Malaysian Chinese Muslim girl with a Malaysian Chinese

Nana says: July 17, 2018 at 8:16 pm

Hi may I know if a Malaysian Chinese Muslim girl want to get married a Malaysian Chinese guy without convert can it be? In other countries like Singapore or overseas? And if they have a children that born in other countries do they child need to convert to a Muslim when going back to Malaysia? Can give me some advice.. thank you. -Nana

Nana says: July 20, 2018 at 12:20 am

Ok, i am a msian working in Singapore so I will try to get the PR here and settle down in here because I don’t want in future my children have to facing the same problem like me. I come from a mix family my Mum is a Malay and my Dad is a Chinese convert to Muslim so I am a Chinese born Muslim. My Boyfriend is a Chinese and his family disapproval me and him together but we will try to get over this and try to look for any other way to solve this problem.

More information: Malaysia Marriage laws, Sharia, Singapore marriage laws, Koran on Hindus?
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  • qqbean
    March 20, 2019 6:15 pm

    Hi Nana, I’m in the exact situation as you, I’m planning to get a PR in singapore too. Could you tell me the details on how to get a PR ? I really needed some advise or help

    • March 22, 2019 11:12 pm

      Dear qqbean,

      Are you a Muslim or in love with a Malay? Are you ever planning to go settle back in Malaysia?

      • March 23, 2019 7:53 am

        Hi, I’m a muslim (Father is Malay, Mom is chinese and converts when married), dating a Chinese guy. I do not wish for him to convert and i am a free thinker, had been living the chinese lifestyle ever since. At first i thought that i would go to singapore to get a pr and get my marriage over there as well. It would be best to settle in malaysia cz of our families. But I’m not so sure how. As i am a free thinker i would hope that i could convert as well…. however knowing that malaysia doesn’t allow one to do so..

        Reply at

  • Nana
    July 20, 2018 8:46 pm

    Yes I know that why I don’t want him to convert and don’t want our future children will having the same issue.
    For my Father I have never ask him about this and he is not around already. For my Mother of course she hoping I can find my own love and happiness but she hope the person can embrace to Islam for definitely. I have never told her about my bf parent don’t approved our relationship. But I just hope that I can find a way for us. We are really hard in this relationship, me and him is long distance relationship, I am working in Singapore and he is working in Malaysia, we seldom can meet so we must try very very hard to our relationship.

    • July 21, 2018 12:20 am

      Dear Nana,

      We can understand that you have very difficult roads to cross ahead. With so many road blocks, it make life very difficult. We feel all these religious intolerance disappear and people start truly loving and respecting other fellow citizens of this world.

      Sorry to hear about your father “he is not around”. We wish you had chance of finding out why he converted.

      You should talk to your mother about what you feel about your life make (this or for other guy). She may be a person of closed mind but it is your duty to educate her.

      If you are a free thinker, Malaysia is not a place for you. In rest of world, there is so much liberty and freedom to express you faith (or no faith) but that is not possible in Muslim majority countries.

      What do you think of all laws made by Malaysian government relating whom Muslims can marry to? Is this fair?

      Will you boy friend move to Singapore? Can he get visa to move to S.pore? At least this way, you are together. Best wishes.

      • Nana
        July 21, 2018 5:33 am

        Hi admin,
        I will try for gettting my own PR here 1st and change to citizen and definitely he will come here if I have settle all things here and I will help him getting his visa if not we will try to immigrate to others country. This is the only thing we can do now. Hope during this period everything can be smooth. Thank you for ur wishes.

  • Gokusan
    July 19, 2018 1:08 am

    Salam sister,

    Are you an atheist?

    • Nana
      July 20, 2018 12:24 am

      Hi Gokusan
      Ya I am a free thinker

  • July 18, 2018 8:56 pm

    Dear Nana,

    Malay Muslims are very unfair to minorities. They have set up a trap to convert the rest to Islam. You should read Malaysian marriage laws as suggested above. Also read Sharia practices.

    Yes, you can marry and register your marriage in Singapore as Muslim and non-Muslim. However, Malay government will not approve this union as married couple. Further, if you are married outside, you must disclose to Malay government in 6 months (read below). Further, they will want (only option) Muslim couples children to be Muslim only. One day, your children will have to get MyKad and before getting their MyKad they will check all documentations.

    Remember, conversion to Islam is a non-reversible act. Muhammad said: “Whoever changes his Islamic religion, then kill him.” (Bukhari 9.84.57). Further, conversion out of Islam is consider a serious crime in most Muslim majority countries. For these reasons, we recommend not to fake-convert just to please Malay government. Let us know how else we can help, best wishes.

    Source: A marriage registered under the laws of a foreign country must be re-registered at the Malaysian Representative Office within 6 months of the date of marriage. If a couple having married outside Malaysia will not be able to register their Muslim to non-Muslim marriage in Malaysia and their children will not have benefit of Malaysian citizenship (read). If the Muslim/non-Muslim couple married overseas and comes to Malaysia, and someone called the authorities on them, the Syariah Authority will likely arrest the Muslim partner for zina and khalwat (since the marriage is not recognized in Malaysia; read).

    • Nana
      July 18, 2018 11:46 pm

      Hi admin,
      So that mean if the children come back msia they have to convert to muslim right? So if they leave Malaysia and don’t ever come back will be the best way right?

      • July 19, 2018 7:35 pm

        As far we understood, if you or children are planning to settle in Masia, you may face issues from the authority. If you are only visiting or planning to live there here and there few months, you may get by without converting. In most of rest of non-Muslim majority nations, you have full freedom and liberty to follow you faith/no-faith. Now a question for you, how will you get permanent residency in the country (eg. Singapore) you wish to settle for ever there?

        • Nana
          July 20, 2018 12:20 am

          Hi admin
          Ok, i am a msian working in Singapore so I will try to get the PR here and settle down in here because I don’t want in future my children have to facing the same problem like me. I come from a mix family my Mum is a Malay and my Dad is a Chinese convert to Muslim so I am a Chinese born Muslim. My Boyfriend is a Chinese and his family disapproval me and him together but we will try to get over this and try to look for any other way to solve this problem.

          • July 20, 2018 5:59 pm

            Dear Nana,
            Please don’t trap your boy friend to convert to Islam. If he does, it is called love-Jihad. Let him remain free thinker, legally and morally. It is great idea to give a gift to your own children to be free thinkers and let them decide their own religious fate, even being an atheist.

            Can you ask your dad why did he converted? Did he saw value in Islam what he did not had as a Buddhist or atheist? Did he thought that his children and great great grand children will be forced to be Muslim only, even they don’t want to be? What he has to say for your planned marriage? What you Muslim Mother has to say for your planned marriage to a non-Muslim? We are curious, do get back to us, thanks.

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