Human-O says: January 26, 2014 at 11:13 pm
I am based in singapore and have would be glad to help you. i have crossed the river uou are trying to and can guide you. Its illegal in Malaysia, a muslim can not be married to non-muslim. But if there is a will, there is a way.
1. We got married in India with proper hindu ritual and function (Without letting her parents know)
2. We got married in Singapore under civil law (without any convertion)
3. We paid money and got the muslim marriage certificate from overseas and registered our marriage in Malaysia. Just a piece of paper can’t change someone believe. right?
4. Kids born in Singapore with independence of religion as Indian Citizen and we are raising them with good values of both religion and not to believe in just one religion. Best thing about India is that while registering the child, it do not ask for the religion of child to state in the paper
My view: Both party needs to understand and respect each others believe. Since we wanted to be together, we both took extra steps to make it happen…Raising one child Hindu & one Child Muslim is like raising the boundary among selves. Rather let them be free to learn the good things and make decision when they grow up without any influence or hidden agenda. If you go to temple, bring your kids along too or possibly your wife too..If she wants to to pray and wants to bring kids to mosque, let it be. Pls do not create limitations or boundaries between each others believe. And i don;t believe in the theory that kids will be confused…Rather they will be more mature and good human being. -Human
Humano says: January 29, 2014 at 8:59 pm
It was not an easy road for us and we went through tough times and lot of stress. But since we wanted to be together, we found a way. I am glad to say that. And would love to to extra miles to help and guide others if they feel like giving up the love because of religion issues! Like Admin has said in one of the comment – It’s our payback! -HUmano
Admin says: January 29, 2014 at 10:37 pm
Did you used a Muslim name for your Nikaah?
Do you carry a Muslim name in your passport/legal documents or your Hindu original name?
Do you have Hindu Gods/deities in your home?
Do your wife attend a temple in Malaysia when you go?
Will your children have Arabic names and raised Muslims?
We are glad that you did not use your real name on this site. What would be the situation if someone close by go disclose to the Malaysia authority that you have a fake-Nikahnama document? -Admin
HumanO says: January 30, 2014 at 1:20 am
Did you used a Muslim name for your Nikaah? – Yes! That’s mandatory, but i don’t care that on a piece of paper.
Do you carry a Muslim name in your passport/legal documents or your Hindu original name? – Not at all! That’s not required.
Do you have Hindu Gods/deities in your home? – Yes! besides Quran only!
Do your wife attend a temple in Malaysia when you go? – Yes!
Will your children have Arabic names and raised Muslims? – Our children name is common in both religion. which do not label them as Hindu/Muslim.
We are glad that you did not use your real name on this site. What would be the situation if someone close by go disclose to the Malaysia authority that you have a fake-Nikahnama document? – Let them be, Our documents are real not fake and properly approved by authorities.
admin says: January 30, 2014 at 7:03 am
In eyes of Muslims, you have committed sin. However, probably in eyes of Allah, you are following love and defying irrational national authority. On the Judgment Day, probably Allah will congratulate you and your wife for respecting each other’s faith.
We wish you good luck, please come to guide others.-Admin
Country | Reference |
Malaysia Marriage laws | Malaysian Marriage Laws, Expert’s advise and Marriage Between Muslim and Non-Muslim. Malaysian Government’s site, also read Malaysia interfaith couples |
UK Marriage Laws | Advise from one expert |
Singapore marriage laws | Singapore’s secular laws |
Also read:
Malaysian Marriage laws – a MUST read
A Hindu cannot marry a Muslim in Malasia, Never fake-convert, Love with a Malaysian Muslim, Muslim girl, Hindu boy, Shasha, Intolerants, Idols, pluralism, SRK-can you do it? Zakir Naik, Can Allah be the Father God? Hindu-Christian Married Life in America, Christian-Hindu marriages, Hindu-Jew marriages, Jain-Muslim marriages, Sikh-Muslim marriages, Brahmin-Muslim marriages, Hindu-Muslim marriages, Inter-race-Inter-faith marriages, Jew-Muslim marriages, Christian-Muslim marriages, Who is God?, Bollywood and Interfaith Marriages.
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Hi, thanks for writing this (even though it was a long time ago now). I wish I found this sooner.
I need help. I am Malaysian Muslim and married to a Singaporean non-muslim under civil law 2 yrs ago. We tried to apply for me to move to SG but it the application was rejected by the immigrations department. We also tried to apply for Australian PR but the application was not successful. I am at my wits end and we don’t know what else we can do.
Thank you for addressing the complexities of marriage and conversion in Singapore. Your insights promote understanding and dialogue across cultural and religious boundaries.
Thank you for this insightful article on navigating the intricacies of married Muslim conversion in Singapore. It offers a treasured standpoint on the prison and cultural aspects, shedding mild on an necessary topic. Well-written and informative, assisting readers apprehend the complexities involved. Great job!”
Hahahaha it’s a joke marriage.
In Islam a marriage is illegal without converting to Islam for man to marry a Muslim woman.
She can cheat the law but not Allah. It’s the same as she make zina sex without married or with illegal fake marriage. Nothing changes.
If have children it’s totally harami hahahaha mean born out of wedlock. Now who you want to satisfied by fake paper? Your self or Allah?
You are making fool of your self that’s all.
No one can see what she do or a Muslim do behind close door but the account is already credited for everything she or he do inkfe.
Hi. Good afternoon.
I feel lucky to see this post, as I planning to marry with my bf from Iraq (Muslim) in Singapore. I am Chinese from Malaysia with Singapore PR. Both of us working in Singapore.
Same query is, am I must convert to Muslim if I register our marriage in Malaysia in future? As he is not Malaysian.
Malaysia is my country so maybe in future we will go back there at retire age.
Wed not idolatresses till they believe; for lo! a believing bondwoman is better than an idolatress though she please you; and give not your daughters in marriage to idolaters till they believe, for lo! a believing slave is better than an idolater though he please you. These invite unto the Fire and Allah inviteth unto the Garden, and unto forgiveness by His grace, and expoundeth His revelations to mankind that haply they may remember. (Koran 221)
may i know any updates on this as i am considering marriage with a malay girl and im chinese , both of us are working in singapore but may go back to malaysia in the future. Both of us are malaysian. Hope you can give some insights on this
Dear TK,
Are you ready to convert to Islam? If not, your interfaith marriage will not be approved in Malaysia. Read more here (Hindu Chinese the same!)
May I get insights and update on this as I’m a Malaysian chinese considering marriage with a Malaysian malay. Thank youuu
Hi! I am Christian singaporean and my boyfriend is Muslim Malaysian. I do not wish to convert. We are planning to have ceremony in Malaysia and register in Singapore (so i dont have to convert). But where and how did you get the muslim cert to register in malaysia? Please advise what i can do. thank you!!
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Hi, I’m in a similar situation. My bf (muslim) and I (Christian) plan to go thru with civil marriage. Would like to have more intels on how other interfaith couples cope with their family, friends and future.
Hi Amelia,
We are glad you reached out to us. That may save you lots of aggravations later. No two interfaith marriage cases are the same.
First, let us know how much you being a Christian important to you. If for some reason, you are asked to be a Muslim, with Muslim name and no more a Christian, is that okay with you and your family. Note this is just a hypothetical question to understand how your faith is important to you. Are you also like C who said “I do not wish to convert”?
Are you planning to settle in Singapore or in Malaysia?
Is he an open minded and considerate Muslim? We meant does he know you are a Christian? Does he has any problem with that fact?
Hi Amelia, I’m also in a same situation. I wonder if you and your bf figured it out ? I would love to have a chat with you
Hi admin..
Im a malay sgporean going to get married with a indian malaysian.. going to register in singapore.
A quick qtn. Do u declare yr marriage cert in malaysia embassy?
If u do. Does the malaysia embassy required him to convert?
On “Does the malaysia embassy required him to convert?”, YES. Read Malaysian state laws. They will not register Muslim-non-Muslim marriage.
Hello admin, im from msia, both my bf n i. Im muslim n my bf is christian (in his id) but an atheist. He doesnt want to convert so we both decided to get married oversea and yes in sgapore. My questions is Where did u get ur muslim marriage certificate? We can use that cert to register our marriage in msia right?
Dear Bella,
As much as you wish, Malaysian government will not let you get around their requirement. We cannot verify experiences of Human-O above. This is what we believe…
Do get back with more questions.
Hi admin where to buy muslim marriage cert
So basically the thing is your wife is not muslim when she associated others with Allah and frankly she has done worst of sins when associating others and she is not duping herself to go towards the way of hell and she is dragging her chidren too.
are you stupid?
Hi may I know if a Malaysian Chinese Muslim girl want to get married a Malaysian Chinese guy without convert can it be? In other countries like Singapore or overseas? And if they have a children that born in other countries do they child need to convert to a Muslim when going back to Malaysia? Can give me some advice.. thank you
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ihave a same question with you. please advise
Hi Shamimi,
Can you give little more information about your particular situation? Meantime, please read Marriage Laws in Malaysia above. Best.
Hiello admin if you’re reading this then I would really glad to have a discussion with you. I’m a nno muslim planning on getting married to muslim guy. It’s is crucial for both of us!
Hi Donna,
We can help you. We assume you are from Malaysia, you are Christian and your bf Muslim, is that true? Give us details and we can help.
Please view/read these:
Omg yes admin! You got all right bout me.. I’m from x and my fiance is from x Malaysia.. well he was born in USA before they moved there..
My family has approved our relationship so did my fiance’s sister. He never want me to convert unwillingly but i don’t mind if our future children grew up to be a muslim and they do have a choice once they are adults. We are thinking of marrying in a traditional way as I’m from x tribe so we could just obtain our marriage cert. from the village head.. what do you think? Or maybe we could just moved somewhere like in USA. Do you think there are priest out there brave enought to conduct our marriage ceremony secretly and obtain the civil marriage cert. maybe only the groom, bride, 2 witness and a priest.. how bout that..? How could the love surpasses the religions.. even God and religions acknowledged love.. on the other hand, The laws are made by man.. please feel free to contact me at x Thank you! ( :
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We are planing to get married but theres no way that my mom would want him to still be a christian, i’m a muslim.
We don’t care about religion as long as we are happy together.
Please advise.
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Hi I am facing same issue with Donna, can you please email me for the guidance thanks
Please read what we said to Donna at Are you ready to be a Muslim wife and give up your Christian faith?
I can read admin and various others messages. Onething is very much clear that if you both are truly love each other then there is not a all necessary to convert other religion.
Who ever saying that to marry a Muslim you need to convert is utter nonsense and no truth about it. Did God yell to do that! Answer is BIG NO. These are self styled preachers who are scared of their own religion so forcing people to convert.
Believe in yourself, parents (cause whom you are here), your own culture and traditions, faith with whom you can associated. How on earth someone can think to convert to Islam to marry a girl or boy because he or she fall in love. By disowning your own faith, parents and culture is the biggest SIN you ever did. You will be cursed and rotten in hell. Understand Hinduism (Santana dharna) is the oldest existing religion on planet, most of South Asian or South East Asians were either Hindus or Buddhism, they were forcibly converted by Arabs.
Stop spreading this ballant lie that you need to convert Islam before you marry a Muslim. Those Hindus who are willing to convert just sake to marry a girl or boy then disowned your own identity, I pray Almighty Shiva will curse you and you all will rot in hell. I also don’t encourage to convert of believers to Hinduism, let them enjoy their belief too. Om Namah Shivay
Please give me another option as this is way beyond my expenses, me and my partner have been together for sometime and just like you humano we have respected each others believe from the beginning…i am an hindu and would like it to be that way! could you please give me a better option like is there a country that i can ask for asylum based on religion? please help?
We assume you are from Malaysia, is that correct?
Can you settle in Singapore?
Is she willing to go against her (Muslim) parents?
Give us more details and we can talk, thanks.
Currently living in Malaysia and lovingly Muslim guy in malaysia.
Both of us planning to get marry without convert..
Can we immediately get marry in Singapore?
We paid money and got the muslim marriage certificate from overseas and registered our marriage in Malaysia. >>> which country was this certificate from & how did you obtain it?
Hi Curiouss,
If you are in love with a Muslim from Malaysia and wishes to settle in Malaysia, it is going to be next to impossible. You and your children will need an ID card and government will ask all kind of documentations to give you the ID card. Visiting M.Asia may be okay but settling will be difficult. Read laws at
Hi, im an indian muslim girl from Malaysia. My bofriend is an Hindu. We both are in a relationship for a long time. I prefer to marry him without askinmg him to convert to Muslim. Since we are both Malaysian Citizen,is that possible for us to follow the way u shared above? is that possible for me to marry him without converting himself? Please Reply. Thank you
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Hi, I’m a Muslim girl and my bf is an Indian. He working at Singapore. We in relationship for three years. Basically I’m a Muslims by name only because I’m a mix girl which my mother is Indian and my father is Muslims from Indonesia and married my mum. My mum convert to Muslims because of my father but then she still following all the Indian tradition. Me it self I don’t want my partner to convert since I’m not following that religion. And he also don’t want to convert.since small I have been live as Indian. But then wen it comes to marriage life what should I do. He don’t want to convert and me itself I don’t follow the religion. We want to live as Hindu. Is there any possibility to married without convert. Because basically I’m following Indian religion and culture.
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I just broke up with my bf whom is a Muslim due to this conversion issues. We have been together for 3yrs and had many ups and Downs together. From my dad not being able to accept me having a Malay bf to him going for CNY visiting with me for the last 2 CNY celebrations.
As much as we know that we are able to have a civil marriage in sg, he mentioned that he would still like to respect his mum and would want me to just sign the document and show his mum as a paperwork only. But my family is a strict taoist and my mum has just recently became a Chinese medium.
We knee in our hearts that this is not what we wanted.. But we just have to get break from each other as we had been fighting alot for the past 12-18months. And it all boils down to this conversion issue.
I would like to know if I’m able to pay for a “fake” conversion cert to show his parents (would you be able to advise onto where I can get it?) 1but then register our marriage as civil marriage?
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Please help me. I am an Indian hindu working in Malaysia and my boyfriend is an Indian muslim, we want to marry and respect each other religion and no one wants to convert. Is it possible for 2 expats from muslim and non muslim background to marry. Please suggest.
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Hello. I am a Malaysian Chinese girl and I am dating an Iranian Shia-Muslim boy. We are currently living in Malaysia.
He does not practice anything that has to do with Islam due to his upbringing and personal beliefs. His family are very open-minded people. He definitely understands that I do not want to convert to Islam. He respects Chinese practices and is willing to learn about different cultures and so am I open to learning about Islam. However, I do not want to convert because I understand that there are many strings attached to it.
My questions are these:
1. Can I marry him in a Non-Islamic country (such as Singapore, or in Europe), without converting?
2. Will my marriage be legal?
3. If yes, what are the steps? Register, Nikkah, etc? Do give me details how I can proceed with it!
4 Will I be able to buy a house with him and live in Malaysia together as husband and wife? Or do I have to live in a Non-Islamic country?
5. Will the authorities have an issue with our marriage in Malaysia?
6. Will our children have “Islam” stated in their documents?
I’m sorry if I’m troubling you. I just need to have clarified answers because I really do love my boyfriend. It would be heartbreaking to break up solely because of the law’s sake. Please share any knowledge or experienxe you have on this. Thank you.
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Would love to know the outcome too
Hi Malaysian Chinese Girl… may i know if you already have a solution?
Dear Anne,
We have sent a request to the Chinese girl, we hope she will come back.
However, do not be hopeful, but do see our replies here
Hi Admin,
I am a non muslim (christian) man and in the verge of breaking up a 9 years relationship with a muslim woman because my parents would disowned me once i convert into Islam. I really love her but in the meantime would not want to lose my family as well.
After reading Human-O’s perspective and assuming he’s a Malaysian, i am just wondering how he managed to get the marriage registered. Also if we were to marry in Singapore, do they allow non citizens to perform their marriage there? If yes, does the marriage certificate carry any weight in Malaysia?
Another thing, how to register the children birth certificate if it doesnt carry any weight in my home country.
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He converted to muslim in Malaysia probably during Nikka (may be wrong spelling) aka religious wedding ceremony if i am not wrong. Then he became a muslim and got married and registered his marriage.
Dear admin,
Please help me. I am a christian who is interested in marrying my boyfriend who is a muslim. We have been together for almost 3 years now. However, his parents are very religious and i do not know how to go about with our marriage.
1) I know that in Singapore we can register under the civil marriage, does this mean that there is no need for conversion?
2) Is it true that if something bad happens to my “husband’s” my future children will automatically belong to my “husband’s” family?
3) If we register under the civil marriage, is it still necessary to do the muslim certification?
Please advise me on this. Thank you.
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am indian muslim
Are you in interfaith love relationship?
I am truly amazed & encouraged by the author if this case is real! I strongly agree with theres a will, theres a way. Thats what my bf & I are goin thru. I told him I dont wana convert into Islam if he wana marry me in Malaysia cz I know its a one way journey & no turning back in Malaysia (which is kinda unfair) but theres no guarantee the marriage will last forever (like till death do us apart). I want my kids to enjoy religion freedom too & be open minded to learn about other religions (which is not gonna happen in Msia). I dont mind to get it one in other countries as long as not in Msia. I wana die as a Buddhist cz I wana donate all my organs & burn my body into ashes & placed at d columbarium for my family to visit me anytime. I hv heard alot about Muslim convert having conflicts with the religion. For example, a girl married a muslim then divorced & her family fight over her body when shes dead with the ppl from the religious dept! How do u expect her family which is non Muslim to visit her grave in a Muslim cemetary looking at how the public would react? She died lonely for sure & her family is not gonna visit her grave! Muslims in other countries are truly enjoying what freedom of religion is but not Msian Muslims even though the law says we enjoy freedom of religion. Thats just plain bullshit when u ‘force’ Muslim convert to stay & die as Muslims even after divorce.
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hi , im ameera,
im arab muslim girl , im in love with a catholic boy we are dating for one year now, however he wants to settle down and marry me but hes not sure that he can convert to islam.i dont know how to convince him, he also said he might convert to islam as temporary and later he will convert back to his origin religion after our marriage.
pls guide me here….give me the best solution.
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Hi ameera, if your catholic bf refuse to accept islam, then you refuse him to marry. Tell him Islam doesn’t allow marriage with non-muslim men, it only allows if men accept islam by heart not fake conversion just for marriage. Show him Quran verse 2:221 that why you can’t marry him. And don’t marry him knowing he is fake convertin, ask him why he is forcing you to go against your religion, if he really loves you why he is making you stand against your religion?
well like mac says: if he loves u then why is he making u stand against your own religion.. well if u really love him them why are u trying to convert him and make him go against his own religion why can’t both of u just believe in love and follow ur own religions and be with each other as husband and wife..for get what religion says.. no one follows religion to the core.. we all do more wont make any difference..
Marry him. I am a Syrian Muslim and married a Catholic Brazilian. It was the best decision of my life. I am well treated and respected, he respects my religion and I his. Religion is personal to each, the important thing in life is to do good and be a good person.
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hi, congratulations to your happy marriage. guide me, a chinese non-muslim with a muslim. we are very happy living together, but no lawfully married.
Is it a sin for a muslim to be living together with his partner but not lawfully married ?
Is it fine, if we go through civil marriage but not the MUSLIM MARRIAGE (Singapore)?
please advise, are these sins as a muslim ? will my partner be despised by others ?
thank you.
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U can still marry him and register your marriage in Msia but I dont recommend that as the religious dept ppl will disturb your bf to make him to convert. But if u wana register ur marriage in Msia & If you are not a Malaysian, then your bf is safe from conversion. Conversion is only compulsory when a non muslim marry a Malaysian muslim.
As long as both of u respect each others religion, that is fine & ur marriage will last a lifetime. Loving someone does not make another person to convert & conversion does not guarantee u a happy & long lasting marriage. Let ur kids to learn about both religion so they can enjoy what ‘freedom of religion’ truly means.
I am a catholic who is interested in marrying a muslim girl. The main reason preventing the marriage from happening is obvious.
I have gone for the classes for conversion but am not ready to do so do to some family issues.
1) I have 2 kids from a previous marriage. Should I convert now, they will lose their inheritance from their grandparents.
2) To get married in the syariah court I’ll to product a conversion card, which of course I do not have.
How can I get around this?
I am truly in love with her and want to marry her the right way, yet I cannot let my kids lose what is theirs for their future.
Is it possible to get a muslim conversion card elsewhere and use it in Singapore?
She doesn’t know I am enquiring about this.
Hi Pete,
Read Malaysian laws very carefully. Read details here First you MUST convert if you wish to marry a Muslim and settle in Malaysia. Second, conversion to Islam is a one way street, even after your divorce, you cannot convert back to any other faith, never! is that okay with you?
Your children are independent from your new marriage and thus they could continue their own faith. However, how do you expect a father-mother following one faith and children different?
3. We paid money and got the muslim marriage certificate from overseas and registered our marriage in Malaysia.
May I know how did you get you do this? I am a Hindu boy planning to marry my muslim girlfriend. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Are you planning to settle in India or Malaysia?
If Malaysia, only option you have is to convert to Islam, be 100% Muslim and 0% Hindu and die as a Muslim. Read more at . Let us know if you want to know more.
Pls guide me through, Thanks very much Huamn-O.
1. Any couple can have its wedding function (Without letting her parents know) -ok
2. We got married in Singapore under civil law (without any convertion) -really can do it in Singapore?
3. We paid money and got the muslim marriage certificate from overseas and registered our marriage in Malaysia. How to do it??
4. What if Kids born in Singapore with independence of religion as Malaysian Citizen? anyway to do it legally?
Human-O has not been visiting this site but let us answer to our best knowledge.
1. Any couple can have its wedding function (Without letting her parents know) -ok -Generally civil wedding respect two adults wishes and may have some notification rule. Check with the country where you wish to file for civil wedding.
2. We got married in Singapore under civil law (without any conversion) -really can do it in Singapore? -YES (also in most other secular countries, including in India)
3. We paid money and got the muslim marriage certificate from overseas and registered our marriage in Malaysia. How to do it?? -Sorry this is not going to work out. After Nikaah, you have to register your marriage in Malaysia as two Muslims. Cheating will not go a long way.
4. What if Kids born in Singapore with independence of religion as Malaysian Citizen? anyway to do it legally? For Malay, they have to identify if they are Muslim or not. If you lie in your citizenship papers, it can be revoked any time the authority finds it out.
Hi every one im glad to find this conversation about interfaith marriage. Iam married catholic woman with my previous catholic husband we have separated but not legally, now i have a malaysian boyfriend for a year and we are planning to get married. My question is if ever i had converted to islam as iam welling to, before our marriage, is my previous catholic marriage will be invalid, since i have change my names from converting into islam. Does it mean i dont need to do the legal separation between my X husband. Or was it compulsary for me to do the legal separation on my previous marriage before i can get married again to a muslim man.
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Please do advice me as we both in malaysia. Planning to marry in Singapore.. Can we done that immediately or need a Singapore PR?
Singapore may allow you to marry but Malaysia will not let you register your marriage to a Muslim and will be a big issue for you. Read laws here…
Dont worry. U can still register ur marriage in Msia and ur wife is saved from conversion as conversion is only compulsory when a non muslim marry a malaysian muslim. Since ur wife is a malaysian chinese buddhist and u r not a malaysian, ur wife doesnt hv to convert. But I cannot guarantee u that ur wife will not be bothered by d religious dept ppl if u reg ur marriage here. To be safe, jz register ur marrige in another country sp ur wife & kids can truly enjoy wat freedom of religion means and expose ur kids to different religions so they can b open minded and choose their preferred religion in d future but dont convert in msia as it is a one way journey and no turning back
I am a Malaysian Muslim guy planning to marry my Christian Malaysian girl in Singapore. Please share with me how I can buy this muslim marriage certificate so I can register our marriage in Malaysia?
We do not believe this trick of fooling Malay government will work, at least in term of long run. This for the following reasons:
1) If any of your relative go and inform sharia court, you will be in deep trouble right there and 2)
2) What religious identity will go on for your children’s card? … and what would be Mother’s faith and name?
Iam an indian hindu and mah girlfriend shes from indonesia shes muslim..
I have another question if me and my girlfriend ran out of house and get merry here in india after that what will happen?
if her parents lodge a case there in indonesia well can they do anything to us?
and if we will get merry here in india then we will get settel here but will our marraige will be legally accepted there in indonesian government too?
i just want to say that we love each other even we are ready to leave our parents but after our marraige can we live freely without any problems from police or if her parents lodge a case on us that all my questions please reply
hi , my name is abinash iam an india and a hindu. My Girlfriend shes from indonesia and shes a muslim girl we cant to merry but without getting converted and without even to let her parents know about our marraige.
we will later on try to agree our parents for us.
Can we Merry to each other in indonesia without getting converted?
Can we Merry in some other countries if we can not merry in indonesia?
After Our Marraige, If her parents try to lodge a police case then what will happen?
Can we settel here in india after our inter-religion marraige please help me please
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Hi…im a hindu girl..but working in singapore and holding employment pass…my fiancee is a hindu muslim and he is a malaysian . can i marry him without convert my self to muslim ? ? Both of us in love for 12 years . ..still couldn’t find the answer . …and both of us still waiting for our bright future . …
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Is it possible for an Indian Muslim man and a hindu girl from Malaysia to get married in Singapore without converting? If it is possible, can we come to Malaysia on visits later on?
Hi Tina,
Yes, you could marry in Singapore.
May be, you could visit back to Malaysia as a visitor.
No way, you cannot settle ever in Malaysia and raise children in two faiths in Malaysia (read more here
If we want to get married in Singapore, do we need to become a permanent Singapore citizens first ? Since he is a Malaysian muslim and I am a Malaysian hindu,will there be a problem in terms of religion for our children in their birth cert?
Tina, Answer to your questions are
“If we want to get married in Singapore, do we need to become a permanent Singapore citizens first ?” NO
“Since he is a Malaysian muslim and I am a Malaysian hindu,will there be a problem in terms of religion..” YES and NO. If you marry by Islamic Nikaah, you will have to convert to Islam. Same way a Muslim cannot participate in a Hindu vivaha. For all these reasons, if you decide to get married by a secular civil wedding in Singapore and settle in a non-Muslim country, there will not be any legal issue.
“…for our children in their birth cert?”, yes, Malaysian government will not approve your Hindu-Muslim marriage and even you will have to change your identity as “Muslim” after Nikaah. Thus there is no question about your children, they MUST be Muslims only in Malaysia. Read more at
Did you manage to find a solution?
Hi Human-O,
I am a Malaysian Buddhist and my partner is a Pakistani Muslim. As expected, my parents totally rejected the idea of me converting to Islam. And it is not possible to marry here in Msia without converting. What should I do? Can we go and settle down n get married under Spore’s civil law without me having to convert?
Would you have converted to Islam if you never met this guy?
Are you considering to convert to Islam on its merits over many other religions, including great Buddhism?
We agree to your parents not to fake-convert just for marriage.
Are you planning to live outside Msia or in? If considering to settle in M.Sia, then read our answer here ..
Hi I’m Buddhist and my be is Indian Muslim. We are planning to get married soon in sgp. Is there any problem for me if I re-register in msia ?
YES. You cannot settle in Malaysia without conversion. Yes, you could get away as married without conversion for a few years, but not long in Malaysia. You will need an ID for your children, what will be their faith? What will be the (Muslim) name of their mother?
Read all these
Hello Human-O,
Appreciate if you could offer some advice and guidance. I am a native Malaysian non-Muslim, while my fiancé is a native Malaysian Muslim. I cannot bear to convert because it is against my faith and my fiancé understands this. However, we are both under pressure from both our parents; his is adamant that I convert while mine is vice versa. We were planning to get a marriage certificate from the registrar of marriage but it has come to our knowledge that we cannot do that unless I convert. We thought of getting our marriage certificate overseas but we are not familiar of the procedure or do we know which country that allows inter-religious marriages. The pressure is immense now that my parent wishes that I get married soon, while his parent gave my fiancé the ultimatum – have me convert or leave me.
I would be grateful if you could offer some advise as to how we can go about this matter, getting married without the need of sacrificing our faiths. Which country can we go to if we are looking to get a marriage certificate? Will the certificate be recognised under Malaysian law? If not, what do we need to do to obtain a Muslim marriage certificate? We do plan to have a private ceremony once we obtained our marriage certificate, and once we do, we believe that our parents would not have much to say because it is our lives to begin with.
We both look forward to your reply.
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I would love to know what was the solution as I am in similar situation. Hope to hear your reply.
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Hi Lala,
Can you give details? We can help. Are you a Muslim or non-Muslim Malaysian?
A non Muslim Malaysian staying in Singapore. I know civil marriage is allowed here. But what happens when you need to renew your passport? Or when you have kids? Would you be able to
Go back to Malaysia to
Visit? Would you need to
Back seperately?
If the authority finds out, what would be the worst thing that could happen ?
Is your friend Muslim? Which country is he/she from?
Read laws here…
They are both Malaysians. One is Muslim and the other is non Muslim.
What would be the solution?
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God and the Universe be blessful to all here…
I am so glad to know and after years of being spiritually blind and shrouded by political agendas, I have decided to be true to self..
I do not have much to say now except…I am glad to know of people who have the truth in them to know to live Love instead of Fear because:
God the Creator is Love, Mercy and Compassionate; it is insane to think of hell or condemnation on the context of difference. What is worse is indifference to injustice.
God Bless all. nice to know you.
Hi admin..
I am a malaysian Non muslim..
My girlfriend is a Indonesian muslim..
My girlfriend plan to convert to christian in Indonesia.. after that we plan to marry since both will be non muslim . . After she covert, will there be any issue in malaysia..
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Hi Admin,
Ladies Malaysian are non-muslim, Men are Pakistan both relationship for 7yrs plan to get married.
Both want to stay in Malaysia, due to Malaysia law must convert to muslim. The Ladies do not agree to convert, it find with men side.
Name of babe in future follow papa surname, religion in free tinker?
Kindly advice,
First it is hard to believe a Pakistani Muslim is not asking to convert to non-Muslim. Lets assume that is correct. How about children, can they follow two faiths? Go to Singapore and get married by secular court marriage. Will that work for you two?
Im a Chinese Malaysian and my husband is a Singaporean malay. I/ve converted. We have gone through the nikah in Indon. Now i need a marriage cert because indon doesn’t provide one to prove that we are married. Can i know how to get the marriage cert from overseas?
Please reply to my email
Thank You.
We are not aware why Indoneshia will not give a marriage certificate based on our Nikaah? What is their issue? May be you may have to go there in person. Alternatively, can you register your marriage again in your country? Sorry, we do not know such knowledge.
I’m a businessman and Indian Malaysian origin, gfriend is a Malay doctor… If this is workable to get married across the border , however to me migrating is not an option yet as my business is growing(pretty important).. If we get married in Singapore and do the necessary rituals, can we live in Msia without facing trouble.
To go to Singapore and getting married in secular way is not an issue. Further, coming to Malaysia and staying this way for a short time will not be an issue. However, if some one report to the authority that a Hindu and Muslim are married, that will be an issue with Malay police. Further, what will it say in identity card for your children, Hindu or Muslim? We feel it will be an issue on a long run. Malay government will never approve officially your Hindu-Muslim marriage. Let us know if you know any way around it. Why don’t you go ask the Malay government marriage bureau, let us know what you learned. Best wishes.
good morning.i am a catholic man with two big kids and my friend who is a muslim girl with 3 big kids.i am interested to marry her.i acnt convert because i promise my mum and if will be confusing for my kids.i would love to marry her. we both respect each other religion and we not planning to have kids.pls is not fair to have religion to be the obstacle.
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Hello Human-O,
Could you tell us where you got the muslim marriage certificate from overseas?
Don’t try to fool Malaysia government. Even after 15 years, your lies could put you in trouble. If there is no interest in converting, don’t fake-convert, simple!
hi human-0,
im a buddhist and my boyfriend is a muslim, we are both from malaysia. We have plans of marriage and i wouldnt mind converting. but im wondering how do we raise our children. Can i bring my children to temple? can i teach them about buddhism? can we still pratice both religions?
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Hi I’m a Malaysian Christian boy and my girl is a Malaysian Muslim girl.both of us are planning to get married and both of us got no problem with our religion but the problem is our parents,her parents will only allow us to get married if I convert to Islam and my parents got no problem with me get married to her but they don’t want me to convert.. I just don’t want to hurt my parents and the same goes for her is there anything that we can do.please I really need some guidance..
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Hi all,
We are a couple muslim guy + christian lady will have a civil wedding in Singapore.
We also planning to have a religious muslim wedding in Singapore, preferably in the mosque.
Anyone can advise if this is doable ?? and if anyone knows an imam in Singapore who support interfaith marriage and might willing to lead the process of muslim wedding ??
Appreciate for any advise or information that would help us this perseverance couple who is pushing hard to make this wedding happen
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Hi Admin,
Just to add on —
Basically, my partner is happy to convert into Islam as long as there’s no legal or official documentations of it since it’ll pose a problem in where we live. As for the legalities of it, we will be getting a non-Singapore civil marriage certificate to legalise the marriage and whatever national benefits that comes with it.
I hope this helps clears it better.
Thank you!
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Hi Admin,
I am a Muslim Singaporean, and my partner is a non-Muslim Israeli.
We would like to know how we can work this out without any legal/conversion changes (other than the “married” status) and yet, make both families happy by doing a “spiritually-Muslim” wedding/solemnization. Meaning, how can he convert and we can get married without any legal documentations (conversion cards, muslim marriage certificate etc) but just according to muslim laws (such as the Shahadat etc).
Hope this helps! I really need expert opinions.
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Hi my bf is Muslim and me and my family are Christian. We are both living in sg. Both sides of the family are against marriage as we are of different faith and each side wants us to convert to the other. Me and my bf would want civil marriage. Any advise please? Thanks ks.
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Hi Corn, what did you guys decide do, wouldnlove to hear from you
Hi Human O,
I am Malaysian Muslim and my bf is European living in Dubai.
Could you please advise further on the paid converting certificate from other country.
We both are living in Dubai and he had no will to convert to Muslim.
Are we able to get married in Singapore,even though that we are not a resident of Singapore?
Please revert.
Thanks a lot
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We believe marriage and registration of marriage is okay for foreigners/tourist. If you are talking about residency and citizenship, that will be an issue for the host country.
Are you ever planning to settle in Malaysia?
No, we are not planning to settle in Malaysia. but it would be better if we could register our marriage in Malaysia.
Is it possible to get the conversion certifcate?
Can we both as a tourist get married in Singapore?
How do you get the fake conversion certificate? My partner might need one since my father insisted my partner to convert although we have tried to explain that forcing someone to convert is not the way to go. But to him, that is the only way to do it. Thanks.
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I am foreigner. I converted to Islam in Singapore to marry a local Singaporean muslim girl.
I want to now give up Islam and revert to my original religion legally, how do I do this?
Hi Ad amin,
I am a foreigner working in SG, and my gf is Singaporean Muslim. She asking me to convert Muslim to marriage as I am a Buddhism. Is it possible to marriage her without converting?
its impossible to marry muslim with non muslim in cant marry her according to islam..
Islam prophibit to marry non muslim untill he/she become beliver..
Mohammed, that is Muslim’s problem. She should have thought about it before getting in love. Even to get into relationship is non-Islamic, so why are you worry about her?
that is Muslim problem. you can’t force convert someone just because of marriage. don’t be so self center!
Hi Jack,
She may want a rose garden, just say NO. Tell her the days of conversion business is over, now it is equality of two faiths. Further, tell her that your children will be raised in two faiths, take it or leave it. If she truly loves you, she will come around.
There is no need for conversion in Singapore, absolutely NOT. You marry by secular way and live a secular life. Simple!
Yes simple way, visit china, covert her to Buddhism, marry her. OR visit India, marry her under Special marriage act , if you need help just email your id. I will send you details.
How to get overseas documents please help .
hi ,i want to know more bout
“3. We paid money and got the muslim marriage certificate from overseas and registered our marriage in Malaysia. Just a piece of paper can’t change someone believe. “
I am a catholic girl having a relationship with a muslim boy. My bf’s father was a christian chinese and convert to islam just to marry his mom. We are malaysian and want to marry in the future. I really donnoe how to marry him without converting to muslim. here is my questions and can i have ur email address to ask u more?
1. u said u got the muslim marriage certificate and register ur marriage in malaysia….is it also means u r officially a muslim in malaysia and need to change ur ic status to islam…change ur status and muslim name in all ur imporatant documents?
2. can me and my bf register marriage without converting to muslim in singapore without notifying malaysia government ? is it illegal for malaysian people register marriage in other country without report to malaysia government?
3. is it possible for malaysia to find out if we are marry in singapore?bcos my bf has a very obvious islam name….
thank u
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Hi chris,
I am a malaysian christian and my bf is a pakistani muslim , we are planning to get married but I dont want to convert, is there a chance for us to get married in singapore without me converting and will my bf after getting married in singapore will he be able to live with me in malaysia ?
Short term yes, but not very long time, especially raising Christian-Muslim children in Malaysia.
I m Indian an I m loving Pakistan so wether it can possible for me to get Singapore citizenship plz help
Miss Khan,
It is not clear what are you asking. You both are Muslims thus there is no issue marrying each other. Is any one of you are in Malaysia or Singapore? Marriage is one thing and immigration or citizen of that country is a separate issue/topic. Please clarify little more.
Hi I am a Indian. Working in Singapore right now. I want to marry a Malay Muslim girl but she ask me to convert a Muslim so I willing to convert to Muslim. So if I want to convert to Muslim what Is the steps for that. Help me to get this please.
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It’s very simple , go to any one of the mosque near you and ask the imam of the mosque and tell them your need insha Allah they will surely help you
I am from Malaysia, my bf is a Muslim from UK. We are planning to get married without me converting to Islam. We thought of getting it done in Singapore, cud you provide us more info? we wanna get it done but both of us seems clueless, so glad to read ur blog. Please email me at (deleted for privacy, unless nini request to put it back)
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Yes, you can get married in Sgp under civil law, no problem. Then you can live in Msia. Why? Because the law doesnt apply to foreigners who are Muslims, meaning your Brit bf’s status as Muslim does not carry weight. If he was a Msian Muslim then no, you must re register your marriage in Msia and that means under Muslim marriage (which means that YOU have to embrace Islam).
Thanks, that is a big help!
These other youths are looking for your guidance …
Hi Meichenxiang,
Thks alot for ur reply. I have a few questions, our marriage in Singapore will be regconized in msia? he has a very obvious Muslim name. Can he get a job in msia with our Sg. marriage cert?
Yes, you need to find out truth since it is important for your to know it. As far we know and understood, Malaysia will not bother foreigner and you will be able to get away for a while. However, if you are thinking of making your Christian-Muslim marriage legal (like your kids have non-Muslim names and register them in school), it will be difficult. Masia is following partial laws favoring Muslims.
Hi, I’m from Malaysia and am a Christian and me and girlfriend is already in a relationship about a year and planning to get married. Her faith is a Christian however the IC status as ISLAM given by her parents.
so is there anyway me and her could getting married in Christian way? plus, I don’t want our future children status as ISLAM.
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Wasthere a solution for this?
My fiancée were reading your post and we are in the same situation and would really appreciate the chance to be able to speak more with you about this process. We greatly hope to hear back from you soon.
Can you provide more details?
I am malaysian and so is the person i love. She is muslim. Is it possible for us to move to singapore and get married without conversion to islam. Will your steps work for two Malaysians? If so, how will we come back to malaysia. Will we have to come back seperately?
I’m a muslim girl wanted to marry a buddhist, without him converting. We both Malaysian, how we can do that? Can we do that in Singapore and how is the process, just to register our marriage. Bcoz we work and stay in Malaysia. How to get the certificate of marriage?
Singapore is easy, you can do it. However, staying permanently in Malaysia as a married person is a challenge. If any relative inform the authority, you will be in trouble. Read all laws at (go below for Malaysia).
Hi humans,i am an indian.i want a singapore citizen tamil muslim girl or malay or any muslim girls for register marriage in sg to get Singapore Citizenship or PR,and i’ll give money to register marriage so everyone please help me,
Sorry this is not a metrimonial site.
Hi. I’m christian by religion and wishes to marry a Muslim man without converting to Islam. Both of us are Malaysian. We have read quite a lot of writings on interfaith marriage online. It seems like your post is giving us hope. We would like to know how to go about it. Our main concerns are:-
1. Will it be a valid marriage?
2. Will our child(ren) be recognized as legitimate?
3. Do we have to stay abroad to raise them?
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Have you all managed to find a solution, what happens when you stay overseas and you have to renew your passports, and it asks if you are married, what would you have to fill it in as? Married or not married and what would happen if you have kids
Hai. I am a Malaysian Hindu girl. and my boyfriend is a Bangladeshi Muslim guy. We are in a relationship for the past 4 years and would like to get marry in Malasyia without conversion. Can I get marry to him since he is foreigner in Malaysia? Because the syariah law is only applied to those who are born as a muslim in this country if I am not mistake. please guide me how can I get marry to him without convert and even if we get marry is there will be any kind of problem which we have to face in the future? seriously need your advise and guidance. respond to me.
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Refer the Matrimonial law of Singapore
super, thanks! Please come to guide others.
I am john living in singapore Orchard Rd i am Architecture ‘ here i want to talk about my Pakistani Doctor friend he is Good human as persnality he love singapore people many times visit singapore he always saying me singapore is Heaven in earth and my wish to live in Heaven want Marriage with singapore Citizen ‘ i know very well my best friend when i was asking what kind of life partner you want so he was saying i just need sincere Honest Loving Faithful caring loving partner , one day a lady doctor from KKH. hospital interested and we sit to gether in copitium in KKH , she agree but when she knowing about my friend citizenship he is pakistani so she said sorry , i cant marriage with Pakistani men becuase my parents not allowed and she go back to work , my friend was so dishearted , he saying me why mostly singaporean hating with pakistanis , all pakistani are not terrirrist all pakistanis are not bad …………………
here i want to addressing to singapore girls whom want to marriage with pakistani muslim guys so plz trust on them you can check first its your right but all are not bad ………. my this doctor friend supporting me by financialy wheni was in pakistan and this guy when knowing i m singaporean so giving me too much respect i was lost my wallet which has my credit cards money and other documents , that time this guy helping me and giving me 1000 singapore dollors and accomodate me own house for 2 week ,,,,’, i am looking singapore single girl for my friend if anyone intrested so plz contact with me at
John, Here this Pakistani is looking for a “fateful” girl, but which faith? This person will not marry unless you accept Islam 100%, is that okay for a Christian?
Human-O, I desperately need help.
I’ve been dating with my beloved girlfriend since 4th feb 2010, and until today. She’s a Muslim, and i’m a Buddhist Male. We’re at 20’s. My mother do not want me to convert, she even cried that i kept going out with her. Until today, I forced my heart to let her go for my mom, but it breaks me into million pieces. I’m a Bruneian, a country with syariah law. I’m so sad that i could not keep both person my mom and my beloved girl. I only wish there’s a way for me to be with her without me converting so my mom will not shed a tear because of this.
My main question here is, Is it possible for me to get married with her without converting? I don’t mind migrating anywhere in the future. and if I do get a certificate like in your story, will my name change into a muslim name?
Thanks for the hope in your story Human-O. Looking towards a reply from you.
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Hi Admin,
Were you and your spouse originally a Malaysia citizen?
No but we believe Human-O is.
i am a hindu girl live in pakistan my boy friend is muslim and he also lives in pakistan,,i want to marry with him but in pakistan i have to convert to muslim,,can we both marry in singapore with civil law,as we both dont have singapore nationality,,plz tell me any solution
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Dear admin,
First of all get your facts right….can you please prove “A Muslim guy could date any one but marry only if the non-Muslim convert.”
In the first place islam does not encourage dating..cos this wld lead to circumstances such as wedlock. So may i know where did you find ur so called sharia laws?
You think they guy can anyhow choose multiple wives? c’mon ure a man , u shd know ur desires..there are reasons why man are allowed to do that..and if the wives does it matter to you? they are not complaining infact happy as they have a soulmate..
Islam has high regards for woman..extremely high..u should read up…i have lots to say abt other religion too..lots and lots and lots of it…you think we aren’t amused with your religion? if you don’t agree its fine..don’t insult and most importantly DO NOT …DO NOT come up with your own shariah laws in the name of helping ppl…Trust me…from the way you have’re not even a millimeter near to are like “oh so wonderful” helping others…and disgustingly insult a religion…Gd luck to all of you who are following his/her advice. And to the muslims who are making such decision…think very hard…consult an educated person..not jus make assumptions based on what your conservative society has taught. ALLAH s.w.t is the most greatest and one and only god. Muhammad is his messenger.
Go get a life or at least a brain. High regards for woman? Like how you can hit your wife? Like muhammad can marry a 9 yr old? Its great that the religion piss forcess you to convert to islam just to marry someone you love.. And the best part is pissful islam wont let you leave the religion. I cant name any other religion that does all that bullshit.. so shut it.
Keep it up May Allah s w t bless you
Can you please explain a little more on the overseas muslim marriage certificate? Where did this come from and how did you go about getting it?
I am a Christian Malaysian with a muslim boyfriend. He is half English so his family is not religious at all, however he is still a Malaysian citizen. His Englisj father never obtained Malaysian citizenship, but he did convert to Islam in Malaysia to marry his mother.
Do you have any advice on how to get married without me converting? Could we also get married in Singapore and obtain the muslim overseas marriage license without me having to officially convert on IC?
If all fails he can still try to give up his Malaysian citizenship on the grounds that his father is British, however we intend to remain in Malaysi if possible without him giving up citizenship.
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Hi,sorry for my broken english. I am a man who had marry with one child,lately i have also planning to marry to another malay girl! Is there any of the paper work process can be done without me convert?
What do you mean by “had marry with one child”, is not it illegal?
What is your religion? What is your citizenship from?
Hi Human-O
I have a similar problem as well from what I read from your post.
I really need guide and info about my situation now.
im muslim malaysian and fall in love with hindu guy malaysian as well, we already in relationship for 2 years plus, both of us want to married without convert, finally we have decide to registred our marriage in singapore , we are in process on that. But since we are still malaysian both of us will have issue when have kids. Because our marriage will not accepted in malaysia when we want to registered child cert.
Now im planning once I married in singapore and if I go india and convert at Arya Samaj which they do conversion in legal way and will provide the conversion cert, would malaysia will accept my conversion.?
seriously I need help.
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Hi Nur – I have replied to your post. Pls let us know your thoughts.
Hello Human-O,
Pls help to provide more information, I have the exactly same problem like yours, my question is
1) you are citizen from?
2) your children citizen from?
3) marriage certificate in Malaysia get from?
4) pls advise the procedure to done all this
Hi Sean, pls explain your situations, problems and details here, so that we can try our best to guide you.
you have shown how intolerant muslim majority countries are and at the same time how tolerant the nonmuslim majority nations are. The readers , especially muslims, should introspect on this. Only muslims can change their lands and religion. Some places like Iran will leave no option whatsoever,the man will have to go for a fake conversion for the wedding. Then officially reconvert back to his original religion.
Very true. This is very sad and unfair deal for non-Muslims in Islamic countries but they don’t care. In the West, Muslims will demand for all kind of fair deals, while in Islamic countries, it is almost impossible for non-Muslims to carry their religious pride. Ethics and moral has no value, but what it says in Koran counts.
Think if America makes the same rule that all non-Christians must convert to Christianity for interfaith marriage and only Bible counts!!
As per Saria laws:
A Muslim guy could date any one but marry only if the non-Muslim convert.
A Muslim women cannot marry non-Muslim.
Children by this marriages MUST be Muslim only.
Muslim guy could have multiple wives.
Muslim guy could kick the wife out of his life by simple talaak, talaak, talaak.
After divorce, the Muslim women (could be a former Hindu) must marry another Muslim.
If a non-Muslim fake converted to Islam, punishment for quitting Islam is death or stoned to death.
Here, Human may have managed to fool others so far, but a hanging sword is on his head all his life.
We wish this love-proseltytism and irrational laws stops.
Suma, we wish to work with you to abolish this unfair practice.
yes the so called muslim is so intolerant. no wonder people like to think muslim as terrorist.
i truely respect the Prophet Muhammad and I believe he did get divine messages from God. But come on he did not order to form a religion named Islam! His messages are for the people back then! look at how you guys betrayed him!
It was not an easy road for us and we went through tough times and lot of stress. But since we wanted to be together, we found a way. I am glad to say that. And would love to to extra miles to help and guide others if they feel like giving up the love because of religion issues! Like Admin has said in one of the comment – It’s our payback!
Thanks Admin for posting this blog on my behalf.
Did you used a Muslim name for your Nikaah?
Do you carry a Muslim name in your passport/legal documents or your Hindu original name?
Do you have Hindu Gods/deities in your home?
Do your wife attend a temple in Malaysia when you go?
Will your children have Arabic names and raised Muslims?
We are glad that you did not use your real name on this site. What would be the situation if someone close by go disclose to the Malaysia authority that you have a fake-Nikahnama document?
Did you used a Muslim name for your Nikaah? – Yes! That’s mandatory, but i don’t care that on a piece of paper.
Do you carry a Muslim name in your passport/legal documents or your Hindu original name? – Not at all! That’s not required.
Do you have Hindu Gods/deities in your home? – Yes! besides Quran only!
Do your wife attend a temple in Malaysia when you go? – Yes!
Will your children have Arabic names and raised Muslims? – Our children name is common in both religion. which do not label them as Hindu/Muslim.
We are glad that you did not use your real name on this site. What would be the situation if someone close by go disclose to the Malaysia authority that you have a fake-Nikahnama document? – Let them be, Our documents are real not fake and properly approved by authorities.
In eyes of Muslims, you have committed sin. However, probably in eyes of Allah, you are following love and defying irrational national authority. On the Judgment Day, probably Allah will congratulate you and your wife for respecting each other’s faith.
Please give our regards to your wife. We wish to hear her views on all these things, that will be a good message to other Muslim girls. Is that possible?
We wish you good luck, please come to guide others.
Will you allow your wife to celebrate Islamic religious festivals like eid-ul-azha
For”We paid money and got the muslim marriage certificate from overseas”, do you have to sign a document that both of you are Muslims?
You just need to tell them that you are already converted and a Muslim. That’s it.
they will not ask anything , like proof ?? how to get the muslim marriage certificate from overseas
Hi Human,
Where did you pay/get for the marriage certificate?
Will it be recognised in Singapore?
Fake certificate will create legal problem later in life, don’t convert unless you mean to be a Muslim.
Yes, but we don’t want any sort of legal documentation in Singapore.
It possible not to have legalised the marriage under Singapore law but in another country?
Can it just be a “spiritual” wedding in Singapore?
You have to give more details about what is your situation. You have provided very limited information and thus we or others can’t guide.
People who got married in Indian and now settled in Singapore, their marriages are valid as per Singapore laws. We do not see any problem like it.