A Cancer Patient Sent to Prison for Loving Someone

Here a Muslim girl with Stage 2 cancer is sent to a retention facility (Islamic prison) for 6 months without any outside contacts. Her only fault is to fall in love with a Hindu. Those who cares to help these love birds, please pass this URL (https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11881) to your local media. Lets create a World wide awareness to free this love birds. Her good mental status may help her fight her cancer.

LoveBird says: December 27, 2016 at 8:17 am

Hey guys, I am from Malaysia,

Currently I am dating with Muslim girl for the past 3 years. She is wonderful, loving, kind hearted and mostly she can tolerated ME. She is perfect and I am very calm whenever I am with her (I am quite easily being tempered and emotional).

She has currently on Stage 2 cancer, but due to some bad event which my ex-girl who is also Muslim and reported me to Religious (Sharia) Enforcer in Malaysia. We got caught in our office which end up being really bad experience. Before this there is really bad things happened to us cause by my ex-gf.

My girl friend with cancer has been sentenced to 6 months in a sheltered home for 6 months without the interference of outside world.

Deeply, sincerely I miss her. All I can do is watching her photos and videos and still trying to get her out of there via a lawyer (its been 30 days when i write this).

I am currently doing business and living in my home. I am a free thinker for the past 10 years. My parents are Hindu and Sikh. Her family is very religious Muslim.

She respected my decision of not converting to Islam and I do appreciate that. At the same time, I am not forcing her to come out of her religion either. I am not disrespecting anyone’s faithh but I dont wanna be a muslim because I am just great now being a free thinker.

This is what i plan to do:

1) Take her out of the selter home
2) Somehow marry her without having future issues with Sharia enforcers
3) Help here go thru Cancer
4) She can continue to be a Muslim. However, I don’t belive in religion, just wanna be free man loving humankind and things.

1) I am not well educated but independent and doing my own business for the past 4 years
2) Not sure how to get her released
3) Not sure where all these will end either.

All I need is opinion/guidance/advise. Thanks. –LoveBird

Love Birds says: December 29, 2016

Here is update for this case, i have hired a lawyer since 2 weeks back.

[+] Lawyer manage to get appeal but too bad MAIS (Syariah enforcer) refuse to let us speak nor talk to her.

[+] MAIS rejected even did fake letter stating that the person that being held refused to being seen by Lawyer. She is 23 years old too bad in Islamic Law, woman are still entitled to their father / parents until they get married.

[+] Her parents really have bad image on me, I do believe they said alot of negative things to MAIS and will definitely block me from meeting her or contacting her.

[+] Spoke to parents and told them my plan of getting married etc and taking her out of there but solely rejected without mercy or compassion towards me and they feel their daughter in better place which im afraid not so good either.

[+] She got engaged by force by her family 2 years back and which she did reject her current fiancee last year but unfortunately her fiancee refuse to let her go and their planning to get her married when she is out. Im also afraid that they might appeal on her behalf without my concern which means i cant do anything.

[+] We over here unable to do anything unless able to meet her in person (my partner) and due to this case i have 2 Loans being REJECTED or Reviewed by Banks. I have no idea what to do.

Basically over here in Malaysia, we non-muslim really dont have much rights when it comes to Islamic Laws. I have tried my level best meeting people, calling so many NGO / Department in Charge but unfortunately i still havent be able to meet her.

Im basically not sure what to do. I dont know what to do either. –LoveBird

All readers are advised to read:
Malaysian Interfaith Marriage laws at https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11100

More information: Malaysia Marriage laws, Malay-Hindu Relationships, Sharia, Singapore marriage laws, Koran on Hindus?, Khalwat (close proximity; Koran 24:30).

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  • Seema Maheshwari
    January 7, 2017 7:52 pm

    Why as a Hindu, would you live in a repressive country like Malaysia? If it’s for money, then don’t destroy a young woman’s life by making her disobey the laws of her country. You may be acting like Majnu but it’s Laila who’s in jail.

    • January 8, 2017 6:55 pm

      Hello Seema,

      Should all Hindus move out of any and all oppressive countries, even they have been there for ever? Is this not ethnic cleansing? Why not we should protest against irrational Malay laws favoring their majority? Read more at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11100 if this is justified. Thanks.

      • Seema Maheshwari
        January 9, 2017 5:57 am

        Theocratic countries either don’t allow, like Saudia Arabia, or persecute, like Malaysia, other religious practices. Yes, most theocratic countries are Muslim, and I, as a Muslim, would never live in them. While Malaysia was a tolerant country decades ago, It’s now time for the persecuted to leave. Democracies, through their constitution, guarantee the right to protest, theocracies do not.
        Muslims, such as the Rohingyas in Burma and Uighers in China are also being persecuted. Indian Hindus are trying to change India into a Hindu state. Religions, no matter which ones, don’t preach tolerance. Rahul jeapordized the woman’s life and is at fault.

        • January 9, 2017 6:14 pm

          BTW, Malaysia is a democratic country, other than now they have Muslim majority leading to recent changes favoring majority. One can protest against Malay government, but the government laws has no power over their Sharia courts (two sets of laws in one country).

          Why reward the theocratic or oppressive countries by asking minorities to move out? Is this not ethnic cleansing? Are you suggesting Muslims in India, Myanmar and China should move out of there because of some discomfort? Should Muslims in America move out of there because Donald Trump apparently talking against them? We would suggest Muslims in India and America (and rest) stay where there are and protest loud and clear against the intolerance against them. Let us know if you don’t agree to our views. We are surprised that you are indicating Hindus to move out of Malaysia.

          Remind us which Rahul are you talking about (sorry too many cases around), is this the one https://interfaithshaadi.org/?p=11786 ?

        • Seema Maheshwari
          January 14, 2017 6:13 pm

          Malaysia is a Democratic country that punishes people for speaking out against Islam and the Prophet(pbuh). It’s a Democracy in name only. Hindus in India would like to throw the muslims out, but we’ve been here far longer than the Hindus in Malaysia and we are protected by our constitution. You can argue all you want but Rahul jeapordized a woman’s life.

          • January 14, 2017 11:34 pm

            Rahul?? Do you mean this post’s guy, the LoveBird?

            Assuming you are talking about this LoveBird on this post. There are three parties at potential fault.
            1) The LoveBird who is in consensual love with a patient with Stage 2 cancer
            2) This adult Muslim girl who probably don’t care about imposed Islamic practices or don’t know zina and koran 24:30
            3) The Malay government who are imposing laws favoring Islam

            Why you keep saying only the LoveBird is at fault? Why the other two are innocent or fault-free? Why a government has to decide who one could love or not?

  • Love Birds
    December 29, 2016 9:48 am

    Here is update for this case , i have hired Lawyer since 2 weeks back

    [+] Lawyer manage to get appeal but too bad Mais ( Syariah enforcer ) refuse to let us speak nor talk to her

    [+] Mais rejected even did fake letter stating that the person that being held refused to being seen by Lawyer , She is 23 years old too bad in Islamic Law , Woman are still entitled to their father / parents until they get married

    [+] Parents really have bad image on me , I do believe they said alot of negative things to MAIS and will definitely block me from meeting her or contacting her

    [+] Spoke to parents and told them my plan of getting married etc and taking her out of there but solely rejected without mercy or compassion towards me and they feel their daughter in better place which im afraid not so good either

    [+] She got engaged by force by her family 2 years back and which she did reject her current fiancee last year but unfortunately her fiancee refuse to let her go and their planning to get her married when she is out , Im also afraid that they might appeal on her behalf without my concern which means i cant do anything

    [+] We over here unable to do anything unless able to meet her in person ( my partner ) and due to this case i have 2 Loans being REJECTED or Reviewed by Banks , i have no idea what to do

    Basically over here in Malaysia , we non muslim really dont have much rights when it comes to Islamic Law , i have tried my level best meeting people , calling so many NGO / Department in Charge but unfortunately i still havent be able to meet her

    Im basically not sure what to do , i dont know what to do either.

    Any suggestion or advise?
    I would prefer not to go public in time being as it will be further insult towards her family

    • December 29, 2016 10:44 am

      She is your girl friend and nothing more. Under pressure from MAIS or her parents, if she does not reach out to you for help, nothing much you can do. If you were in the West, women have power to do that they wish, there are many limitations for women in the Islamic world. Sorry to discourage you, but there is not much you can do here. Next time, don’t fall in love with a Muslim!

      While blogging on this web site, remember that what ever you said is/will be in public domain for a long time. Don’t get into any legal trouble with Malay government due to your any statement here. Best wishes.

  • Admin
    December 28, 2016 7:27 am

    Hi LoveBird,
    Can you tell us more about her cancer? Is she stable? Is she getting good medications? What is her life expectancy? We hope for her recovery. Love is the best medicine that you can provide to her. Best wishes.

    It is sad that religious fundamentalism is important there, not love and humanity. Too sad that people dont have liberty to choose who you associate with. We hope the world will speak out!

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