Muslim is Adamant that I (Christian) Convert

KTP_MalaysiaAmarillys says: December 27, 2015 at 7:18 pm
Hello Human-O,

Appreciate if you could offer some advice and guidance. I am a native Malaysian non-Muslim, while my fiancé is a native Malaysian Muslim. I cannot bear to convert because it is against my faith and my fiancé understands this. However, we are both under pressure from both our parents; his is adamant that I convert while mine is vice versa.

We were planning to get a marriage certificate from the registrar of marriage but it has come to our knowledge that we cannot do that unless I convert. We thought of getting our marriage certificate overseas but we are not familiar of the procedure or do we know which country that allows inter-religious marriages. The pressure is immense now that my parent wishes that I get married soon, while his parent gave my fiancé the ultimatum – have me convert or leave me.

I would be grateful if you could offer some advise as to how we can go about this matter, getting married without the need of sacrificing our faiths. Which country can we go to if we are looking to get a marriage certificate? Will the certificate be recognised under Malaysian law? If not, what do we need to do to obtain a Muslim marriage certificate? We do plan to have a private ceremony once we obtained our marriage certificate, and once we do, we believe that our parents would not have much to say because it is our lives to begin with.

We both look forward to your reply. -Amarillys

Admin says:

Dear Amarillys,

Unfortunately you are in a trap set by your Muslim Malay government. Now you are innocently in love without realizing what you are getting into. Now only option left for you is to convert. We only request here and beg you not to FAKE-convert to Islam because it will only bring major disasters later in life. You have three options left: 1) convert 2) forget this love-trap or 3) move out of Malaysia and settle with your love there.

Most countries allow interfaith marriages without conversion (like Singapore, India, Western countries, etc). You could go to any of them and get married. But the question is how will you register you two as married couple back in Malaysia? You may get away for 5 or 10 years as foreigners or not registered married couple. Any time, any of his relative go and file a complaint to Malay police against you, you will be in trouble on that day. One day you will have your children. What religion (Islam or non-Islam) will go on their ID card? What type of names (Arabic or Christian sounding) your children will have? Issues are end-less by lying and you can fool Malay government only for a few years.

You are a Christian and you have faith in Jesus. One cannot erase your faith and write a new one. Yes, you will convert for marriage due to your emotions and blind love, but when you are age 40+, your birth faith will come back. One day you will have to teach faith to your children, what will you teach them? Your boy friend and his parents will pressure you after marriage to adapt Islam 100% (and 0% Christianity), what would you do?

Islam and Christianity are not compatible. Islam teaches not to believe Jesus as a Son of God. Further Koran teaches not to make friends with Christians and Jews (read Koran). Are you ready to get away from all your Christian friends and relatives?

Instead of praying Jesus now, you will have to start saying Muhammad’s name in each of your salat (Islamic praying). Are you ready to stop glorifying Jesus and replace with Muhammad? Islam is about Muhammad, Muhammad and Muhammad, is that acceptable to you?

Do not fake convert because it will have major legal implications later. One day, if you wish to declare yourself as a Christian, punishment for such act is death. Read legal issues here. We highly recommend not to fake-convert just for marriage.

We are very very sorry for your condition. Let us know what else we could tell you. -Admin

View videos: Interfaith Marriage with Equality, All you want to know about the Hindu-Muslim Marriage, Sharia: Hindu-Muslim Marriages,
Also read: Hindu-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim lovers’ experiences, Koran on Hindus?, Love-Jihad, Don’t fake-convert, Polygamy and talaak, Akansha unwillingly converted to Nusrat, Hindu girl-Muslim boy, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it?, Zakir Naik, Christian-Hindu marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Malaysia in love, Marriage laws.

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1 Comment

  • Shieny
    May 26, 2017 9:04 pm

    Hi, I’m a Muslim girl and my bf is an Indian. He working at Singapore. We in relationship for three years. Basically I’m a Muslims by name only because I’m a mix girl which my mother is Indian and my father is Muslims from Indonesia and married my mum. My mum convert to Muslims because of my father but then she still following all the Indian tradition. Me it self I don’t want my partner to convert since I’m not following that religion. And he also don’t want to convert.since small I have been live as Indian. But then wen it comes to marriage life what should I do. He don’t want to convert and me byitself I don’t follow the religion. We want to live as Hindu. Is there any possibility to married without convert. Because basically I’m following Indian religion and culture.

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