Malay Muslim wants to Convert to Christianity

Mia says: November 9, 2017 at 7:55 pm

What if a muslim in Malaysia goes to another country (i.e Singapore) and get a citizenship there in Singapore first, then convert to a christian in Singapore? Then return to Malaysia as a Christian?
I am wondering if :
1. It is possible to convert to a christian in Singapore upon obtaining citizenship there?
2. Same as 1 but without Citizenship?
3. Return to Malaysia as a Christian?
4. Get married to a Christian in Malaysia and being able to Register the Marriage?
5. What is your status (religion) in Malaysia, if you are already a christian in another Country by law?
6. Dual citizenship is not allowed in Malaysia, if you choose to be a Singapore citizen and then wanted to come back to Malaysia again as?

P/s : I am in an interfaith relationship as well in Malaysia. I was born muslim. My mother was a christian before she converted to Muslim to marry my father. But She was blinded by love and would do what ever it takes to be married to my father even when deep inside, she loves her (Christian) religion so much too. I was raised by my grandmother who is a Christian and I fell in Love. I see no wrong and difference in both religion as both guided us to be a better person and to believe in the one and only god that created us. Im sorry if Im wrong but i believe that god is one but people got their own ways of reaching to God. Thats all. Therefore I dont mind converting as I know that I would still be a believer of god just in different ways.

They said when there is a will, there is a way. Been together for 7 years and I know that I have found the one. But it is impossible to convert to Christian in Malaysia. And I would not forced the love of my life to convert just for the sake of marriage. However, I do want to fight for our relationship yet still be at our home country. Fleeing to another country would be simple but there is no better place than home where all your other loves one at. You wouldn’t want to be far from your family and friends. They are equally important too. Therefore, Im trying to find the best means for us to be together. I dont believe that I should let go of the person who loves me and whom I love very much and wants to spent the entire life with just because the system says so. I believe that we are all equal and all religions are beautiful and there is no need to discriminate one another. I just dont get why we can’t be together just because we have different faith and culture. I will not give up on us, but I am near to a dead end and desperately need help. I look forward to your respond. Thank you very much. -Mia

More information: Chritistian-Muslim Marriage, Love with Malay, Sharia, Koran, Bible, Marriage & Divorce laws in Malaysia.
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  • Lala
    January 1, 2018 4:44 pm

    Hi Mia, how did it turn out? Would love to know .

    • January 2, 2018 12:41 am

      Hi Lata, we can help, let us know details about you.

      • SM
        February 23, 2019 7:37 pm

        Hi Mia, you managed to get things your way?

  • November 9, 2017 9:13 pm

    Dear Mia,

    Outside Malaysia, you have full freedom of expression of your faith, but not in Malaysia (or most Muslim majority nations). You can convert to Christianity in Singapore, but how will get citizenship of Malaysia in the future? What proof of birth, school, driving license, etc you will show to Malay government to get citizenship? How will you hide your life long documentation in Malaysia. What is someone speak against you in the future?

    This is very painful situation created by Malay government and it is taking away your freedom of faith. We wrote a book and this is wha we said…(purchase the book to read full details)…
    Hi Syed,
    We are sympathetic to your situation. Ideally, one should have freedom of religion. Unfortunately this is not possible in Muslim majority countries like Malaysia. Lets us explain issues that you will face.

    Your wife converted to Islam for your nikaah and was given a new Muslim name for your marriage registration. That name is (probably) in her Malaysian MyKad ID card and passport. Further, her ID card (probably) says her faith as “Islam.”

    Your children will also have Muslim names and their ID will ultimately have “Islam” on it. This will go on for your grand children and great grandchildren; even if none of you wish to follow Islam. Now any time any one of you tries to change the Muslim name to a Catholic name, Malay government will not allow and will punish you.

    Any time your children and great grand children marry to any one other than a Muslim, the non-Muslim party will have to convert to Islam. When any of you die, the Malay Sharia police may come and take away the dead body from your Catholic family and give a Muslim final rite. So, in your after life, you may wish to meet Jesus but you will go with Mohammad.

    Any time if any one reports to the Sharia police that you (or your great grandchildren) are practicing a non-Muslim faith, you will be in deep trouble for apostasy.

    Bottom line, you think you are fooling the Malay government but in reality you and your all future generations are in a trap, you can’t escape (unless you move out of Malaysia). You can run, but not hide. It is only a matter of time. As far we are concerned, people should not follow your footsteps.

    It is notable that refugees and immigrant Muslims in Christian majority nations demand religious equality but most Muslim majority nations have created laws to marginalize Christians and non-Muslim minorities.

    Syed, it is certainly sad that your liberty to express your faith is taken away by the government. This is not fair. We wish you the best. —Admin

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