Muslim First, Indian Second

Gokusan says: December 20, 2018 at 9:50 am

Also regarding I am Muslim first Indian second is not a problem. Islam teaches us to obey the law of land as well as be true to land which feed you, clothe you, gives you shelter and place to perform your prayers. As long as these criteria meet I do not see a hostility with the above statement (I am a Muslim first then an Indian –Haque). –Gokusan

Admin’s views:

Hi Gokusan,

We have seen similar views expressed by other Muslims but not yet by Hindus, Jews, Christian, Jains, Sikhs etc. This does not mean others are not proud of their faith but for some reason not expressing this way. When someone says he/she’s first priority is his/her faith and not the nation (meaning others living there), that is concerning for the following reasons:

1) We appreciate your views of respecting your faith. However, we hope you are equally happy when you hear other Hindus talk the same way (Hindu first, India [or Muslims] second). We hope you are happy to see Donald Trump’s views of Christianity first, not what is really good for the USA (Is what good for Christians good for USA? Is it okay what he did to Muslims to benefit Christians in USA?).

2) Is this not a selfish view?: When you say you will do all that is good for Islam/Muslims first and benefit to others (meaning total nation) is a second priority; is this not a selfish view? When people give up their life for their nation, they don’t think their religion first. If necessary, would you fight against other Muslim nations (like Pakistan and Bangla Desh) to protect (Hindu majority) India?

3) Lets say every one think this way–My religion first, nation comes second: Any nation where people gives priority to their faith first and the nation second is destined to fail. No wonder why there are so many religion related fights in India; just because of such ideologies. Compared to that an atheist China is prospering where people are trained to think the nation first.

4) Nidal Malik Hasan was recruited by USA in the military as an American, not as a Muslim. Unfortunately for him, Islam was the priority, not the nation. Do you support his act of killing other fellow American soldiers in the name of Islam? Do all Muslims think this way? How do you expect others to respect Muslims?

5) The Middle East is burning due to Shia-Sunni issues. Will Sunnis say being Sunni first, not the nation Iran? Should Catholics in Greece think being Catholic first, and nation Greece the second? Should every one think–where is my self interest–what will happen to the nation?

6) Who gets the priority? A country like India has the major issue of too many people. If Islam don’t believe in birth control and allow many wives/children (even there is no space to walk in India!), would you still give a priority to Islam (more kids) at the expense of the nation? Naturally, with many kids, Muslims will stay poor. Are you going to expect people from other faiths to support poor Muslims (with many kids)? Are you not being a parasite?

See Gokusan’s reply here.

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  • Ruchika
    January 6, 2019 8:05 pm

    Depends on country & religion you are following. Both are system,if they are compatible then priority won’t matter.

  • Khan Hussain
    January 1, 2019 10:04 am

    I heard a story sometime ago that a person asked a Muslim scholar which he loves and choose the most the religion or the country then the reply from the scholar was For a real Muslim these two things are like his two eyes

    • January 2, 2019 7:21 pm

      Beautiful explanation, we like it. Yes, two eyes. If one eye gets infected, just put medicine and a patch over it and go by the second one.

      • Khan Hussain
        January 3, 2019 2:24 am

        Slight different view as per the point a cannot live without his both eyes so as the importance of these two things in a person’s life

  • Gokusan
    December 26, 2018 10:46 pm

    I am answering your questions one by one:

    1.Everyone is free to have their views. I have no beef against anyone.

    2.That is just strawmanning I have not ever said that if I be muslim I will deprive others if their rights. Infact it is a priority if anyone who is just to you be just to them also.

    3.No it is not. We as a theist believe God created us and in terms we created nations. So we have more alleigence to God. China is a autocracy even where you are forced. And look at US the Christians there although having put God first ready to serve their country.

    4.I do not know his circumstances so I can not comment .America is hotbed for shootings. A month is not passed where you cannot hear the news of mass shootings. And then media puts religious tag to the fact. When others do it they are a whackjob but when a whackjob who happens to be muslim do it blame it. That is the hypocracy.

    5.Iran also has many Jews who though have deep love for God and putting God first ,they serve the country well. So no issue.

    6.Islam says obey the law of the land as long as the criteria of safety,security and freedom to profess religion is met. So I do not see any problem in that. And we judge country based on constitution and India gives full right to us. So I do not find any contradictory with it.As long as this happens we have to do what nations law teach us to do.

    Hope this answers .

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