concern that affects 5% of women.4 Psychological trauma is another serious issue with regard to violent sexual acts. Often, women who report these crimes fall victim to PTSD. In 1949, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) declared that rape was prosecutable as a war crime at the Geneva Convention.7
    The sociopolitical repercussions of rape are also profoundly difficult for women to overcome. Stigma and shame surrounding rape are particularly traumatic for women who have been taught in youth that virginity is vital to a woman’s worth and reputation. Indeed, approximately 6% of victims are abandoned by their husbands and shunned by their communities after reporting sexual violence.5 Thus, the community and family systems, which would otherwise provide support during periods of unrest and war, are removed ripped away from survivors and their families. Even if this is an unintended consequence, it is devastating for survivors. However, there are times where an antagonist has used rape as a planned, calculated attempt to destabilize and demoralize enemy parties.6
    The United Nations declared in 2012 that rape was being used as a weapon of war in Syria and more than 2 million women raped so far. Despite this, the aid given to rape victims in Syria is sorely lacking.8 Hospitals and clinics are not equipped to deal with the sheer volume of victims, and many victims do not report their attacks. In order to truly address the issue, there must be increases in direct medical services for victims of violence, along with a more concerted effort to identify and stop perpetrators of sexual violence. But the UN’s policy of noninterference presents a challenge in times of ongoing conflict.
    Solving issues of sexual violence in Syria will be a daunting task, but analogous conflicts from the past provide insight into potential UN policy modifications that may expedite the process. In the United Nations convention in 2012, the Norwegian foreign minister asserted, “The equivalent of the Bosnian War is … repeating itself right now in Syria.” 9 On the surface, both conflicts show obvious similarities. The number of casualties and refugees during the 1992-1995 Bosnian conflict matches the number in Syria. Between 20,000 and 50,000 were victims of rape during this territorial conflict, which like in Syria, was characterized by ethnic cleansing, shelling of villages, and violent systematic rape. However, in Bosnia, intervention by NATO mitigated the conflict, and in December of 1995, the Dayton peace agreement brought the war to an end.10 But the problem of systematic use of rape in Syria may be much more difficult to solve.
    The Syrian conflict might have been difficult to resolve because the UN and other Western powers could not identify one side as the primary perpetrator of conflict. In Bosnia, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia convicted war criminals from Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia – determining that 90% of sexual violence was perpetrated by the Bosnian Serb forces.11 This ability to shift blame onto one side allowed the UN to broker peace agreements and provide reparations to appropriate populations; it simplified the process of peace. In Syria, responsibility for these war crimes does not fall on any one side. The Syrian government, led by President Assad, responded with violence to peaceful protests, but the Syrian Free Army, composed partially of radical Islamists and members of Al Qaeda, is also guilty of perpetrating crimes. The UN Report on the Syrian conflict asserted that both sides of the conflict committed serious crimes against humanity. “

  • June 12, 2014 8:52 am

    Thousands of muslim girls are married with arabian shaikhs on contract(Mutta) who visit India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Yemen, Nigeria for sex purpose and then thrown in to prostitution centers.

    Koran openly propagates rape, murder, kidnapping, killing, jihad, fatwa,domestic violence, honour killing and those killed in such activities are offered 72 virgins for sex? Due to political instability in most of the muslim countries, females are being sexually assaulted in relief camps and even before, like that happened in Tikrit, Iraq, where mostly males were killed and females abducted in terrorist camps for sex.

    Can a God be so cruel?

  • mac
    June 12, 2014 8:19 am

    RAPE WILL OCCUR thats why allah gave rape punismnets as death but what about hindus what is the punisment of rapist given by RAPIST god BRAHMA

  • June 12, 2014 8:09 am

    Mac, Bastard

    You are a terrorist, associated with such groups only. Your islam, s cruelty is found every day in the news paper. Half of the Iraq has been captured by terrorists, rape, murder and kidnappings have become a matter of routine. Millions have been rendered homeless and young girls being raped and kidnapped by terrorists. Same is the situation in Syria, Afganistan, Yemen, Libya and Swat valley of Pakistan where millions of girls and women are being raped daily.

  • mac
    June 11, 2014 10:04 pm


  • mac
    June 11, 2014 8:59 pm

    YOUR NAME IS HUMAN AND BEHEHAVIOUR IS LIKE ANIMALS, but it is expected some thing like this because those who worship animals(snake,cows,rat,monkeys) their reply will also be like animals.

    POOOOOR BOOY!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • mac
    June 11, 2014 8:16 am



    “…. Indra raped Ahalya and was cursed by her husband, the sage Gautama, to lose all his prosperity ….” –

    Brahmavaivarta Purana 4:47:11-45.

    “Indra took the form of Gautama to seduce Ahalya, saying to her, ‘I am in the power of Kama. Give me a kiss and so forth.’ But as she was worshipping the gods she told him that he had chosen an inappropriate time. He said, ‘Enough of this talk of what is done and what is not done. You should obey your husband, especially in the matters of sex. Give me an embrace and so forth.’ Then he embraced her and had his pleasure of her, but Gautama knew what had happened by his powers of meditation, and he hurried home and cursed Indra, saying, ‘Since you have acted in this way for the sake of the yoni (female-sexual-organ/vagina), let there be a thousand of them on your body, and let your linga fall.’ Then Gautama went to do tapas, and Indra, full of shame, stood in the water for a long time, praising Devi in her aspect of Indraksi [‘Eyes of Indra’]. When she offered him a boon he asked to have his deformity cured, but she said, ‘I cannot destroy the evil born of a sage’s curse, but I can do something so that people will not notice it: you will have a thousand eyes in the middle of the yonis (vaginas), and you will have the testicles of a ram.”

  • June 11, 2014 7:53 am


    Following are few incident of attrocities of Iran, so called great Islamic nation for women welfare:-

    Atefeh Rajabi, aged 16, who was hanged for being raped by an Islamist Republican guard.

    Taraneh Mousavi, 19 aged, was raped and sodimized.

    Neda Aghasoltan, 26, was shoot death on the street of Tehran.

    Dina Parnabi who was hanged, her body stripped, washed and delivered for dissection at medical school.

    Few other lives, sacrificed at the alter of the Iranian Jihad savagery are: (1) 23-year-old Roya Ishraqi, a promising veterinary student, executed with her 50 year old mother, Izzad Janami Ishraqi; (2) 20-year-old Akhtar Sabit, a graduate nurse; (3) 28-year-old Mahshid Nirumand, a physics graduate from the University of Shiraz; (4) Shirin Dalvand, 25; (5) Tahirih Siyavushi, a 32 year old nurse; (6) 20-year-old Simin Sabiri; (7) Zarrin Muqimi, and (8) the oldest, 54-year-old Mrs Nosrat Yalda’I.
    Americans can count themselves lucky that they don’t have to live under the savage Jihadi Islamist regime of Iran that destroys life at whims in order to impose Islamic tyranny.

    Neda Aghasoltan was brutality murdered in Tehran in front of TV cameras during the unrest following the rigged election of Ahmadinejad. For Neda Aghasoltan’s story go to: (http://www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/meast/06/23/iran.neda.profile/index.html)
    Dina Parnabi was an Iranian high school student, accused of smuggling forbidden literature and criticising the regime in her talks with her classmates. She was hanged on the 10th of July 1984 in a Teheran prison. The hanging was done in private and after the execution was over, her body was stripped, washed and delivered for dissection at medical school.

    16-year-old Atefeh Rajabi was hanged in public in the town of Neka Atefeh. Atefeh was executed for “engaging in acts incompatible with chastity.” She had been raped by an ex-member of the revolutionary Guard. At the place of execution in the town’s square, the judge personally put the rope around the girl’s neck and gave the signal to the crane operator to begin her hanging. Witnesses reported that she begged for mercy and had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the execution truck. Judge Haji Rezaie said, he was pleased to hang her and is quoted as saying, “Society has to be kept safe from acts against public morality.” Her body was left dangling from the crane for some time, so people could see what may happen to teens, who committed acts incompatible with chastity. For Atefeh full story go to end of this article.

    According to one estimate, 187 of such murdered young women were under the age of 18, 9 girls under the age of 13. The youngest girl executed was just 10 years old. Thirty two of these women were reported to have been pregnant at the time of their execution. Many of those executed were high school and college students. Hanging is the most common method of execution for women, although some are shot. Men and women were hanged in large groups in Tehran prisons from cranes and forklift trucks. Each crane jib or forklift had a wooden or steel beam to which the noose was attached and when the preparations were complete, the prisoners were simply hoisted into the air.

    Under Islamic Revolutionary law, young girls, who were sentenced to death, could not be executed if they were still virgins, because the savage Mullahs of Iran believe that virgins go to heaven. So, they were “married off” to Revolutionary Guards and prison officials in temporary marriages (mu’tah) and then raped prior to executing them. The Mullahs believed that these women, thus deprived of their virginity, were ungodly and would not be able to go to paradise. Normally, on the night prior to execution, the condemned girl was injected with a tranquilliser and then raped by her guard(s). After the execution, the religious judge at the prison would write out a marriage certificate and send it to the victim’s family along with a box of sweets.

    Many young Iranian women have been raped and brutalized in dungeons by the Islamic thugs of Ahmadinejad, often suffering gang rape and sodomy, often leaving their sexual organs seriously damaged as hospital records show.
    Unlike Neda, who was shot in the street in front of TV cameras that recorded her horrifying dying moments for the entire world to witness, Taraneh suffered out of sight, out of sound.

    Very beautiful Taraneh Mousavi, a young Iranian woman, was literally scooped off the streets without any provocation on her part and with no arrest warrant. This young woman was taken to one of the Islamists torture chambers where she was repeatedly brutalized, raped, and sodomized by Ahmadinejad’s agents and with the consent of the “supreme leader” Ali Khamenei.

    Near death from repeated beating, raping and sodomizing, the fragile young woman, bleeding profusely from her rectum and womb, was transferred to a hospital in Karaj near Tehran. Eventually, an anonymous person notified Taraneh’s family that she had had an “accident” and had to be taken to the hospital.

    The devastated family rushed to the hospital only to find no trace of their beloved daughter. The thugs of the savage Mullahs, the foot-soldiers of Allah’s “divine representative” Ali Khamenei, had already taken steps to eliminate all traces of their savagery on Taraneh. Those savage beasts had removed the dying woman from the hospital before the family’s arrival, burned it beyond recognition and dumped her charred remains on the side of a road.

    What appears to be her fault is her exquisite beauty, which caught attention of the Jihadi cadres of the Ayatollahs. She was singled out for the special treatment of gang-raping by her torturers.

    Mona Eltahawy, a leftist Egyptian journalist, who was sexually assaulted by the Islamic thugs during the Egyptian revolution in 2011, and called her attackers “wild beast”, found the Pamela Geller ads so unrealistic and offensive that she tried to destroy it by spraying paints. It should be noted that American Journalist Lara Logan was gang-raped and French journalist Caroline Sinz stripped and sexually molested by freedom Jihadis during the revolution, while after the election in June 2012 British journalist Natasha Smith, 21, was violently attacked by a ‘group of animals’ who stripped her naked, scratched and clenched her breasts and ‘forced their fingers inside her’.

    However much does Mona Eltahawy want to claim Geller’s “Savage Jihad” ads are fictitious, it’s not fictitious at all. Savage Jihad is real. We will just have to remember Mona, Neda, Atefeh, Dina, Taraneh and countless more victims to realize that.

    Definitely you have a criminal mind set.

  • June 11, 2014 7:08 am

    Mac, and Mohammad,

    You both have the mind set of Boko Haram terrorist group, who belive females to be sex object only. Your intention to keep females under restrictions, and males allowed to enjoy any thing as per their pleasure. They have no rules to follow, just on the name of islam, commit attrocities on females, like keep 4 wives, ask for 4 witnesses against rapes from females, not to allow females to caste vote, not to allow them to drive vehicles, sex with dead wife.

    When writers from different communities point out islamic evils, Mac like bastard and idot, pointing fingers towards Hindu writers, just to twist the realities. Mohammad is the follower of rapist Mohammad, claiming messenger of allah after committing multiple henious crimes against mankind.Why dont you both allow your sister or daughter of 5 years to marry 59 year old guy?

  • mac
    June 11, 2014 6:25 am

    HINDU users with different names namely christian and muslim names, good go on

    • Mohammed
      June 11, 2014 10:21 am


      many hindus spoiling our religion in the net by using our names, they thought that by this , muslims can change their religion. .
      but its nt possible at all. .

      dont misuse our religion names nadira,its nt possible what ever u thought. . okay. ,
      and stop posting a wrong story of about ISLAMIC religion. .what do u knw about our religion?? yu doesnt knw anything about ISLAM and life of prophet MOHAMMED(peace be upon him) . .u dont have any rights to tell such a wrong things of ISLAM and life of prophet MOHAMMED(peace be upon him)

      • mac
        June 11, 2014 8:57 pm

        Brother Mohammad, it their RSS propaganda as they belong from a religion of lies so they can`t compet with us thats why they are spreading lie by using muslim name, i found one guy in fb whose name is muslim girl`s name but he said like this “my dick”, so how a girl can say “my dick” and when i pointed out this to him he acknowledged it and said they will continue their mission of spreading lies against islam and they they will succed, see hoe mentality and lier hindus are(not all) they are trying to defeat ISLAM by spreading lies, ha h ah a ha ah, SHAME ON YOU RSS GOONS

  • June 11, 2014 2:46 am

    Muslims who commit vile sexual pedophile crimes against children are true Muslims, because that was what Mohammed did, the False Prophet and Satanic man was evil and false and a pure evil mentally sick pedophile.

    So that is the difference between Christianity and Islam. For Jesus, our Leader never commited sexual crimes against anyone, yet your false Prophet Mohammed did.

    Anyone who commits sexual crimes and calls themselves Christians cannot do so claiming Jesus had done it. However, in Islam, mentally sick Muslims who commit sexual crimes against women and children are TRUE MUSLIMS because Mohammed did it, and they follow his Satanic ways.

    Many Muslims try to reason that because some false Christians commit sex crimes against children that its OK for Mohammed and Muslims to do it. So that is their futile defense to make themselves feel justified in what Mohammed did and what many Muslims do against young children.

    Our Leader Jesus was perfect, never commited crimes of any sort, but your leader was a mentally sick criminal and a pedophile who raped and sexually abused young children. Mohammed was not only mentally sick, he was one of the most vile and horrendous criminals to walk the Earth.

    False Prophet Mohammed was mentally sick, there is no doubt about this fact, and he was a criminal and down right evil, and anyone who follows this Satanic man, and anyone who claims to be Muslim, condone his evil behaviour and are also mentally sick.

    Mohammed and Muslims are MENTALLY SICK!

  • June 11, 2014 2:37 am

    Idot Mac,

    An Egyptian butcher loved his trade so much he chopped up his wife, rolled up her meat in neat hand-sized portions and sold those over the counter to his unsuspecting ‘endearing’ customers. A horrible fight between the butcher and his wife led to the man committing this most gruesome act. But one customer with a more ‘refined’ set of taste buds wasn’t convinced it was goat meat he was eating at dinner time. The man notified local police who had the meat examined at a laboratory where it was concluded that meat in question didn’t come from a goat but was in fact human flesh.

    The butcher was arrested. He confessed to killing and butchering his wife. An investigation of his shop led police to the cooler, where they found one of the women’s hips and what was left of the ‘roulades’. As his defense, the Butcher told authorities that he had killed his wife because she refused to listen to him

  • mac
    June 10, 2014 9:49 am

    “Imam hi sarw………..” – 9/6. It is the duty of all husbands to exert total control over their wives. Even physically weak husbands must strive to control their wives. Thats why in INDIA and NEPAL , doemstic violence so common, thanks to croime petrol,india fight backs and others to show us such cases…………ha ha ha beat your wife as much as you can , it is allowed in hinduism, islam only allows soft beating(just upper to touching) thats it.

  • mac
    June 10, 2014 9:46 am

    “Devra…sapinda………” – 9/58. On failure to produce offspring with her husband, she may obtain offspring by cohabitation with her brother-in-law [devar] or with some other relative [sapinda] on her in-law’s side.
    Now fuck your bhabi , it is allowed in hinduism, thats why in internet there are so many clips,sms,pictures regarding bhabi-devar sex.

  • June 10, 2014 9:34 am

    Reality of prophet,

    From the Hadith:

    Muslim (8:3309) – Muhammad consummated his marriage to Aisha when she was only nine. (See also Bukhari 58:234 and many other places). No where in the reliable Hadith or Sira is there any other age given.

    Bukhari (62:18) – Aisha’s father, Abu Bakr, wasn’t on board at first, but Muhammad explained how the rules of their religion made it possible. This is similar to the way that present-day cult leaders manipulate their followers into similar concessions.

    Muslim (8:3311) – The girl took her dolls with her to Muhammad’s house (something to play with when the “prophet” was not having sex with her).

    Bukhari (6:298) – Muhammad would take a bath with the little girl and fondle her.

    Muslim (8:3460) – “Why didn’t you marry a young girl so that you could sport with her and she sport with you, or you could amuse with her and she could amuse with you?” Muhammad posed this question to one of his followers who had married an “older woman” instead of opting to fondle a child.

    Bukhari (4:232) – Muhammad’s wives would wash semen stains out of his clothes, which were still wet from the spot-cleaning even when he went to the mosque for prayers. Between copulation and prayer, it’s a wonder he found the time to slay pagans.

    Bukhari (6:300) – Muhammad’s wives had to be available for the prophet’s fondling even when they were having their menstrual period.

    Bukhari (93:639) – The Prophet of Islam would recite the ‘Holy Qur’an’ with his head in Aisha’s lap, when she was menstruating.

    Bukhari (62:6) – “The Prophet used to go round (have sexual relations with) all his wives in one night, and he had nine wives.” Muhammad also said that it was impossible to treat all wives equally – and it isn’t hard to guess why.

    Bukhari (5:268) – “The Prophet used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number.” I asked Anas, ‘Had the Prophet the strength for it?’ Anas replied, ‘We used to say that the Prophet was given the strength of thirty men.’ ”

    Bukhari (60:311) – “I feel that your Lord hastens in fulfilling your wishes and desires.” These words were spoken by Aisha within the context of her husband having been given ‘Allah’s permission’ to fulfill his sexual desires with a large number of women in whatever order he chooses. (It has been suggested that Aisha may have been speaking somewhat wryly).

    Muslim (8:3424) – One of several narrations in which a leering Muhammad orders a clearly startled woman to suckle a grown man with her breast so that he will become “unlawful” to her – meaning that they can live under the same roof together.

    Tabari IX:137 – “Allah granted Rayhana of the Qurayza to Muhammad as booty.” Muhammad considered the women that he captured and enslaved to be God’s gift to him.

    Tabari VIII:117 – “Dihyah had asked the Messenger for Safiyah when the Prophet chose her for himself… the Apostle traded for Safiyah by giving Dihyah her two cousins. The women of Khaybar were distributed among the Muslims.” He sometimes pulled rank to reserve the most beautiful captured women for himself.

    Tabari IX:139 – “You are a self-respecting girl, but the prophet is a womanizer.” Words spoken by the disappointed parents of a girl who had ‘offered’ herself to Muhammad (he accepted).

  • mac
    June 10, 2014 9:22 am

    In Dharmasastra, which is a Hindu moral and legal text(all women are whores):Good looks do not matter to them, nor do they care about youth; ‘A man!’ they say, and enjoy sex with him, whether he is good-looking or ugly. By running after men like whores, by their fickle minds, and by their naturallack of affection these women are unfaithful to their husbands even when they are zealously guarded here. Knowing that their very own nature is like this, as it was born at the creation by the Lord of Creatures (Prajapati), a man should make the utmost effort to guard them. The bed and the seat, jewellery, lust, anger, crookedness, a malicious nature, and bad conduct are what Manu assigned to women. There is no ritual with Vedic verses for women; this is a firmly established point of law. For women, who have no virile strength, and no Vedic verses, are falsehood; this is well established. Manusmrti 9:14-18.

  • June 10, 2014 8:10 am

    HI Cebe

    Thanks for sharing your life story. If your Hindu BF is like minded,
    earning hand and you both have attained age of maturity, there is no problem. After marrying him, you will be relived of so many islamic evils like Burqa, restrictions, FGM, bleeding necessary on wedding night,fear of oral tripple talak, domestic violence, fear of another 3 wives that muslim husbands keep, including so many restrictions on female.

    There is no restriction on males, they get all types of privileges in the islam and even after acting against humanity, they are rewarded with 72 virgins for sex in the heaven.


    • Mohammed
      June 10, 2014 10:16 am

      Nadira ji,

      what u r telling about a islamic rule,?
      do u know what islam is?
      do u know what islam says to the human life?

      if u dont know all kind of things,then shut up. .
      dont give fake names here, i knw that u belongs to hindu religion, u dont have rights to tell such kind of rubbish things to the other religion. .

      I Heared from many peoples here that they r telling u r relief from burqa. .
      do u know the reason that y u r wearing burqa,
      for ur protectness only u r wearing. ,
      today india has become worst nd worst, y because we r nt following our relious rule
      Rapes r going like a common things,
      y? becouse of nt wearing burqa,

      if u wear any kind of clothes thats shows ur body outside. .surely,men will get actractive and do such kind of rapes,
      after that u r tolerating to men, shame on like this womens, firstly they do a such kind of wrong/rubbish thing
      and simply blaming to the mens. .
      Islam doesnt allow to wear such kind of clothes which shows ur body. .

      we r wearing cloths to hide our body from other people. .isn’t it??

      and thanks to mac bro,
      he has given such kind of beautiful words to explain about Islam

  • June 9, 2014 9:10 pm


    As you know clearly that a Muslim girl cannot marry a Hindu, how do you think you will get around your family and community’s pressure? Are you (and the boy friend) financially independent to go against parents? Does his parents agreed to accept you? What ever country you are from, can you marry by civil court marriage with a Hindu? Are you ready to live with Hindu family? How much Islam is important for you? Please let us know more information and we could help.

    • Cebe
      June 10, 2014 11:24 am


      We both are financially secure & staying independently. Of course both the families have not agreed to this. But even if we do get married, we wont be staying with his parents. We are thinking to do civil court marriage in a country where its not such as issue.
      Hope this helps, looking forward to your reply.


      • June 11, 2014 6:55 am

        This helps a lot, you are in much better situation compared to most others. What is holding you now?

        Can you tell us how much Islam is important for you? Do you know what Koran says for Hindus? Read these 10 points of dating a Hindu. Are you okay with these things? We hope after child birth, all of a sudden your religious belief don’t take 180 degree turn. We hope you teach your children humanity and not man-made religions.

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