Divianna says: December 30, 2013 at 1:27 am
m a hindu girl facing the same problem.. loving a marthoma guy.. i am very well out of this religious discrimination.. it dosnt matters me if i am a hindu or my love is a christian.. neither does that guy believes in such religious differences.. but his family forced him to leave me because marthoma church does not support interfaith marriages and if an individual indulges in such a marriage.. his whole family is excluded or say banned from the church..
i mean.. why are such strict rules set? christianity teaches loves.. den y in d name of LORD these churches make al their efforts to separate them? Religion ws made just to bring order in people’s lives.. to make d evil fear the good.. not to separate two loving hearts for al deir lives.. just because we both dont want his family to suffer because of our love we are staying away from each oder.. ignoring our feelings our needs.. everything.. smtyms i feel like protesting wildly against such church rules that believe in spreading their religion instead of spreadind the love.. -Divianna
More information: Marthoma, Interfaith marriage with equality, Hindu-Christian Marriage, Bible on Hindus? Christian-Hindu relationships, Marriage & Divorce laws.
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Hai i am also facing a big problem..I am penticostal and my guy is martomite..I am a past martomite…I don’t know what’s going to happen…I know tgat i am also going to face same problem..even though bible all are same..but may be..we will seperate because of some customs or rituals..I can’t believe that why loving hearts need to seperate because of these customs..
In the Bible all are same. So why don’t you become a Mar Thomite. All problems will be easily solved.
Jesus told to love and all love is not marraige,Jesus told to love the Lord your God with all your soul,heart and mind,and by interfaith marraige we break that commandment.Will you do a something that your father hates no right?
Dear Admin,
I am a hindu from a Nair family in love with a Mar thoma guy from the past 3 years. We both believe in God and don’t want religion to come in our way. Being the only daughter, it was very difficult to convince my parents into this but now they are kinda okay just for my happiness. His parents know about us and they want him to discuss with me about conversion. However i do not want to convert as i believe strongly in hinduism and converting would be the worst thing i could do to my parents. I am completely fine with my kids being a Christian. We are okay with court marriage but i want to know if i am not ready for conversion, will he or his family be kicked out of the church they are registered with?? Please help as parting ways with him wont be a solution for me. Regards
Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8411
I am in a different problem. I loved a man who is a marthomite converted from a hindu nair family. He is the only guy converted from his family. His another family members are Hindus. he gave his all properties to his sister according to marthoma rules.now we are in love.but he cannot marry me.he will be banned from his sabha.I am ready to convert my religion. I am believing in Christianity also.what is the solution for this problem? My boyfriend says now a days it is very difficult to convert to marthomite.Jesus christ teached how to love people.but what is the rules are following the marthoma sabha?
Reply at https://www.interfaithshaadi.org/?p=8330
Its nt jst d churches opposing interfaith marriages.. even the Hindus oppose it with all deir might.. i asked my grandma d rsn behind dis hatred fr christianity, y hindus hate christians and dont accept em.. she said its bcz they eat beef.. n fr hindus Cow is a sacred animal.. i wonder if its a sacred animal y do we price it n sell-buy it in markets.. v hit it if its standing in front of our homes, v nvr tke care of it.. if u name it HOLY den y such a behvaior??? n if u do dat y hate odrs fr eating something that u ignore in ur daily lives.. its nt jst churches to b blamed.. HINDUS n der irrational beliefs r equally to b blamed..
well yup.. al i said ws d fury of d moment.. fr sure il b respectful.. il let u al knw soon..
Please expose the churches. You said it correctly, ‘i feel like protesting wildly against such church rules that believe in spreading their religion instead of spreadind the love”. Please make a 5 min video massage and we will publish it for the benefit of rest of innocent lovers.
We feel your pain. This churches are so powerful and thus they are holding innocent people like you hostage.
Ask your bf to join here to express your frustration.
PLEASE DO NOT GET BAPTIZED, just to please the church. It is sin to submit to injustice.
They are not teaching Jesus’ messages, but are teaching their own version of intolerant teaching for their survival.
Well m nt in contact wid him anymor.. It has been like dis fr d past 5 mnths.. N nw m tryin to find a way out on my own.. Il b visitin a marthona church wid ma brother soon.. M sure m gonna ve a nyc verbal fight der wid d priest or father whievr talks to me.. He is gonna face al ma frustaration…
n il let al knw wat tlk v had.. Der views.. N al.. Hop smday things will b good fr me n fr al dat r sufferin jst cz of stupidity of sm ppl..
We understand your frustration however you have to be practical.
That church’s practices are their personal matter and they have rights to believe what ever they wish. They are not forcing you to do anything but they are simply not tolerating their parents to be sinners. There is nothing illegal or immoral they are doing. The church is a private property and you do not have any rights to go and tell them what they should or should not do. So be careful going there.
If you do go, please go with clear objective of finding more facts. Be respectful and cordial with them while there. After you go there, please let us know what you learned. It will help other youths in love.
Instead of fighting, please play the media game to hurt them. Collect all information and then share here and on other web sites. Write to all news papers. Expose them.
If you could, please prepare 5 min video of your experience exposing the church’s practices and send us. We will put it on the you tube.