Muslim Doctor: I met with a Hindu guy

Mahrosh says: March 11, 2013 at 12:12 pm

Hi Admin.

I am Mahrosh, muslim girl age 27 years, doctor by profession, from an Asian country and came to UK for advance training. During training I met with a Hindu guy, who attracted me a lot by his personality traits.

My parents could not find competent match for me, even they want me to marry my own cousin, who has a small retail business. I have refused to do so being an independent and willing to marry like minded and professionally compatible.

Hindu BF does not want me to convert and ready to accept me as it is. He is Orthopaedic surgeon and now I feel that I cannot live without him.

I wish to settle in UK with him. -Mahrosh


Admin says:


This is your (or any one’s) dream come true. So what is there to wait for?

Now only problem could be if you are a religious fanatic. If you feel that there is only One God Allah, there is only one apostle Muhammod, there is only one “true” religion that is Islam, THIS life is not important but the AFTER life, all Hindus are sinner, Mahatma Gandhi and Mother Teresa will get Hell Fire because they were not Muslims …… if that is your thinking then you are going to ask the Hindu to convert to Islam by Shahadah for your Nikaah.

He never asked you to convert (he is a typical Dharmic, who are pluralists), but you will ask him to convert because you are from an exclusivist supremacist monotheist Abrahamic religion. You will use any excuse and will want to make sure your children will follow only Muhammod’s messages. Are you?

It will be a big surprise if you believe in any of what we have stated above. You are an educated and a critical thinker. You know what are rational things to do.

Assume that Allah (not Muhammod) is right front of you and telling you, “Mahrosh, I have made you intelligent, now you do exactly things that I would wish you to, use your own brain”, tell us what would you do? We hope you are not going to open the book for answers.

Your parents and community will curse you for marrying to an idol-worshipper sinner Hindu. If that was their dream that you should marry only a Muslim, they should not have given you education and let you come out of your Islamic country. Now the frog (you) is out of a well and could see that the whole world outside is so beautiful. You are not dreaming, it is beautiful out here, enjoy! Only you need to do is to be nice to those who are nice to you, be respectful to those who respect you and be a pluralist rather than being an exclusivist.

Mahrosh, Allah has planned all things right for you, just go for it. Read all recommended articles and other Muslim girls’ views and you will know exactly what to do. Best wishes. We hope to hear from you over years. -Admin


Mahrosh says: March 12, 2013 at 4:12 am
Hi Admn. Thanks .

In fact, regarding education, being a brillant and ranker throughout my student life, I got scholarships and even for medical course of 5-1/2 years I took loan from the bank. My parents had not that much resources to give me higher eduction. Since my childhood, I had a vision to become a doctor and during playing I liked role of doctor with friends.

I have one younger brother and sister too. Sister is equally intelligent but brother has different outlook. He wants to expand existing business of grain merchant of the parents.

Regarding idol worshiper, I have no problem. I know God is one, known and worshipped by different modes in different communities.

I wish to marry only a doctor. My BF is very respectable in the profession and after my training, I need not to return to my country. He will marry me and live together in UK.

You are right to point out Frog is out of the well, hahahhaha……………..

Thanks and regards, -Mahrosh


Mahrosh says: March 15, 2013 at 2:52 am
Hi Admn.

Thanks for responding and seeking my opion.

I have experienced that there is a big difference of attitude between Hindu and Muslim guys about women.Hindu guys are liberal, adjusting and more intelligent with humanitarian touch, against rude, cruel, fanatic behaviour of muslim guys.

Every religion/society has changed itself with passage of time and leaving anti social practicies. But in Islam, more and more anti female practices are being adopted like sex with dead wife, mutta marriage, halala, proving virginity for females only, female genital mutiliation, business of hymen repair surgery and use of artificial hymen kit flourishing, honour killings of female, domestic violence, female sex object only as per text of Kuran.

It is true that some texts in Kuran narrate welfare and equaliy of women, but that is totally reverse in real life. Women has no say, she has to obey and tolerate ill treatment and misbehavour of males.
Males have full freedom of sex, keeping 4 wives, no need to prove virginity, even oldman marrying child girls, like Prophet.

No educated women like evil practices of islam. -Mahrosh.


Mahrosh says: May 5, 2013 at 2:30 am

Hi Admn. and Satyen,

This is to inform you that I have married my Hindu BF , as per Hindu rituals and marriage registered. My parents did not join us despite repeated requests. Hopefully after some time they will realize the realities of life.

We both are happy and looking forward blessings and good wishes from interfaithshadi family. -Dr.Mahrosh


More information: Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Muslim-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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  • Arjun
    November 3, 2017 11:28 am


    you are brilliant, not only of your education but, of your mind. You taken a right decision of your future. I hope in future , you may believe that , before the religion , life is great, believe in humanity , love the people and have a faithfulness on your husband

    God bless you

  • akshay kumar gowda
    April 20, 2016 8:54 am

    admin were the fuck u stay i well com there kill u my self were is your filthy Alla who can not save is pepol form Isis u pray what 5 times he could not save is pepol we well kill u pepol like u u said sinner what today 2016 Muslims or so hated kill them on site why the fuck your doing nothing Mohamed was born 1600yers ago the Quran war written 1400yeras after death profit Mohamed

  • Kushagra
    January 24, 2016 10:04 am

    Admin, if you’re a guy, I love you bro.
    If you’re a woman, you’re freaking awesome and hell yeah you rock.

    • January 24, 2016 11:10 am

      Why you said so?
      What would you have said to Mahrosh other than what we said?
      We edited your text little, is that what you meant to say?
      What is your background and life experiences about interfaith marriages with equality?
      Would you come and guide other youths in love on this forum?
      We would love to work with you to make this world little better for all, please keep in touch!

  • January 10, 2016 9:21 am

    Firstly HINDUISM is d oldest existing religion in d world. so they r old practices still existing. Hindu epics teach real life experiences thats therre r creuel betraying,political,love ,affection,crime,kindness,philanthropist(karna),care,strategic,evil,goodness kind of stories. HINDUS doesnt follow rules of religion ,they follow rules of life!!!They treat women with equal respect. They adjust to all religions,faith ,customs.I m not boasting abt my religion.its fact.

  • mohammed nadeem
    August 1, 2015 1:11 pm

    assalam alaikum wa’rahmatullahi wa’ brakatahu

    first of all i would like to thanks to my precious allah who made me muslim in a muslim family because every one doesn’t get this opportunity. And for kind of those people who creating false information about islam definitely will go to hell no doubt. I am not getting this point which admin repeats regularly you’re educated, you’re educated like this, what kind of message you want to convey about islam, am asking you, are you educated person or what? And one more thing is that a Boy or A girl who converts into another religion, it doesn’t harm islam or allah its harm themselves only. Who told you that islam strict more on women than men its a false information which is made by anti islamic persons guaranteed 100%. Anyway actually i just want to say that if you really educated person please read QURAN & SAHIH HADITH carefully, because we read 1000s of books rather than Quran. Forget about parents they’ll not help you a single step at hashr. Brothers and Sisters be prepare for judgement day, nobody will help you at that day not a muslim not a hindu and not a christian, you have to face yourself with your deeds. its my request to all brothers (muslim or hindu or any other religion) please read Quran and hadith it for us (human) only not for only muslim. A woman can be reason of rise and fall of any community or nation. thank you. you may contact me on
    one more thing is that am also a graduated person but actual graduation is different from man’s made graduation, get your graduation from allah.

    • August 1, 2015 1:53 pm

      Education is difficult to define, but we wish people to pay attention to details before jumping on to anything. We recommend dating couples to read experiences of others and all recommended articles and make fully “informed” decision, what ever that is. Agree?

      We read Koran (click here) but did not like a few statements. What should we do? Further, we like Islam but do not really wish to follow life style that Muhammad had, can we only follow Allah only?

      • Mohammed
        August 1, 2015 5:36 pm

        //We readKoran (click here)but did not like a few statements. What should we do//

        Read with full context admin.. you will like it !!

        //Further, we like Islam but do not really wish to follow life style that Muhammad had, can we only follow Allah only?//

        If u really want to follow Allah.. you should follow his commendments. . right.. .now tell me where u will find his commandments? in bible, bhagwat gita. . where?
        if u really follow Allah you should follow the final messenger prophet mohammed(p.b.u.h) .. because Allah says in the Quran
        in surah nisa chapter 4 v 59 and various chapters
        “…..obey Allah and obey Messenger…”

        further more, which life style of prophet mohammed(p.b.u.h) wouldnt like u. . tell us frankly with direct answer .. .we will really help u and clear ur misconception about life style of prophet mohammed(p.b.u.h). . you wont find any single statement about prophet mohammed(p.b.u.h) which is against on humanity..
        now dont tell he(p.b.u.h) marries Ayesha(p.b.u.h) at the age of 54 … we have discussed earlier and have been cleared on this topic. ..

        • August 1, 2015 6:20 pm

          Thanks. Can you list all Muhammad’s wives?

  • January 1, 2015 9:23 pm

    Lol I dunno why I smell that these stories are fake.people who did interfaith marriages from any community or any religion they won t find time to spread their lives story as it seems to be here especially when I take myself as reference and make a critics to some ideas.OK my father is swiss Christian and my mom Tunisian Muslim but me m neutral I don’t care about both of them but to be frank my mom lost the most important thing her family love which is more important to me than any god.last year I visited my mother’s family they were awesome to me but when I just said my moms name my grand mother cursed her like nothing.just a question to admin instead of trying to spread fake news and sorry to say that Isn’t better to spread the way I personally hate my father not because he is xristian but because he made my best creature suffering who is my mom she sacrifices a lot for him but he did nothing in return to her……..every religion has its own dogma and instead of spreading hater between people try to make smthg better.
    Best regards

    Reply at

    • mac
      January 2, 2015 3:23 am

      Bro, you are right on target. I like you…

      Do you know what amazing is that when you said “I personally hate my father not because he is xristian but because he made my best creature suffering who is my mom she sacrifices a lot for him but he did nothing in return to her…….””” , if your father was Muslim and mother a christian — to create another one month of hatred against Muslim and Islam…just keep in touch with this website and see …
      admin would have made a new blog on your name “Atheist- I hate my Muslim father”

  • aamer
    June 18, 2014 3:19 am

    sb bakwas hay.its all bullshit.she wasnt a muslim before.she dont know about islam at all and a good riddance for muslims that a bitch leave islam.

    • mac
      June 18, 2014 4:44 am

      yes aamer brother, this stories are fake, as she said she is muslim and look at her cmnt “From this site only, it is known that you were born out of mutta marriage by your mother. Why did she do that? why she did not refuse? Being product of mutta marriage, how can you yourself deny the reality of islamic evil?

      Shame on you.” can any muslim girl say such vulgar words in her life, i have sisters too, there is nothing like mutta marriage in islam, she/he is a hindy guy spreading lies, these type of words are common from RSS paid hindu extremists

  • May 5, 2013 2:33 am

    From this site only, it is known that you were born out of mutta marriage by your mother. Why did she do that? why she did not refuse? Being product of mutta marriage, how can you yourself deny the reality of islamic evil?

    Shame on you.

  • May 5, 2013 2:30 am

    Hi Admn. and Satyen,

    This is to inform you that I have married my Hindu BF , as per Hindu rituals and marriage registered. My parents did not join us despite repeated requests. Hopefully after some time they will realize the realities of life.

    We both are happy and looking forward blessings and good wishes from interfaithshadi family.

    • May 5, 2013 10:34 am

      Dr. Mahrosh,

      Congratulations. As we said earlier, your case was very simple (because you are in UK, independent, intellectual and the bf is also a doctor), and glad you have a happy ending. Please keep us posted as your life progresses.

      By your education and readings, you are now enlightened above your views on God. Now it is your duty to educate your brothers and sisters and also parents. It is not going to happen overnight, but over next 10 years, make your parents realize that it is not the religion but the person that is important. Further, there is nothing wrong with non-Muslim religions. Let us know the day your father hugs your husband with love, we are waiting!

      By you being a part of process, you have gained immense knowledge about Hindu-Muslim marriages and issues. In spite of your busy life, can you spare at least one hour/week to come here and guide other youths? This will certainly a Godly work. Every time while blogging here, use this URL as your web site and that way others know who is Mahrosh. We are looking forward to working with you. Best wishes.

  • junaid
    March 20, 2013 2:07 pm

    First all the bastards(islamic haters) listen i had already givenexplanation that islam did not permit to beat wife. These bastards are using the quran passage that quran allows man to have 4 wives while not for women. Yes It is given bastards but it depends upon women whether she allows man to havefour wives or not. If a woman knows that a man is already married what is the reason she marries a man who is already married. Now who is responsiblefor polygamy of man it is only women who wants to become 2nd 3rd or 4th wife of a man who is already married.
    These bastards are saying that islam encourages mutta marriage but these bastards do not know that this marriage is already banned in islam. Ok if mutta marriage is happned in some parts of islamic countries but who is responsible. If a women knows that this marriage will last for 4 months or more why she do this marriage and then start saying that islam oppress women. These bastards are saying that muslim girls are not allowed to get education. Bastards tell me where it is written in quran thatwomen should not get education. Instead of it it is given in hadith that it is duty of every muslims to get educated. Now if women are not allowed to get education why you bastards are blaming islam it is there culture not islam. Women do not get education in afghantstan due to terrorist organisation taliban which is creation of america.
    Then start saying islam did not allow women to get educated.
    Bastards are blaming islam that women is sexiual object and sheshould fill sexiual desire of husband at any condition while there is no need of husband to fill sexiual desires of wife but these bastards forget
    …And Women Shall Have Rights Over MenSimilar To Those For Men Over Women.
    ( Surah 2: Ayah 228). If this is allowed what is the need of above ayah in quran. Above ayah of quran gives that rights of women to demand sex from husband as it is given to husband to demand sex from wife.
    Bastards are blaming islam on FGM but these bastards did not that FGM IS NOT ISLAMIC CONCEPTBUT IT IS CULTURE vist
    this site will show that fgm is not islamic

  • March 15, 2013 3:00 am

    Hi Dr.Mahrosh,

    Vow lovely views expressed by you based on realistic life situations.
    I would like to reproduce following text on which muslim males rely upon to commit attrocities on the woman folk.


    Qur’an 66:1

    “O Prophet! Why forbid yourself that which Allah has made lawful to you? You seek to please your consorts. And Allah is Forgiving, Most Kind. Allah has already sanctioned for you the dissolution of your vows.”


    “The Prophet told an Ansar, ‘Choose one of your slave boys to serve me in my expedition to Khaybar.’ So, he chose me, even though I was just nearing puberty. I served Muhammad when he stopped to rest. I heard him saying repeatedly, ‘Allah! I seek refuge with you from distress and sorrow, from helplessness and laziness, from miserliness and cowardice, from being heavily in debt and from being overcome by men.'”

    Qur’an 8:29

    “O you who believe! If you obey and fear Allah, He will grant you a criterion to judge between right and wrong, or a way to overlook your evil thoughts and deeds.”


    “The Quraysh said, ‘Muhammad and his Companions have violated the sacred month, shed blood, seized property, and taken men captive. Muhammad claims that he is following obedience to Allah, yet he is the first to violate the holy month and to kill.'”

    Qur’an 8:68

    “Had it not been for a previous agreement from Allah, a severe penalty would have reached you for the (ransom) that you took as booty.”

    Qur’an 8:69

    “So enjoy what you took as booty; the spoils are lawful and good.”


    “Allah made booty lawful and good. He used it to incite the Muslims to unity of purpose. So enjoy what you have captured.”

    Qur’an 8:40

    “If people are obstinate, and refuse to surrender, know that Allah is your Supporter. And know that one fifth of all the booty you take belongs to Allah, and to the Messenger, and for the near relatives (of the Messenger).”

    Tabari VI:89

    “Utaibah came before the Prophet and said: ‘I repudiate Islam.’ Then he spat at him, but his spital did not fall on him. The Prophet prayed: ‘O Allah, subject him to the power of a dog from among Your dogs.'”


    “I will go to the top of the mountain and throw myself down that I may kill myself and be at rest.”

    Qur’an 70:28

    “Preserve their chastity except with their wives and the slave girls they possess – for which there is no blame.”

    Tabari VIII:116

    “So Muhammad began seizing their herds and their property bit by bit. He conquered home by home. The Messenger took some of its people captive, including Safiyah, and her two cousins. The Prophet chose Safiyah for himself.”

    Tabari VIII:121

    “Safiyah was brought to him, and another woman with her. Bilal led them past some of the Jews we had slain including the woman’s dead husband. When she saw them, the woman with Safiyah cried out, slapped her face, and poured dust on her head. When Allah’s Prophet saw her, he said, ‘Take this she-devil away from me!'”

    Tabari VIII:123

    “Allah’s Apostle besieged the final [Jewish] community until they could hold out no longer. Finally, when they were certain that they would perish, they asked Muhammad to banish them and spare their lives, which he did. The Prophet took possession of all their property.”

    Tabari VIII:124

    “Having finished with Khaybar, the Apostle went to Wadi Qura and besieged its people for a while. Then we headed back to Medina, halting at Qura toward sunset. With Muhammad was a slave lad of his whom Rifa’ah had given him. Suddenly, as we were setting down the saddle of the Prophet, a stray arrow came and hit the slave boy, killing him. We congratulated him, saying, ‘May he enjoy Paradise!’ But Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Certainly not! The sheet of cloth on his back is now being burnt on him in the Hell Fire!’ He pilfered it from the booty of the Muslims following the Khaybar raid before it was duly distributed.”

    Tabari VIII:12

    “‘Rejoice, Allah has promised us victory after tribulation.’ This increased the Muslims faith and submission. When cities were conquered Muslims used to say, ‘Conquer for yourselves whatever seems good to you because all treasures were given to Muhammad.”

    Qur’an 24:58

    “Believers, let your slave girls, and those who have not come to puberty, ask permission (before they come in your presence) on three occasions: before dawn, while you take off your clothes at midday, and after the night prayer. These are your times of undress – times of privacy for you. Outside those times it is not wrong for them to move about: Thus does Allah make clear the Signs.”


    “The women began to cry after learning about Ja’far’s death. Disturbed, Muhammad told Abd-Rahman to silence them. When they wouldn’t stop wailing, Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Go and tell them to be quiet, and if they refuse throw dust in their mouths.'”

    Qur’an 64:14

    “Believers, truly, among your wives and your children there are enemies for you: so beware of them! … Your wealth and your children are only a trial.”

    Qur’an 8:28

    “And know that your property and your children are just a temptation.”

    Qur’an 4:135

    “Believers, stand out for justice as witnesses for Allah even against yourselves, your parents, your family, and relatives whether it be against rich or poor.”

    Qur’an 9:23

    “Believers, take not for friends your fathers and your brothers if they love disbelief above belief. If you do, you do wrong. Say: If your fathers, your sons, your families, your wives, relatives and property which you have acquired, and the slackness of trade which you fear and dwellings which you like, are dearer to you than Allah and His Messenger and striving hard, fighting in His Cause, then wait till Allah brings about His torment.”

    Tabari VIII:183

    “When the Messenger was finished with the men’s swearing of allegiance, the women swore allegiance. You are swearing allegiance to me…. ‘Do not kill your children.’ A woman said, ‘We raised them and you killed them. You know better about killing them than we do.’ Umar laughed immoderately at her words.”


    “Aisha [who was 9] said, ‘I used to wash semen off the Prophet’s [who was 53] clothes. When he went for prayers I used to notice one or more spots on them.'”


    “When the Apostle learned that one of the Meccans had died in the battle, he said, ‘Allah curse him!’ He used to hate the Quraysh.”


    “The Apostle gave gifts to those whose hearts were to be won over, notably the chiefs of the army, to win them and through them the people.”


    “The Apostle provided some compensation that included a castle, some property, a portion of the zakat tax, and a Copt slave girl.”

    Tabari IX:34

    “Khuwaysirah came and stood by the Prophet as he was giving gifts to the people and said, ‘Muhammad, I have seen what you have done today.’ ‘Well, what did you see?’ He said, ‘I don’t think you have been fair.’ Allah’s Messenger became angry. ‘Woe to you! If justice is not to be found with me, then with whom is it to be found?'” “Umar said, ‘Muhammad, allow me to kill him.'” Ishaq:595 “The Apostle said, ‘Get him away from me and cut off his tongue.””


    “The Prophet said, ‘I give to the Quraysh so that they will desire Islam, for they are nearer to their life of Ignorance and it is not strong in their hearts.'”


    “‘Prophet, this group of Ansar have a grudge against you for what you did with the booty and how you divided it among you own people.’ After due praise and exaltation of Allah, he addressed them. ‘Ansar, what is this talk I hear from you? What is the grudge you harbor in your hearts against me? Do you think ill of me? Did I not come to you when you were erring and needy, and then made rich by Allah?’ ‘You came to us discredited, when your message was rejected by the Quraysh, and we believed you. You were forsaken and deserted and we assisted you. You were a fugitive and we took you in, sheltering you. You were poor and in need, and we comforted you.”

    Tabari IX:37

    “Do you hold a grudge against me and are you mentally disturbed because of the worldly things by which I conciliate a people and win them over so that they will embrace Islam and become Muslims?”

    Tabari IX:60

    “On the way, Muhammad ordered that whoever got to the first well before him should not drink until he arrived. Some of the hypocrites arrived and drew water. The Prophet cursed them and invoked Allah’s curse on them.”

    Tabari VIII:38

    “The Prophet selected for himself from among the Jewish women of the Qurayza, Rayhanah. She became his concubine. When he predeceased her, she was still in his possession. When the Messenger of Allah took her as a captive, she showed herself averse to Islam and insisted on Judaism.”


    “The Apostle [taking first dibs] chose one of the Jewish women for himself. Her name was Rayhanah. She remained with him until she died, in his power.”

    Tabari VIII:56

    “According to Aisha: ‘A great number of Mustaliq were wounded. The Messenger took many captives, and they were divided among all the Muslims. Juwayriyah was one of the slaves. When the Prophet divided the captives by lot [a gambling game], Juwayriyah fell to the share of Thabit, Muhammad’s cousin. Juwayriyah was the most beautiful woman and she captivated anyone who looked at her. She came to the Apostle seeking his help. As soon as I saw her at the door of my chamber, I took a dislike to her, and I knew that he would see in her what I saw.'”

    Tabari VIII:97

    “When I returned to Medina, the Prophet met me in the market and said, ‘Give me the woman.’ I said, ‘Holy Prophet of Allah, I like her, and I have not uncovered her garment.’ Muhammad said nothing to me until the next day. He again met me in the market and said, ‘Salamah, give me the woman.’ I said, ‘Prophet, I have not uncovered her garment but she is yours.'”


    “Allah addressed the believers and said, ‘In Allah’s Apostle you have a fine example for anyone who hopes to be in the place where Allah is.'”

    I would like to pay my sincere thaks to Mr. Admn. for this wonderful blog to educate muslim girls and women.


  • March 15, 2013 2:52 am

    Hi Admn.

    Thanks for responding and seeking my opion.

    I have experienced that there is a big difference of attitude between Hindu and Muslim guys about women.Hindu guys are liberal, adjusting and more intelligent with humanitarian touch, against rude, cruel, fanatic behaviour of muslim guys.

    Every religion/society has changed itself with passage of time and leaving anti social practicies. But in Islam, more and more anti female practices are being adopted like sex with dead wife, mutta marriage, halala, proving virginity for females only, female genital mutiliation,
    business of hymen repair surgery and use of artificial hymen kit flourishing, honour killings of female, domestic violence, female sex object only as per text of Kuran.

    It is true that some texts in Kuran narrate welfare and equaliy of women, but that is totally reverse in real life. Women has no say, she has to obey and tolerate ill treatment and misbehavour of males.
    Males have full freedom of sex, keeping 4 wives, no need to prove virginity, even oldman marrying child girls, like Prophet.
    No educated women like evil practices of islam.

  • junaid
    March 15, 2013 12:31 am

    vist to know postion of women in islam it is opened by muslim sisters yes there is so many things written in quran how to treat women but oppossite of itin afghanistan pakistan iraq only.

    In islam beating of wife is not allowed at all. According to quran if a women is wicked and do some wicked things it asks to husbend that first taught your wives that you are doing wrongthings and if she do not come to right path after some weeks then do not sleep with them and if again they do not come to right path after some weaks and is doing wicked things again then beat them lightly with brush stick (beating shouldnot left any mark on body) if they come to right way do not go against them now

    Coming to rape cases the countries which you think women gets high freedom maximum rape cases are found in that countries like Swedan, America and European countries and women is maximum sexually exploited. In muslim countries if women is raped in that case man who raped a women is stoned to death and raped women must get four witness and she can get it easly for e.g a doctor may witness by carring some tests on raped women that she is raped, her parents can also witness that she is raped similarly other person by looking at the condition of raped women can wittness that that she is raped. It is misconciption that a women actually needs four male wittness who actually saw the rape only can witness that she is raped actually it says that four persons should say she is raped and after that man is punished to death.

    Now comming to the education i am living in muslim majority country and i do not find any restriction on education of women

    you are correct that in afghanistan and pakistan and Iraq women do not get education and if women goes for education she is killed it is due to terrorist organisations al queda taliban etc which are the creation of America and their place is hell as quran said that those who kills a believer or unbeliever which are not wrongdoers Allah will cast hell fire on them. In Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Malaysia, Egypt etc women gets easily education.

    Now 9/11 you can vist answering-Christianity you will get your answer who actually do it. Why muslims carry terrorist actuties it is actually due to West who donot want peace in muslim countries and want to creat unrest in muslim countries. They created Israel and removed 9 lakh Arabs in 1947 from their homelands creat conflict in Kashmir etc this is big reason for terrorism in muslim countries.

    • March 15, 2013 9:45 am


      Is it really, this is what Koran is saying, “then beat them (up to 4 wives) lightly with brush stick”??? Wow!!

      Go show show this to any educated and independent Muslim women and find out what she has to say for the book.

  • junaid
    March 14, 2013 10:45 am

    Also vist to know position of women in islam and for agniveer read the comments of shabeer. Agniveer rightly said that bhagvadgeeta is corrupted

    • idiotMuslimTroll
      March 14, 2013 3:37 pm

      What junaid and other Muslim say, is it write? In Muslim world you compare to things which is not comparable.

      lets see an example:-
      In book- Muslim’s Qur’an it says killing anyone is like killing humanity.

      In Reality – Muslims kill non Muslims by 9/11 , kidnap, mafia crime. 99% terrorists around Muslims, so in reality they don’t follow there book.

      According to most Muslims, their Quran says- women is given highest respect, education is compulsory as per Allah etc etc etc….

      In reality what Muslim actually do – 4 wife at a time, if the wife is old, get a new one. Talak rate is extremely high due to the process of merely saying talak talak talak 3 times and couple are divorced. And women has to get permission from her husband to give the husband talak, wtf rule is that- will snake ask you before he bites you! Moving on to what respect Muslims Actually give to women- Qur’an recommended wife beating, yes beating should be by leather belt only, its illegal to beat with pigs leather belt, great! Ok moving on. Muslim talibans and other group kills,poisoned so many Muslims girls going to school, again great example by Muslims. Women cannot marry again the husband unless she has sex with another person, this is just superb example. Muslim women cannot go out alone, Muslim women has half intelligence than men, Muslims court needs to have 2female witness to compare to 1male witness…this is just dis- respect.

      now lets see what Hindus do.

      Hindus have geeta as their source, it tells so many things for women, according to Muslim haters geeta puts women under inhuman condition

      what Hindus actually do- Hindus don’t care about restrictions, Hindu girls are educated, earning, CEO in every industry they are topping, sunita Williams, kalpana chawla, kabir bedi etc…

      so don’t read what’s written, but see what people actually do in real life. Writing is easy doing Is difficult.

    • March 15, 2013 12:19 am

      vist to know postion of women in islam yes there is so many things written in quran how to treat women but oppossite of it in afghanistan pakistan iraq only. In islam beating of wife is not allowed at all. According to quran if a women is wicked and do some wicked things it asks to husbend that first taught your wives that you are doing wrong things and if she do not come to right path after some weeks then do not sleep with them and if again they do not come to right path after some weaks and is doing wicked things again then beat them lightly with brush stick (beating should not left any mark on body) if they come to right way do not go againest them now comming to rape cases the countries which you think women gets high freedom maximum rape cases are found in that countries like swedan America and european countries and women is maximum sexually exploited. In muslim countries if women is raped in that case man who raped a women is stoned to death and raped women must get four witness and she can get it easly for e.g a doctor may witness by carring some tests on raped women that she is raped her parents can also witness that she is raped similarly other person by looking at the condition of raped women can wittness that that she is raped. It is misconciption that a women actually needs four male wittness who actually saw the rape only can witness that she is raped actually it says tha four persons should say she is raped and after that man is punished to death
      Now comming to the education i am living in muslim majority country and i do not find any restriction on education of women
      you are correct that in afghanistan and pakistan and Iraq women do not get education and if women goes for education she is killed it is due to terrorist organisations al queda taliban etc which are the creation of America and their place is hell as quran said that those who kills a believer or unbeliever which are not wrong doers Allah will cast hell fire on them. In iran saudi arabia turkey, malaysia egypt etc women gets easily education. Now 9/11 you can vist answering-christianity you will get your answer who actually do it. Why muslims carry terrorist actuties it is actually due to west who donot want peace in muslim countries and want to creat unrest in muslim countries. They creat isreal and removed 9 lakh arabs in 1947 from their homelands creat conflict in kashmir etc this is big reason for terrorism in muslim countries.

      Reply at

      • idiotmuslimtroll
        March 15, 2013 6:05 pm

        First your cheap propaganda website cannot clean what Muslims actually do. Creating a website does not certifies that content on it is right. I know you and your image improvement efforts by telling all the Muslim crime as ” myth” and giving all baseless explanation, it will not change perception of a smart human. I have seen your chepos site, they say only bad things about Christians, Jews,Hindus and all the good things for Muslims, so clearly you loose again in your propaganda talk, You and your nonsense is just a big oil money, mafia money, terrorists funding in action. You thought no one watches what you are doing ! Ok now don’t post a 1 mile long answer, no one is interested in you blah blah blah story….muslims problem is you think your god is truth, your real problem is that you think others god is false….fuck you retard.

  • March 12, 2013 11:30 am

    Hi Admn.

    Thanks for the apprehensions suggested by you. I have already met his parents and they invite me at dinner occasionally. They needed a good looking and matured doctor wife for their son. They have no problem, even if I continue to follow my own relgion.

    Frankly speaking, I do not like restricted life of islamic culture.
    I like stories of Ramayan and Mahabhart based on realities. I hate prophet and Hadith guidelines, to crush freedom of females.

    Regarding my sister,I would like her to lead a blissful life. She is also in the 2nd year of MBBS programme, and she is more aggressive and fearless female.

    Thanks and regards.


    • March 13, 2013 8:15 pm

      You are on track, you have good chemistries, no one is out there to prove their religion and both appears to be pluralists/accepting others. We wish all interfaith lovers are like you guys.

      Now please come back to this site to guide other youths in love. You are a good role model and you could influence/guide them.

  • March 12, 2013 4:12 am

    Hi Admn. Thanks .

    In fact, regarding education, being a brillant and ranker throughout my student life, I got scholarships and even for medical course of 5-1/2 years I took loan from the bank. My parents had not that much resources to give me higher eduction.Since my childhood, I had a vision to become a doctor and during playing I liked role of doctor with friends.
    I have one younger brother and sister too.Sister is equally intelligent but brother has different outlook. He wants to expand existing business of grain merchant of the parents.

    Regarding idol worshiper, I have no problem. I know God is one, known and worshipped by different modes in different communities. I wish to marry only a doctor. My BF is very respectable in the profession and after my training, I need not to return to my country. He will marry me and live together in UK.

    You are right to point out Frog is out of the well, hahahhaha……………..
    Thanks and regards,

    • March 12, 2013 9:56 am

      We are proud of your achievements and happy that Allah has given you intelligence to think!!

      Remember, you are setting a (wrong? or right?) path for your sister too.

      Make a point of reading all recommended readings. We are warning that interfaith relationships have many many complexities, it is critical to understand it well and make a fully “informed” decision. Any time you feel a warning sign, do not let your “love” ignore it. Use your brain, not heart!!

      A caution! Do not assume his Hindu parents will accept you with garlands. Further, Hindus have thousand years of bad memories from Muslim inventions and will stereotype you (that a Muslim can NEVER be trusted). Do not believe what your bf is saying, but plan to go meet his parents with low expectations. Do not get emotional or take it personally if get stereotyped, but trust yourself and keep working. It may take two years for the parents to slowly and slowly start knowing and accepting you. Read all recommended articles, it will help you better prepared with parents. Best wishes.

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