Jain-Hindu Love: No Dharm is Bigger than Humanity

Jain says: January 17, 2022

I am a Jain, and I love a Hindu guy. My parents are very harsh on me and forcing me to get married to their choice. They treat girl as a burden and responsibility which they want to get rid of according to their wish.
What’s this outside caste thing ?? I believe no dharm is bigger than humanity we all are equal.

More information: Jain-Hindu Marriage SituationsJain-Hindu RelationshipsMuslim-Jain Relationship

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1 Comment

  • January 22, 2022 6:06 pm

    Dear Jain, we agree 100% with you that no dharma is bigger than humanity. It is wrong parents are imposing their ideologies on children, without proper explanation or justifications.

    Let’s talk of practicality. 1) Currently you are in control of parents and thus it is normal parents feel they can impose on you what they think is right for you. Ideally they should explain you and let you decide what is right and wrong. What is their reservation you marrying this Hindu guy? Is he well educated? 2) Can you currently focus on your studies and go find a good paying job, if possible. Once you are financially independent, you may be in a better position to negotiate with parents, and 3) give certain deadline to your parents for marriage. Meantime, go meet guys recommended by your parents. If and only IF, you liked someone really perfect, consider him. If not, tell parents you did what you wanted but now you are going to do that you want. Does this sound a reasonable advise?

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