Lesbians Should Not be Blamed

RABIA says: May 6, 2022

Nafisa I am terribly sorry to hear about your story.

I recently met a very strong woman from Pakistan who is now openly a lesbian precisely for this reason – she was abused by her own father (all Sayyeds) and his brothers growing up. The abuse started while she was almost a toddler, and I cried after hearing her story. So anyone who judges this woman, for being a lesbian, or for running away from her family and her country etc etc, is wrong. I believe that as a religion Islam is the most misunderstood, misinterpreted and mispractised religion on earth at the moment. 

I want to respond to something you said above -being from a Sayyed family doesn’t prevent evil sick men from having sexual desires towards beautiful women… it’s just how some men are sadly. 

Please don’t blame our beautiful religion for the sick actions of these bastards (please forgive me for my vulgar language, but Ramadan is over and I don’t have to be careful anymore now!)

Ladies, blame your men for their evil actions. Blame the society, including women, who have allowed their evil to go unpunished for so long because we are taught by religious leaders who may quote something where a Sahih Hadith says a Muslim is supposed to cover another Muslims faults and if we do that, Allah will appparently cover our faults (sins). This is not what Allah means here, it would not make sense to interpret this that way!!! It is OUR community’s job to call out the evils and fix them – we need to fix our own home before we try to point faults at others’ homes. Muslims need to wake up and smell the coffee and fix this in their own homes by women starting to raise better sons, better men! Agree?

My husband is from a Hindu background, for the uninitiated, Admin knows me and hopefully has missed me also 🙂 and Husband is one of the kindest, most amazing men I have met in my life. So I do agree partially that Hindu men treat their women very well, from my own experience. Similarly I know families where Hindu men beat their wives – almost to death. It’s a lot about education, about upbringing. Maybe it’s something coming from their Hindu religion of believing in spending 7 lives together with your spouse, maybe it’s just how they are raised. But look at Bollywood and that’s full of disgusting men, from Hindu backgrounds, who will do anything to sleep with actresses etc to satisfy their own sexual desires. Do we attribute that behaviour to Hinduism?? No! –Rabia

More information:Hindu-Muslim MarriageShariaMuslim-Hindu marriagesHindu-Muslim lovers’ experiencesKoran on Hindus?Hindu girl-Muslim boyMarriage & Divorce laws.
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1 Comment

  • May 23, 2022 3:04 pm

    We agree 100% to … “So anyone who judges this woman, for being a lesbian, or for running away from her family and her country etc etc, is wrong.”

    Can you clarify on this…”I believe that as a religion Islam is the most misunderstood, misinterpreted and mispractised religion on earth at the moment.” What does Koran says about being a lesbian?

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