Muslim: I will Convert to Hinduism

Ryan says: July 25, 2018 at 3:04 am

Dear admin,
It’s my personal story I just want to share to get some good advice; sometimes it bothers me a lot, I love an Indian girl belong to Brahmin family and i belong to a Bangladeshi Muslim

My childhood: I born and brought up Mothers family, which I live in freedom, in my religious view I am not a religious person, I never read Namaz or Quran or any other religious activity it’s been almost 12-14 year, I believe what is good or bad, how a person born not their identity.

I am a software engineer self-establish and pure vegetarian almost 6 year

I told her I will convert to Hinduism, actually every time I feel something bad about her when my love little bit of illness, I go to mandir take to pray for her and sometimes get tips from pandit ji and arrange puja for her, I did lot’s funeral in ashram for people who have no one in this world, I have lot’s of Hindu friend, it’s like usual family.

Problem is: she didn’t want to convert me to Hinduism, but I want to convert into Hinduism, whatever step need to take I will do, I don’t want any risk from our fucking society, I know everyone will poke her India and me in Bangladesh.

I love her she is the only one thing I am here right now pursuing my dream, you can say my breath and everything, in 8 years we never have any problem like 10 seconds.

I do some online research about Hindu Muslim marriage it’s been scared me well. In Bangladesh, it will be a heavy problem for me to change religion because my father family is an orthodox people.

dear, I can convert Hindus and marriage in India also it can problem her family will do the same.

The problem is my passport I already talk with BDesh embassy they teach me a huge lesson it’s not possible why you convert Hindu blah blah blah. You need to go the BD and change all thing.

dear I frequently travel abroad and my passport will be the big issue, I know after marriage my family will turn against me and her also same.

That’s why I thought the shift to another country the UK or Canada or HongKong and live life happily.

Another problem she is the only child of her family and i am the only from my family, our date of birth exact same date and same year we both right now 25

I didn’t do that until her permission only one thing in this world her happiness -Ryan

Ryan says: August 3, 2018 at 9:30 am

I am in India on a business visa and as soon I can, already plan to shift UK or Hong Kong setup my business,

Dear I am not a religious person at all, what I learn from religious view God is one, whatever from you worship it’s your personal choice,

Being honest I never discuss religion
topics with any one, why wasting time with this topic, some of the people mention quran,
Dear i don’t have any idea with religious activity, I neither interest read in future any holy book.

some people mention word kafir or something like that I didn’t even know the word meaning i just google it for meaning

I didn’t want her to convert into muslim, I will convert into hindu, no issue for me.

dear I am the only child from my family I already talk to my mom, she said whatever you do just be happy and being honest always

I respect everyone one, I don’t interest any religious world, what I learn in my early age if you follow religious world either you will turn a too good or too bad person.

I am happy what I am, pursuing my dream. -Ryan

More information:Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus? Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Marriage & Divorce laws
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  • Ryan
    August 3, 2018 9:30 am

    I am India as a business visa and as soon I can, already plan to shift UK or Hong Kong setup my business,

    Dear I am not a religious person at all, what I learn from religious view God is one, whatever from you worship it’s your personal choice,

    Being honest I never discuss religion
    topics with any one, why wasting time with this topic, some of the people mention quran,
    Dear i don’t have any idea with religious activity, I neither interest read in future any holy book.

    some people mention word kafir or something like that I didn’t even know the word meaning i just google it for meaning

    I didn’t want her to convert into muslim, I will convert into hindu, no issue for me.

    dear I am the only child from my family I already talk to my mom, she said whatever you do just be happy and being honest always

    I respect everyone one, I don’t interest any religious world, what I learn in my early age if you follow religious world either you will turn a too good or too bad person.

    I am happy what I am, pursuing my dream

  • krish
    July 26, 2018 11:23 pm


    YOu finally admitted that you are a converted kaffir. Anyway you muslim kaffir are extremely redical and you love your prophet more than your own parent and motherland. Heinous fool people.

    • Gokusan
      July 27, 2018 11:42 am

      Your stupidity is beyond imaginable, in Islam it is said heaven is under the feet of mother if you disrespect mother , you can have different opinion but can never ever disrespect mother, our religion says respect the country that feeds you, protects you and so i respect my country.

      • July 27, 2018 9:20 pm

        On “heaven is under the feet of mother”, we have seen many cases where if the child don’t follow this, the result is honor killing of the child. Read this recent case… source: “Ali Mahwood-Awad Irsan, 60, a devout Muslim, is on trial for gunning down two people in 2012 to “clean their honor” after his daughter moved out of the house and married a Christian she met at a local college. The second victim was an Iranian medical student who was his daughter’s best friend who supported her decision to change her religion.”

        Dear Gokusan, what Mr. Ali did was in line with Koran and Muhammad? Should the child have an option to choose his/her life mate and faith?

        • Gokusan
          July 28, 2018 2:19 am

          The dad did an heinous crime by killing the daughter,if they do not support her decision then they can break contact with her that is justifiable but not killing .

          • July 28, 2018 8:39 am

            Now this… source:
            “Wicked pensioner, 81, who fathered three children by his own daughter is jailed for four-and-a-half years after he was snared by his victim’s deathbed confession
            Ashraf Khan, 81, from Bradford, was jailed for four-and-a-half years yesterday
            Victim confessed to their three children about what he did just before she died
            Khan admitted three counts of incest after family reported him to the police
            DNA tests confirmed he fathered his daughter’s children in the 1980s.”

            Are we trying to prove one faith is better than the other? NO. But want to prove you that “in Islam it is said heaven is under the feet of mother” is a “theory” but reality can be different. Do you want more such examples?

          • Gokusan
            July 28, 2018 11:30 am

            what on earth this got to do with islam there are countless christians , buddhists, hindus who can do this and then religion is not to be blamed but if a muslim does that blame islam. where on earth do islam support this.

          • Hanah Khan
            August 7, 2018 9:04 am

            Admin, I don’t either agree with your line of reasoning.
            This evil happens in all societies irrespective of faith.

            I shall enlist the barbarities which are carried out exclusively with Islamic banner, of course it’s only a minuscule list :
            * ISIS and BokoHaram’s kidnapping of young girls and women and keeping them as sex slaves.
            * Pakistan’s minority women kidnapped, forcibly converted and married off to kidnappers
            * UK’s grooming gang which sexually abused white girls
            * Blasphemy and apostasy noose tied around anyone who criticizes/ leaves Islam in Muslim nations.
            * Oppressing in majority while hegemonic in minority.
            * Demands of separate nation once the percentage swells.
            * Stoning, flogging, lashing
            * Unimaginable level of gender seggregation
            * Marriage of a seven year old girl to thirty five year old man.

          • August 9, 2018 8:57 pm

            Hi Ruchika,

            On this “…Koran here, I do not recall any statement that says heaven is under feet of mother” it was a statement made by Gokusan (feet of mother) and not us.

  • Diva
    July 26, 2018 8:00 am

    namaskar sir.please help me.
    i am in relationship with a boy from different community.I proposed him and he accepted.we are in relation for two years.But now suddenly he is saying me this relationship has no future because his conservative muslim family will not accept hindu girl.I said him i am ready to convert and do anything to find a solution but he is not listening to me.
    Our relationship is more than just emotional relation,we had unsafe relation numerous times because he demanded.I love him is not now possible to break up because of the depth of relation we shared.He wants to part ways with me after all this time which is not easy for me.
    He is not receiving my call or answering my massages.I can not tell this in my home.I am very scared now.what should i do now?

    • krish
      July 27, 2018 7:35 am


      Dont know you are fake muslim or real hindu girl. But one thing is clear that we are heading on 21st centenary and you shameless girls are luring a kafir and increasing muslim population. You like girl should punish the same way that your ex katwa doing. Nothing is wrong that he betrayed you.

    • July 27, 2018 9:15 pm

      Dear Diva,
      We have changed your name for privacy. We wrote to your e-mail address but it bounced because you gave us a wrong e-mail address. We wish to help you, can you get back soon? Thank you.

      Do you know Nandita? You both have the same writing style.

    • AHuman
      July 30, 2018 12:44 pm

      Diva, he used you for sexual needs now he has left you, he must have planned that from thw start, had he been really in love with yiu he would have faught hqrd to get married to you but he didn’t. He had the same fking family when he started a relationship with you or got physical with you. He used you like a time pass.
      Don’t ever fall into the trap of Muslim boys.
      It’s totally your fault.

    • AHuman
      July 30, 2018 12:51 pm

      if a boy demands sex from you before your marriage that means he lust you not love, he wants you just for your body. Thats the bitter truth. He demanded and you went ahead accepted his demands like a idiot. do you have any respect or not?? This raises questions on your character coz you acted like a fool.You will face results for your actions. Shame on you.

    • AHuman
      July 30, 2018 12:56 pm

      We feel ashamed that hindu girls are so weak and shit idiots that they are ready to convert and they don’t have a logical thinking ability.
      I will not touch a girl before i marry her. I will never accept a girl as my life partner or GF if she got physical with someone. Marrying a rape victim is a better that marrying Such a mindless girl. Shame on You.

      • July 30, 2018 8:31 pm

        It is a noble thought “Marrying a rape victim is a better…” Very thoughtful view. One is a victim and the other did it because she does not feel it is a morale issue or because she does not have control over sensual pleasures.

        • AHuman
          July 31, 2018 12:43 am

          A person who has no control over his mind and body is just a piece of trash. Its Just like a rapist is, he also doesn’t have control over his mind and body or as you say sensual pleasures, but as she clearly said that she did because he demanded, she gave into his demands like an idiot.

          Diva he used your for sex only sex, he planned everything from the start.

          just keep that in mind and warn other friends of yours from such danger of falling into trap of muslim boy.

          • Gokusan
            July 31, 2018 11:06 am

            Then good luck on finding such type of girl.Many times a girl can lie and you cannot determine anything.There is a surgery you know the virginity reconstruction surgery and Indian girls are doing it in huge numbers.Gone are the days of that type of girls. Now a day girls go after bad boys first and after getting ditched by then then they will go for a good boy.Cause women are hard wired to fall for bad boys.But you know in real life bad boys are rarely successful so the girl then come to the good boy.And that is the sad part.Cause women now a days put love above everything else but the love is in reality is lust which whither away after a few month and reality hits, and then it is too late the parents who is everything is so hurt and the relationship break, just for some stupid flings women do this.

      • A Pal
        January 20, 2019 12:37 am

        Better to marry a rape victim. Yes yes.

  • Gokusan
    July 26, 2018 12:48 am

    So first and foremost you seem to be not a believer , why you choose not to believe in God? Are you an atheist?

    • krish
      July 26, 2018 1:58 am

      Gokusan.. Ryan is not a atheist. he believes the truth which is Hinduism… His ancestors were great Hindus.

  • July 25, 2018 10:12 pm

    Hi Ryan,

    It raises many questions in our mind. We understand you wish to marry her but there are many loose ends here.

    Where are you two, which country? If you are in India, what visa you are on?

    Are you planning to settle in India or B.Desh? Will your (her) country accept the marriage and will give percent residency to the spouse?

    We learned that in BDesh, you could have life threat on you (and her) if you convert to Hinduism as per wishes to Muhammad (“Whoever changes his Islamic religion, then kill him.” (Bukhari 9.84.57)). Are you sure you still wish to convert our of Islam?

    Has she talk to her parents about her love relationship with a Muslim? Is she willing to go against wishes of her parents? Lets talk more, get back to us.

    • Gokusan
      July 25, 2018 10:50 pm

      The thing is stop giving this source since Quran explicitly tell to punish the apostate and if anyone wished he can follow his own opinion. If he wants to divert from the truth he has full freedom to do that. Infact during prophet’s time many people left religion but none is punished.

      • krish
        July 26, 2018 12:12 am


        Either you knows half truth of Islam or you are hiding the true fact about islam. You said If he wants to divert from the truth he has full freedom to do that. Infact during prophet’s time many people left religion but none is punished.

        During your prophet period, no one had courage to left islam, you know scores of people beheaded by your prophet direction. Today islam exists because of brutally killed and converted. So dont tell lie to any one. Please do retrosect your fake heinous religion and read the world/asia and India History thoroughly.

        • Gokusan
          July 26, 2018 1:05 am

          Bro read accounts of that time, Prophet(pbuh) himself was been persecuted for many years , his followers were persecuted read history , and knowing your background i think you will not read that.

          • krish
            July 26, 2018 1:40 am

            Gokusan which history you are referring? Quran History or world History. I am fine with your barbaric Quran history. Hindu well knows their history. you muslim converted by sword by Arabic cult and lecturing here about my background…. Where are you getting my background.. from your Prophet??

          • Gokusan
            July 26, 2018 7:25 am

            My forefathers were lower caste hindus who converted because of caste hegemony and oppression and i am proud of them.

          • Hanah Khan
            August 6, 2018 2:16 am

            Speak from ear to ear on caste hegemony in Hinduism but deactivate your critical-thinking and conscience when Islamic scholars inject toxin into your psyche to observe religious and sect apartheid.

            How you people brazenly question a philosophy which is on the amendment course while cowing spinelessly to a belief-system which thrives by thrashing every moral rule, is a phenomenon that by itself needs a dedicated study!

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